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Fandom Harry Potter: Blood of The Unicorn CS



Caught in a storm
Full Name:
Blood Status:
Age: (Should be within reason to being in 4th year
Birthplace: (Optional)
Year: Should be 4th

Appearance: (Real life images)
Faceclaim: (If possible, I understand if one can't find out though)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Appearance Details: Short to Medium Description atleast
Fashion: Short to Medium Description atleast

Personality: Atleast a paragraph or two
Likes 2-5
Dislikes: 2-5
Habits: 1-5
Skills: 2-5

Biography: (Paragraph or Two)
Family: (No length requirement but family appearances and flashbacks may be a thing so include what info you deem necessary.)

Wand: (Inches, Flexibility, Core, Wood Type)
Animagus: (Optional for those who choose to be one)
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Teacher CS:
Full Name:
Blood Status:
Birthplace: (Optional)
Occupation: (Professor, class, staff role)
Amount of Time working at Hogwarts: # of years

Appearance: (Real life images)
Faceclaim: (If possible, I understand if one can't find out though)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Appearance Details: Short to Medium description atleast
Fashion: Short to Medium Description atleast

Personality: Atleast a paragraph or two
Likes 2-5
Dislikes: 2-5
Habits: 1-5
Skills: 2-5

Biography: (Paragraph or Two)
Family Members: (No length requirement but family appearances and flashbacks may be a thing so include what info you deem necessary.)

Wand: (Inches, Flexibility, Core, Wood Type)
Animagus: (Optional for those who choose to be one)
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Abigail Fitzpatrick
Basics. ❞
【full name】— Abigail Fitzpatrick.
【nickname(s)】— Abby, Fitz.
【gender】— Female.
【age】— 14.
【birthday】— 19th August.
【birthplace】— Lincoln, England, UK.
【blood status】— muggleborn.
【sexuality】— Homosexual.
【house】— Ravenclaw.
【year】— 4th Year.
【wand】— willow wood, phoenix feather core, 9 3/4 inches - surprisingly swishy
【boggart】— a snapped wand.
【patronus】— Orca.
【amortentia】— old books, honey and apple tea.
【best subjects】— astronomy, care of magical creatures and potions.
【electives】— care of magical creatures, arithmancy and ancient runes.
【extracirriculars】— seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, wants to join a potions or duelling club.

【faceclaim】— Dafne Keen.
【hair colour】— dark brown
【eye colour 】— dark brown with a hint of grey.
【appearance details】— whilst at hogwarts Abby makes a point of making sure she gives no one a reason to look down on her, her robes are always neat and she makes a habit of straightening out any crease or fixing any rip or tear. Outside of Hogwarts she's much more casual and less concerned about appearances. She has a somewhat muscular build due to her Quidditch games and the fact during her first year she spent most of her time running around the castle.
【distinguishing marks】— scar on the right side of her forehead from falling over and hitting her head on the corner of a kitchen counter
【fashion】— she more closely follows muggle fashion compared to anything else, instead of choosing to dress in more formal attire like she commonly sees those in the wizarding world doing when she's out. Most commonly found in casual attire; jeans and loose shirts usually with a single colour or floral design, denim skirts and blouses - trainers and boots are what she tends to wear on her feet.

【personality】— Abby is a
【dislikes】— deep water, stuck up people, failing tests, looking stupid, losing, the library being busy and loud.
【likes】— pink coconut ice, crystallised pineapple, star gazing, playing Quidditch, sketching, climbing around places and exploring.
【habits】— takes a stash of muggle sweets with her to Hogwarts, smoothing out and straightening her robes when she's nervous, hoarding books under her bed, spinning her wand around between her fingers or like a baton when nervous or bored.
【skills】— She's talented when it comes to potions, has a knack for healing charms and is good at drawing and playing Quidditch.

【biography】— Abigail Fitzpatrick was the first and only child of a secondary school science teacher and a veterinarian. Her childhood had been a good one, she was a curious and hyperactive child constantly wanting to explore and know the hows and whys behind everything. Firing questions at everyone at 100 mph and tiring out everyone else around her. Her teachers couldn't keep up and would shout and beg for her to sit still and quiet, other students would get sick of her or ignore her because she wouldn't play tag or dolls - she'd explore or watch bees on the flowers for the entirety of break. And as she got older she realised she just felt different to everyone, everyone seemed to understand each other and didn't seem to be interested in the same things as her - she became anxious and lonely and tried to fit in flitting between forcing herself to be still and slow and quiet to blend in with everyone and trying to find someone who would put up with her. Over time the ache of anxiety in her chest became her ‘normal’ but the thoughts that roared through her mind were so loud that sometimes she felt shocked that no one else could hear them. Because her teachers would get mad she wasn't paying attention despite the fact the work they'd set her was finished on her desk, because she'd never get sick like the rest of her class, because sometimes strange things would happen that she couldn't quite explain and no one else ever seemed to notice.

Then the Hogwarts letter arrived and explained everything, turned her whole world on its axis. Everything that she had grown used to had been violently uprooted, and no matter how hard anyone tried, there would be no returning to before. August 31st and September 1st became the before and afters that would go on to define her life. It explained away the strange incidents but it also labelled her as something other, something different to her parents. It made her feel like she was some kind of freak. And so she dealt with that uncertainty the way she had dealt with every other thing that scared her in her life, she tried desperately to understand and learn everything about it.

She dove into Hogwarts, her natural desire to learn and burning curiousity about this new world sending her into Ravenclaw - she'd spend hours trying to catch up on all the history that other people seemed to just know from how they were raised and would explore the castle whenever she could to try and make it feel like home - feel familiar in the hopes she would stop feeling like an outsider. She spent that entire first year trying to catch up and prove herself for fear that they'd realise they made a mistake letting her in, that they'd send her back and snap her wand - she'd cram and study and slave in order to get perfect grades and not give anyone a reason to doubt that she belongs at Hogwarts.

It took her ending up in the hospital wing, exhaustion, for her to stop and breathe and give herself time to enjoy magic. After a stern talking to and surprisingly soft reassurances she tried to give herself more of a break, she focused more on flying lessons - learned about Quidditch and focused on trying to make friends as until then she'd been closed off and singled minded and focused. She did well in her classes but without overworking herself and by the end of the year most of the anxiety had faded.

Things were still tense at home, it felt like her parents were walking on egg shells around her and whenever she tried to tell them about Hogwarts - they'd nod and smile but they didn't really understand it. They tried but they didn't get it and so she found herself wishing she was back at Hogwarts. In her second year she found a balance, she still fought and tried to get the perfect grades, prove to anyone with old fashioned views that she was just as good as them but she also tried to make friends and explore the Castle and practised Quidditch in the hopes of joining the team.

【family】— Mother: Dawn Fitzpatrick, 46, Veterinarian

Father: Morgan Fitzpatrick, 50, Science teacher at a local secondary school

Thomas O'Cain
❝ Basics. ❞
【full name】— Thomas Alistair O'Cain.
【nickname(s)】— Tommy
【gender】— Male.
【age】— 14.
【birthday】— 7th November.
【birthplace】— Stirling, Scotland, UK.
【blood status】— pure-blood.
【sexuality】— Heterosexual.
【house】— Hufflepuff.
【year】— 4th Year.

【wand】— english oak, dragon heartstring core, 10" - nice and supple.
【bogart】— his brother
【patronus】— capuchin monkey
【amortentia】— cinnamon, cedar wood and clove
【best subjects】— Transfiguration, Herbology
【electives】— arithmancy, divination and care of magical creatures
【animgaus】— due to his age and the difficulty of becoming one Tommy is not an animagus but he'd like to become one before he leaves Hogwarts (he hopes he'd be some kind of bird or mammal)
【pets】— he has a spectacled owl for sending and receiving letters whom he shares with his brother called Caius.

【face claim】 — David Mazouz
【hair colour】 — Brown
【eye colour】— dark green
【appearance details】— he's usually not very well put together with messy hair and crumpled robes
【fashion】— when he has a choice he usually wears casual, albeit still somewhat smart, clothes. His family expect him to dress smartly and so he can usually be found in a shirt and tie but when he's not around them he'll switch out a jacket for a comfortable hoodie. Usually has herbology gloves stuffed into the pockets of his robes along with an an assortment of other things.
【distinguishing marks】— freckled face from being outside constantly, scar on the palm of his hand from a herbology mishap.

【personality】— Tommy is the first

He's easily ruled by his emotions, so on a bad day he can be grumpy and sarcastic. Taking out his anger on inanimate objects or muttering snappy remarks and a vast array of curses under his breath when he thinks no one is paying attention. But that also means that he dives into things head first, letting himself be ruled by his heart rather than his head. He's idealistic and principled with a very strong sense of morality and is steadfast in his beliefs of what is right and what is wrong. However don't mistake his morality for him being a teachers pet or someone who constantly follows the rules, he sees harmless rule breaking and tricks as a part of Hogwarts and as long as no one gets hurt he'll happily join in with causing mischief or trouble.

【habits】— tends to talk too fast when nervous, clicking his fingers or tapping his wand against his leg when thinking, constantly has an assortment of things stuffed into the pockets of his robes and he always has herbology gloves on him.
【skills】— identifying plants, he has a good sense of direction/navigation, charms
【likes】— chocolate frogs, pumpkin pasties, watching Quidditch games (he supports the Mallory Magpies,) exploring Hogwarts Castle
【dislikes】— early mornings, fights, flying, heights, blood, peeves the poltergeist

【family】— Thomas is the youngest son of Alistair O'Cain and Rosalind O'Cain (formely Guichard) his Father works as an Investigator in the Beast Divison of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, whilst his Mother is an Obliviator. Both his maternal and paternal families were neutral during the war although her Mother's family leaned towards the darker side with distant relatives being death eaters. He has two older brothers, one called William, who currently resides in Azkhaban and his middle brother Nicholas.

Father: Alistair O'Cain, 55 - an Investigator in the Beast Divison of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
Mother: Rosalind O'Cain, 49, - an Obliviator
Brother: William O'Cain, 21
Brother: Nicholas O'Cain, 17, seventh year student at Hogwarts - Slytherin
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Full Name: Lillith Vance
Blood Status: Pureblood
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthplace: (Optional)
Year: 4th
House: Ravenclaw

Faceclaim: (If possible, I understand if one can't find out though)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Appearance Details: Short to Medium Description atleast
Fashion: Short to Medium Description atleast

Personality: Atleast a paragraph or two
Likes 2-5
Dislikes: 2-5
Habits: 1-5
Skills: 2-5

Biography: (Paragraph or Two)
Family: (No length requirement but family appearances and flashbacks may be a thing so include what info you deem necessary.)

Wand: (Inches, Flexibility, Core, Wood Type)
Animagus: (Optional for those who choose to be one)


Full Name: Johanna Nicole Hayes
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Age: 15 years old
Gender: Cisgender Female
Sexuality: Closet Bisexual.
Birthplace: Baltimore, Ireland.
Year: 4th
House: Gryffindor!

Faceclaim: No faceclaim. Sorry.
Hair Color: Fiery red.
Eye Color: Deep emerald green.
Appearance Details:
Johanna, or Joey, stands at 5"10, with a mesomorphic build. She is a powerhouse of lean muscle and packs quite a punch. Her hair is that signature fiery Irish red, with a smattering of freckles and coral pink lips. Her hair is naturally wavy, but unkempt, if it isn’t just pulled back in a ponytail.
Her Barn owl form is fairly normal looking, but rather then being that normal tawny brown color, her flight feathers are more reddish to match her hair color. If she can be an Animagus.
Fashion: Mostly sporty/athletic. She’s an athlete who doesn’t focus too much on looks. Rarely will you see her with makeup except for the stuff to cover up acne. Mostly she has sports leggings with tank tops, and if it’s cold she throws on a sheepskin jacket and calls it a day.

Overall, easy to move in with little focus on “style” or “fashion”.

Johanna tends to be tad bit on the mischievous/sarcastic side, taking the things that happen to her in stride and rolling with it, with a snappy comeback already on the tongue. This fierce attitude gets her in trouble sometimes. But she is extremely loyal to her friends that she does manage to make. She'll throw herself into the heat of battle for her friends without really thinking about it. She can become extremely competitive when the time allows.
  • Chocolate
  • Quidditch
  • Birds
  • Anything in the sky, in general.
-Blonde bimbos
Zoning Out.
Tapping on her desk or thigh or whatever it may be.

She has a surprising talent for transfiguration. Her favorite spell is the Pollos spell, which turns things into chickens.
She’s also a prodigy with a broomstick.
“I can sit through a three hour lecture on magic history and absorb absolutely nothing.”
“... I can play the drums. Or, I could a while ago.”

My parent's names are Andrew Hayes and Teresa Kaulia. My mammy Teresa is a cardiologist (That's a heart doctor) who works late nights and loves caramel macchiatos, and my pa, rest his soul, was a journalist for the local paper, and unfortunately he died of leukemia the same year I received my letter from Hogwarts. Both are muggles, through and through. My pa was... my best friend, and my mammy is rather clingy now pa is dead... But that's beside the point.

I spent most of my life with piss poor grades because of this stupid Muggle thing called Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, or ADHD that makes my attention span about as small and fleeting as a squirrel's. With time and age I've learned to quell my crazy hyperactive antics, but it wasn't soon enough to help me with my first thee years at Hogwarts. It was baaaad, it was real bad. But as it turns out I am a prodigy with Transfiguration and I had stellar grades there for all my years.

I’m hoping to get on the Gryffindor Quidditch team this year! Oh, what a sight it was, my first Quidditch game... oh I’ve wanted to get up there for a long, long time. And now I’m finally old enough to try out.

Teresa Kaulia - Mother, ALIVE. Muggle.
Andrew Hayes - Father, DECEASED. Muggle.
Paul Hayes - Grandfather, ALIVE. Squib.
She has a fairly decent relationship with all her family, especially when she found out her grandfather was actually a Squib and knew about magic the whole time.
She has a pet red squirrel named Mister Squiggles. He’s adorable, that’s all. He’s adorable.

Wand: Redwood, 11” Phoenix Feather Core. Unyielding flexibility.
Boggart: A closed bird cage with a trapped bird inside.
Patronus: Barn Owl
Animagus: also a Barn Owl.
Amortentia: Pine needles, fresh ink and ocean spray.
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Full Name: Hugo Holloway
Blood Status: Pureblood
Age: 14
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Gay
Year: 4th
House: Slytherin


/can't find a face claim for him
Appearance: Hair Color: Reddish brown
Eye Color: Brown
Appearance Details: Hugo has a very sickly pale complexion, he constantly looks like he is on deaths door. He hardly sleeps, choosing to stay up and read instead, because of this, eye bags are a constant part of his appearance. He is decently tall for his age, standing at a good 6’1 (However, He claims he is 6’3.) He has a large scar on his face that slices through his mouth and reaches to his chin. When asked about it, he responds with increasingly elaborate stories told extremely sarcastically, ranging from an attack from a rabid unicorn, to an incident involving a very, very, unlucky penguin.
Fashion: Very posh, only the finest robes and outfits.​

Personality: Hugo is witty and sarcastic, he’s a hard person to befriend, as he tends to not show much emotion. He has few friends at Hogwarts, which makes him extremely lonely (not that he lets it show, that is). Hugo is extremely smart, in fact the sorting hat almost put him in Ravenclaw, but in his own words “I know I care more about myself than I care about the pursuit of knowledge,”. Hugo is extremely honest, often brutally so. He excels in school, always putting his education before friendship. However, when Hugo does make friends, he is fiercely loyal to them, seeing his extremely close friends as an extension of himself, in a strange way.
Likes: Pretty boys, long books, white cats, playing the violin.
Dislikes: Big dogs, anyone he deems annoying, large social gatherings.
Habits: Doodling on his papers, biting his nails.
Skills: Playing the violin, potions, charms.

Biography: TW: F-SLUR: Hugo Holloway was born to Howard Holloway and Jeanette Holloway (Harrods). Howard and Jeanette were both very rich purebloods, dating back a long time. Howard works as an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries, and Jeanette makes and sells her oil paintings. Their entire family on both sides were Slytherins, with Hugo following suit. The Holloways were never explicitly dark, especially not during both wars, but they weren’t explicitly light either. Hugo, however, loudly declared himself “A blood traitor and a f*ggot,” during a heated argument between him and his father at dinner, both coming out and stating his stance on blood purity. The Holloway’s live in a sizeable house near a muggle town. The interesting thing about this town, however, is the fact that it is filled with vampires. The vampires, like most, are not hostile. Hugo befriended a few of them, as they were the only people nearby that knew anything of the wizarding world. So, Hugo has strong opinions on vampires (especially after dating one in his 3rd year).
Family: / just gonna copy paste from his bio its 2 late 4 that rn : Hugo Holloway was born to Howard Holloway and Jeanette Holloway (Harrods). Howard and Jeanette were both very rich purebloods, dating back a long time. Howard works as an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries, and Jeanette makes and sells her oil paintings. Their entire family on both sides were Slytherins, with Hugo following suit. The Holloways were never explicitly dark, especially not during both wars, but they weren’t explicitly light either.

Howard Holloway, Hugo’s father. He was never home enough for Hugo to form a strong relationship with him. He has rather dated opinions on blood purity, which has made Hugo distant from him.

Jeannette Holloway, Hugo’s Mother. She is a kind woman, and Hugo’s favorite parent.

Jorin Renwick, the vampire Hugo dated in his 3rd year.

Marley Payne, Hugo’s best friend, and also a muggle. Marley and Hugo have been friends forever, and are as close as two people could be. Marley knows of the wizarding world. Hugo may or may not be head over heels in love with him. Marley is enthusiastic and happy, the polar opposite of Hugo. He always seems to have just gotten in a fight.

Bobbie Payne, Marley’s little sister.

Spike, Hugo’s cat​

Wand: Aspen wood with a dragon heartstring core, 13" and reasonably supple flexibility
Boggart: Being blind/Darkness
Patronus: Swan
Amortentia: The distinct smell of a practical muggle boys cologne, old books, rosin, oil paint.


  • Talking of Michelangelo.jpg
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Full Name: Pierre Guerrer
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthplace: Paris, France
Year: Should be 4th
House: Ravenclaw


Faceclaim: Uncertain tagged as Noah Mills
Hair Color: Brunet
Eye Color: Green
Appearance Details: Short to Medium Description atleast
Fashion: Short to Medium Description atleast

Personality: Initially Pierre seems calm, quiet and formal with a snobbish air that might make him unapproachable at first. Usually his face is always in a book or silently observing people with a curious gaze. Rarely approaches anyone but is polite and calm to those that approach him if a little distant. Those who can read people might be able to see he is not what he seems or his family might suggest and that his shyness of snobbishness maybe more to do with inexperience.
Likes 2-5
Dislikes: 2-5
Habits: 1-5
Skills: 2-5

Biography: (Paragraph or Two)
  • Mother: Ambassador Vivianne Theadora Guerrer, French Ambasaddor to the English Ministry and Member of the International Confederation of Wizards Education and Research Department
  • Father: Louis Pierre Guerrer
  • Eldest Sister: Anne-Marie Martiel (Née Guerrer, disowned)
  • Elder Sister: Theadora Guerrer (Disowned)

Wand: Cypress, Dragon Heartstring, 10 inch, french make
Boggart: His Mother
Patronus: Stallion
Animagus: N/A
Amortentia: freshly baked bread.
Full Name: Clarke Nightingale
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: heterosexual
Birthplace: St Ann's Orphanage, Cambridge
Year: 4th
House: Gryffindor

Faceclaim: N/a
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Appearance Details:
Clarke has somewhat pale skin and dark jet black hair. He might be described as a shadowy and mysterious person, due to his looks. This is further enforced by his personality. He stands at 5'8 and has a skinny build.

Fashion: He tends to enjoy wearing muggle clothes, often having a muggle teenage inspired sense of fashion, wearing jeans and t-shirts. He often wears black t-shirts and jackets. Often due to his preferred clothing he tends to be come off as a troublemaker.

Personality: Clarke might be described as a bit of a loner, he tends to not be very spoken, often keeping to himself. He doesn't enjoy being bothered by others however he isn't someone who will be unfriendly to strangers. He often thinks hypercritically and analyzes situations. He often has trouble trusting others. Clarke will often be quite quiet around others. Still he can be a quite helpful friend to those who befriend him. He tends to hang by himself more often because of his inability to trust others.

Likes: Lemonade, Snow Cones, Dragons, Magical Creatures
Dislikes: Bullies, Rain, Horses, Cats
Habits: He tends to mumble when he is frustrated.
Skills: Good at dueling, Good at riding a broom.

Biography: Clarke didn't have the best of a childhood. He grew up at an Orphanage at Cambridge. He often was bullied by the nuns who ran the orphanage and as a result didn't spend much time interacting with the other orphans his age. Much of his life was spent trying to get by until he ended up adopted by a wizard family short age his magical powers started to take form. He was adopted by a single mother who could be quite strict but never was mean towards him. Still he couldn't often tell whether she loved him. When he started being told that he would likely attend hogwarts, he dreaded the worst. He never got along with kids his age so he often spent more time alone during his time at Hogwarts, as a result he ended up being seen as a troublemaker.
Emmara Nightingale ((Adopted Mother))
Relationships: N/A

Wand: (Inches, Flexibility, Core, Wood Type) Inches, Solid, Phoenix Feather, Yew
Boggart: Dementors
Patronus: polar bear
Animagus: N/A
Amortentia: Smoked Bacon
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Full Name: Arlo Isabel Milanesi
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Closet Lesbian.
Birthplace: Italy
Year: 4th
House: Slytherin

Appearance: (see below)
Faceclaim: N/A (i am on a ps4 browser so attaching images is a no-go)
Hair Color: Very dark brown
Eye Color: Hazel, almost golden
Appearance Details: Arlo is very short, standing at 5'3" roughly, her figure is rather curvy but surprisingly muscular due to being rather atletic. Most of her pale ivory skin is covered in freckles aside from a few patches of discolered skin due to vitiligo (Which she is highly embarrassed of). she has a rather round-tipped nose that gives it a button look. Her hair is very thick and naturally untidy and kept short, usually never longer than mid-neck.
Fashion: when not in robes, she prefer comfortable clothes. She also has a love for sweaters, her favorite being a pastel yellow one with daisies across the chest like a stripe. When at school she wears rather new, well-kept robes.

Personality: Arlo is a shameless flirt. She loves to see just how flustered she can make someone. Like most stereotypical slytherins, Arlo has an air of confidence, and a silver tounge. Though despite this, she actually is quite insecure, and as much as she hates it, rather depressed. Though of course its rare that she would let her pride fall enough for anyone to notice that her confidence is a facade that she puts up. Aside from that, once she is comfortable around someone, she is the cuddliest friend you will ever had.
- The taste of honey
-seeing those she cares about succeed.

-peanutbutter (She is allergic)
-large social gatherings
-talking about her father.

-zoning out
-biting her lower lip

Skills: piano, transfiguration, potions.

Biography: Arlo was born in Venice, Italy to a loving family. As she and her siblings got older, her parents divorced, Her mother taking the kids and moving to London where Arlo's sister got married and had a now 5 year old son. Her mother got a job as a waitress and hopes to one day maybe teach at hogwarts, where she went to school growing up. Her father is back in italy, probably with a new family of his own. Much to Arlo's dismay of couse. Though don't let that fool you, Arlo has had a decent, Albeit lonely, life so far.

Family: (No length requirement but family appearances and flashbacks may be a thing so include what info you deem necessary.)
-Analise Milanesi (Mother) (Alive)
-julia Milanesi (Older Sister) (alive)
Marco De Luca (Father) (Alive)
James De Luca (Fraternal twin brother) (Alive)
Nicolas Milanesi (Nephew) (Alive)

Mina Regio (Arlo's first girlfriend, they dated for two months but Mina ended her own life at 14)
Benjamin andrews (Arlo's best friend since 1st grade)

Wand: 7" alder wood with pheonix feather core, very flexible
Boggart: a Swedish short-snout dragon
Patronus: Otter
Animagus: her Animagus is a Ferret.
Amortentia: the scent of fresh Lemon and lilac
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Full Name: Dmitri Preobrazhensky
Blood Status: Half Blood
Age: 28
Gender: Yes! (any pronouns)
Sexuality: NBLM
Occupation: Potions Professor
Amount of Time working at Hogwarts: 4 years
House: Griffindor

Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Red
Appearance Details: Dmitri is tall, standing at about 6,6. They have short, bright red hair, which is instantly recognizable.
Fashion: Short to Medium Description atleast


Personality: Atleast a paragraph or two
Likes 2-5
Dislikes: 2-5
Habits: 1-5
Skills: 2-5

Biography: (Paragraph or Two)
Family Members: (No length requirement but family appearances and flashbacks may be a thing so include what info you deem necessary.)

Wand: 13" Vine Wood, Dragon Heartstring, flexible
Animagus: Nightjar
Patronus: Nightjar
/Kinda just put things that had their vibes in their playlist, i promise they arent a murderer
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Teacher CS:
Full Name: Maeve Aria
Blood Status: Pureblood
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthplace: (Optional)
Occupation: DADA Professor
Amount of Time working at Hogwarts: 2 years
House: Slytherin

Faceclaim: (If possible, I understand if one can't find out though)
Hair Color: silver
Eye Color:
Appearance Details: Short to Medium description atleast
Fashion: Short to Medium Description atleast

Personality: Atleast a paragraph or two
Likes 2-5
Dislikes: 2-5
Habits: 1-5
Skills: 2-5

Biography: A former auror who ended up settling down with another Auror, Maeve has since began teaching at Hogwarts. The recent disappearance of her husband has troubled her.
Family Members: Peter Aria(Husband)
Peter Aria (Husband)

Wand: (Inches, Flexibility, Core, Wood Type)
Patronus: sparrow
Animagus: n/a
Amortentia: Milk Chocolate
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Abigail Fitzpatrick
View attachment 772535
Basics. ❞
【full name】— Abigail Fitzpatrick.
【nickname(s)】— Abby, Fitz.
【gender】— Female.
【age】— 14.
【birthday】— 19th August.
【birthplace】— Lincoln, England, UK.
【blood status】— muggleborn.
【sexuality】— Homosexual.
【house】— Ravenclaw.
【year】— 4th Year.
【wand】— willow wood, phoenix feather core, 9 3/4 inches - surprisingly swishy
【boggart】— a snapped wand.
【patronus】— Orca.
【amortentia】— old books, honey and apple tea.
【best subjects】— astronomy, care of magical creatures and potions.
【electives】— care of magical creatures, arithmancy and ancient runes.
【extracirriculars】— seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, wants to join a potions or duelling club.

【faceclaim】— Dafne Keen.
【hair colour】— dark brown
【eye colour 】— dark brown with a hint of grey.
【appearance details】— whilst at hogwarts Abby makes a point of making sure she gives no one a reason to look down on her, her robes are always neat and she makes a habit of straightening out any crease or fixing any rip or tear. Outside of Hogwarts she's much more casual and less concerned about appearances. She has a somewhat muscular build due to her Quidditch games and the fact during her first year she spent most of her time running around the castle.
【distinguishing marks】— scar on the right side of her forehead from falling over and hitting her head on the corner of a kitchen counter
【fashion】— she more closely follows muggle fashion compared to anything else, instead of choosing to dress in more formal attire like she commonly sees those in the wizarding world doing when she's out. Most commonly found in casual attire; jeans and loose shirts usually with a single colour or floral design, denim skirts and blouses - trainers and boots are what she tends to wear on her feet.

【personality】— seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.
【dislikes】— deep water, stuck up people, failing tests, looking stupid, losing, the library being busy and loud.
【likes】— pink coconut ice, crystallised pineapple, star gazing, playing Quidditch, sketching, climbing around places and exploring.
【habits】— takes a stash of muggle sweets with her to Hogwarts, smoothing out and straightening her robes when she's nervous, hoarding books under her bed, spinning her wand around between her fingers or like a baton when nervous or bored.
【skills】— She's talented when it comes to potions, has a knack for healing charms and is good at drawing and playing Quidditch.

【biography】— Abigail Fitzpatrick was the first and only child of a secondary school science teacher and a veterinarian. Her childhood had been a good one, she was a curious and hyperactive child constantly wanting to explore and know the hows and whys behind everything. Firing questions at everyone at 100 mph and tiring out everyone else around her. Her teachers couldn't keep up and would shout and beg for her to sit still and quiet, other students would get sick of her or ignore her because she wouldn't play tag or dolls - she'd explore or watch bees on the flowers for the entirety of break. And as she got older she realised she just felt different to everyone, everyone seemed to understand each other and didn't seem to be interested in the same things as her - she became anxious and lonely and tried to fit in flitting between forcing herself to be still and slow and quiet to blend in with everyone and trying to find someone who would put up with her. Over time the ache of anxiety in her chest became her ‘normal’ but the thoughts that roared through her mind were so loud that sometimes she felt shocked that no one else could hear them. Because her teachers would get mad she wasn't paying attention despite the fact the work they'd set her was finished on her desk, because she'd never get sick like the rest of her class, because sometimes strange things would happen that she couldn't quite explain and no one else ever seemed to notice.

Then the Hogwarts letter arrived and explained everything, turned her whole world on its axis. Everything that she had grown used to had been violently uprooted, and no matter how hard anyone tried, there would be no returning to before. August 31st and September 1st became the before and afters that would go on to define her life. It explained away the strange incidents but it also labelled her as something other, something different to her parents. It made her feel like she was some kind of freak. And so she dealt with that uncertainty the way she had dealt with every other thing that scared her in her life, she tried desperately to understand and learn everything about it.

She dove into Hogwarts, her natural desire to learn and burning curiousity about this new world sending her into Ravenclaw - she'd spend hours trying to catch up on all the history that other people seemed to just know from how they were raised and would explore the castle whenever she could to try and make it feel like home - feel familiar in the hopes she would stop feeling like an outsider. She spent that entire first year trying to catch up and prove herself for fear that they'd realise they made a mistake letting her in, that they'd send her back and snap her wand - she'd cram and study and slave in order to get perfect grades and not give anyone a reason to doubt that she belongs at Hogwarts.

It took her ending up in the hospital wing, exhaustion, for her to stop and breathe and give herself time to enjoy magic. After a stern talking to and surprisingly soft reassurances she tried to give herself more of a break, she focused more on flying lessons - learned about Quidditch and focused on trying to make friends as until then she'd been closed off and singled minded and focused. She did well in her classes but without overworking herself and by the end of the year most of the anxiety had faded.

Things were still tense at home, it felt like her parents were walking on egg shells around her and whenever she tried to tell them about Hogwarts - they'd nod and smile but they didn't really understand it. They tried but they didn't get it and so she found herself wishing she was back at Hogwarts. In her second year she found a balance, she still fought and tried to get the perfect grades, prove to anyone with old fashioned views that she was just as good as them but she also tried to make friends and explore the Castle and practised Quidditch in the hopes of joining the team.

【family】— Mother: Dawn Fitzpatrick, 46, Veterinarian

Father: Morgan Fitzpatrick, 50, Science teacher at a local secondary school

Thomas O'Cain
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❝ Basics. ❞
【full name】— Thomas Alistair O'Cain.
【nickname(s)】— Tommy
【gender】— Male.
【age】— 14.
【birthday】— 7th November.
【birthplace】— Stirling, Scotland, UK.
【blood status】— pure-blood.
【sexuality】— Heterosexual.
【house】— Hufflepuff.
【year】— 4th Year.

【wand】— english oak, dragon heartstring core, 10" - nice and supple.
【bogart】— his brother
【patronus】— capuchin monkey
【amortentia】— cinnamon, cedar wood and clove
【best subjects】— Transfiguration, Herbology
【electives】— arithmancy, divination and care of magical creatures
【animgaus】— due to his age and the difficulty of becoming one Tommy is not an animagus but he'd like to become one before he leaves Hogwarts (he hopes he'd be some kind of bird or mammal)
【pets】— he has a spectacled owl for sending and receiving letters whom he shares with his brother called Caius.

【face claim】 — David Mazouz
【hair colour】 — Brown
【eye colour】— dark green
【appearance details】— he's usually not very well put together with messy hair and crumpled robes
【fashion】— when he has a choice he usually wears casual, albeit still somewhat smart, clothes. His family expect him to dress smartly and so he can usually be found in a shirt and tie but when he's not around them he'll switch out a jacket for a comfortable hoodie. Usually has herbology gloves stuffed into the pockets of his robes along with an an assortment of other things.
【distinguishing marks】— freckled face from being outside constantly, scar on the palm of his hand from a herbology mishap.

【personality】— Tommy is the first

He's easily ruled by his emotions, so on a bad day he can be grumpy and sarcastic. Taking out his anger on inanimate objects or muttering snappy remarks and a vast array of curses under his breath when he thinks no one is paying attention. But that also means that he dives into things head first, letting himself be ruled by his heart rather than his head. He's idealistic and principled with a very strong sense of morality and is steadfast in his beliefs of what is right and what is wrong. However don't mistake his morality for him being a teachers pet or someone who constantly follows the rules, he sees harmless rule breaking and tricks as a part of Hogwarts and as long as no one gets hurt he'll happily join in with causing mischief or trouble.

【habits】— tends to talk too fast when nervous, clicking his fingers or tapping his wand against his leg when thinking, constantly has an assortment of things stuffed into the pockets of his robes and he always has herbology gloves on him.
【skills】— identifying plants, he has a good sense of direction/navigation, charms
【likes】— chocolate frogs, pumpkin pasties, watching Quidditch games (he supports the Mallory Magpies,) exploring Hogwarts Castle
【dislikes】— early mornings, fights, flying, heights, blood, peeves the poltergeist

【family】— Thomas is the youngest son of Alistair O'Cain and Rosalind O'Cain (formely Guichard) his Father works as an Investigator in the Beast Divison of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, whilst his Mother is an Obliviator. Both his maternal and paternal families were neutral during the war although her Mother's family leaned towards the darker side with distant relatives being death eaters. He has two older brothers, one called William, who currently resides in Azkhaban and his middle brother Nicholas.

Father: Alistair O'Cain, 55 - an Investigator in the Beast Divison of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
Mother: Rosalind O'Cain, 49, - an Obliviator
Brother: William O'Cain, 21
Brother: Nicholas O'Cain, 17, seventh year student at Hogwarts - Slytherin

Approved both. Although I'm not sure how much we'll get to really see some of the classes since there was a somewhat lack of professors. So classes might be more focused on moments of classes we do have professors for.


Full Name: Johanna Nicole Hayes
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Age: 15 years old
Gender: Cisgender Female
Sexuality: Closet Bisexual.
Birthplace: Baltimore, Ireland.
Year: 4th
House: Gryffindor!

Faceclaim: No faceclaim. Sorry.
Hair Color: Fiery red.
Eye Color: Deep emerald green.
Appearance Details:
Johanna, or Joey, stands at 5"10, with a mesomorphic build. She is a powerhouse of lean muscle and packs quite a punch. Her hair is that signature fiery Irish red, with a smattering of freckles and coral pink lips. Her hair is naturally wavy, but unkempt, if it isn’t just pulled back in a ponytail.
Her Barn owl form is fairly normal looking, but rather then being that normal tawny brown color, her flight feathers are more reddish to match her hair color. If she can be an Animagus.
Fashion: Mostly sporty/athletic. She’s an athlete who doesn’t focus too much on looks. Rarely will you see her with makeup except for the stuff to cover up acne. Mostly she has sports leggings with tank tops, and if it’s cold she throws on a sheepskin jacket and calls it a day.

Overall, easy to move in with little focus on “style” or “fashion”.

Johanna tends to be tad bit on the mischievous/sarcastic side, taking the things that happen to her in stride and rolling with it, with a snappy comeback already on the tongue. This fierce attitude gets her in trouble sometimes. But she is extremely loyal to her friends that she does manage to make. She'll throw herself into the heat of battle for her friends without really thinking about it. She can become extremely competitive when the time allows.
  • Chocolate
  • Quidditch
  • Birds
  • Anything in the sky, in general.
-Blonde bimbos
Zoning Out.
Tapping on her desk or thigh or whatever it may be.

She has a surprising talent for transfiguration. Her favorite spell is the Pollos spell, which turns things into chickens.
She’s also a prodigy with a broomstick.
“I can sit through a three hour lecture on magic history and absorb absolutely nothing.”
“... I can play the drums. Or, I could a while ago.”

My parent's names are Andrew Hayes and Teresa Kaulia. My mammy Teresa is a cardiologist (That's a heart doctor) who works late nights and loves caramel macchiatos, and my pa, rest his soul, was a journalist for the local paper, and unfortunately he died of leukemia the same year I received my letter from Hogwarts. Both are muggles, through and through. My pa was... my best friend, and my mammy is rather clingy now pa is dead... But that's beside the point.

I spent most of my life with piss poor grades because of this stupid Muggle thing called Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, or ADHD that makes my attention span about as small and fleeting as a squirrel's. With time and age I've learned to quell my crazy hyperactive antics, but it wasn't soon enough to help me with my first thee years at Hogwarts. It was baaaad, it was real bad. But as it turns out I am a prodigy with Transfiguration and I had stellar grades there for all my years.

I’m hoping to get on the Gryffindor Quidditch team this year! Oh, what a sight it was, my first Quidditch game... oh I’ve wanted to get up there for a long, long time. And now I’m finally old enough to try out.

Teresa Kaulia - Mother, ALIVE. Muggle.
Andrew Hayes - Father, DECEASED. Muggle.
Paul Hayes - Grandfather, ALIVE. Squib.
She has a fairly decent relationship with all her family, especially when she found out her grandfather was actually a Squib and knew about magic the whole time.
She has a pet red squirrel named Mister Squiggles. He’s adorable, that’s all. He’s adorable.

Wand: Redwood, 11” Phoenix Feather Core. Unyielding flexibility.
Boggart: A closed bird cage with a trapped bird inside.
Patronus: Barn Owl
Animagus: also a Barn Owl.
Amortentia: Pine needles, fresh ink and ocean spray.
Approved. I liked reading about her alot!
Full Name: Hugo Holloway
Blood Status: Pureblood
Age: 14
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Gay
Year: 4th
House: Slytherin

View attachment 771378
/can't find a face claim for him
Appearance: Hair Color: Reddish brown
Eye Color: Brown
Appearance Details: Hugo has a very sickly pale complexion, he constantly looks like he is on deaths door. He hardly sleeps, choosing to stay up and read instead, because of this, eye bags are a constant part of his appearance. He is decently tall for his age, standing at a good 6’1 (However, He claims he is 6’3.) He has a large scar on his face that slices through his mouth and reaches to his chin. When asked about it, he responds with increasingly elaborate stories told extremely sarcastically, ranging from an attack from a rabid unicorn, to an incident involving a very, very, unlucky penguin. He has a large, sharp nose, which he used to hate, but has now become rather fond of.
Fashion: Very posh, only the finest robes and outfits.​

Personality: Hugo is witty and sarcastic, he’s a hard person to befriend, as he tends to not show much emotion. He has few friends at Hogwarts, which makes him extremely lonely (not that he lets it show, that is). Hugo is extremely smart, in fact the sorting hat almost put him in Ravenclaw, but in his own words “I know I care more about myself than I care about the pursuit of knowledge,”. Hugo is extremely honest, often brutally so. He excels in school, always putting his education before friendship. However, when Hugo does make friends, he is fiercely loyal to them, seeing his extremely close friends as an extension of himself, in a strange way.
Likes: Pretty boys, long books, white cats, playing the violin.
Dislikes: Big dogs, anyone he deems annoying, large social gatherings.
Habits: Doodling on his papers, biting his nails.
Skills: Playing the violin, potions, charms.

Biography: TW: F-SLUR: Hugo Holloway was born to Howard Holloway and Jeanette Holloway (Harrods). Howard and Jeanette were both very rich purebloods, dating back a long time. Howard works as an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries, and Jeanette makes and sells her oil paintings. Their entire family on both sides were Slytherins, with Hugo following suit. The Holloways were never explicitly dark, especially not during both wars, but they weren’t explicitly light either. Hugo, however, loudly declared himself “A blood traitor and a f*ggot,” during a heated argument between him and his father at dinner, both coming out and stating his stance on blood purity. The Holloway’s live in a sizeable house near a muggle town. The interesting thing about this town, however, is the fact that it is filled with vampires. The vampires, like most, are not hostile. Hugo befriended a few of them, as they were the only people nearby that knew anything of the wizarding world. So, Hugo has strong opinions on vampires (especially after dating one in his 3rd year).
Family: / just gonna copy paste from his bio its 2 late 4 that rn : Hugo Holloway was born to Howard Holloway and Jeanette Holloway (Harrods). Howard and Jeanette were both very rich purebloods, dating back a long time. Howard works as an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries, and Jeanette makes and sells her oil paintings. Their entire family on both sides were Slytherins, with Hugo following suit. The Holloways were never explicitly dark, especially not during both wars, but they weren’t explicitly light either.

Howard Holloway, Hugo’s father. He was never home enough for Hugo to form a strong relationship with him. He has rather dated opinions on blood purity, which has made Hugo distant from him.

Jeannette Holloway, Hugo’s Mother. She is a kind woman, and Hugo’s favorite parent.

Jorin Renwick, the vampire Hugo dated in his 3rd year.

Marley Payne, Hugo’s best friend, and also a muggle. Marley and Hugo have been friends forever, and are as close as two people could be. Marley knows of the wizarding world. Hugo may or may not be head over heels in love with him. Marley is enthusiastic and happy, the polar opposite of Hugo. He always seems to have just gotten in a fight.

Bobbie Payne, Marley’s little sister.

Spike, Hugo’s cat​

Wand: Aspen wood with a dragon heartstring core, 13" and reasonably supple flexibility
Boggart: Being blind/Darkness
Patronus: Swan
Amortentia: The distinct smell of a practical muggle boys cologne, old books, rosin, oil paint.
Approved. I actually totally forgot Vampires even existed in HP. The more you learn I guess. Although I'm not familiar why a vampire would be attending hogwarts so I'm not sure if you meant he dated one at Hogwarts or simply was dating one during his first year. Not that I really mind the detail.
Full Name: Arlo Isabel Milanesi
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Closet Lesbian.
Birthplace: Italy
Year: 4th
House: Slytherin

Appearance: (see below)
Faceclaim: N/A (i am on a ps4 browser so attaching images is a no-go)
Hair Color: Very dark brown
Eye Color: Hazel, almost golden
Appearance Details: Arlo is very short, standing at 5'3" roughly, her figure is rather curvy but surprisingly muscular due to being rather atletic. Most of her pale ivory skin is covered in freckles aside from a few patches of discolered skin due to vitiligo (Which she is highly embarrassed of). she has a rather round-tipped nose that gives it a button look. Her hair is very thick and naturally untidy and kept short, usually never longer than mid-neck.
Fashion: when not in robes, she prefer comfortable clothes. She also has a love for sweaters, her favorite being a pastel yellow one with daisies across the chest like a stripe. When at school she wears rather new, well-kept robes.

Personality: Arlo is a shameless flirt. She loves to see just how flustered she can make someone. Like most stereotypical slytherins, Arlo has an air of confidence, and a silver tounge. Though despite this, she actually is quite insecure, and as much as she hates it, rather depressed. Though of course its rare that she would let her pride fall enough for anyone to notice that her confidence is a facade that she puts up. Aside from that, once she is comfortable around someone, she is the cuddliest friend you will ever had.
- The taste of honey
-seeing those she cares about succeed.

-peanutbutter (She is allergic)
-large social gatherings
-talking about her father.

-zoning out
-biting her lower lip

Skills: piano, transfiguration, potions.

Biography: Arlo was born in Venice, Italy to a loving family. As she and her siblings got older, her parents divorced, Her mother taking the kids and moving to London where Arlo's sister got married and had a now 5 year old son. Her mother got a job as a waitress and hopes to one day maybe teach at hogwarts, where she went to school growing up. Her father is back in italy, probably with a new family of his own. Much to Arlo's dismay of couse. Though don't let that fool you, Arlo has had a decent, Albeit lonely, life so far.

Family: (No length requirement but family appearances and flashbacks may be a thing so include what info you deem necessary.)
-Analise Milanesi (Mother) (Alive)
-julia Milanesi (Older Sister) (alive)
Marco De Luca (Father) (Alive)
James De Luca (Fraternal twin brother) (Alive)
Nicolas Milanesi (Nephew) (Alive)

Mina Regio (Arlo's first girlfriend, they dated for two months but Mina ended her own life at 14)
Benjamin andrews (Arlo's best friend since 1st grade)

Wand: 7" alder wood with pheonix feather core, very flexible
Boggart: a Swedish short-snout dragon
Patronus: Otter
Animagus: her Animagus is a Ferret.
Amortentia: the scent of fresh Lemon and lilac

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