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Realistic or Modern Haven Falls

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Where it's bully Byron hour, every hour.


No, I don't have too many characters.

a roleplay by me

Haven Falls

A Small Town Slice-of-Life

Drugstore Houses

Garrett Kato

  • The hidden gem...


    Haven Falls, North Dakota -- once a huge, bubbling city full of activity, that has definitely seen better days. Despite having fallen out of its glory days, Haven Falls still boasts a population of around 15,000. It's now become sort of a hidden gem, with small towns peppering the dense wilderness around it.

    Nestled on the edge of Crystal Lake, with the beautiful Haven Falls -- for which the town was so aptly named after -- overlooking it, there's plenty to do. As... long as you enjoy being outdoors -- or partaking in a handful of different activities with the businesses that are still struggling to hold on. Of course, the teens of the area have found their own ways to make fun in the middle of nowhere. Parties, naturally, being at the top of the agenda.


    In case you couldn't tell, Haven Falls will be a small town, high school, slice of life roleplay.

    However, I am hoping to do things a little bit different. I've always wanted a roleplay where the characters grew and aged, but I've never been able to see a roleplay make it past Season 1. So... the goal here is to do just that. Make it past that first year.

    So the roleplay will be following a Seasons format. What this means is that (much like a television show), there will be a series of "episodes" or "skips" that will take place throughout the school year. Once we reach the end of those, we'll do a few month skip to a new year, and then start the second season from there.

    Right now, I'm thinking the total number of skips (or scenes) will be around 10-12. Of course, this will be open for editing if there's other scenes that the roleplayers want.




♡coded by uxie♡

For mobile users:
Haven Falls, North Dakota -- once a huge, bubbling city full of activity, that has definitely seen better days. Despite having fallen out of its glory days, Haven Falls still boasts a population of around 15,000. It's now become sort of a hidden gem, with small towns peppering the dense wilderness around it.

Nestled on the edge of Crystal Lake, with the beautiful Haven Falls -- for which the town was so aptly named after -- overlooking it, there's plenty to do. As... long as you enjoy being outdoors -- or partaking in a handful of different activities with the businesses that are still struggling to hold on. Of course, the teens of the area have found their own ways to make fun in the middle of nowhere. Parties, naturally, being at the top of the agenda.


In case you couldn't tell, Haven Falls will be a small town, high school, slice of life roleplay.

However, I am hoping to do things a little bit different. I've always wanted a roleplay where the characters grew and aged, but I've never been able to see a roleplay make it past Season 1. So... the goal here is to do just that. Make it past that first year.

So the roleplay will be following a Seasons format. What this means is that (much like a television show), there will be a series of "episodes" or "skips" that will take place throughout the school year. Once we reach the end of those, we'll do a few month skip to a new year, and then start the second season from there.

Right now, I'm thinking the total number of skips (or scenes) will be around 10-12. Of course, this will be open for editing if there's other scenes that the roleplayers want.

So the biggest, probably most different part of this roleplay will be the character creation. As such, I've outlined the rules that I plan to have surrounding the characters. And yes, some of this can definitely be bent -- just talk with me! I'm not a huge stickler with the rules, as long as we can work out something that makes sense. So, without further ado:

• Characters do NOT have to be from the school. They could be from a different school, temporarily visiting, whatever floats your boat.

• The (majority) of characters will be between the ages of 14-18 since this the main setting for this is high school. At least for the first season. Yes, I will allow some exceptions to this for some side characters if wanted -- just DM me.

• You will be able to start off with a max of three characters. Once the first skip starts, you will NOT be able to add new characters until later into the roleplay, even if you have not yet met your limit.

• There will be set skips where you may introduce new characters or drop characters. I want to try and make it so that everyone can get to know the entire cast before new characters are added.

• I encourage you to try and hold out and drop any characters you might not be feeling at the end of the season. That way, no one is left high and dry with plots!

• Characters that are in every skip will be considered main characters. However, side characters will also be allowed. These may be characters that only show up for a few skips, at certain scenes throughout, or just appear for plot arcs.

1) Literacy. I ask for a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs that are at least four-five lines each. Obviously if you can't reach this every time, that's perfectly okay -- it happens, and we all have bad muse, or it's just the kind of interaction that does better with shorter, more rapid-fire responses. That's fine. However, I do ask for this as a general minimum.

2) Due to mature themes, we ask that all writers are at least 18 years old.

3) You will be expected to write at least one post per active character every week. Of course, if something in life comes up and you're unable to do so, just reach out and let me know. I'm fine with members going on break as long as they need -- just let me know!

4) Keep your OOC drama to a minimum. Or better yet, non-existent. If you're uncomfortable with someone or have any kind of issues, my DMs are always open, so feel free to message me with any concerns.

5) We will be using a Discord server for OOC. If you're interested, please just post below, and I'll make sure to send you a link to said server. Hope to see you there!

Drake Martin

@GoDuckYourself has interacted with:

@GoDuckYourself has mentioned:

@GoDuckYourself has tagged:
There were only ever around three thoughts bouncing around in Drake's head at any given time. And usually, at least one of them was the same at all times.

Man, these pants are uncomfortable. He thought to himself, as he shifted on the bench. Despite being in football for already a few years, he'd never get used to the pants. Or maybe it was just that everything about this situation felt off. He'd been in football before. He'd sat here before. He'd done all of this before.

But something about it this year felt off.

It probably had to do with the fact that his brother, Mason, was no longer down here playing with him. Instead, he was up in the stands with his girlfriend and baby. Drake had already spotted him in the crowd, and given him a big wave. It was nice to see his brother again -- because since he'd moved out and left Drake at home alone, they hadn't gotten to hangout much.

God, were these games always this boring? was his second thought. Likely due to the fact that when Drake wasn't actively involved, actively moving, he got twitchy and he got bored. He was already jittery, kind of losing himself in the moment as his leg bounced up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down--

Oh look, there was a bug in the grass. Moth maybe? Huh, weird to see them out this time of year--

Man, I could use a joint.

And there was the single, reoccurring thought of Drake's at any one moment. He was always, without fail, itching for a hit of something. Generally, his choice of poison was weed, but it also tended to vary... but not here at the football game, at school. He didn't want to get expelled, after all.

(Expulsion had never, and would never, be a worry that occurred to him.)

Standing up from the bench, he made up some excuse about having to go to the bathroom, and then he slipped out. 'Course, his path of getting the hell outta there took him right through the main group of people, and right near the concession stand, where he was briefly brought ot a halt by throngs of people. He huffed, growing impatient, when outta the corner of his wee little eye, something caught his attention.

Well, less something, and more someone.

"Hey," he called, as he pushed his way through the crowd, easily shoving aside a couple people until he got over to her side. A lopsided grin crossed his face. "Ines, right? I never got your number."

You see, they'd met one starry night, on a rooftop, getting high. She'd started speakin' gibberish (it was French), and he'd had the time of his life. And Drake was the kind of person that liked to keep the people that made him feel like that around.

The more party people around him, the less time he had to be alone.
º º code by ditto º º

Dahlia Blake

@barbiedahl has interacted with:

@barbiedahl has mentioned:
Alexandra, Claudia Jean

@barbiedahl has tagged:
Like always, Dahlia had started her evening with Alexandra. The newest addition to their little duo was Claudia Jean -- an addition that she had objected to at first, although that was all in the past. Claudia Jean had fit in with the other two girls like she'd always been a part of their little duo, which was fantastic.

At least she'd have someone around after Alexandra graduated, you know?

Fast forwarding past all the boring gossip of three teen girls getting ready for a football game, they arrived via Alexandra's car. Naturally, she stuck to her friends' sides as they entered the game and headed towards the rest of the cheerleaders. Lia was already decked out in her cheer uniform, which she typically kept at Alexa's house for safe keeping.

She didn't really trust the stuff she cared about at her parents' house.

Brushing a loose lock of hair over her ear, Tavon caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. She was... kind of surprised to see him here. She hesitated briefly, stuck between continuing on with Alexandra and Claudia Jean, or going over to say hi to him just... real quick.

"I'll catch up with you guys," she said quickly to her friends, giving them a brief smile, before she broke away from them. And once they were more or less out of sight, Lia headed over in his direction.

"Hey," Dahlia greeted him with a quick smile. "Surprised to see you here. Did you finally come to cheer me on?" she teased.
º º code by ditto º º

Connor Williams

@c.williams has interacted with:
Li Mei

@c.williams has mentioned:
Alexa, probably

@c.williams has tagged:
matchaa matchaa
The last first game of Connor's high school football career was a bittersweet moment. Or, at least, it should've been -- in theory. If he'd... had any reservations about growing up and graduating, but Connor had spent the last year or so counting down the days until he could live the middle of nowhere, North Dakota.

There were a few universities that he had in mind -- all of which involved cities that were easily ten times the size of Haven Falls. Sure, he should've been somewhat nervous about what the future would bring him, but he... wasn't. There was really nothing holding him back here anymore. Because he'd graduate, and pick whatever college him and Alexandra decided on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he'd heard it all before. How stupid it was to plan one's future around a high school relationship, and Connor knew how stupid it as to utter the same phrase that every high school couple insistent on beating the odds uttered.

"Yeah, but we're different."

There wasn't really anything setting them apart, aside from a year's long relationship that was easier than anything he'd tried in the past.

Unfortunately, he hadn't made it to the last game of the season with his girlfriend. Instead, he'd arrived with his little sister, Li Mei. They'd arrived a bit before the game was set to start, but it was already packed.

As they exited the car, his bag thrown lazily over his shoulder, Connor came around the car to Li Mei's side.

"Any idea where Byron is?" he asked casually, as he glanced down in her direction.
º º code by ditto º º

Addison Lee

the optimist

The excitement ran through Addison as she was practically skipping down the street. She had to spend so much time simply arguing with her parents about going to Lianas to get ready for the first football game. Addison's parents never found games important for her to attend to, actually they found it as a distraction and wanted her not to be in any part of this ‘high school nonsense’. And last year she didn't get that chance to see a single game or even go to homecoming, she had been locked up in her room with nowhere to go besides scrolling through instagram and seeing everyone else having fun.

However, this year was different. She was a year older, she kept her grades as straight A’s last year and after a decently convincing argument they accepted. Her father claimed this was a one time thing but she knew how she could get herself back out for the next games or even for homecoming. This year was going to be different and this year was going to be the best of her whole life. She knew she'd look back at these moments in highschool and forever hold them close or maybe that was just her sentimental self speaking.

She knocked on her best friend's door, this was her first time seeing Liana since freshman year and she was excited to finally catch up and see her best friend once again, and later on Katherine was also supposed to show another one of their little friend group that she held close to her. Once the door squeaked open, Addison jumped up with a huge smile “BOO!” she said with laughter, before Liana even had a chance to register anything that had happened the girls arms wrapped around her. “I missed you so much it's been so long!” she squealed. Addison tended to be a bit of a handful, but she always meant good in her actions.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Kat Burke







  • home (filler tab)

Bright Eyes

First Day of my Life

“…Kathrine… Kathrine Burke!?!” Her hazel eyes flew open suddenly and she sat bolt upright, looking confused. Her eyes seemed to come into focus and she realised she was in her science classroom and her teacher was right in front of her with a concerned look on her face. “Kathrine, are you quite alright?” Collecting herself she nodded “Sorry,” she said, looking embarrassed. The teacher pursed her lips, but moved on with the lesson. Kathrine rubbed at her sore eyes and tried to focus on what Ms Smith was saying.

“As I was saying, this will be a research assignment on a topic of your choice within the current chapter-“

Did I seriously fall asleep in class? I know I’ve been out of it lately, but falling asleep!?
“… for this assignment you will be working in pairs of two. Please take a look at the paper on your desk and be sure to go and find your partner after class”

Kat nearly groaned aloud. A group assignment? She couldn’t stand them. The person either just let her do everything while they did nothing or they argued with her about how to do it. She peered down at the Name. Robert Atkins. She looked around.
Wait, is that the metalhead?
She sighed softly, wondering what kind of interaction she was going to have with this person who seemed to be the complete polar opposite of herself.

Let’s just hope he’s not as obnoxious as his music taste.
She watched him walk over to her as the class ended, warily.

God, not only do I have to deal with this, but I told Ana and Addie I’d go to the game tonight with them.
That was why she was so tired. She had the game on, so she’d tried to fit multiple nights worth of school work and work from her extracurriculars. She was so paranoid about not getting the time to do it all, which was ludicrous because she still had all of Saturday and Sunday to complete that work.
Kat quickly pulled out her phone and texted their Group Chat “Hey girls, got a group project, I’m just going to rough out the details with my partner before coming over this afternoon , I’ll be there 30 minutes late.”

She looked up from her phone as she heard Robert approach her. She could see the expression on his face, similar to the teachers was. It was the this isn’t like you kind of concern. He asked if she was ok, but she didn’t even let him finish his sentence before she answered in an annoyed voice “Yep, I’m fine.”

Robert didn’t push it. They agreed to make a start on the project after his music class that afternoon. She was meeting her friends that afternoon to go to the big football game, but she could spare some time since her friends didn’t live far.

o o o

By the end of the day, Kat was very ready to leave. But she had committed to starting the assignment, so she sidled over to the music rooms to get it over with. As she approached, she started to hear something she didn’t expect. Piano music? Class should have been over by now. Curious who was playing, she approached the doorframe, peaking inside. Her jaw dropped at what she saw.

This metalhead, Robert, he was the one playing. And god was he good at it. Not a missed note in sight, his fingers moved so precisely over the keys. She stood and listened, she couldn’t help herself. She could feel herself launch backwards in time to all the piano covers she’s searched up to sing over them when she was younger. How she adored doing that.

After a while, when his peice had started coming to an end, she quietly started to head into the room. She moved slowly not wanting to interrupt the beautiful playing before it ended when suddenly she managed to bump into the actual loudest thing in the room: it was a rack of percussion instruments, lots of which were tambourines! They made and awful racket at they all hit one another and clattered to the ground.

Embarrassed, Kat flushed instantly “I’m sorry, ugh…” she said, hurriedly picking them up and wincing at the further noise as she put each one back. Trying to recover, she straightened up and offered him a small, but warm smile “That was really beautiful” she told him genuinely. “I didn’t think this would be your kinda thing?” She enquired, curiously.

♡coded by uxie♡

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