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Multiple Settings have some sweet ol plots │volume Ⅱ

mother of sorrows

𝘮𝘦𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘻, 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘣 𝘮𝘪𝘳 𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘵

heya guys!! my other search thread kind of died, so i decided to make a new and updated one !! i'm langas, i'm 18 and i never learnt how to read have been roleplaying since i was 10, so i like to think i'm at least semi-literate :^) i love fantasy, crime, supernatural, romance and modern roleplays, but i'm down for pretty much any genre !

to jump right in, here's what i'm all about when it comes to rps ;;
  • i try to reply often, but it might take a few days for me to post during the week ! please keep that in mind
  • romance isn't necessary, altrough i do absolutely adore it :'') i'm also totally down for friendship or family relationships
  • i do fxf, mxm or fxm ! i love em all
  • enemies to friends to lovers is my fav trope of ALL time and you'll have to tear it from my cold, dead hands
  • i love playing selfish/mean characters that get dragged kicking and screaming into becoming a better person
  • heart breaking angst + adorable fluff ???? hell yea babey !!
  • rps that start off happy and slowly turn darker ?? charas getting a happy ending that they bled and suffered for ??? charas who struggle to do the right thing or do bad things in a twisted view of justice ???? HELL YEA BABEY !!!!
  • please contribute to the rp ! it's kind of sucks to be the only one throwing in ideas, so please work with me !! cx
anyways, here are some plots i have in mind !! they are still pretty rough so we can develop them together ! of course, if you have any plots of your own, feel free to send them to me, since i'm pretty sure i'll love them :^D
1. friends who scheme together, stay together
  • ch1 is the bastard of a king and has rights to the throne, but is disliked because they aren't 'legit'
  • ch2 is the child of a disgraced noble family who just arrived at court
  • but Uh Oh the king is ill and dying so there's a race over who will become the next king
  • ch1 and ch2 form an alliance to help ch1 become king and displace their half-siblings
  • by any means necessary.....
  • aka two power hungry outcasts scheme, assassinate and make plots together
  • pleaSE i need them to exchange this expression after they just did some shady shit
2. sins of our past
  • i want this to be as angsty as possible sO
  • ch1 and ch2 were both superheroes and really good friends
  • maybe even lovers??
  • in a moment of not thinking, ch1 betrays/hurts ch2 very badly
  • ch2 retires from being a superhero because of this and is so hurt they move away
  • ch1 and ch2 meet after years again
  • ch1 wants to reconcile with ch2 as they regretted their decision a lot
  • but what ch1 doesn't know is that ch2 is the new supervillain who's been terrorising the city
  • and they are out for revenge...... oh no
3. spy kids at it again
  • ch1 is a spy who's working for a shady organisation or country
  • but they are having second thoughts and want to get out of the business
  • but uuuuh the organisation isn't going to let them go alive So
  • They Gotta Run
  • ch2 is a spy who went rogue and escaped the same organisation
  • maybe they used to know each other?? so ch1 calls them up for help
  • now they're running around the globe tryna stay alive
4. i accidentally adopted a child oops
  • ch1 is a spy/mobster/criminal/something like that
  • they accidentally killed somebody imporant and now their life is on the line
  • ch2 is the child of the person they killed
  • in a moment of weakness they take the child with them
  • now they're both on the run and ch1 tries to keep them alive
  • ch2 obviously hates ch1
  • but then they get a child-parent relationship??
  • or version 2 of this plot where ch1 is the body guard of a king and queen
  • ch2 is the royal child
  • Uh Oh the king and queen got killed
  • now rival nobles want to take over so they try to kill ch2
  • ch1 flees with ch2 into the night
  • maybe ch2 wants to avenge their parents??
  • i'm just imagining this buff ass person giving a tiny child a sword
  • and being like ''you gotta avenge them''
5. we hate each other but we gotta work together ://
  • ch1 and ch2 are rival superheroes/supervillains or rival superhero and supervillain
  • they hate each other of course
  • always fighting and making shady tweets about each other
  • but oh no there's an even biggest villain in the city
  • so they gotta work together to defeat him
  • but all while insulting each other
6. we hate each other but also we gotta stop the apocalypse ://
  • ch1 is an angel and ch2 is a demon
  • and obviously they hate each other but
  • extremely so, everytime they see each other pop off
  • either one of them could just be minding their business when the other appears and slaps them
  • but Uh Oh bad stuff is happening
  • some rogue angels and demons are trying to start the apocalypse and these two don't want that
  • so they get send to the human world and forced to work together
  • pettiness ensues
7. pink panther theme plays in the background
  • ch1 is the world's second most wanted thief and is infamous for their heists
  • however, whenever they plan on stealing something very imporant, it gets stolen under their nose by ch2
  • ch2 is the world's most wanted thief and ch1 is pissed af about that???
  • so they've been squabbling over the title for a long ass time and they have a bitter ass rivalry
  • one time ch1 and ch2 both try to steal the same thing and get into a fight
  • but Um Wait suddenly the thing is gone when they look back??? somebody stole it?????
  • screaming-yoda.jpg ensues
  • they gotta work together to find the new thief who's been trying to undermine them
  • also they gotta pull of heists together all while insulting each other

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these plots are so good omg, the first one kinda reminds me of macbeth in some weird, not-exactly-the-same-but-pretty-similar-way???? i don't know if that was your intention but if it was you did good!

soft glamour. soft glamour. aaah thank you sm !! i'm super glad you like them !! i actually never read macbeth ajnjsnd so i don't know how similar it is,, i just really love political intrigue so :'') still, thanks !!
I may be interested in plot five, or any of the superhero plots. I actually have a superhero OC I literally just decided to open up to use today, so I would already have a character!

gaSP i'm super sorry for the late reply omg !! :"") if you guys are still interested feel free to send me a pm!
+ updated the plots a lil bit
Hi! I'm really interested in plot 4! I like the second idea a lot with the king's bodyguard and the royal's kid, but I'm also willing to do the first one ^^
That last one though lfkjas;ljflajsljf yEs
Do I send you a pm for details? I am not available during the weekends (I literally disappear off the face of Earth oof), but I believe I can keep up with you! Your preferences are a freaking mood for me haha-

TheKittieFromTime TheKittieFromTime ooh that's awesome, i'm glad you're interested!! i'll send you a pm in a moment! cx

Vergaan Vergaan ajdhejdnd please,, that idea has a lot of potential for chaotic situations :""D feel free to send me a pm!!

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