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Fantasy Haunted Hotel


Live bold, dream wild, chase adventure ♥
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Angel had worked at this hotel her whole life, from the time she was two years old to her current age of 243. It was passed down to her by her loving parents who are now deceased. She has seen monsters of every kind; demons, witches, plenty of ghosts, and even the occasional elf or fairy pass through. Her hotel is named “Haven”, a simple name for a simple business, named after her mother who she loved dearly. She inherited the place at sixteen years old, and though she has lived many years she doesn't look a day over twenty. Alone in the world and dealing with what would be considered the scum of the Earth every day hasn’t taken as big of a toll on her as she thought it might and she has learned to love her home. This magical place is not found on any normal map and is hard to locate, far into the north cascade mountains down a deserted but maintained dirt road, left by old travelers looking for gold and silver. Angel is the only caretaker of this beautiful hotel, kept company by the many spirits that wander around, lending a helpful hand whenever she may need it. This place keeps her safe so she does the same in return. She is human but not in the traditional sense. She was born with the ability to see all spirits and monsters in the world and most see her as some sort of goddess sent from above. She is immortal, only able to be killed by a dagger coated in goat's blood which has been lost in history long ago and kept safe in their crypts underground. Being in such a desolate place, she had learned to live off of the land, keeping to herself the only option in the beautiful and rugged mountain range. Her parents taught her how to hunt and fish and to grow her own food. She keeps grain for the long winters and frozen meat as well. She is often grateful that the only person who needs to eat is her. But being isolated has its costs. She is alone without a friend or a lover to call her own. She has plenty of regulars that visit her and they are always a welcome sight. Angel is also knowledgeable in rituals in spells, prompting many people in the olden days to seek her wisdom and hospitality, keeping the location a secret from untrustworthy folk in return. But all hidden and old buildings are not kept secret for long in the present age. Walking down the road to her hotel was Y/C, looking disheveled and exhausted. Y/C had been on the run from the law for years now, wanted for a murder you may or may not have committed. (It’s up to you when it comes to this, it could’ve been self defense, an accident, or Y/C could be a serial killer.) Angel is taken aback by another human in her area, very aware of Y/C’s presence on her land. She stands in the doorway of her haunted hotel looking off into the distance at Y/C, unsure of what to do. She hadn’t seen another person in so many years. Not since superstition and herbs were cast out for modern medicine. What will happen? Will she finally find a friend? Is this a chance for her to fall in love?

Hello friends! I hope you enjoyed reading a little taste of a roleplay I’m working on at three in the morning! Y/C can be any species; human, elf, half and half, whatever you wish! I just ask that your character have a semi human appearance to make the pairing make sense. :) This is going to be a roleplay that is full of romance, angst, and drama which I would love to talk about with you if you’re interested! My character sheet is ready and waiting! All I’ll ask for from you is a picture to go along with your character and a quick rundown of name, age, personality, maybe some backstory, and anything else you’d like to add. :)

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