One Thousand Club
Dodge 5, Essence 5
Seven Shadow Evasion
The master of evasion prepares himself for foreseen strife, rather than simply avoiding the immediate. The Heroes of the Dawn take this still further, their sensed tuned to the essence of their opponent’s weapons, and their souls primed for the sublime act of perfect evasion.
Use of this charm allows a character to prepare invocations of Seven Shadow Evasion in anticipation of later need. So long as the essence cost of Seven Shadow Evasion is committed to this charm, Seven Shadow Evasion may be reflexively employed, according to the normal rules for that charm, without it counting as a charm use.
In order to prepare an invocation, Seven Shadow Evasion must be declared as a charm use. This means that use of this charm during a battle must occur on an action where the character sets aside charm use for the purposes of preparation, or in an action where the character uses Seven Shadow Evasion for any other purpose. The price must be paid for each invocation to be prepared, and this cost is committed until allowed to lapse or until the invocation is used.
This charm may be purchased more than once, to a maximum of (Essence) purchases. Each purchase permits a further preparation of Seven Shadow Evasion. As use of the prepared Perfect Dodges does not count as a charm use, this is often used in concorde with Reflex Sidestep Technique in order to Perfect Dodge unexpected attacks.
Dodge 5, Essence 5
Seven Shadow Evasion
The master of evasion prepares himself for foreseen strife, rather than simply avoiding the immediate. The Heroes of the Dawn take this still further, their sensed tuned to the essence of their opponent’s weapons, and their souls primed for the sublime act of perfect evasion.
Use of this charm allows a character to prepare invocations of Seven Shadow Evasion in anticipation of later need. So long as the essence cost of Seven Shadow Evasion is committed to this charm, Seven Shadow Evasion may be reflexively employed, according to the normal rules for that charm, without it counting as a charm use.
In order to prepare an invocation, Seven Shadow Evasion must be declared as a charm use. This means that use of this charm during a battle must occur on an action where the character sets aside charm use for the purposes of preparation, or in an action where the character uses Seven Shadow Evasion for any other purpose. The price must be paid for each invocation to be prepared, and this cost is committed until allowed to lapse or until the invocation is used.
This charm may be purchased more than once, to a maximum of (Essence) purchases. Each purchase permits a further preparation of Seven Shadow Evasion. As use of the prepared Perfect Dodges does not count as a charm use, this is often used in concorde with Reflex Sidestep Technique in order to Perfect Dodge unexpected attacks.