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    Valerie Halla

    Carlisle Thyme

♡design by miyabi, coded by uxie♡

Carlisle’s irritation simmered as he switched to Echo, leveling his pistol and taking precise shots at the approaching Beowolves lurking in the tree line. Each one fell with a thud, but his frustration only grew. "This is getting us nowhere," he muttered, eyes narrowing on the rising smoke in the distance. They needed to break through the encirclement if they had any chance of reaching the downed ship. But before he could dwell further on their dire situation, a frantic call shattered his focus.

It was the Fox shouting to help the other. His gaze snapped toward the feline faunus, Dinah. Just minutes ago, she had been holding her own, now, though, she was huddled on the ground, trembling in front of the Alpha.

Aw, shit. She got hit with the ‘Frightened’ debuff...

He cursed under his breath. The ‘Frightened’ debuff stripped a fighter of their Semblance and left them vulnerable, with a thirty percent chance of being stunned. It was a small percentage, but of course, it had taken hold of Dinah. Now she was curled up in a ball, completely immobilized, while the others were busy fending off the growing pack.

“Ah, damn it,” Carlisle growled, darting towards her. The Fox had managed to pull the Alpha Beowolf’s attention, nimbly firing off arrows to distract the beast. Meanwhile, another student fired at Beowolves emerging from the shadows. It was a chaotic ballet of attacks and defenses, but their energy was running low. They couldn't hold this pace for long. If they didn’t move now, they’d all be overwhelmed.

Reaching Dinah’s side, Carlisle skidded to a stop. “Oi, Dinah!” he barked, panting. He fired a few rounds at the advancing Beowolves, his body tense, ready for any attack. "Get up. We’re making a break for it. You see the smoke? That’s our exit!" He glanced back at her, expecting her to snap out of it, but she remained curled up in a ball, her wide eyes filled with panic.

“Huh? Oi! Dinah...Ah, damn it.” he cursed again.

Frightened status has a twenty-five percent chance to evolve into ‘Panic’ if not cured. And from the look of it, Dinah had rolled the unlucky dice. They didn’t have time for this. Carlisle let out a harsh breath and knelt down beside her, ignoring her weak pleas for help. There was no choice. He hauled her up, slinging her onto his back in a piggyback hold. She was light, but her limp form made it awkward. Her tail brushed against his arm.

Looking around, he called out, “Sting Ray Girl!” referring to the student with the venomous tail. “Clear the Beowolves blocking our way to the smoke! That’s our only way out!” He then turned towards the Fox, who was still keeping the Alpha busy. “Fox Girl! Once we break through, follow us! We’re not sticking around!”
He wasn’t sure if they’d follow. Right now, he didn’t care. The priority was getting Dinah to safety. He could hear her shallow breathing against his neck, her body trembling in fear as he sprinted toward the tree line. Once he was done relaying the escape plan, he bolted towards the direction of the smoke as fast as his legs could take him, he ran past the sting ray girl saying as he passed by, “Unless you have unlimited ammo move!”

He looked back towards the fox girl and was ready to call out, ‘we’re clear’ but only managed the ‘We’ when the sound of heavy paws crashing against the earth pulled Carlisle’s attention. The Alpha Beowolf, seemingly tired of playing with the Fox, charged directly toward them, its blazing red eyes locked onto Dinah. It was moving too fast, dodging any attempts from the others to stop it.

Carlisle had no time to react. His hands were occupied, holding Dinah in place. With no way to block, he instinctively activated his Semblance. A translucent, shimmering flared into existence, just in time to catch the Alpha’s savage upward slash.

But the impact was brutal, causing him to let go of Dinah.

The force sent Carlisle flying through the air, spinning uncontrollably. Sky and earth blurred together in a dizzying swirl of blues and greens. Then he hit the ground hard, skipping across the dirt like a ragdoll before coming to a stop. Carlisle was face down in the dirt, Motionless.
Dinah "Vi" Ashford
Location: forest
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor November Witch November Witch MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

Dinah wasn't aware or fully aware of the world around her, in her mind she was still back in those nights. She still had the fresh blood over her clothes from her parents being killed as they tried to get her to safety. Yet in the very back of her mind she knew she was moving her mind working to bring her back to now back to the fight. Still it was hard to leave the past to wake up from this consuming nightmare of her own memories. Words from the others didn't reach her ears and yet they did. The nagging part of her grew and grew and yet she couldn't move she was stuck. She was trapped. Then it snapped the past faded away and she was back in reality back in now.

What brought Dinah back to reality ironically was once again seeing the thing thay had sent her into her her past the alpha and to an extent Carlisle being sent flying. Dinah blinked away the past as she returned and her mind hit her with what had really been happening for the last little bit. It was rather embarrassing and she now wanted to make up for what she didn't want to explain. She looked to where Carlisle had landed abd well his aura wasn't broken. That meant he couldn't really be hurt as aura passively protected people from being seriously hurt till it broke. Carlisle might be sore but he wouldn't really be hurt. Heck they had fallen from the sky nit long ago and that had to be far worse damage without aura.

The alpha loomed over what it must have thought abd had been till just then a helpless victim. While her aura would likely have protected her even if she was in the past it was good to be back here. Dinah vanished into a cloud of mist that was oddly thick compared to before. The alpha had only a moment to be puzzled begore its mirror inage emerged and started to grapple with it. Dinah wasn't letting it go after embarrassing her abd while growing larger hurt like trying to stretch to far she could hold foe bow as she wrestled with the alpha the fear of a small child gone.

" someone get the drama king there I got this guy " she called out now a speaking grimm alpha and honestly she didn't have this at least not like this but she wanted to look cool after letting her memories get the best of her.
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Autumn Blaze
getimg_ai_img-oBhx8pgNep59ZsMrdjvhm (1).jpg

: Haven Forest
Mood: Stressed
Interactions: DistractionAttack DistractionAttack Megilagor Megilagor Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mini Collab with: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 (Asher)

Autumn’s face flushed when Felix winked at him. It was unexpected and did the job of discombobulating him completely into releasing his hold on them. It was strange having his heart flutter in a dire situation. Felix gave no response, moving to slaughter grimm rather than escape while they still had a chance. He couldn’t believe he willingly entered the battlefield with zero thought as to what could happen. Autumn stood and watched his allies fight valiantly while he was on the sidelines. They could all make a break for it and survive. No one needed to deal with the Goliath. Were they really this insane? None of what they are doing is necessary. Right now, they are caught in an inconvenient predicament. This was not part of Haven’s training.

”Why? Why won’t you run? You’re fighting a hoard not a pack of grimm. A Goliath? A Boartusk? Ursas, and Beowolves too? If we stay we’ll be slaughtered.”

Heart began to race and the ringing in his ears came back again. His chest tightened and his breathing became heavy. Their palms were sweaty, and his hands shaking as he watched all of them fight even the masked ninja who practically told everyone this was an exam. Is he serious? Why didn’t he say so earlier? If anything it’s just improv asking them to do the impossible. No. He couldn’t do it. He thought he could, but he’s just a coward.

Autumn spun on his heel and sprinted into the forest. Just a little away, he halted in his tracks as Mizu called out to him. He could tell by the way of his tone and he was the only one making a break for it. He panted, trying to catch his breath as he listened to what he had to say. He balled his fist when told he would be haunted by his peers over this. Not only that, but his guilty conscience would eat at him until there was nothing left. He already struggled with the fact that he caused his brother to lose a limb and forget about his dream of being a Huntsman. In a way Autumn was attending to be a huntsman on his behalf to make up for it and prove he’s not a coward, however, that appears to be going the opposite of what he intended. Already giving up without trying. What was all of his training for if not this? He killed one or two on their own, but this was a challenge all on its own for him. His knees wanted to buckle just by looking at the infestation. So what was he going to do now?

The question presented itself just as Mizu asked him whether or not he was a huntsman. He had to make that decision now and that man knew it too somehow. Autumn turns around watching Tiffany who was locked in combat with an ursa moments ago now battling a Goliath with Asher, and Asher using himself as a distraction. Both of them on working together to take down a giant. He’s supposed to protect her, keep her from harm but she isn’t so much better than he initially assumed even with her small stature. It was the last part that gave the teen a cold shiver. A threat to basically strangle him if Autumn didn’t budge and he believed him. The way he fought and his deadly gaze could make even a Beowolf cower. It almost reminded him of Auburn, yet his motivational speech was reminiscent of Aki.

The Goliath’s roar and boulder toss towards Tiffanny had Autumn in suspense. Is she alive? Thankfully, she was and she was holding her own with her forcefield like a damn wizard. How awesome! The grimm were not so fond, especially the Goliath ready to charge right at Tifanny. He had to do something even if Mizu made a wall to steer the Goliath away, it was clear they were a major threat, and if the Goliath is their test then there is no way the team should fail Mizu. Autumn took a deep breath and quickly analyzed his surroundings just as he activated the blades on his gauntlets. The alpha was indeed the massive elephant making the calls. If they can take it down, the rest will be a breeze…maybe. Shaking away his jitters, Autumn bent down like an olympic runner ready to lunge into the chaos that would be the battlefield. The soles of his boots made popping noises and steam sizzled. As he exhaled, he shot out like a rocket aimed towards the blonde. He spun his body in mid-air like a windmill and used the blades of his arms to tuck back, adjusting itself based on his momentum. He sliced through the pack of grimm around Tiffanny’s bubble to get some of them off of her back. Bodies dissolve into black dust indicating their deaths.

It was a rocky slide as he landed on the other side, but it was the perfect spot for the next bit. ”Asher, hold this!” He called out tossing the lantern end of the pendulum hoping he would catch it. ”Pull when I tell you to. This guy is our biggest threat. We have to take it down or more grimm will come after us.”

Attention turning to Autumn he'd give a nod of acknowledgment, "got it" he'd say grabbing the pendulum tossed towards him in one hand, the other arm still carrying the oversized blade "ok got it on your mark then!"

Great! All that was left was for Autumn to hold his breath and hope his plan worked. This would be a bad idea but he only needed the thing to stagger just a little and the rest is history. Autumn again thrusts himself under Goliath’s belly, then wraps the chain around its foot keeping it balanced then the hind leg but as he blitzes he sets orbs of light around the Goliath who took notice of the buzzing pest attempting something. This creature was smart, but the adrenaline coursing through Autumn was enough to get him to focus on what he was doing. He couldn’t let it scare him even with the beads of sweat accumulating around his face. Now that the chain had wrapped around the alpha, he pitched a couple of light orbs to the Goliath’s face just as it scowled at him. Blinding enough to make it stumble. The noises were also a hindrance with those large ears of his capable of funneling even the smallest of sounds.

He'd pull back on it dropping his blade to have more force behind it to pull the chain tight.

It might not be enough. He needed help. He turned to Felix or Tiffany. Whoever could help in at least causing it to tumble on its side would be smooth sailing. ”A little help here!” He cried out.

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Daisuke Boucher
IG42 IG42 Table Table RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Karcen Karcen

Amidst of chaos and energetic youth. A dead Ursa is delivered in front of his feet. Tossed aside like a stuffed animal. He became slightly flummoxed then turning to the origin of this dead projectile. It was a bull faunus girl. Massive stature with a simple stone weapon. Anymore details about this girl was insignificant at the moment, she was only an extra hand. Any Grimm hitting her way was steamrolled. Daisuke raised his sword over his head and thrown it at the red head faunus, It was thrown in an Arch it was completely way over head. Flying past the faunus and hitting a massive paw. It was a hulking large Ursa. Its maw wide open to take a bite out of the student huntress. Stopping in its tracks when the sword gashes their paw after parrying the sword away, stuck upside down waiting to be drawn from the earth again.

Making a mad dash towards Vanquisher, his age barely slowing down his body. Smoothly fetches his sword with a reverse grip hold and mad dashed straight for the Alpha Ursa. Leapt upwards to strike downward. He had enough speed but the skull of the of the Ursa was simply too thick to strike directly. The Alpha Grimm strikes back with a 4 consecutive alternating claw strikes which he successfully dodged. Unable to strike back with occasional Beowolves and Ursas trying to butt in between his opportunities of counterattacks. Levitating a few large stones and flicking them towards Alpha to drive it a few feet back for him to retreat.

"Hmmmph... Big guy's got more fight in them than I thought. Unfortunately, Ursa Major is blocking our way out of here." He turned back to the team. Looking past in to the shady forest. Seeing the misty black of grimm flowing about their red eyes glinting like sparkles in an ocean. "Can't stay here for too long. Would you ladies take care of that big bear while I--" A roar of mixed Grimm battle cries burst to the ears. "...While I go take care of that." A wave of lesser Grimm slowly leaking in-between the tight spacing of forest trees and other greenery. Lighting Vanquisher on fire, he charged towards the trampling horde of Grimm with precision of effectively slaying numbers of them with each swing. The Grimm horde looking like flowing tar.

The Alpha Ursa roars to the skies and sizes up the team. Surrounded by smaller ursa, beowolves, and a few boarbatusks. It takes a group to take down this rather agile and tough beast of destruction. With claws and teeth crushing rock and slashing trees.

  • XIX.

    The Sun

    Felix Baker
    Calming Down

    Forest Clearing

    Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Pumpkid Pumpkid Megilagor Megilagor Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3


designed by bad ending & coded by xayah.ღ

Felix stood up with the help of the tree he was once laying on. Strangely enough his weakened state wasn’t taken advantage of , Felix also noticed everyone else drawing attention away from Felix. His face calms as the winds blows towards him the gentle breeze for such a violent scenario how tragic, it’s time we rectify this. Felix gripped one of his stars before declaring “I wish my star would come to my hand.” After this proud declaration his other sword bolted to his outreached hand. Felix took a second jumping up and down and tilted his head popping his neck before crouching down and taking an explosive push forward. “Thanks for the set I’ll make sure to spike this.” He proudly shouted.

Felix dashed forward at a blinding speed switching one sword to revolver mode and the other to whip mode. His steps fast and light as they closed in quickly before the lavander blade stuck into the ground ahead of him, two audible click could be heard one after another as he forcibly gets pulled to his blade in the ground. The other was from the revolver pointed at the ground, while his momentum hit peak he let go of of his star and shot the revolver taking flight. Sparks behind his eyes as he holds out his hand pointing at his star planted in the ground. “I wish star to hand.” He realized that he could shorten his commands to noun and location to move things. Felix’s star in a green aura flies toward him at a blinding speed landing is his hands his eyes direct themselves to the target.

While falling Felix adjusted himself giving another wink towards Autumn and shoot the revolver to push himself to the Goliath. Chained up this was gonna be easy like shooting fish in a barrel. He thought to himself before quickly closing in on the Goliath, in vain it tried to defend itself with its trunk. Doing its best effort to hit away Felix he already saw this coming changing the revolver to whip code it wrapped around the trunk. “I’ve got you where I want! I wish! My star to stay in place!” His star locking the trunk in place leaving it helpless. His feet hit the ground kicking up dirt quickly they started running again armed with one more star, quickly he finds the weak spot Tiff made thrusting his blade through it. One more monstrous cry echoed from the beast as it falls fatally wounded. The ground shook as it fell and started to disappear, his star clattered to the ground it was over now making Felix fall to his knees as he starts to rub his face. “Ugh oh man, that was scuffed.”

Sometime after this he would stand up seeing that the teacher was handling the grim single handed made Felix a bit jealous and had a chain sword even more jealous. He went over to Tiff and Autumn and Asher if he wasn’t fighting Grimm still and smiled at them. “Good job guys we really dropped that Awful baddie, couldn’t have done it without you guys.” He gave his signature smile to them before turning away and proclaiming “I wish my stars would come to my hands” Once again the stars enveloped in green light fly to his hands him quickly sheathing them under his cardigan while walking to see if he could help out the teacher. “Big monster down, Haven here I come.”

Bress was surprised by the man throwing a sword at her, though more in a why would they do that over an I'm in danger way as she had absolute certainty in her near indestructability right now. The reason was revealed as the sword sailed past her to a grimm that had snuck up behind her. Bress was the kind to only notice those behind her once they hit her and with how her semblance worked she had only rarely needed to be aware of threats from behind. A bite would be stopped and she would retaliate that was how it would have worked out. It turned out there were more foes behind that hadn't come to fight Bress on her way here, cowards, and now the man a teacher likely was going to deal with them. Well the big boy was in front of them and Bress was ready to go. She of course had no intentions of escaping she was simple kill grimm till the grimm stopped coming then repeat. she would fight and fight for as long as she needed. Her first fight had been and over night fight and with the stone sword and greater mastery over her semblance she was sure she could go longer.

Bress wasn't going to bother consulting with the others, making plans and wasting time she would do as she always did march forward at her foe. her target wasn't one grimm but every last grimm there and as she advanced one could tell that she fully planned to just take them all on help or no help. those with common sense would call such an idea arrogant, or sudden, or stupid and perhaps it was but to Bress the key to victory wasn't some multiphase plans or working with some others it was being the last one standing .

" Come or don't" she said moving towards the horde of grimm as they came at her and the others her gait not changing as she readied the stone sword.

The first to reach her was a boarbatusk that found itself being met with the hammer ender of Bress's weapon and with a flash of purple it was sent right into a beowolf taking both out of the fight for a little bit as it was unlikely that they both would die from such an impact. Beowolves would quickly flank bress and bite down on her arms seekign to hold all while she started to glow a red aura starting to form. The grimm working in unison would have the Boarbatusks charge into Bress as they thought the beowolves held her down. When the boar like grimm collided with her at its maximum speed however, it found itself halted by the now much brighter bress. Using the power from the strike and letting go of the stone sword Brees in a swift move lifted and brought the grimm biting her arms together on top of the boarbratusk. The shock made the grimm let go of her arms and seconds latter all three grimm still recovering were smashed by the stone sword in a flash of purple light.

Bress stood up straight the stone sword ready to keep going as much as Bress herself. " Next " She said mocking the grimm. Still there were so many and the alpha to deal with. This fight was not fair at all there were still to few grimm but it would be fun. The idea of the others helping her didn't even cross her mind as she wasn't really helping them she was just finding her enemy and killing them till not one remained helping the others was just a side benefit. While she normally fought to protect others Bress had always fought alone and that was how she thought even now it was her veruses the grimm and these people were here to fight the grimm so they shouldn't need protecting.
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Mare Orcinus
Mare nodded approvingly as the other girl assured her she was unharmed feeling inwardly relieved at not needing to guard an injured person. "Excellent! I am indeed a fellow student, Mare Orcinus at your service." Taking Azura's hand Mare bent down to place a gentle kiss on the back, straightening to meet her gaze again Mare tilted her head curiously seeing Azura's eyes beginning to agitatedly flick back and forth. "Is something wrong?"

The more pressing matter of a pack of various Grimm forced Mare's concern to one side as a trio of beowolves pounced from behind apparently believing that at least one would succeed, instead a single mighty swing of Argo cleaved two in half and sent the last flying with a fatal gouge in it's side.

Relatively unconcerned as she was by the number of enemies the arrival of two more students and one of the teaching staff only spurred her to show off more. Seeing a spinning boartusk charging her she planted Argo in the ground at an angle and braced herself crouching behind it causing the grimm to ramp off it into the air allowing Mare to fill it with bullets as it tumbled wildly, shaking off the bone-rattling impact of the charge she returned the wave of the chattier of the two newly arrived girls.
"Lovely to meet you too! I'm Mare." She called back with a relaxed smile deciding that they were too busy for a more gallant introduction like she had given Azura.

Facing down the Ursa Major Mare threw a two-fingered salute at the teachers back while he went to handle the many small fry. "Aye aye sir!" Leaping clear of a massive crushing paw she extended Argo's handle for more reach and jabbed at the gaps between the Alpha's bony plates. "I'll hold it's attention, Azura keep the small fry away, Yuppa get in close and cut out it's legs then..." She faltered slightly as she realised the sizeable faunus hadn't introduced herself. "Erm...Red! Smash it's head when it falls!"

Karcen Karcen RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Table Table Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Hidden scrolls.
Anya Borealis

"I'm not planning to stick around either!" Anya replied loudly to Carlisle's order, honestly he would be a better leader than Anya ever could be so why not listen to him? Anya was about to call out to them that the Alpha Beowolf was coming their way but she could but she could only mutter "Wa-!" before the Alpha turned tail and charged at Carlisle and Dinah. She couldn't have expected that, so in a sense of panic and a dash of dread Anya rushed after the Alpha Grimm in their direction, but she couldn't make it in time, but neither did she expect Dinah to mistify and transform into a copy of the Alpha Grimm.

At first, Anya was confused but she shook her head violently, before taking a running start and sliding under both Dinah's mirror image of an Alpha Beowolf and the real one's legs. As a sign of small rebellion, Anya turned around unleashing her last dusted combustion arrow, filled with a small amount of her aura into the Alpha Beowolf's open mouth, before hanging her weapon in bow mode across her torso and running off to Carlisle to check up on him. Thankfully he was awake a bit dizzy and had his wind knocked out of him but that couldn't be done, Anya grabbed both of his arms and raised them high, with her leg on his legs, in one swift motion she threw Carlisle from his laying position back to a standing one, hopefully knocking some wind into him and reversing his dizziness cause they needed all the support they could get right now.

With that done, Anya grabbed her bow off her torso and drew her bowstring generating a hard light arrow and aiming it at the Alpha's eye while saying to Carlisle. "Seems we need to get rid of the big guy before we run, cause he ain't gonna let us leave." And as she finished those words she let go of her arrow hitting the Alpha near one of its eyes.

Aura color: Apple Green #61D242
Location: Somewhere in Haven forest
Interaction: Karcen Karcen MangoGoGo MangoGoGo , November Witch November Witch
Mood: Happy, worried, in pain
Theme songs: Theme song 1 - White Fang Time , Theme song 2 - Current time

Nahlia AphasiaNahlia-Stand.png
~{Beowolf Battle}~

Status: Annoyed
Location: Forest near Haven
Aura: 85%
Interaction(s): Megilagor Megilagor Karcen Karcen MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

Welp, it was official. She had no idea how this Alpha Beowulf became an Alpha in the first place if it had threat assessment and an attention span so bad. How had it not died when it was a young beowulf was beyond her. Somehow, it turned away from the cowering girl before it for long enough for the man to sprint in and out with her. Thankfully she was safe. Hearing the man call out to her, she didn’t need to be told twice. She’d already been taking out everything entering the clearing, so she shot a few beyond the bushes in the direction they’d be running. The red eyes being a dead giveaway that there were Grimm there. It was at that moment the alpha came charging up and into the two. Slashing a large paw at them, they both caught air and fell to the earth.

Nahlia sighed. Did she have to do everything around here?

Thankfully, the cat faunus seemed to be recovering from whatever episode she had endured earlier and used some sort of semblance to start grappling with it. Though it was a losing battle. So Nahlia turned her back towards the Alpha, and fired her weapon, propelling her towards it. As she gained speed, she’d let go over her weapon, and give it a flick to one side, letting it rotate mid-air and grabbing the handle. With her momentum she’d built up, she leaned heavier on one leg, and brought the ax around her left side, one, twice, and on the third time she finally went for the hit on the Alpha’s left leg, chopping it clean off.
Theophany Elpida
Location: Haven Untamed Forest > Haven entrance
Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 DistractionAttack DistractionAttack
Mention: Megilagor Megilagor

Deathly growls and sizzling scratches grates the ears. The angered Grimm press on their attack, in vain against the hardlight dome, no distortion of its form. The blue glow of the wand's indicator was the only color through her tunneling vision as she holds onto Destiny's shielded dome. The bar lowers to half, slowly chipping away the energy. Locked in a temporary stalemate. Dragging the Grimm's focus to her shield, gave an opening to victory.

A loud boom breaks her focus, a flurry of a spinning projectile zips through the surrounding Grimm. Eliminated upon impact. It was Autumn, ripping through the Grimm like some kind of humanoid Typhoon. This act dissipated the hard light shield by Tiffany. The blue glow fading dim. She sits down on her knees as she watches the rest of her new team finish and slay the goliath with unrelenting speed. Ending with the pink boy, Felix striking the goliath right in the weak point she made. The Goliath fading to dust as it fell. It was a brief but it feeling of gazing into the three made her saw them not as normal people her age but something more akin to warriors. Almost forgetting these gentlemen were just on the airship sitting and chatting away.

"I-Is anyone hurt!?" Rising up from the ground to run and gather to her team. Everyone seems to be fine. None heavily injured. Looking and approaching each till stopping at Felix who just 'wished' to return his weapons back to his hand. A strangely unique semblance. "...Magic..." She mumbled. Despite the chippered attitude of her cohorts. Tiffany remained furrow browed from the shifting blackness from the forest. The Grimm tide is drawing near. "We should go..." she groaned. Keeping herself arms reach to her team. Most notably close to the biggest party member, Asher. Visibly worried about the elated giant Faunus, it was better to stick closer with these guys. Where should one go now? What just happened all before? Questions that she has yet to find answers when survival by leaving the forest prioritizes above all else. Tiffany was not one to lead but it seems she is recognizing a pattern that leads to the exit.

Discussing or asking Tiffany about the mysterious man who just gave enough subtle assistance will result in her being completely oblivious or uninterested about the topic.


Out of the forest, students will themselves in a field of flat land grass and morning sun shining down on their skin. Behind the student teams were large amounts of Grimm chasing out of the forest, only to be greeted by a striking brass trace of gunfire ahead. Pointing towards the forest was an autogun turret, precisely shooting down rows upon rows of Grimm with semi or full auto firing rates. Appearance of a wooden frame and adorned in oriental design with one of the notable details being the gun barrel having the steel sculpt of a dragon's head and mouth open firing ballistic rounds, loudly and proudly. The ballista resting in behind the guns in peace in dormant state, the lancers were wiped out clean.

Just ahead is the smoking airship the students have been boarded to. It has landed safely despite the critical condition. Outside is a white haired old man with a fire extinguisher in hand. Spraying great quantities of foam chemical into the fiery burning hull. The man seems to be busy at the moment to be spoken to. There are other airships docked, all unscathed.

Just right ahead with the white walls is Haven Academy. The school for future Huntsmen and huntresses. Complete with appears to its own CCT tower from the worms eye view outside the campus walls. Its safe to be in the clearing, In front of the gated wall for now.

For a minute, it looked like this motley band of misfits had no hope of actually working together to take down the King Taijitu. what with their efforts that could barely be called as teamwork. Quite frankly, they were all over the place, dreadfully uncoordinated with every person having their own agenda. As Ilyas marched forth, she admitted to herself that she was quite guilty of this. However, the wolf-faunus would be the one to rise to the occasion, stepping up as the leader as well as the voice of reason as she barked commands that would gel together their efforts to achieve commendable results. She had misjudged the girl, thinking initially that she wouldn't be able to keep up merely because of how weak and sickly she appeared to her. But that weak and sickly faunus just destroyed the King Taijitu's Black Head with enough brutality to make Ilyas blush. Needless to say, she had a newfound respect for the wolf girl.

The other two aren't too shabby either, finding the snow-leopard girl's semblance control and the plum-haired lad's weapon mastery impressive as well. Seeing these three in action has quelled her reservations about them and put her mind at ease. Now it was her turn to show them what she's truly got. After all, she was the one who got them into this mess in the first place by charging at the serpent head on with abandon. It would be embarrassing if she couldn't finish what she started.

Still, her determination to end this pathetic Grimm's life in the most painful way possible still lingered in Ilyas' mind. She took stock of her ammo and dust, a satisfied smirk appearing on her face as she realized she had just enough to put her plan into motion. She clenched her right hand fiercely, the claws of her gauntlet digging into her palm, and more importantly, releasing a stream of blood, both as a way to psych herself up and as part of the plan she formed in her head.

As the white snake wailed in pain at the death of its counterpart, Ilyas entered the fray once again. With Sanguinis in its, shotgun form, she allowed the gun to "drink up" the blood on her hand and drain her Aura even further, empowering the weapon. Afterwards, she aimed at the creature's maw and fired a single gravity-dust embedded slug. The bullet shattered the creature's remaining fang before lodging itself into its mouth. Several more shots followed, targeted towards the Grimm's midsection. While some of the bullets only managed to penetrate a few inches into the snake's tough hide, a few managed to enter the beast's body through the opening she had carved earlier. Once she was satisfied with her handiwork, she switched to her combustion dust bullets and fired her weapon on the ground, propelling her high up in the air. She fired another shot behind her so she could get closer towards the creature's eviscerated black head. While still in midair, she transformed her weapon back into it's sword form and allowed it to drink up even more blood.

"Plum-haired guy, get wolf girl out of there. NOW!" Ilyas screamed.

The wolf-girl looked utterly tired. Otherwise, she would not have chosen the creature's mouth, or what's left of it, as a place to rest. But even at this state, the Black head still posed a danger. Just like how real snakes could still instinctively control its head shortly after it died, there was a chance it could still inflict damage on the girl. Not to mention, the white head could use its counterpart's mangled remains as a battering ram with the wolf-faunus still on it. She needed to do something fast before the white head realized that its kin's slayer was still on it.

Her blade was rapidly enveloped by a bright crimson light as it radiated an immense amount of energy. Then after she had given the plum-haired boy enough time to extract their impromptu leader, she swung her sword towards the remains of the creature's black head. A destructive beam of crimson energy was then released, completely severing it from the rest of the King Taijitu's body.

Ilyas performed a roll as she landed to dissipate the momentum of her fall. Afterwards, she decided to literally add insult to injury as she called out to the creature. However, she had been using a lot of profanity already and she didn't want to set the wrong impression on her team. Plus Grimm were creatures that delighted on negativity so she had to get creative.

"Hey you empty-headed animal-food-trough wiper! Your mother's a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" Ilyas shouted, quoting one of Serena's favorite movies.

That seemed to have riled up the creature more than it already has as it charged at Ilyas, murder visible in its eyes. However, this was what she was banking on. She plunged her sword on the ground and waited for the creature to get closer. Once it was in range, she used her aura on her weapon causing the remaining gravity dust rounds contained within it to attract those she had initially planted on the Grimm. This suddenly and violently launched the Grimm faster towards her, and more importantly, towards Sanguinis' blade. The knight had to hold on to her sword for dear life as the blade passed through the serpent, and cut it cleanly in two.

Rife with exhaustion, the tension left the blonde knight's body as she collapsed on both knees while still holding on to her sword. She willed her helmet to retract, finally allowing her comrades to see the person behind the armor. Whatever their opinions of her, they could now visibly see a satisfied smile on her face, proud of the battle she had fought.

Not bad for her first day.

the bloody valkyrie


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

For a minute, it looked like this motley band of misfits had no hope of actually working together to take down the King Taijitu. what with their efforts that could barely be called as teamwork. Quite frankly, they were all over the place, dreadfully uncoordinated with every person having their own agenda. As Ilyas marched forth, she admitted to herself that she was quite guilty of this. However, the wolf-faunus would be the one to rise to the occasion, stepping up as the leader as well as the voice of reason as she barked commands that would gel together their efforts to achieve commendable results. She had misjudged the girl, thinking initially that she wouldn't be able to keep up merely because of how weak and sickly she appeared to her. But that weak and sickly faunus just destroyed the King Taijitu's Black Head with enough brutality to make Ilyas blush. Needless to say, she had a newfound respect for the wolf girl.

The other two aren't too shabby either, finding the snow-leopard girl's semblance control and the plum-haired lad's weapon mastery impressive as well. Seeing these three in action has quelled her reservations about them and put her mind at ease. Now it was her turn to show them what she's truly got. After all, she was the one who got them into this mess in the first place by charging at the serpent head on with abandon. It would be embarrassing if she couldn't finish what she started.

Still, her determination to end this pathetic Grimm's life in the most painful way possible still lingered in Ilyas' mind. She took stock of her ammo and dust, a satisfied smirk appearing on her face as she realized she had just enough to put her plan into motion. She clenched her right hand fiercely, the claws of her gauntlet digging into her palm, and more importantly, releasing a stream of blood, both as a way to psych herself up and as part of the plan she formed in her head.

As the white snake wailed in pain at the death of its counterpart, Ilyas entered the fray once again. With Sanguinis in its, shotgun form, she allowed the gun to "drink up" the blood on her hand and drain her Aura even further, empowering the weapon. Afterwards, she aimed at the creature's maw and fired a single gravity-dust embedded slug. The bullet shattered the creature's remaining fang before lodging itself into its mouth. Several more shots followed, targeted towards the Grimm's midsection. While some of the bullets only managed to penetrate a few inches into the snake's tough hide, a few managed to enter the beast's body through the opening she had carved earlier. Once she was satisfied with her handiwork, she switched to her combustion dust bullets and fired her weapon on the ground, propelling her high up in the air. She fired another shot behind her so she could get closer towards the creature's eviscerated black head. While still in midair, she transformed her weapon back into it's sword form and allowed it to drink up even more blood.

"Plum-haired guy, get wolf girl out of there. NOW!" Ilyas screamed.

The wolf-girl looked utterly tired. Otherwise, she would not have chosen the creature's mouth, or what's left of it, as a place to rest. But even at this state, the Black head still posed a danger. Just like how real snakes could still instinctively control its head shortly after it died, there was a chance it could still inflict damage on the girl. Not to mention, the white head could use its counterpart's mangled remains as a battering ram with the wolf-faunus still on it. She needed to do something fast before the white head realized that its kin's slayer was still on it.

Her blade was rapidly enveloped by a bright crimson light as it radiated an immense amount of energy. Then after she had given the plum-haired boy enough time to extract their impromptu leader, she swung her sword towards the remains of the creature's black head. A destructive beam of crimson energy was then released, completely severing it from the rest of the King Taijitu's body.

Ilyas performed a roll as she landed to dissipate the momentum of her fall. Afterwards, she decided to literally add insult to injury as she called out to the creature. However, she had been using a lot of profanity already and she didn't want to set the wrong impression on her team. Plus Grimm were creatures that delighted on negativity so she had to get creative.

"Hey you empty-headed animal-food-trough wiper! Your mother's a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" Ilyas shouted, quoting one of Serena's favorite movies.

That seemed to have riled up the creature more than it already has as it charged at Ilyas, murder visible in its eyes. However, this was what she was banking on. She plunged her sword on the ground and waited for the creature to get closer. Once it was in range, she used her aura on her weapon causing the remaining gravity dust rounds contained within it to attract those she had initially planted on the Grimm. This suddenly and violently launched the Grimm faster towards her, and more importantly, towards Sanguinis' blade. The knight had to hold on to her sword for dear life as the blade passed through the serpent, and cut it cleanly in two.

Rife with exhaustion, the tension left the blonde knight's body as she collapsed on both knees while still holding on to her sword. She willed her helmet to retract, finally allowing her comrades to see the person behind the armor. Whatever their opinions of her, they could now visibly see a satisfied smile on her face, proud of the battle she had fought.

Not bad for her first day.
Azura Nachtigall

While she appreciated the new reinforcement in the form of a certain ox faunus, her predisposition for reckless charge immediately turned Azura's short lived relief into concern. Still, additional force means their chance of making it out alive is larger, and Azura was not the one to make a fuss about it.

There's not much time to think through the situation though, as a particularly bulkier and sturdier Ursa made its presence known to the team. Furthermore, a grimm horde of unprecedented scale catched up on them from the other direction. It is almost like they were in a pincher.

Their teacher decided to deal with the incoming horde and left the greater Ursa to them, much to Azura's surprise. Granted, it is only one Ursa Major, so having four of them dealing with it would do the job faster and give them the opening they desperately needed to escape.

That is, of course, assuming everyone was being cooperative about it.

Azura was quite flabbergasted by the action taken by the ox faunus. Still in panic, Azura quickly brewed a plan in her mind to deal with the Grimm horde. She was snapped out of her thought when the girl named Mare gave her the command to keep the smaller Grimm away from them.

'Keeping away...'

An idea suddenly popped out in her mind.

'Wait, it is that simple!'

Tattoo reappeared around Azura's mouth once again, indicating the reactivation of her Semblance. Before she could initiate her plan, Azura headed closer toward the newest member of the group. She targeted her Semblance toward the faunus, ensuring that her voice could be heard loud and clear by the reckless girl.

"Miss ox faunus, leave this to me. I'll take care of this while you help the other dealing with the Ursa Major."

With that out of the way, Azura straighten her posture as she took the stance of a soprano. Her mind focused to aim her Semblance toward the approacing horde. She didn't have to aim towards all of them, just enough to confuse their frontline. When Azura opened her mouth, it would be felt as if no sound came out of her by the rest of her team. However, the Semblance's ability instantly took effect toward the Grimm creatures near them. The Grimms halted their feet, looking around in confusion. The rest of the horde followed suit, stopping themselves despite not being affected by Azura's Semblance.

The Ursa Major did not go unscathed either. Any form of aggression the beast even considered seemed to have melted away as it has lost its concentration and got distracted by an invisible force, or rather by a voice beyond her teammate's perception. Azura wasn't so sure how much it could help, but she hoped it could help the other enough to take the beast down.

The others seemed to be including bress int heir plans, but bress was only thinking of her plan, kill everything in sight. She had the desire to stand over the ashes of the grimm and in a way she had come to seek the thrill of the fight. her semblance making any fight far more fun if she was the center of attention. She loved swinging her weapon be it the stone sword or a simple sledge hammer and sending the monsters flying. The idea that other hunters wouldn't be similar, wanting to fight and fight and fight until either they or the grimm stood in the end was almost alien to her.

Bress marched forward towards the Grimm her pace not speaking of any worry or hesitation, but of excitement barley contained. It was as she moved forward toward the grimm and their alpha that one of the students Azura she guessed by her words and those of the overly fancy girl, suggesting that she leave the fun part to her. " No" Bress said to the request. She wasn't about to leave them all to azura why should she get all the fun.

Seconds latter the grimm looked confused and Bress guessed that was the girl's semblance. That was no fun. Bress decided to charge breaking into a sprint as she raised the stone sword and brought it down in a flash of purple on a boar like grimm. Bress wasn't going to bypass the horde they were in her way. She wasted no time and swung her hammer swifter than one would expect and a beowolf went flying in a purple flash. this was how Bress fought right in the thick of it and without a care in the world. It was simple, it was blunt, it was predictable, and it was fun. Bress would swing and swing if Azura's spell over the grimm broke she would fight on without defense and keep sending the grimm flying as she made an unstoppable advance towards the alpha grimm. " Kill it or it's mine!" Bress called out to the girl fighting the alpha as if it was just that simple as to her it was. She might have messed up a plan but she was makign herself the single biggest target for the grimm as she swung and swung seeking to force her way towards the alpha.
Last edited:

  • click here


    Valerie Halla

    Carlisle Thyme

♡design by miyabi, coded by uxie♡

Carlisle lay on the ground, clutching his abdomen, gasping for air as the world spun violently around him. His mind raced, struggling to refocus. The sharp sting of pain still clung to his gut, making it hard to breathe. For a moment, his vision blurred, the surrounding chaos becoming little more than a muffled din. It wasn’t until someone hoisted him back to his feet that the fog began to lift. Still doubled over, Carlisle braced his hands on his knees, forcing deep breaths into his lungs, each inhale grounding him a little more.

He glanced at his trembling hands and cursed under his breath. Too slow. He had hesitated in activating his Semblance at a crucial moment, a mistake that cost him. "How annoying," he muttered, gritting his teeth in frustration. His eyes locked onto the massive Alpha, now pinned to the ground by Dinah. Her usual figure had morphed, muscles swelling unnaturally as if she'd injected pure strength into her veins, the result of her Semblance no doubt. Carlisle marveled at how quickly she'd turned the tables while he was down.

A familiar voice interrupted his thoughts the fox Faunus, spoke, Carlisle gave a faint nod in agreement, straightening up and pulling out Echo, his trusted sidearm, from its holster. He spun the chamber with a flick of his wrist—two bullets left. He grimaced, the rest of his ammo was left in his luggage which was currently in the fiery wreckage of their crashing ship. Perfect.

"My first day," he muttered under his breath as the fox fired an arrow that struck true, embedding itself deep into the Alpha’s eye, eliciting a roar of pain from the beast. The stingray Faunus student, not to be outdone, launched herself forward with the momentum of her shot, cleaving the Alpha’s leg clean off in one precise chop. the Alpha staggered.

Carlisle sighed; his annoyance barely masked by the chaos around him. "And you're already making me put in effort." Without realizing it, he was already holding down the trigger on Epilogue charging the two custom made bullets, gifts from his uncle. His blade went from red to blue and took a couple steps forward,” Echo, Ice.” he then lets go of the trigger. The explosion from his blade pushed him forward. The Alpha, who was currently wrestling with Dinah to get out of her grip, was taken aback when Carlisle was suddenly in his face. Carlisle swung his sword cutting off its arm from the bicep and forced it to use its other hand to keep it from falling.

That was exactly what he wanted. He slid to a stop and aimed Echo at its only good arm and fired two shots the moment the bullets made impact with its arm it was suddenly incased in ice keeping it pinned to the ground, “Keep it pinned, Dinah!” With Dinah’s weight and the ice holding him down this was prime opportunity, “Kill it, fox girl!” he called out.

Liserian Carmelo
Location: Haven Forest
Mood: Worried
Tags: Nellancholy Nellancholy Zenritch Zenritch Talathel Talathel

No use, the snake’s hide is too tough to pierce through. It didn’t help that it was large. There was no chance of Liserian piercing through. He miscalculated his attack and now his weapon is embedded into the snake. If he didn’t get off soon, he would get thrown off by force and left without a weapon. If he can’t do further damage, he will have to try a different method. First, he had to pull his scythe out which was difficult when the blackhead was swinging his head around. It was hard to get balance with how smooth the body was.

The black head was thankfully, distracted by the wolf faunus. She was up and about after that landing. She valiantly jumped on their lower lip. From Liserian’s perspective, it was hard to tell what was going on. He could tell the snake was busy with something to pause its thrashing. The blackhead randomly slammed its head into a tree causing Liserian to trip but hung onto his scythe. What happened next was unexpected. Liserian didn’t realize the blackhead was under attack. It wailed and hissed as it was being attacked. Then, the head went flying and with it Liserian. Luckily the elevation helped his weapon slice through with ease as it dissolved into ash.

Kane was free at last, and the Liserian rolled upon his landing. The blackhead was gone and all that was left was the whitehead Taijitu and the grimm daring to swarm in. On top of the dissipating corpse, is the wolf faunus. She was the one behind the slaughtering of the blackhead. Impressive. Thought what did worry him was the fact that she had slumped. Should the rest of the body disappear, she would have a nasty fall. Then there was the whitehead still rearing to go. The Taijitu did not have to wait long as the white and shining armor started sprinting towards them. They recommended to move the girl out of the way. By the looks of what the knight were doing, they had a plan. Based on how they fight, he figured it was best to move her as far away as he could.

”You don’t have to tell me twice.” He said to himself. Liserian reverts Kane into a rifle catches the faunus like a damsel and carries her away. He gave the knight enough range to do whatever she needed. He set the girl down near a tree for her to lean on while he watched the armored lad obliterate King Taijitu in a fiery display. Much like their description, they slayed the grimm with their sword. The same blade keeps the kinght balanced as they buckle down revealing a blonde woman. That’s a shocker, but Liserian was indifferent. Such roaring power held within that one is terrifying. It’s no wonder he felt obligated to listen. That or he was just letting her do her thing without getting killed in the process of her mighty strength.

The plum-haired teen looks over Shin’ya noticing the wound on her upper arm bleeding out. While his was minor, hers was by far the worst. He tore the left side sleeve of his flannel. ”Here, this might help until we get out of here.” He wrapped the cloth around her as best as he could to apply pressure and stop the bleeding temporarily. Looking at his work made him wish his formula was ready. He could offer her some medicine balls, but realistically, lacerations were a different story. He grits his teeth reminded of his ill sister then turns his head and looks over at the others. He had to help find a way out He was probably the only one with enough energy to get them out alive. He didn’t have incredible semblances like they did, but he didn’t much care for that.

He had no doubt the girls would be able to handle any obstacle but logically speaking, they look drained. If they stay any longer, who knows what might happen?

The Goliath tripped and stumbled autumn and ashers little trick had worlds. "Damn good work" Asher would yell out picking up his weapon again that he'd dropped on the ground to help cause the alpha grim to take its tumble Felix and Tiffany finished. It off by firing into its weak point leaving Asher to just lean against his blade as if it were a walking stick the tall Faunus clapping a little bit impressed. "Damn the four of us already make a great team hopefully they keep Is all paired up" he'd comment before noticing the forest and tree line.. and all the grim. Hefting the blade onto his shoulder in one smooth movement looking down at Tiffany he'd just smile softly. "Yeah she's right let's just get a move on" he'd look around for the mysterious guy before speaking up. "You got any idea what ways not into the jaws of more grim or?"
There Shin'ya sat, in the dislocated jaw of a decomposing Taijitu, its death assured but its body not faltering in its determination to take her with it. Her aura long depleted, and her body's functional energy and blood both gradually passing out of her as well. This was not how it would end, before her journey even began. She would not give up here, even in this most dire moment. Shoko Okabe had survived worse. Her daughter would as well. Bracing herself as if in a crashing vehicle, she wrapped her arms around her knees and curled up, doing what little she could to minimise the impending impacts on her body. The body that others called frail to be polite, malformed when they thought she wasn't listening...

And then salvation came, in slicing steel and burning light.

The plum-haired boy extracted her limp body just in time for the knight to utterly demolish the black head, an act of methodical and vast destruction that would put an end to the creature as a whole. Despite her resolve to survive, up until a moment ago Shin'ya had faced the very real possibility that she would have died.

And so something like...relief welled up inside her.

"Thank you..." She hissed as the boy set her by a tree, and bandaged her with part of his shirt. She had her objections to that, but held her tongue for a moment. It was common for hunters working in teams to have the leader, or a designated member, carry a basic supply of medicines and first aid materials in case of the most dire situations where aura could not be brought to bear for defense. Even more important if a hunter was working all on their own. Even a cotton pad and a good few loops of gauze bandage would do her better than a torn, sweaty shirt. Alas, they had not had time to prepare for this.

Alas, there was no time to rest. Shin'ya couldn't close her eyes just yet.

She wobbled to her feet, still leaning slightly on her tree. With the twist of a valve, a bit of water vapor blew out from above her nose as the seal holding her respirator to her face loosened, and she raised her voice, barking hoarsely to make absolutely sure her prospective teammates would hear.

"Major threat's down! We need to get out of here NOW, regroup with the rest of the class. Before they overrun us..." Her breath ran out towards the end, and she wheezed like a balloon losing its last bit of air.

Pumpkid Pumpkid Talathel Talathel Zenritch Zenritch

Autumn Blaze
getimg_ai_img-oBhx8pgNep59ZsMrdjvhm (1).jpg
Location: Haven Forest
Mood: Calm
Interactions: DistractionAttack DistractionAttack Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Megilagor Megilagor

Autumn grits his teeth as he pulls hard on the chains bound to the Goliath. The savior to Asher and Autumn’s predicament came when Felix performed sets of attacks to keep the Goliath still. Autumn even caught Felix’s wink nearly causing the lad to nearly let go of the reigns. Any action could cause another wave of grimm to swarm to rescue the alpha after all the work Autumn put into it. He had no idea why he chose to restrain the beast but knew that the Goliath was a major problem. Its size, movements, and even its cries were all signs of disaster. So when Felix gave it his all moving like a graceful acrobatic and ending the grimm where Tiffany left a weak point. It would have been easier if Autumn could have taken it down by facing it but the other problem was his fear kept him from being too bold even if at the moment he was valiant.

The weight of the elephant dissolved upon its demise. Autumn can feel his weapon loosen and fall with nothing to hold on to. He let out a heavy sigh of relief. All of that adrenaline suddenly washed away as he fell on his bum. Beads of sweat cascade down his temple as he catches his breath. His hand felt a burning sensation from gripping the chains of his pendulum. The alpha was down, and they were safe for now. He looks over at Asher and smiles. ”Thanks.” He said breathlessly. He picks himself off the ground and dusts the dirt off of his bottom before retrieving Jack-O-Lantern back to his belt.

Felix trotted up to them with a praise of which Autumn was not accustomed to. His parents would ruffle his hair and tell him he did well, but they were over mild things. This was about overcoming his fear of helping those in need. He did it without realizing it. He went blank and did his job as a huntsman due to the rush he had. Fear was one heck of a drug, especially when the ninja guy threatened him. Autumn gulped hard on that vague memory before returning to reality. His heart fluttered with contentment. He even scratched his cheek as it heated into a rosy hue. ”Thank you. We’re okay, but-” Autumn holds Felix’s hands, eyes become alight, and stars can be seen in them. ”-you were so much better and cuter out there. You were like an adorable flame of fire ready to rain down on our enemies. You’re so freakin’ awesome~!”

Autumn swayed like a fool, hearts hovering above him over the fact that he was in their presence. His attention is then drawn to Tiffany. He stupidly forgot about the sweet girl. Autumn nodded in affirmation to Tiffany’s question. ”Are you?” He asked back. Felix proceeded to give them a show by calling his weapons back to him. It was an incredible power, one not meant to be messed with. Simply wishing for something and making it happen. The question is what is the limit? He can guess it was a semblance and eventually weaken, but over time Felix can be a force to reckon with. Magic is what Tiffany mumbled. It would indeed be that.

The orange-haired teen then hugs Tiff and clings to her with crocodile tears. ”I’m sorry! I’m pathetic. You were in danger and I almost let you get killed. I didn’t mean to. I promise I will be better.” He sniffled and turned to the woods. Now that the Goliath was down, their next objective was to get out of there. Autumn wipes his tears and stands back up looking around and also attaching himself to Asher. ”I’m no hunter, but if I remember what my brother told me. The way out would be forward.” Autumn realized just how worthless the information was. Of course, the answer is to move straight. The question is where. He hung his head in dejected. ”Sorry. Saying it loud I realize that’s not helpful.”


  • XIX.

    The Sun

    Felix Baker

    Haven Entrance

    Pumpkid Pumpkid Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3


designed by bad ending & coded by xayah.ღ

Felix responding to autumn gave him a big smile and took his hand sheepishly, seeing the obvious infatuation he wanted to see how high he could fan the flames. “I’m perfectly fine thanks to you.” This moment was brief as Felix ended it with a wink and slid his hand away as he walked away to the middle of the clearing. “I agree we should get out but no idea how, navigation isn’t my strong suit but I can try a few things.” Felix proceeded to do all sorts of survival tricks he heard about on videos. Checking wind directions and the placement of the sun on the ground listening for sounds of running water. He also looked to the sky to see if the airship had crashed if so there would be black smoke coming from a direction. “Alright so it’s about morning-ish so the sun should be almost the top of the sky moved off to the side because it’s still morning so it’s in the east. So knowing that if I face this way. This is north so any stream would be flowing towards that direction. Based on the wind moving west to east I can tell the grimm came from the west, so that’s a no go and since civilization is built further away from grimm. I’d say we walk Northeast it’s our safest bet I could probably gather more clues while walking.”

He started to proceed in the direction he previous stated. “Come along everyone big man stay in the back. Red haired cutie and glasses will stay in the middle single file. We can’t have them getting picked off, Optional but you can hold hands so we don’t get separated.” He spoke still in a sweet voice but had a more commanding presence. They walked for a bit in that direction without Issue, Felix would periodically take out one of his Stars and slash the tree to mark where they have been every 10 trees. In case they backtrack they knew where to go. Luckily while walking he could see shoeprints heading in the same direction and followed those. Now he had some sort of idea where he was going. Marks of the trees same as him along with shoeprints, he knew they were way closer eventually arriving on a trail. Felix sighed relief as now his brain can relax. “Not much further now this trail is our last stretch.” He encouraged everyone with a smile walking on the trail practically skipping as he was ready to lay down and sleep.
Hidden scrolls.
Anya Borealis

"One last explosive arrow. Gonna make it count." Anya said to herself taking out her last explosive dust arrow, after this, she will only have her hard light arrows though they don't hit as well or deal as much damage. Anya put the arrow onto the bow, she wanted to make it count, so she went with a method she rarely used due to its lack of accuracy though its power was well known to her. So she placed her foot onto the bow's frame and with both hands on the drawstring of the bow she extended her leg as far as she could while pulling the drawstring as close to her chest as she could while infusing pretty much all the aura she had left in herself into the arrow.

She then began aiming and awaiting the perfect moment to finish off the Alpha Grimm, with Dinah holding the Grimm relatively still, Nahlia chopping off the Alpha's leg, and Carlisle chopping off its arm and keeping it still by freezing it mostly in place, Anya didn't have that hard of a job aiming at a nearly still target. Having said that Anya called out to Dinah before releasing the arrow. "Get away from its head, 'cause shrapnel is incoming!"
Having said that Anya released the arrow and let it fly, the recoil on the shot sent her bow flying up above her which eventually fell on her own head, but that wasn't important right now, what was, was the arrow. The arrow flew slightly off its course but with the use of Anya's semblance she corrected the flight path of the arrow and struck the Grimm in its open mouth.
Just before the arrow hit its mark she yelled to others. "Duck!"

Once the arrow hit a ball of ice covered the inside of the Alpha Beowolf's mouth forcing it to remain open, before an explosion happened inside his mouth causing some damage but the nail in the metaphorical coffin was the ball of ice that broke apart into shards and flew in all the directions with enough speed to pierce the Alpha Grimm's body in various places. Its head burst open from various ice shards trying to exit its body, ending with its head looking like an ice spike pin cushion before the Grimm slowly turned to dust.

As the Alpha Grimm turned to dust Anya was hit by her bow falling down, so she rubbed her head and placed the weapon on her back while saying. "Let's get out of here."


Aura color: Apple Green #61D242
Location: Somewhere in Haven forest
Interaction: Karcen Karcen MangoGoGo MangoGoGo , November Witch November Witch
Mood: Happy, worried, in pain
Theme songs: Theme song 1 - White Fang Time , Theme song 2 - Current time

Corrosi would simply clap form his perch watching on at the group of students fighting the Alpha, all of them seemed to work together well enough and frankly he didn't have all that much to comment on in regards to that.. after all the first was howling.. it wasn't any times for jokes or witty comments buuuuuut he could help it even if it was entirely inappropriate for the situation, he'd drop down form his perch with a cheesy grin upon his face finally making his presence known too the group. "well good work on your entrance exam next test~ not dying part too" he'd say jokingly pointing toward the treeline and the growling from within. "skipping most of the pleasantries Im Corrosi one of your teacher if you'd rather not fight few thousand grim I suggest you keep up" he'd add giving the students a few moments to orientate themselves after there battle before making his way towards the school as fast as he could without loosing track of the group, till the eventually came too a trail leading out of the dense woods and towards the safety of the school ground. "well then certainly one of the more eventful orientation days though not the most there was the punch incident" Corrosi mused aloud not elaborating on what the punch incident was.
Hidden scrolls.
Mizu Mifune
Mizu was focused on culling the pack off by using his two shotguns not having a moment to look at the group of kids fighting the Alpha Grimm of theirs, though he could hear them and from what he inferred from it they managed to beat it. After shooting down a few of the Grimm down and clearing a small window to see in the direction of the kids Mizu yelled out. "Just go to Haven kids, I will clean up here and follow you shortly." But when he looked in their direction he saw them already moving the correct way towards Haven, in a neat albeit battered formation.
"Gotta give it to the kids, they have their heads on their shoulders when it matters." Mizu said to himself, as he shot a Grimm who wanted to take a bite out of his back.

A small dance of dust and bullets later Mizu cleaned himself a path to the katana part of his weapon, he picked them up swiftly and secured them on his back in an X pattern. With a bit of acrobatics, Mizu maneuvered himself onto one of the nearby trees, there he took out a small parcel from his clothes. "Wanted to give it to the other teachers but might as well use it." He said to himself as he threw the parcel towards the herd of Grimm, shooting at it just as it was falling into them. What followed next was a big explosion of steam, creating a thick steamy veil around the Grimm. Making it hard for them to rely on their senses to find anything really for those short few minutes. In the meantime though Mizu like some kind of ninja weeaboo, maneuvered across the tree tops moving in the direction of Haven, hearing the auto gun turrets fire in the distance was somewhat relieving, despite its meaning of Grimm encroaching on their territory.

The road Mizu took was the most direct one and a fast one at that, albeit a few stray attacks from other groups of kids, or Grimm for that matter would sometimes fly by him, nearly hitting him, but he did not care. Having eventually arrived at the flat plain field outside the Haven Academy land, Mizu jumped off the tree tops some way behind the kids he just helped, despite the fact Mizu's legs hated him for how much work he put in today he didn't want to show any weakness to the kids so he leaned against the nearest taller than him thing that was there, and spoke up to them.
"Good seeing you found your way here Kiddos. Welcome to Haven Academy and the Huntsman lifestyle. Better get used to it while in the academy, 'cause here we can at least help you."


Aura color: 水 Mizu #81C7D4
Subject: Semblance Mastery
Interactions: Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , DistractionAttack DistractionAttack Pumpkid Pumpkid
Location: Forest near Haven


Last edited:




Clearing > Haven Academy

Albeit battered, the snow leopard faunus gave a final hiss as they finished off the King Taijitu, her tail lashing slightly as she let it remain unwound from her hips. She would hide her other appendages when they got closer to the school. Worry flashed in her icy gaze as she watched Shin'ya and Liserian finish the job. She had been perched in a tree, her eyes sharply pinpointing weaker non-alpha grimm and she kept herself busy keeping them away with her arrows. The explosive distance weapon proved useful for that reason before she jumped down. Landing in a crouched position before standing, eyes studying the group carefully.

"You guys alright?" Her soft tone was light and barely audible as she approached the group carefully. Her movements were fluid like the cat species she was a part of. Her eyes flickered to Ilyas, ears pricking forward carefully before she felt the stinging sensation come alive once more - giving a hiss of pain as she flattened her ears into her hair once more - the black and ivory fur blending easily into her two-toned hair. Her long tail flicked side-to-side before she allowed it to curl around her waist once more. Hallelujah, things were finishing up and they could continue on their way to the school. She was exhausted and her muscles ached painfully.

She could feel her aura was dangerously low, her body trembling slightly with exertion before she forced the pain behind a steely gaze and grit her teeth, forcing herself to move onwards with the team she had worked alongside. "Let's keep heading towards the school." She could deal with her injuries when she got to a place where she could take off her top, the corset made it difficult to mess with the wound on her arm and she wanted to deal with her ears someplace safe - those appendages being the most sensitive. Her fangs glinted slightly as she let her more cat-like characteristics (the ones that could) fade away - fingernails returning to dull human-like ones and almost appearing fully human as she kept her pain hidden from obvious observations. Her tense legs shook ever so lightly with the adrenaline fading and she badly wanted her bag so she could get a new bandana, the effort of pinning her ears back hurting her scalp immensely.


♡design by sirnateunknown, coded by uxie♡
Mare Orcinus
As intended the extra each from wielding Argo as a spear allowed Mare to remain clear of any telling blows from the Major's paws no matter how much she infuriated it with her thrusts despite being unable to cause any serious harm. Thankfully Azura was onboard with keeping the smaller Grimm distracted though the distinct lack of gunfire left Mare curious about her methods especially since it even seemed to be affecting the Major.

At the opposite end of helpfulness was the hulking faunus who flatly refused to engage in any sort of teamwork and instead wandered off to hit random smaller Grimm. "Argh! Thickheaded blackguard." Mare growled out not caring if Red heard or not, maybe even hoping she did.

Yuppa at least wasn't inclined to argue and hacked at the Major's ankles until it's wild flailings forced her to retreat leaving the Grimm stumbling back and forth unsteadily. Risking a quick glance around Mare shortened Argo down to wield it as a sword once more she put extra weight behind a swing into the Major's face leaving spiderwebbing cracks across it's mask, backing away from it's fury she baited it towards a large fallen log yelling taunts as she went. "Come at me you lily-livered, yellow-bellied, poxy prick!" With a roar the Major reared up to it's full height abandoning trying to swipe at her and instead electing to try slamming it's entire weight down on top of her.

Reducing her own weight as far as she could Mare skipped aside to one end of the log as the Major fell onto the other launching her skyward as if on a cartoonishly exaggerated seesaw, up above Mare adjusted her aim then pushed her semblance to the other end of the spectrum and plummeted while swinging Argo forward sending her into a forward spin, with a thunderous crash the dazed Major and Mare vanished behind a cloud of dirt, moss and splinters.

For a moment the only movement that could be seen through the dust cloud the Ursa Major beginning to disintegrate starting from the pulverised remains of what had once been it's head and upper torso then a cough could be heard and a human shape shifted within. Making a visibly painful effort to walk tall Mare appeared brushing dirt from her hair with her free hand then wincing and rolling her shoulder. "A fine introduction to Haven, are we about done here?"

Karcen Karcen RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Table Table Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Bima Naranga Kurawa
Location: Forest near Haven
Interaction: MangoGoGo MangoGoGo Mirai-chan Mirai-chan GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 JuniperBoi JuniperBoi
Situation: Tired, low on Aura, feeling the adrenaline

Bhima's focus sharpened as he heard Jade's voice, her quick thinking a welcome aid. Feeling the tension in the Deathstalker’s tail, he used the almost severed appendage to his advantage. With a swift motion, he swung the partially detached tail around, aiming to block the Deathstalker’s left claw from reaching him.

As the claw slammed against the severed tail, Bhima swiftly let go of his remaining club. His large hands gripped the right pincer firmly, muscles straining with effort. Planting his sandal-covered foot onto the Deathstalker's armored head, he braced himself and began to pull hard against the massive claw, intent on holding it in place.

He remained calm, his voice steady as he kept his focus on the monstrous creature. "No time to run, we end this here." He said, still pulling with all his strength.

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