Experiences Have you ever had a for real ending?

Have you ever RPed the entire lifespan of a GROUP RP till the end?

  • Nope. Never have and I'mma just stick with 1x1.

  • Nope. Never have and I'mma keep trying until I get finally see an ending!!

  • Nope. But dammit we came sooooooo close.

  • Nope. I usually bail. Any excuse works.

  • Yup. Buuuut I didn't like how the GM ended it.

  • Yup. And I was so thankful it finally ended cuz it just dragged on.

  • Yup. Overall I'm happy with the story end but felt unfulfilled with my charrie's ending.

  • Yup. Suuuuuuper happy dance with how it all ended!! Yay!

  • Yup. AND! We started a sequel! W's in Chat!!

  • Kinda'? it lasted a while but we had to reboot/start new thread cuz reasons.

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So like jump in and fill dots in the poll! Notice it's all in ref to a GROUP RP? I say Group cuz i found it sooooooo much harder to make it to the ending. Like tbh i only ever finished 2 group RPs.

Oh! and if you feel like it can you expand and comment about your Group ending experiences and stuff like: maybe how many posts you guys got, how many RPers you were with/seen drop and like what you think made it successful?

Follow up questions:

- how long has your longest running and current RPN Group Rp lasted so far?
- Top 3 things how any RPN group rp you been in was successful so far?
- Top 3 things that killed any former RPN rps you been in.

For me one was nearly 900 posts and lasted almost 2 years and the other was over 500 posts and had lasted like almost a year (and like this one had less OOC than IC posts lol).

In the 900 one we started with like 6? had like several drops and new joiners. RP ended with only 4 of us. The 500 we started with 4 had only a couple joins/drops and ended up with 5 including original 4.

Come in and talk with us!
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Well I joined two groups that ran for multiple years and have a few “chapters” so I guess you could count them.

I don’t know as they ended because it wasn’t really a narrative that had a three act structure. It was more the story moved to different settings.
Y'all are finishing group RPs? I've only finished one 1x1 since I got on RpN, and that was at the very end of last year
Well I joined two groups that ran for multiple years and have a few “chapters” so I guess you could count them.

I don’t know as they ended because it wasn’t really a narrative that had a three act structure. It was more the story moved to different settings.
Niiiiiice! Someone's jelly over here lol. Do you remember how big the group was at start and then now currently?

Y'all are finishing group RPs? I've only finished one 1x1 since I got on RpN, and that was at the very end of last year

Yeah but that was like several years ago now for me. And like it's been so long that im not thirsty for an ending anymore just horny lol

K yeah i finished a buncha 1x1s so like that's why I asked about groups. How long did the finished rp last for?
Oh this was years ago. I think both groups had the same players for the length of the roleplay. Probably 5-8 I think.
Yeah but that was like several years ago now for me. And like it's been so long that im not thirsty for an ending anymore just horny lol

K yeah i finished a buncha 1x1s so like that's why I asked about groups. How long did the finished rp last for?
I think about 8 months, I want to say? It was a lot shorter than we have gone in the past, our previous ones were actually like 3 years each, and despite us never finishing them, we decided that that really burnt us out. This was our attempt at doing something more short term (we were getting burnt out again, even. I think we just have a lower tolerance now) and we had the ending pretty much planned as we began.

It was an incredible rush to reach it. I could not be happier with it, it was beautiful and grim. I reread it often.
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Years ago, I was a part of two group roleplays. The first one was around 6,000 posts and the second 500. Both lasted for a couple of years. The thing is, with those, it was just me and two other people so a relatively small group plus we had a posting order. If someone couldn't post, we paused until they were able to. My second group thread was very depressing, major character death, betrayal, etc. Still was fun though.
I’ve only ever actually completed two total roleplays in my life (people get busy and move on, or the interest wanes and that’s okay), and I was happy with both endings, as were my partners. It’s such an accomplished feeling to write something all the way through to the end!
I’ve only ever actually completed two total roleplays in my life (people get busy and move on, or the interest wanes and that’s okay), and I was happy with both endings, as were my partners. It’s such an accomplished feeling to write something all the way through to the end!
Years ago, I was a part of two group roleplays. The first one was ar7ound 6,000 posts and the second 500. Both lasted for a couple of years. The thing is, with those, it was just me and two other people so a relatively small group plus we had a posting order. If someone couldn't post, we paused until they were able to. My second group thread was very depressing, major character death, betrayal, etc. Still was fun though.
endings don't exist
I think about 8 months, I want to say? It was a lot shorter than we have gone in the past, our previous ones were actually like 3 years each, and despite us never finishing them, we decided that that really burnt us out. This was our attempt at doing something more short term (we were getting burnt out again, even. I think we just have a lower tolerance now) and we had the ending pretty much planned as we began.

It was an incredible rush to reach it. I could not be happier with it, it was beautiful and grim. I reread it often.
Well I joined two groups that ran for multiple years and have a few “chapters” so I guess you could count them.

I don’t know as they ended because it wasn’t really a narrative that had a three act structure. It was more the story moved to different settings.

K soooo tysm for replying! Now a bit of a derail:

- how long has your longest running and current RPN Group Rp lasted so far?
- top 3 things how a RPN group rp been successful so far?
- top 3 things that killed former RPN rps

No need to drop names and put anyone on blast k? Lol

For me:

- Currently the rp started beginning June this year and actually ic start was end of June. Lost only 2 rpers thus far out of 8 total.

- top 3 success:
3. Friendly, Creative, Pro active gm on top of it all.
2. Active player base chatting in ooc and talking not just rp talk
1. All rpers enjoying their charries and posting frequency is good.

- top 3 fails:
3. Lack of post quality
Ex: no interaction, all scene regurgitation no added content, obv hastily tossed up posts, ignoring events/interaction, etc
2. Dead ooc thus easily forgettable rp to check in on. Esp gm silence.
1. Ghosting.
I was so close, but due to ooc drama, the rp only made it 70% of the way of the first "book"

Three years of wasted effort just for petty shit to stop us from getting where we wanted 😔
Whether 1x1 or Group storylines, I have never seen a definitive end to any I participated in. Posts just slow and slow until nothing. To keep myself occupied with writing, I move onto my personal writings until I wait for the next post in the storyline I'm participating in or a casting call that I'm interested in participating in.

The longest group storyline I participated in here was about two to three months. In my entire RP "career", since 2022, the longest storyline I participated lasted a couple of years. The message board that hosted the storyline got hacked about 75% into the storyline's lifetime. When the board came back, the first post of the continuation was a summary of the storyline, but people were soured on what had happened and things weren't quite the same so within a few months, the storyline died and I was the last one to post. Across my history of roleplaying, I would say it was the most successful since there were many participants and lasted the longest.

Despite my fondness for Red Ground Tavern and Inn, which was the name of the storyline, because it was my first experience in collaborative roleplay, I do have regrets. I regret the way I participated. They say that hindsight is 20/20 and it is true. I only had one character at the time who was a self insert/Gary Sue type character. Jojin wasn't very well written. If I had to do things all over again, and had access to the OC roster I have today, I would have selected Xenophon, my minotaur character.
Not on RPN, but a site very similar, I was once part of an RP that lasted several years, and had multiple "arcs" to it (each new arc was posted in its own thread).

I joined around the second arc. It had six players initially, with some people joining in after I did, but eventually it was only three of us.

It was one of the best rp experiences I ever had. Gm was an amazing story builder, and knew how to keep the plot moving so it didn't drag anywhere. We were also very communicative if anything came up that would interrupt our regular posting schedule (there wasn't a set schedule, but we got into a certain rhythm after a while).

Honestly, apart from communication, posting consistency, and effort from the players and gm, a lot of what makes an rp last (in my experience) comes down to luck. We just so happened to mesh well together, and the characters we made all fit in really well too. There were other RPs i was in where the collaboration was on point, but there were definitely a lot more that didn't go anywhere after a while. Or we did make it to the end, but I wasn't that enthralled with it.

You really just need to be patient until you find the right rp/group for you.
I've had a couple RP's on another website finish, and a total of 4-5 where the GM cared enough to make an epilogue on a project that crashed. This is out of what has to been 100's of rp's I've been in, to one capacity or another. Some of these are rather memorable, but one of the auto-resolves was the best one as the GM tallied up our post counts and gave us "fate rolls".

I had the most fun with by far, and tl;dr this was like an anime style rp on a prison island to reintroduce teenage capital criminals to society/to kill them off, and one of the players was a dick bag and I knew full well he would attack mine. So, I made my first two rolls to pass the program as intended, failed, made the next roll to kill whoever came to me if they attacked that night (he did), progressively made additional rolls where I ultimately killed half of the player cast, became the prison Warden and one girl who did pass the program would return yearly to lay flowers on the graves of those from our class that died and my PC would always meet her, which is hilarious as my PC was responsible for half of the dead ones with my rolls lucking up. Best ending ever. Other than this I've finished two BNHA themed rp's with actual endings.

Tbh though I see a lot of people talking about multiyear rp's, I honestly rather things are done with sooner than later. So long as the story sets out to do what it does, I kinda dislike the idea of being part of some huge 3+ year RP, as by then unless you got good chemistry with the group or a couple players, if you have any sort of notable personality and so do they, well you'll more likely than not come to hate being around them, or at least disliking it.

I want games that finish more than I want games that hang around like One Piece.
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