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Realistic or Modern Haven’t thought of one yet

Carmen grit her teeth having finally lost her temper again. “No. I’m not going anywhere. Club business isn’t my business when it doesn’t affect my family. But when it gets me shot and it puts you in danger then I wanna know what’s going on!” She snapped at him.

“What goddamn needles?!” He snapped back at her about to yell again but his doctor was walking in now and looked at max, jerking his thumb at the door. ‘Out. I can’t have you in here while he’s still not stable if you’re going to argue.’ He told her seriously and forced her out of the room while Jon lay back trying to catch his breath and only noticing now how bad off he was feeling.
Clayton sighed heavily and gave a small nod "Let me get the info and I'll fill you in alright?" He said calmly not wanting her near Theo really at this point in time.

Max frowned and stormed out of the hospital and sat down on a bench sobbing quietly thinking over everything and if this was worth it all. However when she started to feel a small familiar itch come through she knew she had to leave and leave quickly
Carmen frowned and grit her teeth. “Whatever.” She spat at him and stormed back upstairs, going and splashing some water on her face, fuming at them both right now.

All that Jon wanted was for them to get through this patch and be able to get back to normal but there was so much going on at the club at the moment that he was worried they’d never get there.
Max cried quietly and pulled out her phone calling Carmen quickly "Carmen....Carmen I'm so sorry to bother you but...Jon..I can't be here anymore, and Im scared to go to his place." She said softly hating that she was already right back to needing her sister but this time she really did have no where else to go and planned on leaving as soon as she could.

Clayton glared over at Theo and shook his head "You better have a damn good reason as to why you're here." He spat before he crossed his arms over his chest
Carmen frowned and listened to her. “Course you can. Get a cab. I’ll pay for it when you get here.” She assured her.

“Yeah. We’re heading north. First thing in the morning and I need you with me. We’re gonna go have a meeting with the nomad charter. See if they’ll help us out at all.” He told him. “But they like you better than me. They respect you cause you’re older. I need you up there.” He told him seriously.
Clayton sighed heavily and shook his head some "Fine.." he muttered before he went to see Carmen and tell her what he was just told "Heading out tomorrow morning, gotta go north. Theo thinks someone is rattin to the niners, he is paranoid as shit." He muttered

Max nodded some and called a cab going straight to Carmen's frowning as she saw Theo roar off on his bike quickly going to the door knocking quietly
Carmen frowned some but nodded and kissed his cheek going to pay for Max’s cab “Spare room is yours. I’ll talk to you in the morning okay?” She assured her hugging her quickly then went up to Clayton again and sat down watching him chuck his backpack together. “How long you gonna be gone for?” She asked him quietly frowning.
Clayton sighed heavily and glanced at her "Hoping only a few days, we gotta get the nomads with us. I dont know who the rat is but best bet when I find out they'll be taken care of." He muttered going over to her and kissong her forehead gently "We'll get it. Ack to normal mamí. I promise."
Carmen just nodded and wrapped her arms around him tightly, refusing to let him get back to packing, just needing him close and holding onto him extra tight. “Be safe okay?” She murmured before finally moving away and getting up to go take the meds they’d given her. “Max is here for a few days. Needed to get away from Jon.” She explained to him quietly as she got back into bed and reached for him.
Clayton frowned but gave a small nod "Alright, just make sure she stays clean." He murmured "I want her out if she doesnt." He siad before he curked up next to her and fell asleep
She nodded and snuggled in close smiling a little at how quickly he fell asleep and just waited till she eventually drifted off, relaxed in his arms for the last time for a few days.

Jon woke up in the morning to Theo in his room and frowned a little. “I know it wasn’t you that stabbed me.” He grunted. “Where you headed?” He asked him seeing his overnight bag on his shoulder. His mind was on max a lot though and he just wanted to have her there and maybe get her to understand.
Max woke up in the morning to see Carmen saying goodbye to Clayton at the door. She raised an eyebrow as her sister closed the door and turned towards her "Morning , where is Angel going?" She asked

Theo frowned some and gave a sigh "Going to get the nomads on our side, got some of the guys to check in on you here and there and keep watch." He explained looking over the room for Max "Where is your girl?"
He frowned some. “Long story.... they won’t give me any pain meds though here.” He muttered. “Alright. Be careful.” He muttered. “I’m not gonna be the one calling mom saying you’ve been killed.” He muttered. It was no secret that their mom preferred Theo and it was just one other thing in a long list of what had started Jon on drugs in the first place.

Carmen frowned. “He’s going north for a couple days. There’s a lot of problems at the club. Theo is doing his best to keep Jon out of it but they don’t know who the rat is yet.” She explained rubbing her face.
Max gave a small nod and frowned more "Carmen....he said if he dies there its my fault. That I shouldnt have called the ambulance because he would've been fine." She explained wiping her eyes quickly as she felt tears start to fall
Carmen sighed heavily and ran a hand through her hair. “It’s difficult.” She muttered taking her medication with some water. “I think when he gets home you both need to work out what you want and whether you two being together will work. You can stay with us if you want and clay says that if oh use again you’re outta here but as long as you don’t you can stay.” She explained.
Max nodded some taking a deep breath remembering her therapy saying she needed to speak about her urges if she had any "Its why I called you..when I left I was so upset...I felt that itch, I felt like I wanted a drink but I know I can't." She explained letting a tear fall "I found needles in his bathroom Carmen...I love him, so much, but I can't do this if he isn't clean."
Jon was waking up a little and looking around his room trying to see if his phone was there so he could call Max but as his eyes reached the door he saw someone walking in and locking the door behind them, trying to reach for the call button but it wasn’t there and all he could do was try and get away from the guy heading over to him. “No. No no!” He yelled out. He wasn’t strong enough right now to shove away at all and before he knew it the guy had grabbed a plastic tube and stood behind Jon, using it as a cord and strangling him with it while he desperately tried to fight back until eventually he passed out from the lack of oxygen and after a few more seconds it caused his heart to stop, sending him into arrest moments before the guy left the room quickly.

Carmen frowned some and sighed a little. “Wait til he gets home then talk to him about all this. It’s not gonna help either of you to jump to conclusions.” She pointed out.
Max gave a small nod "You're right." She said quietly giving a heavy sigh "Can...can you give me some pointers? This whole old lady stuff..its a lot." She said giving a small laugh

The doctors rushed in when the alarms went off and did their best to get his heart going again. It took them nearly 5 minutes but they got a pulse back just in time and soon had him transported to ICU
Carmen nodded some and smiled tiredly. “It’s not so bad when you get used to it. The most important thing is knowing your place.” She told her seriously, frowning when her phone went off and she answered it, hearing the receptionist on the other end explaining to her what had happened. “Alright. We will be there shortly.” She told her then hung up and looked at max. “Right now your place is next to him. There’s been an incident.” She told her and sighed a bit, walking out with her.

Lita walked over to the men from the charter down south to offer them a beer, her hips swaying as she walked and locking down on the one in the VP kutte. “And for you mister, half off of these hips later on.” She winked at him and walked off. She’d had her eye on him from the moment he entered and she wasn’t about to let go.
Max followed her out and frowned more "Whats going on? Whats wrong with Jon?" She asked having only been told there was an incident.

Clayton chuckled some and sent her a playful wink before he started to sip at his beer. Looking over at Theo "So who is that?" He asked
“Lita? Oh she’s waiting around here for one of these guys to pick her up. TIL then she’s free meat.” He told him and chuckled patting him on the back as he took off after her.

Carmen frowned pulling up and parking getting out with her. “Someone tried to kill him. They think he got strangled with a wire or something, they want us there with him.” She explained and got out walking in with her.
Clayton nodded and looked her up and down. She had a damn good figure that was for sure and if he didnt have Carmen he would tap that in an instant.

Max whimpered softly but nodded as they went inside. She rushed to find his room and quickly went in taking his hand immediately "Oh Jon....why did this have to happen?" She asked quietly
Carmen frowned and watched him. “He hasn’t woken up since.” She explained quietly and looked over at his monitors. “You want some privacy with him?” She asked her quietly.

Throughout the day Lita continued to supply them both with more drinks until by the end of the night she had Clayton joining her in one of the back rooms and showed him why she was the favourite girl to take to bed for the night.
Max nodded softly and took a deep breath "Yeah just..just a few minutes please." She said quietly while she stroked his hair back "Im so sorry I left you, I should have stayed here." She whispered

Clayton walked out afterwards and went to the restroom to clean himself up before he set out to speak with the nomads on getting over to their meck of the woods for some back up
Theo smirked some. “Good as she’s supposed to be?” He muttered as he nudged him while they went to take their seats, leaving phones in a box outside.

Jon was slowly starting to come around a bit and looked up at her for a moment before passing out again and just wiggling his fingers every so often.

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