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Fandom Harry Potter MxM Canon Characters RP (OPEN)


New Member
Hello there!

I'm looking for partners for Harry Potter rps!

I'm 28 with more than ten years of experience rping. I do literate replies, usually one to three paragraphs, though I will also match my partner.

If you are younger than eighteen then I will not play with you, as I do not want to be put on any registries of that sort

What I'm looking for is...

I play
Sirius (Maybe)

Looking for (Ship)
Severus (Harry, Remus, Sirius)
Remus (Sirius, Severus)
Lucius (Harry, Severus)
Draco (Harry)
Sirius (Remus, Severus)
Tom/Voldemort (Harry, possibly Severus)

I have a lot of possible storylines, but I will usually create a unique plot for each of my partners so that I'm not rehashing the same thing over and over, so if you have a plot or idea that you might like to do, please let me know! I'm good with time travel and AUs and all sorts, just no nonmagical AUs.

I love doing creature inheritance rps, especially with veela, arranged/forced marriage, ABO dynamics, mpreg and more!

Any rp will have the characters at least eighteen, no exceptions. If there is an age gap, any romantic stuff interest have formed after the younger character is eighteen.
Hi there! Which ships would you be interested in?
Wow! That’s a speedy reply! Sorry, I should have indicated it, but I would like to do a Draco/Harry one. I have been writing Draco for a good 6-7 years now so quite experienced if I do say so myself haha. Further more I write past tense, third person, and about 2-5 paragraphs per reply. Let me know if you are interested!
Wow! That’s a speedy reply! Sorry, I should have indicated it, but I would like to do a Draco/Harry one. I have been writing Draco for a good 6-7 years now so quite experienced if I do say so myself haha. Further more I write past tense, third person, and about 2-5 paragraphs per reply. Let me know if you are interested!
I had my phone in hand 😂
And that works for me! I'm similar in replies!
Send me a pm and I'll reply when I can as I'm at work right now!

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