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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Vagabond Spectre

Seven Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The morning sun shines in the glass windows of the cool airship. Crisp air circulating the open vents and windows, mountains contoured by the sunlight, highlighting its majestic wind carved designs. Recent reports of Grimm all across Mistral have grown rampant than the few years back. Haven has prepared airships to transport students into Haven academy, school for aspiring huntsmen and huntresses. A new generation of students will take hold in the future of Mistral and perhaps all of remnant.

One airship carrying at least 5 teams worth of students. Is on its way back to Haven, the student's locations are varied, its flight path intricately traced from farthest student to pick up to nearest. There are provided long cushioned benches welded to the walls parallel to one another, One bathroom for the motion sick, large windows for sightseeing, and one large flat screen TV currently showing various segments.

In order
  • A morning news segment regarding dust mining "accident" Injuring 15 people, 2 dead, and 4 declared missing. The report was located northern part of Mistral. The representative for the dust company despite there face of distraught seems to know a little something more than what meets the eye.
  • A commercial about pumpkin petes cereal. New and improved recipe! For young Huntsmen and huntresses! (There is a rumored controversy of the cereal brand not being actually healthy to children.)
  • Another commercial promoting the tourism of the safest beaches in Vale. Lots of B rolls of nice cottages, white sand, happy faces and large well decorated sentry turrets.
  • Mistral's morning news returns with a talk show segment of a Mistral celebrity named Jules Wampert, a fashion entrepreneur who is plugging their new clothes line series of Cardigans infused with water dust, giving a gentle glow on the wearer. The whole interview feels
  • The news announces that Amity colosseum gets a new makeover. A shorter news segment about how the kingdoms agreement on the skyborne arena getting new artificial biomes and improved accessible gravity dust stabilizers. End of news.

The student's luggage are in the cargo hold. Students only have their weapons and maybe a smaller bag for their more portable belongings. Scrolls are not yet provided.

The estimated arrival time to Haven is 20 minutes away.

Theophany Elpida
Location: Argus > flight to Haven Academy
Interactions: None

Rising before the sun. The girl is already outside her home, a violet trolley travel bag at her side. Destiny is stuffed into a soft pink backpack, sticking out like an antenna. Her amethyst colored eyes widened in awe of an airship descending down in front of her. There it is, the airship to Haven. The school she had took a year to prepare to.

"C'mon kid, I don't got all day." A buzzing speaker with a voice of an old man spoke through the window.

It took her a few seconds to move herself. before her cheeks turned pink while climbing up the ramp with haste, her head staring at the white polished floor trying to save her embarrassment of being recognized as person of easily amused by an airship she has seen every now and then over head. The airship takes off, whirring mechanics and air pushing back against the concrete, its wings spread as it flies vertically higher. Giving a small wave goodbye to Argus. Now she waits anxiously on board with other teenage folks who each have their own stories and specialties on board.

Immediately taking a seat from the right side of the ship. Sitting alone with the backpack on her lap. Out in one of the pockets is a BLT sandwich, taking a big chomp. Crunchy bacon and lettuce audible from munching it.

  • click here


    Valerie Halla

    Carlisle Thyme

♡design by miyabi, coded by uxie♡

Carlisle adjusted the strap from his single backpack never once taking his eyes off his hand held. He was allowed to keep his weapons on him and one small pack while the rest of his luggage was put away safely within the giant airship that was currently being boarded by other students of Haven. A sound of a family saying their farewells caught his attention for a moment giving them a quick glance before looking back at his own phone. Unsurprisingly, the only text he received in the last couple of hours was one from his uncle that read, “Knock ‘em dead, kid, I’m rooting for you!’ but nothing from his mom or dad ‘Probably too busy...as usual.’ He thought to himself knowing full well that wasn’t the case. He shoves his phone back in his pocket and returned his attention back to his handheld, “now on to important business...How should I build Red for this raid...” without another thought he walked into the airship.

The air was electric, students both nervous and excited walked to and fro getting to know each other and building relationships or something lame like that, Carlisle on the other hand, was doing something important; The raid with Red didn’t work out so now he was trying it with Black and it was working out well but whoever this ‘NoraBoop’ user was; was making some rookie mistakes and making the raid harder than it was. It was ok, the raid was still clearable. Carlisle leaned forward getting into his “gamer stance” and began pulling maneuvers only pro Eclipsed GRIMM players could pull off. The enemy had only 5% life left and Carlisle decided to go in for the kill, he stunned the boss and dodged its tail getting it down to only 2% HP and just before he was able to hit his ult, big bold words suddenly appeared in his screen and the screen went black.


Carlisle sat in stunned silence, “But...Wait...What?” the screen went back to the online lobby where six user names sat and a single message appeared before the party was disbanded.


Carlisle sighed and sat back in his seat. He spent weeks on this raid, and he almost cleared it! But someone had to ruin it. He decided to give his eyes a break and looked around the hull seeing the many faces and races of the new students readying for their new lives. He locked eyes with a couple of them and just gave them a nod, a sudden nervousness took hold of him I hope that didn’t just give some of them permission to come talk to me...
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  • XIX.
    The Sun

    Felix Baker




designed by bad ending & coded by xayah.ღ

Felix was making sure to prep as much as possible before his first day. Sitting in front of a standing mirror for hours, he fixes his hair meticulously nothing out of place. Picking his outfit it had to be perfect, white button up with pink knitted sweater. Yes please plus contrasting little bag to store little item adorable. He was excited so excited he didn’t sleep adrenaline still pumping through his body. This was a big moment but not he can’t take everything with him on this journey. Sadly in vain he tried to pack everything that wasn’t nailed down only getting one suitcase full of clothes and miscellaneous items. He couldn’t take his precious plants, oh the horror, the tragedy. Felix would slip a small potted plant into his luggage bag despite it being a bad idea.

Walking downstairs he hugged his mother goodbye while asking her to keep an eye on his plants while he was gone. He gave a reassuring smile to her before heading out the door. On the way out he grabs the hilts of Shooting Star and puts them under his pink knitted jacket. Both the metallic hilts sitting snug as they were very compact when sheathe.

Felix stood outside waiting for the airship nonchalantly fixing the pastel blue bag around his shoulder. Soon he would spot it after not waiting long, chills going down his spine as it comes to pick him up. “Freedom Awaits” He softly whispered his body tingling as it lands and opens up to him. Quickly without a second thought he hops in with glee a charming smile on his face. His eyes scanning all the interesting people he will be soon spending his time with. He placed his luggage into the holding area as instructed being as gentle with it as possible cause of his plant inside. Happily although calmly he strolled over to the nearest seat, holding his head in his hands as he tried to calm himself his nerves going everywhere. He’s trying to hard to get under control if he was home he would so be kicking his feet right now.

Autumn Blaze
getimg_ai_img-oBhx8pgNep59ZsMrdjvhm (1).jpg
Location: Blaze Estate--->Airship
Mood: Nervous
Interactions: Tiff Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

Autumn stared at the rustling of the oak trees in his backyard. His brother, Aki had a clear view of the entire garden, his favorite place in the estate where they could train, and admire nature even with compact buildings surrounding them. ”It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? Perfect to set out on a journey.” Aki's relaxed tone snaps Autumn out of his trance. He seemed confused at first then recalled today is the first time he will be studying abroad to be a better person and break out of his fear of Grimm.
The dejected expression on Autumn’s face was not what Aki expected. ”Come on, lighten up! This is supposed to be exciting. Aki pats his younger brother’s back with a heavy force that could knock the wind out of anyone.

Autumn grunted on impact. His mind remained unconvinced. ”Yeah, for you and the rest of the family. I’ll be out of everyone’s hair.” Autumn hung his head and started falling into his depressing rants. ”How could you be so cheerful after what I did to you?”

Aki rolled his eyes and groaned out, ”quit beating yourself up about that. You were a scared kid who wasn’t ready to face Grimm. Nobody is upset except for you. There was a pause as he remembered the one other person, but preferred not to kill the mood by mentioning him. ”Besides, you’re going to school to learn how to be a huntsman, right? It will be a lot safer than Dad’s teachings. So chin up. You’re making the right decision. I know you got what it takes to be a huntsman.” Since the accident, Aki has kept an eye on Autumn training night and day, with his weapons, but the kid lacked confidence. It is something he needs to experience while he’s away. Aki ruffles the teen’s hair. ”No more sulking. Now, go out there and make the Blaze family proud, hot-shot.” Aki laughed finally making Autumn perk up.

Aki was the last person Autumn had to bid farewell to until he realized his twin was actually the last one. He crossed paths with Auburn. His stoic eyes baring into his made Autumn feel nervous. They haven’t been on good terms since the incident. ”A-Auburn, I’m glad to see you. I…I’m heading out.”

”To fail, you mean?” There it is, the bashing. ”I feel sorry for the people that have to deal with you. Whatever, good riddance to have you gone I say.” Auburn huffs, sticking his nose in the air as he walks past his twin. Autumn sighed heavily unable to defend himself. Auburn was the only one willing to call him out while his family pretended like everything is ok. It’s the reason he can’t fight his twin back. In some way, he is part of his subconscious telling him the harsh truth. With a heavy heart and a sigh, Autumn proceeds to pack up his belongings in his room.

His mother was embarrassed, unwilling to let him go. At least she was kind enough to send him with a box of riceballs and cakes to share with friends if he ever made any. As he stood by waiting for the airship, Autumn began to have second thoughts. He was so close to bailing when the ship came. Just looking at the thing had him in awe until he was yelled at for dawdling. A messenger bag and luggage in hand are all he carried as well as his weapons. Inside the boy is amazed at the crowd of kids just like him nervous or eager to start their adventure. If only he could feel the same. No! He had to. There is no turning back.

Autumn takes a deep breath and takes a random seat beside a girl with a sandwich. His eyes scanned a variety of kids chatting away or sitting by their lonesome until they arrived at their destination. Green eyes turn to a blonde, petite girl. ”Hello, is this your first time on a ship?” Why did he just ask that? Small talk maybe? Why though? ”Nice sandwich. Is it ham?” Again, Autumn mentally slapped himself. He was probably destroying his reputation already by being a fool. It’s only a matter of time before he’s deemed a clown. He takes one glance at the blonde finding her appearance adorable.

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Location: Mistral > Flight to Haven Academy
Mood: Excitement
Interactions: None

Bhima stood at the edge of the dock, eyes wide with awe as the massive airship loomed before him. The sleek metal frame, the low hum of the engines, and the way it floated effortlessly in the air were a far cry from the simple boats he was used to back on Lanka Island. His heart raced with a mix of excitement and relief as he adjusted the strap on his pack. This was it.

The night before Bhima’s departure, the Kurawa family and villagers threw a lively celebration in his honor. The feast was filled with laughter, music, and his favorite foods, all lovingly prepared by Raka and others. His two elder sisters, who often butted heads, both showed their pride and offered words of encouragement. The younger siblings were a mix of excitement and reluctance, their attempts to calm the two eldest adding to the lively atmosphere. It was a heartfelt farewell, filled with hope and unity, setting a positive tone for Bhima’s upcoming adventure at Haven Academy.

The journey to Mistral hadn’t been easy. Weeks on foot had tested him in ways he hadn’t expected. He fought off small groups of Grimm and a handful of bandits, but he knew when to retreat. The armored Grimm and larger bandit tribes were formidable, and while he was brave and strong, he was smart enough to run when needed. Using his wits to escape danger, he understood that strength alone wasn’t always enough.

Now, standing here, it felt like all the hardship had been worth it. He had made it to Mistral, the city closest to Haven Academy, and boarding the airship meant he was one step closer to his dream.

Bhima glanced around at the other students, many of whom were fiddling with their advanced weapons—mechashift swords, spears, and axes, all transforming and folding with intricate designs. He couldn’t help but smile as he looked down at the two massive, meter-long wooden clubs strapped to his back. Though they were impressive in size, they were actually exercise tools he used for weightlifting. While others had advanced tech and fancy gear, he relied on these simple but effective tools. Maybe, he thought, he’d get a chance to try out mechashift weapons himself later on.

Grinning to himself, Bhima thought of his family, Lanka Island, and the promises he made. With a deep breath, he reminded himself to take it one step at a time. First, he had to get to Haven. Then, the real journey would begin.
Shin'ya's breath was measured as she leaned against a guardrail in the cabin of the airship, her breath steady thanks to her long training that pushed her frail body to its limit time and time again. That and the respirator covering her face from the nose down, quietly hissing with each exhalation. A knot threatened to form instinctively in her stomach at the thought of falling backwards through the glass, but her practiced calm kept it down.

Last night, Shin'ya and Aunty Yuuka had triple and quadruple-checked everything she needed before an early sleep, which amounted to a few changes of clothes, several essential books covering history, geography, and the traditions and laws surrounding hunters. And of course, Raimei, disassembled and stored carefully in a case that sat in the duffle bag that hung off her shoulder and across her back.

She took her measure of the other aspirants, dressed and equipped in the eclectic styles of the people of Mistral. She wondered...how many of them would remain till graduation. Some no doubt sought fame and fortune, but personal gain could not always sustain the conviction of a hunter. Others joined out of a perceived obligation or duty, and might persevere well enough. But...how many of them were like her, driven by devotion to a cause, a cause like avenging someone's honor?

Nevertheless, any one of them might end up being her teammate. She knew how it worked.

She noticed a boy who was paying rapt attention to a device in his hand that was apparently delivering him some unpleasant news, given his distraught response. Was that his scroll?

Quietly, she padded over to him, resuming her leaning posture a couple feet away. "Are you...feeling tense? It's alright to be nervous..." The respirator had a negligible effect on her voice, and she generally had no trouble making herself understood.

MangoGoGo MangoGoGo
Mood: Uhhhh? Nervous?
Location: Mistral > On flight to Haven Academy
Interactions/Mentions: NONE

Momiji by standards was..... well okay Momiji. Standing there watching countless other students entering the large airship on its way towards her school. While underneath her oversized coat with one hand holding onto her backpack, she gazed out ahead, uncertain and nervous about what was to come and countlessly noting different weapons aboard and their colors. Hours earlier, Momiji and her sister had helped her repeatedly to ensure that all her stuff was accounted for.... Including some extra books and whatever else that Momiji needed. And her older brother, Noel had decided to accompany her to Mistral, Since well you know, he's been there before. Anywho, She was glad for her weapon to be allowed with her as.... uh carrying a Violin case wouldn't make things a little less... um odd with Momiji in terms of her appearance. Right now she was just in her thoughts a wee bit uncertain.

"H...! Ea...!"

She flinched at the loud voice calling out to her name with this Goat Faunus jumping back several inches out of surprise, only to see her older brother. With his wavy short blond hair and curled horns, his green eyes flickered with amusement. Dressed in his usual jacket, T-shirt, cargo shorts and workboots, with his hammer in one hand was her older brother... Noel. "Woah! Easy there, You don't need to jump Miji." He said snickering lightly. Her eyes lowered for a moment staring silently at her older brother annoyed slightly. "You know that was out of line, Noel."

"Well, at least it got your mind out of the clouds, hehe."

That stare grew even worse, The elder brother sweatdropped and he dropped his weapon a bit. "I-i mean! Seriously! Miji, no need to get worked up with your stare." Noel frantically replied his hands doing every single random gesture with his hands as he felt that stare going toward his soul. Man was Momiji's stares a bit unsettling at times. "Besides, Aren't you excited to be going to Haven!? I mean you're going to be far away from Vale." Noel asked with excitement in his eyes, and he got close to his sister. "Alas, My dear little sister is finally going to become a Huntress, I'm so proud!" He answered while exaggeratingly gesturing to the sky with tears in his eyes.

Momiji felt herself getting a little uneasy, as she kinda scooted away silently and didn't know that Noel noticed. Momiji here wasn't used to many people much less in a place she doesn't even know and she was literally in a whole other kingdom at that."Hey, Hey! You're getting nervous aren't you." ah, Curses Haruki saw through her.... somewhat impassive expression. emerald met forest green pair of eyes, Noel softly smiled. "Don't worry, first day jitters will pass, you'll see, I'm sure Akagi would be proud of you for deciding to go to Haven."

At the mention of their eldest brother, a subtle flicker of sadness hinted in Momiji's eyes, she gave a small nod. "I miss Akagi." She murmured, loud enough for Noel to hear. "I do too, But at least you got something of his." He gestures to her coat with a small smile. "Sometimes I want to take that coat!" He pounced playfully in attempt to grab the sleeve of Momiji's coat but the younger sibling just stepped out of the way, watching him fall.

"Watch your step big brother." She answered, her smile hidden by the collar of her coat. In response, the elder brother gave a slight groan and gotten up grabbing his hammer in the process. "Well you better be off, Momiji, It seems they're about to leave soon." He advised with a happy look. She made a small nod and moved off, towards the Airship.

"Good luck Miji!"

She heard him called out after her, and momentarily stopped to catch him waving at her. Today was going to be something, she just knew it as she climbed into the Airship. Silently glancing at her fellow future possible teammates and allies, One small step for Momiji, One large leap towards the future as a Huntress.
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Kylie Cantrall


Vacuo > Flight to Haven Academy



Mercury-dipped silver blue orbs shone brightly as the hidden Snow Leopard Faunus carefully made her way across rooftops. Her long white & black hair shimmered with each movement as the silky strands moved with her movements. A silver bow was slung over a shoulder and around her neck a necklace of amazonite shaped like a crescent moon glittered delicately. The girl leaped down and sighed as she boarded the flight, her ears (though pinned under the scarf of turquoise & silver she wore) picked up the sounds of other students arriving at the ship.

A soft groan escaped her lips as she entered the ship, finding herself a nice quiet corner near a window and sitting down. Laying her precious Star's Diamond across her lap. Ashryn hummed softly as she felt the ship rise, knowing very well her future relied on her acing entrance and also managing to find a team so she could become a huntress. The faunus felt her bag next to her, fingers brushing against the circlet that lay hidden under a cloak. Ryn had decided to wear some more casual clothes than she usually did. Settling for a gorgeous white and turquoise combat skirt (which her tail blended nicely with as a belt), white heeled boots, stunning bodice that was turquoise and white (though the white was more silver and it was all floral patterns that danced over her bodice). Her hair was down in soft waves and piercing orbs were scanning the ship carefully before gazing outside. The scarf on her head was tied like a bandanna, hiding her snow-leopard ears from view. She was finally on her way ... her dream to become the best huntress she could ever be was starting today.


♡design by sirnateunknown, coded by uxie♡
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Mare Orcinus
Taking a last deep breath of the chill sea air Mare glanced at the precariously laden trolley carrying her considerable amount of luggage trundling onto the airship. "Hope you have a pleasant flight ma'am." Turning away from the airship she refocused her attention on the captain of the Orcinus Shipping vessel she had travelled this far to Argus on, giving him tight smile Mare scoffed lightly in amusement. "Hmph that'll be the day." The captain chuckled in return twitching his otter tail, the voyage from Vacuo had been more than enough time to learn about her aversion to air travel. "Well break a leg anyway and show those Mistrali how we do it in Vacuo!" Mare snapped a joking salute. "Aye aye captain."

Onboard the airship Mare's good mood at the send-off didn't last leaving her prowling the deck like a caged animal, catching herself she sighed and stopped by the window watching the land passing by below wishing there was at least some way to get out on deck and feel the wind in her hair.
Hidden scrolls.
Anya Borealis

Anya arose before the crack of dawn from her little apartment she managed to get in Vale her lease ending the very next day. Because Anya lived alone, and on what little money he had from her various jobs or her stealing attempts, throughout the years. With some hours ahead of her till she would be picked up by the airship, she packed herself in a few duffle bags she had lying around. With an old radio playing some music over its sound of static, Anya danced as she packed her things, from left to right, till she heard someone knock on her door.
She turned down the radio and opened the door, it was her landlady, she had some food in tupperwares made for Anya so she had something to eat on her journey to Haven Academy.

The old lady was quite a nice landlady, Anya had been renting this small room in her attic for a long time now, often missing rent or being a bit short a few times, but Granny was never mad, she was always understanding and taking care of Anya like she was her own grandchild. Anya gratefully received the meals from her and hugged her one last time before she had to go to Haven.
After some small talk with Granny, as Anya packed, they shared one last meal before Anya gave Granny the key to the room. After that, she left for her flight to Haven.

The long walk to the airship was quite nice all in all, she was able to wash off some of her excitement to not appear like a kid in a candy shop when everything was free. When she arrived at the airship she gave most of her duffle bags to the airship staff, leaving herself with only one duffle bag, that contained her necessities, the food from the Granny in tupperware, and most of all the smaller trinkets she had from those she cared about and last but not least her weapon and maintenance kit for it. She sat in one of the corner seats, with her favorite caramelized apple slices, especially those from Granny since she often cut them into little bunnies. So with the container of them to her side, she placed her duffle bag beneath her feet and took out her Knight’s Star, and began to tinker with it fastening the screws, oiling the where the weapon was supposed to move and all that. While talking under the nose.
“You can do this Anya, this was your dream for a few years now. You don’t need to go back to them.”


Aura color: Apple Green #61D242
Location: Vale ->Inside Airship heading to Haven Academy
Interaction: None
Mood: Excited, a bit tired - couldn't sleep from excitement.

Theme songs: Theme song 1 - White Fang Time , Theme song 2 - Current time


Asher cobalt
tall Figure dragged a huge case behind him 3 foot wide and 5 foot tall whatever it was seemed to be oversized but the Raquel massive male tugged it along with no problem alongside his other two bag anyone would think he was overpacking but to Asher was just precautionary, all the stuff he needed for tinkering should he be allowed too and well considering he could bring it all he didn’t see why not. Of course this was to the surprise of the some of the airship crew having to load the damn whatever it was into the cargo hold Asher shaking his head a little bit huge gun sword cannon thing casually leaning on his shoulders something he refused to leave in the cargo hold citing possible damage and theft much to the confusion the porters. Thought mostly because Asher didn’t bother with his last name, tended to attract some attention with what his family did and alot of questions or request.. hard to catch a break sometimes but hey such was life.

Once on the airship Asher would find a spot to sit down polishing rag and oil next to him he occupied himself worn the maintenance of the blade, and standing out like a sore thumb tail flicking behind him as he hummed a tune too himself hopefully they’d get there sooner rather then later
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Dinah "Vi" Ashford
Location: the forest
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor

The first day of school was apprently a big deal, Dinah wouldn't know this was her first school ever. Well not ever but she couldn't remember much outside of the 3 nights of hell she had been through. Still she was pretty sure she had been to sone kind of school. So it might be better to say this was her first day of school she could renember. Her father had decided to bring in tutors to help her catch up after he learned his pet cat wasn't a cat. Really he was a great guy when you thought about it few people took surprise teen daughters well. They didn't take normal teen daughters well in the first place, or teens at all. Dinah has actully been on the air ship before the other students, her dad being a teacher needed to head up early and oddly leaving a cat home alone was easier than leaving a daughter home alone. Dinah really didn't get the change despite the years she had been working on getting normal things. Well at least he wouldn't need to commute as much anymore.

On the ship as the new students got on Dinah watched in the form of a black cat hidden away from sight. Dinah didn't need to hide or be a cat in fact she really shouldn't be one right now, but she was oddly nervous. Dinah didn't know anyone and just had TV dramas to off so maybe it was just the expectations. Getting nervous always had her cat habits flare up and even get to the point she was at now. She needed a way to destress and as she watched students she saw the answer.

Once long ago Dinah had played with another faunus, though Dinah had been a cat at the time, and who should she see but a white fox faunus. While the chances were low ir was Anya Dinah had a gut feeling. Following the faunus who was likely Anya Dinah would get a good lookat her face and confirm it that was her. She had gotten cute, Dinah was sure she was cuter but Anya had grown she was a white fang member so maybe that was a good way to say who she was as Dinah needed to reveal she wasn't a cat to her old friend.

Dinah waiting for Anya to sit down before shelved in with her semblance. She would become a mist that quickly moved over Anya's lap before becoming adark skinned girl with purple hair golden eyes and cat wars. " Hey Anya how's my favorite fanged fox? " she half said half asked realizing calling Anya white fang might be bad people didn't like them. As Dinah laid on Anyas lap sge reached back under her abd pulled up the box of apple slices " Your friends give thos to you? They mist be nicer than people say if they did? "
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IMG_0207.jpeg Emile Forrest
Location: Airship to Haven Academy

Interactions: N/A

Mentions: N/A

Emile woke up with the sun in his eyes, a not-so pleasant way to start the day. He looked at the calendar to see that today was the day that he’ll attend Haven Academy. He quickly got himself cleaned up and rushed downstairs where his mother was waiting for him.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty. I take it slept well?” She said with a small grin.

Emile only had a unamused look on his face as he sat down next to the table. “Didn’t I tell you to wake me up early so that I don’t miss the airship to Haven?”

“Relax my little trickster, the airship won’t arrive for awhile. Until then, you’ll have plenty of time to eat breakfast.” She then served him a stack of pancakes with the top one being decorated with strawberry syrup that spells out “Good Luck”. Emile cringed a bit but he would be lying if he didn’t appreciate the gesture.

After finishing his breakfast. He noticed his mom had placed a black case on the table. “Is that Widow and Weaver?”

“Yup. And with a few modifications and tweaks that make it Hunter ready. I’ve also included an instruction manual so you can properly do maintenance on it.” She says with a proud exclamation.

“Wow, she’s really excited about this.” Emile thought. He then checked his watch. “Crap. I gotta go soon.” He grabbed the case and the rest of his luggage. Before he could leave, he heard his mom clear her throat. He turned around to see his mom with her arm wide open. He sighed and gave her a hug.

“Go break a leg.”

Emile chuckled a bit. “Thanks, Ma. I probably will.” He then put on his spider hood and left his house.

As he walked through the village, he saw many faunus doing various jobs and activities. Some of them even greeted him. Of course being the only human in a village full of faunus would obviously get attention. But at least it was positive attention. One of the village children ran up to Emile. With a bag of apples in hand. Emile recognized the child being someone he used to tell stories to. He crouched down to their level so that he can talk to them. “Are those for me?” He said with a smile. The child nodded as they handed him the bag. “Thank you.” He then patted the child’s head.

“When are you coming back, Emile?” The child asked.

“I’m not sure. But once I do come back, I’ll tell you and the others all about it.”

The child’s eyes lit up. “Please come back soon, okay?” The child then ran back to his house. Emile continued to walk until he reached the village gate, where he would walk into the outside world.


After reaching the airship station, he checked his watch again to see if he was late. Fortunately, the airship had just arrived and opened the doors for Emile to enter. Once he entered the ship, he was greeted by the airship staff who offer to put his luggage in the cargo hold, in which he happily obliged, giving the crew his belongings except for his weapon case and bag of apples, which would be his snack during the flight. Once he found somewhere to sit, he placed his weapon case beside his feet and took an apple from the bag. He then started to look around at his soon-to-be schoolmates as he bit into the apple.

  • XIX.

    The Sun

    Felix Baker


    JuniperBoi JuniperBoi


designed by bad ending & coded by xayah.ღ

The atmosphere was electric and Felix felt a shock every time someone new stepped on. So many new people so many new faces from all over all coming for the same goal. Felix felt as if his whole world had opened up 10 fold this was truly going to be something special. Not long after the airship filled Felix finally calmed down feeling more comfortable with where he was at though the feeling wouldn’t last, Felix noticed everyone started to interact with one another, he was fine interacting with customers but this was scary. He panicked on the inside as he pressured himself to talk to someone.

Felix tried to stand but thought it would be weird overthinking the whole thing. He adjusted and patted out his clothes while fixing his hair making sure it was nice and neat. He secured the straps under his pink knitted coat the kept Shooting Stars in place and out of sight. Doing another quick Pat down and check he was ready or so he thought as he pep talked himself trying to psych himself up. “You got this you got this!” He only said in a loud whisper.

He stood up finally and braced himself looking for someone to start a conversation with. His eyes landed on Emile who had just came on the ship and strides his way towards him putting on a big smile and stood over Emile. “Hello I’m Felix it’s nice to meet you, so you’re here to be a hunter. I mean I guess we all are” he was kind of awkward despite his appearance of a model. He tried to figure out what to do with his hands as he felt they were just laying at his sides awkwardly so he put them behind his back.

  • click here


    Valerie Halla

    Carlisle Thyme

♡design by miyabi, coded by uxie♡

Once he felt the stinging sensation from his eyes begin to fade, he planned on returning to his game, he still had a raid to beat before they touched down. However, the sound of a voice caught his attention, it was close...too close. When he looked up from his hand held, he saw a student standing nearby looking at him with...concern? He cocked an eyebrow at her question before he turned his gaze back to his hand held, “I’m fine, just trying to do something before we land...” he placed his hand on his chin as he began to mutter, “Maybe I should try Yellow this time...her single target power is OP especially after the patch...”

Even though his attention was on his game he could still feel a pair of eyes on him, most likely from that female student from earlier. Maybe if he just ignored her, she will go away. That was his plan, However, in the back of his head he could hear his uncle’s voice ‘come on Lyle! Don't be rude and make some friends’. He let out a sigh and quick saved his game, he didn’t feel like grinding gear for Yellow anyway. He glanced back at the female student for a moment, How exactly does he start a conversation? What would his uncle do? A large cheesy smile and some lame joke to break the ice? He visioned himself trying to do something like that and decided against it. What would his dad do? Stand up straight and salute before shaking their hand. Nah, he got out of Atlas do something so uniform as that.

“Sooo,” Carlisle started as he placed his handheld in his coat pocket and held out his hand in front of him for a very awkward handshake, “I’m Carlisle thy...Carlisle...just Carlisle.” he tilted his head to the side and added, “um...interesting style you have there...is it customary to dress like a comic book villain or did it happen to work out that way?” This was his way of breaking the ice not realizing that saying something like that could be taken the wrong way.
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Theophany Elpida
Location: Haven Airship Transport
Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid
Accidentally glanced: Nomad13 Nomad13 IG42 IG42 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

Being one of the passengers on flight where she is closer to the Academy means that she was picked up later than most. Some of these students came from other kingdoms just to train here in Mistral. Haven academy does have higher quality of education and training, plus there is an increase in enrollees compared to previous years. The passing glance out in the horizon is mundane. Exception for a few more distant airships carrying schoolmates from afar.

The young lady sinking her teeth onto the fluffy white bread whilst her eyes looks around the airship. Many students with unique looks and weaponry to match. Here eyes caught first to a particularly large teenager. Physically impressive and stands impressively tall. Something was strapped to his back, his weapons probably but from her perspective she couldn't see it as clear. This boy was looking around too so the two's eyes would catch each other. It only took a second for Tiffany look away as to hopefully divert the attention off. The large one can clearly see from her pink bag is Destiny, a white metal rod with a golden ring sticking out, adorned with wings and rings. Her gaze diverted into a pair of boots. By its style alone its seems to be more on the combat practicality side. From legs, shoulders, to hair. It was a young woman. Taking a sight seeing view of the outside although a hint of disappoint is showing her face. Even at rest this lady was clearly strong willed and astute. She could have easily mistaken her as an Atlas student. Fortunately she seems to be minding herself so no awkward eye contact was made, but her long gaze at her may take impressions that she was watched for just a few seconds. Scrolling through the gallery of chatter and lonesome people sitting and doing their own habits. Another large figure caught her eye. Probably even taller than the last boy she saw. He had a calm demeanor to him but his body tells tempered physique like the last guy. He was simply polishing the blade of his weapon. Leaving to his own devices, she could hardly imagine herself standing next to such a big guy. These people can absolutely handle anything thrown in their way.

Now just feeling bummed out from her silent comparison to others. She failed to notice a boy had sat next to her until he started asking.

”Hello, is this your first time on a ship?” Quickly she turned to be greeted by this boy who had warm colored hair and green eyes shining like emeralds.

"No. I mean-- Yes. I've seen them flying in Argus a lot..." Her voice fading out when she spoke. Keeping her own mouth shut with her sandwich. Tiffany is dons a classic black blazer and navy blue pleated skirt. Nothing too outlandish, although it appears she has a few frills subtly sewn from inside and outside. She could not make direct eye contact with this boy and tried to distract herself by off staring directly to the big screen tv behind him, which was currently playing a Pumpkin pete's commercial.

"Pumpkin petes..." She mumbles before looking down to her sandwich.

"Oh! Yes, Its ham. Sorry I only have one..." Correcting herself as a pale pink blush paints her cheeks. She squeezed her sandwich from cringing which shown the bacon, mayo, and tomatoes slipping at the edge of the crust. The day barely started and she is obviously fumbling her first interaction with another huntsman.
"Hm..." So it seemed like the boy was playing a game...or something? Well, he wasn't confronted by something too troublesome on the home front or anything like that, which was good. That would have been a particularly unpleasant way to start this chapter of their lives...as bad as...that night.



He offered her his hand, making some kind of remark about comic book villains. Oh no. Was her appearance...frightening to him? She took a split second to look back at him, trying to gauge his reaction. It was a cliche among some ignorant humans that Faunus, particularly those with canine features like hers, were able to smell fear. Even if that were true, she was generally unable to smell most things thanks to this...thing. The accessory of a comic book villain, apparently. And yet...the only thing that enabled her to exceed the limits of her body. The thing sustaining the strength she had worked so hard for.

But she could forgo it, just for a moment.

As a gesture of goodwill to her first new friend.


She took in a deep breath before reaching behind her head, loosening the strap and letting him see her thin, angular face. Instantly, the smells of her surroundings crept in. Not in the way a bloodhound might perceive it, of course, but enough that it added to the...sense of the tense atmosphere around her. She continued to breathe. The simple act of inhaling and exhaling was no more difficult than it would be for anyone else...but every inhalation took a certain amount of effort to ensure that she got enough.

"Carlisle...I am...Shin'ya." She glanced to the side for a moment, feeling rather obligated to make a decent first impression. "Sorry, it helps me breathe, you see..."

She looked back at Carlisle, deciding to move the conversation along. "Did you come along with anyone? Or did everyone see you off?" She'd looked into the traditions surrounding the recruitment of the aspirants; it wasn't uncommon for prospective hunters in communities where hunters were well-regarded to apply and travel in groups to the academies, even if they ended up not reflecting the teams they were assigned to...

MangoGoGo MangoGoGo


Kylie Cantrall


Flight to Haven Academy


Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor , Karcen Karcen

A soft scent of caramel wafted through the air, catching the delicate senses of the faunus as she allowed her piercing gaze to hone in on the figure sitting in a corner. Her ears itched to prick up under her bandana the cat-like appendages aching softly as she gently rubbed at the ear base quietly. The girl her eyes landed on was some sort of... canine faunus is what she smelled - also it was clear due to her ears and tail shemust have been a fox of some type. Despite being a species of cat faunus, Ashryn decided to avoid notice and turned her gaze back to the window, her fingers gently running along the silver bow in her lap. Her quiver was in her bag, which was fine by the girl. She just wanted to get going and be at the school already.

Another smell wafted across her enhanced senses, her gaze finding yet another figure that proudly had their faunus heritage on display. The girl had approached the one with the apples- seemed like the two knew each other... weird. The heiress sighed as she settled back down, her fingers leaving her weapon to stroke down her 'furry' belt (which in reality was her own spotted tail). She couldn't resist the urge to give a soft growl, her chest rumbling just barely as she fought to keep her cover-up. So far her uninterested 'ice-queen' persona was working well. No one had dared to approach her just yet.


♡design by sirnateunknown, coded by uxie♡
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Valerian had been excited about attending Mistral. Getting to fight every day and meet tons of cool (future) hunters? What could be better? He had been bouncing off the walls the whole week leading up to it, much to his aunt’s annoyance. Valerian had bounded into the airship, ready to see what was in store for him.

Waiting. It was mostly waiting, watching the TV which was on the news for some reason, and trying to scope out his fellow newbies. Lots of quiet conversations, and a couple of people keeping to themselves. Lots of cool outfits, and so many weapons. Valerian wondered if there was enough room on the ship for a fight... nah, he wasn’t gonna risk getting expelled before they even landed.

After a another few minutes of unraveling and re-weaving his scarf, Valerian headed towards one of the airship’s windows. The view was the only good part of this whole thing and it seemed like one of his peers agreed. He slid over to the tall girl, eyes still glued on the ground below.

“Almost wished I walked,” Valerian joked. “It’d be way more exciting than this. Might even get some practice on the way.”

( IG42 IG42 )

*thump* *thud*

The rhythmic sound of fists hitting vinyl reverberated throughout the damp gymnasium as the blonde girl continued her relentless assault on the defenseless punching bag. The gloves that once protected her rough, calloused, hands had long been stripped away to its final layers... a testament to how long she had been restlessly continuing this routine. The punching bag itself was already worse for wear, plagued by indentations and tears left behind by the hundreds of punches it had been forced to endure.

Rapid, oncoming footsteps suddenly caused the rhythm to cease, as a hint of panic suddenly crossed the girl's mind... before she decided that she didn't care and kept beating up her target. As soon as her "handler" arrived, Ilyas delivered the final blow, sending the punching bag flying past Serena and crashing onto a pile of its brethren that had already fallen to her hours before.

"And just what do you think you're doing, young lady? Wrecking Mistral PD gym equipment aside, have you forgotten what day it is?" The rabbit faunus said as she looked disapprovingly at the destruction the young girl left in her wake.

"Sure do. And before you continue your sermon, just look at it this way. Would you rather I beat up a couple of punching bags, or a couple of kids who try to mess with me on the first day?" Ilyas said nonchalantly as she grabbed a towel to wipe away her sweat.

Serena tried to raise a finger in protest but acknowledged that the girl had a point. Ever since she rescued her from the clutches of the Crimson Dawn, getting the young girl to be act like.. well a proper young girl rather than a rabid dog had been a challenge. After countless hours of therapy and getting her to vent her anger and frustration in more productive ways, Serena knew that the best way for Ilyas to heal and start trusting others once again is to attend Haven Academy, be part of a team and actually meet people who'd have her back no matter what.

"That may be the case, but do you really think getting injured before even making it to school is a good idea. You can't be the best when you aren't at your best." She said in a convincing tone. "Now let's get you all bandaged up."

"Tch... fair enough." Ilyas said in resignation as she allowed Serena to treat her wounded fists. Although the time they've spent together hasn't been all that long, the detective was probably the only person she's allowed to trust after all these years. If it wasn't for her suggestion, and the proverbial carrot she dangled in front of her, she wouldn't have agreed to go to Haven in the first place. In short, she may not want to admit it but she's gonna miss getting her ear chewed off by her.

After taking a quick shower and getting dressed, Ilyas grabbed her stuff and was prepared to depart for the station's helipad where the airship was scheduled to dock. She chose to leave without saying a word since she always felt like she wasn't good at saying goodbye. However, as the airship was preparing to dock, a voice called out to her from behind.


As soon as she heard the word, she casually held out her hand and caught the blood-red blade as it flew past her. Staring at the sword, a cacophony of emotions coursed through her body; sadness, gratitude, despair, resolve, but all of which overshadowed by rage.

"Were you honestly gonna leave without your weapon AND saying goodbye. Look kid, I know you hate the thing but it's a tad bit too late to make a new weapon and don't even get me started with fighting Grimm barehanded. Like it or not, that sword has been with you all this time and if I were you, there's no other weapon I'd trust my life with in the battlefield." Serena explained.

Ilyas had half a mind to just toss away Sanguinis but deep inside, she knows that Serena's words hold true. For as much hatred she has for the physical manifestation of her father's betrayal, she also knows no other fitting weapon exists for someone like her. With a heavy sigh, she strapped the sword to her back, accepting that they were inseparable... at leastfor the time being.

"I get it already, Thanks for everything until now! Bye... mom." She paused for a second, shocked and embarrassed upon the realization of what she had just uttered.

"Huh, whaddya say right there in the end?" Serena asked inquisitively.

"Nothing! I'm leaving." Whether Serena heard that slip of the tongue, Ilyas would never know as she hurriedly gone on the ship, a hint of embarrassment still evident by her flushed ears.

As soon as she got on, she immediately made her way to the very back, finding a seat where she could have an unobstructed view of everyone around her. While everyone was busy making friends or staring at the passing scenery in awe, Ilyas had already reverted back to one of her habits back when she was still a pawn of the Crimson Dawn... sizing up everybody and analyzing potential threats.

She learned the hard way what happens to fresh meat and she wasn't gonna let that mistake happen again.

the bloody valkyrie


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

*thump* *thud*

The rhythmic sound of fists hitting vinyl reverberated throughout the damp gymnasium as the blonde girl continued her relentless assault on the defenseless punching bag. The gloves that once protected her rough, calloused, hands had long been stripped away to its final layers... a testament to how long she had been restlessly continuing this routine. The punching bag itself was already worse for wear, plagued by indentations and tears left behind by the hundreds of punches it had been forced to endure.

Rapid, oncoming footsteps suddenly caused the rhythm to cease, as a hint of panic suddenly crossed the girl's mind... before she decided that she didn't care and kept beating up her target. As soon as her "handler" arrived, Ilyas delivered the final blow, sending the punching bag flying past Serena and crashing onto a pile of its brethren that had already fallen to her hours before.

"And just what do you think you're doing, young lady? Wrecking Mistral PD gym equipment aside, have you forgotten what day it is?" The rabbit faunus said as she looked disapprovingly at the destruction the young girl left in her wake.

"Sure do. And before you continue your sermon, just look at it this way. Would you rather I beat up a couple of punching bags, or a couple of kids who try to mess with me on the first day?" Ilyas said nonchalantly as she grabbed a towel to wipe away her sweat.

Serena tried to raise a finger in protest but acknowledged that the girl had a point. Ever since she rescued her from the clutches of the Crimson Dawn, getting the young girl to be act like.. well a proper young girl rather than a rabid dog had been a challenge. After countless hours of therapy and getting her to vent her anger and frustration in more productive ways, Serena knew that the best way for Ilyas to heal and start trusting others once again is to attend Haven Academy, be part of a team and actually meet people who'd have her back no matter what.

"That may be the case, but do you really think getting injured before even making it to school is a good idea. You can't be the best when you aren't at your best." She said in a convincing tone. "Now let's get you all bandaged up."

"Tch... fair enough." Ilyas said in resignation as she allowed Serena to treat her wounded fists. Although the time they've spent together hasn't been all that long, the detective was probably the only person she's allowed to trust after all these years. If it wasn't for her suggestion, and the proverbial carrot she dangled in front of her, she wouldn't have agreed to go to Haven in the first place. In short, she may not want to admit it but she's gonna miss getting her ear chewed off by her.

After taking a quick shower and getting dressed, Ilyas grabbed her stuff and was prepared to depart for the station's helipad where the airship was scheduled to dock. She chose to leave without saying a word since she always felt like she wasn't good at saying goodbye. However, as the airship was preparing to dock, a voice called out to her from behind.


As soon as she heard the word, she casually held out her hand and caught the blood-red blade as it flew past her. Staring at the sword, a cacophony of emotions coursed through her body; sadness, gratitude, despair, resolve, but all of which overshadowed by rage.

"Were you honestly gonna leave without your weapon AND saying goodbye. Look kid, I know you hate the thing but it's a tad bit too late to make a new weapon and don't even get me started with fighting Grimm barehanded. Like it or not, that sword has been with you all this time and if I were you, there's no other weapon I'd trust my life with in the battlefield." Serena explained.

Ilyas had half a mind to just toss away Sanguinis but deep inside, she knows that Serena's words hold true. For as much hatred she has for the physical manifestation of her father's betrayal, she also knows no other fitting weapon exists for someone like her. With a heavy sigh, she strapped the sword to her back, accepting that they were inseparable... at leastfor the time being.

"I get it already, Thanks for everything until now! Bye... mom." She paused for a second, shocked and embarrassed upon the realization of what she had just uttered.

"Huh, whaddya say right there in the end?" Serena asked inquisitively.

"Nothing! I'm leaving." Whether Serena heard that slip of the tongue, Ilyas would never know as she hurriedly gone on the ship, a hint of embarrassment still evident by her flushed ears.

As soon as she got on, she immediately made her way to the very back, finding a seat where she could have an unobstructed view of everyone around her. While everyone was busy making friends or staring at the passing scenery in awe, Ilyas had already reverted back to one of her habits back when she was still a pawn of the Crimson Dawn... sizing up everybody and analyzing potential threats.

She learned the hard way what happens to fresh meat and she wasn't gonna let that mistake happen again.

Asher cobalt
interaction: Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Asher looked over too the side as he was polish his blade a girl glancing in his direction he’d wave too them soft friendly grin upon his face showing he wasn’t totally lost in his own world but really he was just focusing it wad a few more minute of polishing the blade was now absurdly sharp swinging it a little the blade hummed as it seemed to almost cut the air, satisfied with this and seeing that the ride wasn’t over yet it seemed like a great time to do something else.

putting the sword cannon monstrosity away he’d then remove a guitar form same case he’d placed the sword cannon in guess they shared it? Seemed so regardless the trip seemed to be longer then he expected then again the sword was already polished so it wasn’t that hard to get it nice and sharp. Still music time or well guitar solo time!

Nahlia AphasiaNahlia-Stand.png

Status: Excited & Nervous
Location: Airship enroute to Haven Academy
Aura: 100%
Interaction(s): Zenritch Zenritch

Nahlia had arrived in Mistral only hours before. She was told an airship would pick her up from the air terminal she arrived at in Mistral. She’d never been here before, but the sights were alot more green and interesting than the tan sand and rocks that made up most of her home in Vacuo. Nahlia had a rolling suitcase sat next to her seat, and a backpack on. Her weapon, Drowning Machine, laid across her lap as she browsed her phone. Singers, voice actors, and the characters they played made up alot of her feed. She was always finding new people to look up to and fixate on. Not just online, but in her previous home in Vacuo. The orphanage was a place she was quite fond of, but tired of in a way. She wanted to get out, explore, and adventure! She wanted to kill Grimm, and be the hero, saving others from pain and anguish! It was why she was even here, after all.

It was then that the airship touched down to pick her up. She grabbed Drowning Machine, and slung it up and let the blade fall behind her, the pole resting on her shoulder, and in her hand. Her free hand grabbed the handle on her luggage and she walked towards the ship. As she walked up the ramp, well, it was surprisingly similar to the orphanage. There were kids everywhere! It was bustling with people and noise. She wasn’t even sure where to sit down. Nahlia was definitely nervous about this whole thing, but it seemed just like home here! Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad?

Hey eyes danced around the large open room as the ship set off. She widened her stance to steady herself and make balancing easier as she decided where to sit. In the corner, she has some girl sitting all alone. She was away from most of the others. This was great! She could try to make a friend, and not get overwhelmed with having alot of people right next to her! Nahlia’s footsteps would head in the direction of this nameless girl. The small aquatic faunus would sit a seat away from this girl. After all, personal space was called what it was for a reason! She’d tilt the wheeled luggage case on its side, so it wouldn’t roll around the ship as it flew, and laid Drowning Machine across her lap. Her hands were set over her weapon and her fingers interlaced with each other. Her legs gently kicked, and she looked forward at everyone else, matching what this nameless girl was going for a few moments.

“Whatcha looking at?”

She looked towards the taller girl, curiosity in her gaze, with a head tilted to one side. She felt anxious, talking to a stranger, but hoped the conversation could go the way she wanted it to. Her odd ‘horns’ and tail certainly stood out.

“Are you trying to gather the courage to talk to someone? Or just people watching, hoping no one talks to you?”

Nahlia asked. She’d been both at one point or another. Honestly, it all depended on her mood. Her smile was warm, innocent, genuine.

“I’m Nahlia.”

  • click here


    Valerie Halla

    Carlisle Thyme

♡design by miyabi, coded by uxie♡

The two students seemed to stare at each other in silence, as the last thing Carlisle said about her dressing like some sort of comic book villain hung in the air and his hand still outstretched waiting for a handshake. Normally, when he someone holds out a hand the other would return the favor and shake it. Clearly, she didn’t follow the same set of rules he was grown up with, which was fine by him as he lowered his arm keeping eye contact with the female student.

She introduced herself as Shin’ya, an interesting style of name he hasn’t heard before, “It’s uh...It’s a pleasure to meet you Shin’ya...” he raised an eyebrow when she took the respirator off her face and mentioned it helped her breath, “oh...Sorry...That was uh...that was wrong of me to say.” to say Carlisle felt like an idiot for making a comment like that and not realizing what it was; was an understatement.

Thankfully, Shin’ya moved the conversation on asking him if anyone saw him off. He sat back in his seat and crossed his arms, “Nah, parents were too busy to do that, and my uncle had left a week before I was to set off to Haven.” He answered her question and ended it with a shrug to show it didn’t bother him, “What about you?” he asked back, “any important people in your entourage see you off?”

Ilyas had just finished taking note of one of the more imposing male students swinging his weapon one second and doing a guitar solo the next when she spotted someone approaching her from the corner of her eye. Apparently, her decision to sit away from most of the crowd had backfired on her since she apparently stuck out like a sore thumb and was the perfect target for people who think they are doing loners a favor by sitting with them. Whether this girl was doing this out of pity or she just genuinely wanted to sit with someone while avoiding the crowds, Ilyas would never know. What she does know is that she was enjoying being left alone and prefers keeping it that way.

"Sit somewhere else!" Ilyas thought as the girl drew closer.

"I chose this place so I could be left alone. Take a hint!" She mentally screamed. Yet the girl's footsteps grew louder with each passing second.

"Dammit!" was the only thing she could think of as the girl decided to take a seat practically next to her. At the very least, she seems to be familiar with the concept of personal space, allowing a seat to separate them. Unfortunately, it seems that she'd have to bear with her until they reach Haven.

When the faunus girl asked her what she was looking at, she had half a mind to pull off the classic "Nunya" routine. However, the voice at the back of her head, which sounds eerily like Serena's, told her that she should at least TRY not to piss people off the first day. After sighing exasperatedly and taking a deep breath, Ilyas put on a more friendly (tolerant would be closer to the truth) demeanor and replied.

"Just gauging people, trying to find out which ones are no good and which ones are actually strong. As for your second question, it's more like the latter, honestly" Ilyas replied in a casual tone.

Upon giving the girl a more proper look, she couldn't help but feel a bit more intrigued. Not only was she good-looking, but the weapon she carried seemed like it could do some damage as well. It's also a bit impressive that she's able to handle something like that. Add to the fact that she did not hesitate to sit so close to her while ilyas undoubtedly radiated unwelcoming, perhaps even borderline murderous vibes served only to pique her interest.

"Still, I suppose it's not too bad having someone for company until we get to Haven. The name's Ilyas. Nice to meet you, I guess... and cool weapon by the way."

the bloody valkyrie


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

Ilyas had just finished taking note of one of the more imposing male students swinging his weapon one second and doing a guitar solo the next when she spotted someone approaching her from the corner of her eye. Apparently, her decision to sit away from most of the crowd had backfired on her since she apparently stuck out like a sore thumb and was the perfect target for people who think they are doing loners a favor by sitting with them. Whether this girl was doing this out of pity or she just genuinely wanted to sit with someone while avoiding the crowds, Ilyas would never know. What she does know is that she was enjoying being left alone and prefers keeping it that way.

"Sit somewhere else!" Ilyas thought as the girl drew closer.

"I chose this place so I could be left alone. Take a hint!" She mentally screamed. Yet the girl's footsteps grew louder with each passing second.

"Dammit!" was the only thing she could think of as the girl decided to take a seat practically next to her. At the very least, she seems to be familiar with the concept of personal space, allowing a seat to separate them. Unfortunately, it seems that she'd have to bear with her until they reach Haven.

When the faunus girl asked her what she was looking at, she had half a mind to pull off the classic "Nunya" routine. However, the voice at the back of her head, which sounds eerily like Serena's, told her that she should at least TRY not to piss people off the first day. After sighing exasperatedly and taking a deep breath, Ilyas put on a more friendly (tolerant would be closer to the truth) demeanor and replied.

"Just gauging people, trying to find out which ones are no good and which ones are actually strong. As for your second question, it's more like the latter, honestly" Ilyas replied in a casual tone.

Upon giving the girl a more proper look, she couldn't help but feel a bit more intrigued. Not only was she good-looking, but the weapon she carried seemed like it could do some damage as well. It's also a bit impressive that she's able to handle something like that. Add to the fact that she did not hesitate to sit so close to her while ilyas undoubtedly radiated unwelcoming, perhaps even borderline murderous vibes served only to pique her interest.

"Still, I suppose it's not too bad having someone for company until we get to Haven. The name's Ilyas. Nice to meet you, I guess... and cool weapon by the way."
Hidden scrolls.
Anya Borealis

Anya stopped tinkering with her weapon when she felt the added weight on her lap, placing her weapon so it leaned on her. Then she looked at what that weight was, it was an unknown to her albeit slightly familiar person. But it was her words that threw Anya out of her way of thinking. There was no way this random person knew her name, even more so that she belonged to the white fang. That made Anya's mind gears work in overdrive trying to decide if this person is an ally or an enemy, and whatever it would be wise to rid herself of her in this situation. After all, if she did she would be abandoning her dream of being a huntsman, and with her not wanting to come back to the kind of white fang it is nowadays, she had no choice but to consider this person an ally. Or at least someone who accidentally guessed her name and possibly former affiliation, so it was time to play the fool.
"You know it's rude to randomly appear and rest on someones lap. Especially acting as if you know the person. And for your information, no the apples aren't from my friends, they are from my former landlady. Besides I doubt any rumors of my supposed friends would not be exaggerated."
Anya spoke softly while looking the girl straight into her golden eyes after all eyes were portals to one's soul, or at least that's what her ma' claimed.

Anya looked at the girl for a minute or two, before finally sighing and speaking to her, not in the manner she did before but like she would speak to anyone else.
"If you want to continue laying on my lap, and eating my caramelized apple slices. You could at least introduce yourself! And especially why you think you know me, and my name at that. But since you already know my name I can tell you my full name. Anya Borealis." Anya then finished the apple piece she held in her mouth and grabbed another one from the box, asking a simple question to her unwanted quest. "You want one?"

Aura color: Apple Green #61D242
Location: Inside Airship heading to Haven Academy
Interaction: Karcen Karcen
Excited, a bit tired - couldn't sleep from excitement, Confused about the cat girl.

Theme songs: Theme song 1 - White Fang Time , Theme song 2 - Current time


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