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Fandom Harry Potter Roleplay


Left to Daydream
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hey there all, I'm searching for someone to role play Harry Potter (only Golden Trio Era) with me! Below I've posted a set of guidelines that I like to follow and some expectations I have for you as a partner. Shoot me a PM if you’re interested. (If you can’t PM yet, just like my post here.) I also have a new OC that I would like to try out!

★ This is a descriptive role play and I guess I could say I’m semi-lit. So I can type up 3+ paragraphs, it depends on my inspiration. I just need something to work with and the ability to understand what you’re typing.
- I know that writers block happens from time to time because I suffer from it a ton. I would like to point out though that I appreciate if you could match how much I type. If not, it’s not the end of world, just bring in some effort.

★ If you begin to get bored with the role play, all is well, I’m not going to harp on you about it. Let me know what’s up. We can add spice, start a new one or you're free to leave.
- Let me know if you're going to be gone for long periods of time (vacation, work, etc), or if you don't know, it's no big deal.
- I work two jobs, 5-6 out of 7 days a week. Please be patient with replies, I get exhausted and come home just to sleep. Although, I will try my best to get a few replies out during the week to you, I expect the same.
- Ditch friendly. I'm always willing to give second chances to anyone who has previously ditched a role play (doesn't mean I'm not hesitant though). However, if you've ditched me twice, do not expect that I will answer the next time.

★ I live for the drama, so let's keep each other interested yeah?

★ I'm comfortable with love interests/OC's who are LGBTQ+ and/or who fall on the spectrum.
- My OC's are very fluid on love interests, so there could be a particular role play where I choose a love interest of the same gender.
- If you're homophobic, please keep it to yourself, only love is wanted here.

★ With that being said, I don't believe in "I'm not good at playing 'insert character.'"
- I'm always willing to play any character thrown at me. It doesn't mean I'll be perfect, but I will try my best.
- Be ready to get out of your comfort zone if you have this mindset. This can help you try and gain experience to get better at playing a particular character.

★ Please be 18+ years of age.

★ I double up.
- I've mostly role played this way and I love this style honestly. Please be prepared to make an OC and choose a love interest.
- This can be OC x OC or OC x Canon. I'm not opposed to doing Canon x Canon for you though if that's what you prefer, but I'll use my OC for myself.
- If you don't want to double up, communicate with me and maybe we can work something out.
- Just to let you know though, the role play won't be solely based on romance. I want a genuine story that includes action, adventure, feelings, etc. If you do want the main focus to be on romance, I can work with that too.
- Please write equal responses (or close to it) for your OC/my love interest.

Anyway, don't let the rules scare you! If you're confused on something, let's talk!
(Note: I already have a few HP role plays at the moment, but I love adding more and using new OC's I've created.)
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