Chitchat Has anyone cried during a roleplay? C:


One Thousand Club
Has anyone have come so intact with their character that they've cried when something emotionally devastating happens?
Oh yes. Definitely. More than once. Though one time I remember very well was with my longest running group RP ever.

It was on the site where I originally started my "career" in the forum roleplay world.

This RP was centered around magic and dragons and stuff. My character introduced the majority of the plot, because I decided to have her come from a kingdom where dragons and their tamers were murdered. Well, that already being a sad and depressing story, I also had her being betrayed by her best friend. Which happened to become my second character.

Turned out he only betrayed her out of fear, and that he had regretted that decision for many, many years. Especially since she was the only one there for him when his little brother got "an accident" (read murdered by the evil army). Another thing that made me cry when I wrote it.

But the biggest event in the RP that made not only me, but all other players in the RP cry, was when one of the players decided to quit. She was busy, distracted, and had slowly lost her interest in the game. Me, having taken over the lead of the RP since the original author quit one week in (because she decided not to post, and we did. We went on too far without her, so she just left), send a PM to the missing player asking if she was going to come back. When she said no, I asked for permission to have her character die. She gave me that permission, and I used it to write the saddest scene in the whole game.

You see, there was something special going on with some characters. They had lingering dragon souls within them (magic eh?). But her character didn't seem to be dealing with it too well. This also had to do with the plot point of a magical dragon killing stone he was shot with. Long story... So the prince (another player's character) decided to have him send to the hospital. My character decided to go with him because she didn't want him to be alone. There, I wrote how his character (who was the youngest. Just a 15 year old boy), appeared feverish and shaky. How he collapsed onto the floor. And my character being at his side desperately trying to safe him and failing to do so. I cried like a baby when I was writing how he slowly died in her arms. She then had a letter send to the rest of the group, who were elsewhere. The first one to pick up the letter was my other character (who turned out to be really sweet and not so evil at all), who almost started crying too because he had started to see the now dead boy as his little brother. So once again he had lost someone he had grown to care about. Other characters saw the letter too, and they became either angry or very sad too. I got lots of OOC comments on how well I wrote it and how I made them cry. I even let the player who left know how her character found his end, and she send me back that she started crying too.

So is that because we were all so much in character, or because I just happened to manage to write the most devastating scene in the roleplay (which also is the saddest scene in the novel I'm writing on the RP's story)? I don't know. But I do know we all cried about something that happened to our characters.

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