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Harry Potter-verse with OCs!


Hello! My name is Airy (okay, not really), and I’m currently looking for some long term roleplaying partners. I had a few people contact me but I need to stress please have good grammar and please be somewhat interested in a plot I post. Also, I'm sixteen, turning seventeen soon.

To be perfectly honest, I just made this account not even twenty minutes ago, so I still have things I need to sort out. Anyways, I'm used to RPing over email, but I'll try my best to adapt to this format!

I would like my partner to be open-minded; I will not tolerate bigot behavior in OOC chat and the roleplay. I do pairings of all kinds, and I would prefer a diverse cast of character that we can have fun with! Please don't be ableist, transphobic, or anything of that sort. Just don't bother contacting me.

I like lengthy roleplays, and tend to dish out roughly five or more paragraphs a reply depending on what is given to me. I love character interaction and detail, but I make sure to keep purple prose out of my replies! Also, as for reply time, I make sure to reply as soon as possible. I understand that real life does come first, so I will never pressure you for a reply! As long as you are able to reply once every two days or more, I’ll be content! Needless to say, I would also prefer for you to have decent grammar and spelling. If you ever need a break or are busy, feel free to tell me!

OOC chat would be nice! I love talking about the RP and generally doting on characters. (By that I mean thinking of headcanons and other silly things.) I'm a pretty nice person, and I'm open to most ideas you suggest for the RP.

When you PM / message me, please make it clear which plots you're interested in. Don't contact me seeking out a plot I didn't list, and please do not try to engage in roleplaying with me if you are over twenty-three years old, and the same goes if you're under fourteen.

RP Plots / Ideas:

The main thing I'm craving is a Harry Potter RP that focuses on the American academy Salem Witches' Institute. I have a good amount of the school sorted out, so please PM me so I can send you the info about the school!

The RP would follow a group of students and their years throughout the school - something fun like that. I guess we will probably each have a character from each house to make things even and fair!

The only other thing I'd be willing to settle for is an RP taking place in Beauxbâtons, which we can sort out the school details together. If you're interested in doing this idea instead of the one above, don't feel shy to contact me!

I'm so looking forward to hearing from you!
This sounds fun! I would be interested! :3

Side note: I always thought of writing a fan fiction that took place in the US and the school was called Toadstools haha!

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