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Fantasy HAVENSHIRE CS Thread



Galaxy Elf Extraordinaire
Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Dice
  4. Off-site

newspaper-removebg-preview.pngCharacter Skeleton SheetName:
Face Claim:
Romantic Orientation:
Sexual Orientation:

Most of the information above is optional after Age, put whatever you feel comfortable with. My only ask is that you make your character sheet readable on both PC and Mobile and accessible to both Light and Dark mode users.

Roles TakenMayor & Family: spacepanda spacepanda
Carpenter & Family: The Silent Z The Silent Z
Fisherwoman & Family: daisysillage daisysillage
Café Owner & Family: SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles
General Store Owner & Family: Gigglecake Gigglecake
Town Witch & Family: Peacey Peacey
Tavern Owner & Family: Peacey Peacey
Town Doctor & Family: . D O V E . D O V E
Adventurer One: . D O V E . D O V E
Adventurer Two: BuggaBoo BuggaBoo
Adventurer Three: spacepanda spacepanda
Farmer & Family: Cogwork Cogwork
Blacksmith & Family: Timothee Timothee
Rancher & Family: Timothee Timothee
Town Witch's Apprentice: phibglib phibglib
Headmaster & Teacher's Assistant: spacepanda spacepanda


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    Name: Milagros García

    Nickname(s): Millie

    Role/Occupation: Mayor of Havenshire

    Age: 60

    Gender: Female

    Pronouns: She/Her

    Appearance: Milagros stands at 5'8 tall with dark brown eyes and wavy black hair graying at the temples.

    Face Claim: Angela Molina

    Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Personality: Motherly, Non-Judgemental, Thorough

    History: Milagros moved to Havenshire in her young adulthood and became its mayor 25 years ago. She gave birth to her twin children here, Emmanuel and Emiliana, and considers the Town her home and Pride. Her former husband and her divorced when her children were just six years old due to his infidelity and he remains one of the only people she will bad-mouth. Two years ago after the untimely death of her brother and sister-in-law, she also took in her niece Isabel; the four of them now live a duplex together with her and Isabel on one side and the twins on the other. After a 5.7 magnitude earthquake re-opened the town's old mines (causing monsters and creatures of all manner to escape) she put an ad in the newspaper of nearby cities asking for newcomers to join the town with free housing available to adventurers who can clear the mines.

    Other: Alternative Art


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    Name: Walter Hensley
    Nickname(s): Doc, Walt
    Role/Occupation: Doctor
    Age: 60
    Gender: Male
    Pronouns: He/Him

    Appearance: Walter stands at a height of 6'1" with a well-maintained build for his age, the result of a strict healthy lifestyle. With his clean fashion and good posture, he exudes a dignified and imposing presence propagated by the ever-present scowl on his face. He has silver hair and beard as well as a pair of blue eyes.
    Face Claim: Ben Desombre

    Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic
    Sexual Orientation: Asexual
    Personality: Logical, jaded, aloof, strict, knowledgeable, proud

    The Hensley clan prides itself as one of the pioneering families of Havenshire, producing generations after generations of physicians who has devoted their lives into serving the local community. As a proud member of the family, Walter dedicated his younger years nose-deep in books and hoarding academic achievements. Esteemed as a prodigy, he was accelerated a couple of times and was eventually sent to the Capital to pursue a degree in Medicine by the age of 21. There, he met the love of his life - a bright and lovely woman by the name of Marigold Fletcher who chipped away at his stone heart.​
    After finishing their education, the young couple returned to Havenshire and took over the family clinic after the retirement of Walter's father. It wasn't long before Walter and Marigold got married and welcomed a daughter, Rose Hensley, whom they raised in a loving household. Although, the family was not without its flaw - Walter, especially. Obsessed with the idea of continuing the Hensley legacy, Walter strongly pushed Rose to follow in his footsteps, denying her love for arts in favor of medicine. One night, Walter found Rose's hideout, a makeshift art studio set up in some shack by the woods. In a fit of rage, he stormed and ransacked the place, yelling about how much of a disappointment his daughter turned out to be. The next morning, Rose was nowhere to be found.​
    As it turned out, Rose has eloped with an adventurer whom she had been secretly meeting in the woods. While Marigold was distraught, Walter remained bitter and angry, prattling about how that foolish daughter of his would eventually come home begging to be taken back. Alas, she never did, and despite all their best attempts, they could never find her. In the end, all he had was Marigold and the letters Rose would send her mother about her adventures, attached with scenic portraits of her own creation.​
    Sadly, Marigold grew weaker over the years and passed at the age of 50. Without his wife and daughter, Walter knew that the family legacy was done for. Despite the kindness of the townsfolks, the old man has trapped himself in a towering and unbreachable wall. He reveled in his lonesomeness.​
    At least, that was until ten years later, when a letter reached him. One from Rose, his estranged daughter. "Father, by the time you've read this, I have joined David and mother in our next adventure above. I'm sorry for not being there with you after mom's passing, and I'm sorry for not living the life you wanted. I know there's a lot of things you want to say to me, and believe me, I have a lot of things to say to you too but sadly, I'm too weak to make the trip to Havenshire. Looks like mom and I got the same thing. Funny how that works, huh? Maybe I should have talked to you more. Maybe I should have replied to that one letter of yours. But it's too late for all of that now, right? It's too late for us... however, it's not too late for you and your granddaughter. Peony. I gave her your address, she should be arriving not long after this letter. Father, despite everything that has happened, I know that you've always had deep love for our family. So please, take care of her. You're the only one she has now. Thank you. With love, your little Rosie.
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Name: Lachlan Donal Gilchrist
Nickname: Lok
Role/Occupation: Carpenter
Age: 29

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Appearance: 6'4-213 Muscular athletic build, Bearded ginger fellow with many tattoos on each arm and one on his chest, another on his back right shoulder/back.
Face Claim: Gwilym Pugh

Romantic Orientation: Heteromantic
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Laid back, reluctantly responsible- Hard working sort with a passionate creative often stifled by work and family and that Ol' sense of responsibility and care. Sarcastic, often quiet with a slight stoic touch countered by his tendency to hum, sing and carry on with himself at various times. (Usually while working & alone)
The Gilchrists of Havenshire..... A history longer then Lachlan would dare listen to again. He's heard the spill so many times beyond counting it's rather torturous for him. The age old business of passing down skills, tricks and talents of the trade, Carpenters, the lot of them from Lachlan and his many brothers to his father before him, to his grandfather before that and so on up the line I shant put you through it's long and tiresome history to repeat. Meanwhile his mum was a homemaker and talented hair dresser when she chose to be as were his many sisters seemingly..... All some form of creative, huh?
Well, you see, Lachlan Donal Gilchrist born somewhere between the middle and youngest children of the bunch, a whopping total of fourteen children and thirteen siblings by his count. Yes Fourteen can you imagine? Lok would swear he was descended from rabbits he would, yes sir or mayhem or them.... It didn't stop there either! It was seemingly a family requirement to birth so many children as his family tree of which was innumerable to him would show. Truth be told he was the second youngest of them all, yet still quite the gap between himself and his kid sister.
Always a rebellious sort and touch hardheaded as they all were really. If not for his dear old mum they'd all of destroyed and rebuilt their home a thousand times over with their many fights and throwing of fists, wrestling about when things went awry and tempers flared as they often did, a fiery lot the Gilchrists. But as much as they fought one another they were a strong and loving bunch. Never to take a harsh word towards their kin nor ignore the needs of others always happy to help better someone's day or time of need even if just a little.

They were a fiery, loving and working class bunch that were proud, honest and brutal when crossed. Still humble enough and kept so by each Gilchrist to the next willing to always humble each other quick if ever seeming too big for their britches and swelled heads getting too heavy. Lachlan was very little to differ from them either, even his creative nature and talents weren't so different to the others just a different sort of creative really. They all had something to seemingly allow for creative flare from time to time. Carpenters & Hair stylists being the main theme of them all and their creative outlets.

A former wanderer seeking a change after becoming of age, Lachlan went to college, enlisted there after and traveled the world a bit before a sense of responsibility and family called him back home to Havenshire. Help him mum run the family business and property as his father became a bit too reckless and heavy on the drinking to be relied upon. Oh still capable to work, still does, but too many delays and bad habits getting the better of him leaving Lachlan the only non married and family a busting Gilchrist left well, outside of his kid sister of course and it better remain that way for some time! Else he might have something to do and say about it after all. Nonetheless Lachlan returned home, once more back and trapped in the family business of being a carpenter while his mum did her thing, his kid sister did hers and finished school. While he'd takeover for his father who was now essentially semi retired and left to drink at the tavern, tell old and terrible jokes well outdated by this time then off to home to apologize and appreciate his dear godsend of a wife.... A regular day and night for him it seems now. Though he still had his moments and wasn't all bad, but Lachlan was technically and reliably the man to go to for getting things done.... Unofficially the Gilchrist in charge now where carpentry is concerned.

Oh boy and how he wouldn't have seen that day coming during his younger days.... Especially when and after he left, different dreams and aspirations back then and still.

Good with his hands, formerly trained in martial arts & boxing.... Family matters, never allowed to skip a generation. "Besides the family business of carpentry"

Loves Music, dance, writing & Animals.... Hates hearing the family history schtick.

Literally gags and dry heaves at the mere mention of eggplant... Horrid personal childhood experience. Hates the stuff.

Alternate FC's:


Bonnie Gilchrist~ Mother

Age: 62
Personality: Fiery, Sweet, Loving & Motherly with a big heart and giving nature.
FC: Bernadette Peters

Graham Gilchrist~ Father
Age: 64
Personality: Fiery, Stubborn, Caring, Occasionally Selfish but still a kind and giving man.

Laurie Beth Gilchrist~ Kid Sister
Age: 16
Personality: Fiery, Sweet, Smart with a slightly bookworm touched personality and aloofness.

The Willowshires

  • 3a4f9c82211d2fbdb1c023e1017fb476.jpgName: Quill Willowshire

    Nickname(s): Pen

    Role/Occupation: Tavern Owner

    Age: 48

    Gender: Male

    Pronouns: He/HIm

    Appearance: TBA

    Romantic Orientation: Aromantic

    Sexual Orientation: Asexual

    Personality: TBA

    History: TBA

((Credit to Spacepanda for using the formatting for this CS idk how to bbcode))

  • Name: Soma Chandra
    Nickname(s): Chandra
    Role/Occupation: Rancher
    Age: 42
    Gender: male
    Pronouns: he/him
    Chandra’s skin is as dark as sun-scorched earth, his cheeks furrowed by the kisses of its rays. His long black hair, often messy but always patiently gathered in a bun, don't even try to hide those freckles and his friendly, always lively smile. Not even his soft linen or light cotton clothes, always unbuttoned, pretend to hide his imposing and massive build, born from years of hard work on the ranch. Numerous tattoos decorate his body, especially his chest and arms. There are few oriental religious symbols, more often natural motifs such as stars, clouds and moons that furrow his skin as if it were a night sky. The style is geometric, linear, devoid of nuance and three-dimensionality.​
    Face Claim: Dev Patel
    Romantic Orientation: biromantic
    Sexual Orientation: bisexual
    Chandra has his own unquestionable philosophy and ironclad opinion: every animal under his care is a traveling companion, considered as people. Therefore, it deserves every respect and killing is not allowed, at least on his ranch. Every animal raised, even the youngest and most unruly, seem to love Chandra affectionately, following him as if he were a mystical shepherd. Viki, or Aghnya, a cow, is one of the animals that constantly follows Chandra, rummaging calmly and secretly evaluating each customer between one tuft and another.​
    Leaving aside this apparently strange decision of his, Chandra is an extremely cheerful, jovial person. His needs and requirements do not go beyond the boundaries of his farm, of respect between men and beasts. He always seems busy with his ranch, but is available for any eventuality and loves to talk until he is hoarse. Chandra will offer you all the products of his work and his animals, a nice hot milk and some delicious chai. In short, there is always a place at the table for you!​
    He grew up among animals, friends and companions in mischief since he was little. Roosters, chickens, bulls, buffaloes, cows, dogs and cats, even camels and rodents to name a few. A childhood that, although poor, with parents dedicated to hard work far from home, never left him lacking anything under the care of his lovely grandmother Aditi. With the untimely death of his parents, Chandra went to work in the same squalid factory. He scraped together a few pennies which allowed him to make few trips. In one of them, he met Tara. His beautiful Tara. They had three children together, then, well, a divorce. He gathered all with him: his last savings, his children, his dear grandmother, moving to Havenshire at the first opportunity.​
    He never regretted any of his choices, making his ability to reinvent himself and his industriousness his strong points.​
    • The cow's official name is Aghnya (Anya). However, everyone calls the animal Viki, including the owner himself. The nickname was given by Chandra's daughter, Kali, when she was little.
    • In Chandra's ranch there are cows, bulls, buffaloes, sheep, lambs, roosters and hens but also, amusingly and surprisingly, a horse that almost looks like an antelope! The name is Sura.
    • Tara does not live with the Chandra family anymore. She often sends letters. Every so many years she comes back to visit her children personally.
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    Name: Varuna Chandra
    Nickname(s): Var, Varu, Dev
    Role/Occupation: Assists his father with the ranch (more or less!). Student.
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Pronouns: he/him

    Dev, or Varuna, is always dressed to the nines: tuxedos, expensive jackets made of elaborate tweed, refined cotton or precious cashmere fit his elegant silhouette. It doesn't matter if it seems exaggerated or if some comment flies over his cheeky head: whether in the village or on the ranch, he goes out dressed as if he were going to dinner with a celebrity. Not a hair out of place, not a scratch to furrow the wonderful dark skin, so soft to the sight and touch. Everything has to be perfect. At least on the outside. He takes obsessive care of his appearance to mask his insecurities.​
    Face Claim: Adarsh Jaikarran
    Romantic Orientation: heteroromantic
    Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
    Varuna seem somewhere between lazy and idle, arrogant and inconclusive, yet he is more complex than that and definitely full of contrasts. He masks his loneliness, fear and inadequacy with an air of indifference, laziness and poorly executed sarcasm.​
    Deep down, however, he remains the same child he once was: adventurous, enthusiastic and surprisingly thoughtful (let's also add an extremely clumsy! Especially when he has to impress his crush).​
    Very attached to his mother, he suffered deeply when he was separated from. As a curious child, always inclined to mischief and to the attention of anyone, he faced a period of loneliness and isolation. At the news of the possible transfer to Havenshire he simply shrugged his shoulders, appearing disinterested and giving impersonal answers.​
    Even though Dev gives in to his father's requests for help on the ranch, he often does it reluctantly. He stands by and does not intervene, looking mocking, annoyed or arrogantly.​
    • Probably suffers from body dysmorphic disorder or some inferiority complex.
    • He sometimes embarrassingly wears strange jewelry.

    Name: Kama Chandra
    Nickname(s): Kam, Ama, Kush
    Role/Occupation: Assists his father with the ranch and in sales. He often peeks into Master Inosuke's shop. He took a break from school.
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Pronouns: he/him

    Kama dresses with the bare minimum that can offer him the comfort of freedom of movement. Tank tops, light jackets, short-sleeved shirts: everything strictly white and made of a good breathable cotton. Although his wardrobe seem poor and too simple, Kama often adorns himself with earrings and necklaces that he greatly appreciates for the refinement of their workmanship more than for the economic and commercial value. Often working outdoors, his amber skin takes on even darker shades than his brothers'. The hair is long, black as obsidian and wavy or, perhaps it would be better to write, disheveled and messy to make it appear so.​
    Face Claim: Jeenu Mahadevan
    Romantic Orientation: biromantic
    Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
    Even though Kama does not like to talk more than necessary, every word he utters, better yet, mutter, seems intentional, revealing a sharp intellect and vision of situations, people and things. He cannot stand superficial comments or cruelty and injustice of any kind. He always helps his father even when he does not ask for it. Often, late at night, he is found in the stables apparently checking that everything is in order. In reality, he often stops to read, drawing on a pad that he secretly places under the hay.​
    History: He lived through difficult years before coming to Haveshire. Compared to his two brothers, Kama has never shown any discomfort with the inevitable choice. Yet, deep down, he feels sorry for the breakup of his family.​
    • He seems to have an interest in the art of jewelry making or perhaps in the art of craftsmanship.
    • He has a fondness for a lamb he secretly calls Daksha. It is the confidant and judge of Kama's thoughts and secrets.

    Name: Kali Chandra
    Nickname(s): Kal, Ali, Al, Allen
    Role/Occupation: A dedicated student of communication sciences. She sometimes helps her father with the ranch.
    Age: 21
    Gender: she/her
    Pronouns: she/her

    Kali has lush black hair, very thick, voluminous as a little rainy cloud. Her complexion is similar to her brother Kama but spending too many hours at home has made her a little pale. She wears almost always casual or grunge clothes with a hood, completing the daily look with sparkling gold necklaces. Kali has earrings and other piercings on her nose and eyebrows.​
    Face Claim: Gabriella Medina
    Romantic Orientation: aromantic
    Sexual Orientation: unknown
    She is a smart and sharp girl when she wants to be, deeply imaginative and bizarre at times, capable of immersing herself in hours of study without ever losing concentration. She has an irony and a sarcastic humor that beats that of both brothers. Definitely inherited from her mother.
    When they feel like it, with her younger brother, she forms a sort of "the secret club of the unbearable monkeys" dedicated to well-orchestrated pranks to make the older brother lose his patience.​
    Kali remains a city girl despite everything and struggles to appreciate the countryside, finding nothing beautiful except between the pages of the books she studies and childish fantasies. She can appear naive at first sight and is very sensitive. Once she reaches her limits, she often bursts into tears without warning or becomes inadvertently cruel with words. Kali will immediately try to apologize in every way possible.​
    Kali, despite having a conflictual/not-particolary-fond-of relationship with her mother since she was little, liked being with her and loved living in the big city.​
    Despite the small age difference, she raised her brothers, in particular she feels close to Varuna whose discomfort and pain she perceives and shares. Very often, however, they argue among themselves, even furiously, with serious threats.​
    • She loves stones and collects them. Other things she loves: piercings, grunge, pop and punk music, huge cities, fantasy tales, Tolkien, cute videogames.

    Name: Aditi Chandra
    Nickname(s): Aditi
    Role/Occupation: She takes care of the house.
    Age: 82
    Gender: female
    Pronouns: she/her
    Kamini Kaushal - IMDb

    There is not a day that she does not wear simple traditional clothes. Her white hair, faded by age, is always tied and well-combed, framing a wrinkled but well-groomed face, even with tacky makeup. She has a nose and ear piercing.​
    Face Claim: Kamini Kaushal
    Romantic Orientation: heteroromantic
    Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
    Like all grandmothers, time has softened her even more, making her particularly permissive and chatty, always ready to exchange a few words with anyone, whether it is a family member or a stranger. She has a generous heart and a gigantic love for her family.​
    She is the emotional and moral pillar of the family, the comfort pillow. Her presence creates an undoubtedly welcoming atmosphere, but sometimes when rash discussions happen this changes dramatically.​
    Precisely because of her advanced age, she takes care of the lighter household chores.​
    Born into a large family, she was married to a small landowner when she was young. She had several children, the first at the age of seventeen, many of whom did not survive her. If she could, she would have liked to study medicine and become a doctor or a nurse.​
    • Like any good old grandmother, she has a harrowing story of abuse behind her back that she talks about with shocking nonchalance.
    • She didn't look kindly on Tara but she loved her nephew too much to insist on the matter.
    • She knows every actor, model, etc. living or not. Plus, even illnesses and ailments, always called by their popular and vulgar names.
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The Ashwoods

  • 747be4cb594fb2176cea2547a41862ea.jpgName: Danae Ashwood

    Nickname(s): No.

    Role/Occupation: Town Witch

    Age: 56

    Gender: Female

    Pronouns: She/Her

    Appearance: TBA

    Romantic Orientation: Hetroromantic

    Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual

    Personality: TBA

    History: TBA


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