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Multiple Settings Harem Dudes! MxF~


Gruntiest of the Grunts!
Currently looking for a roleplay where I can work off one female character with 8 different dudes~ Will soon include women in the future. My roleplays are SFW, and generally very innocent and light hearted. I do not roleplay smut.


Intergalactic Motel: 8 aliens are dropped onto your OC’s lap; as an unofficial diplomat of the planet earth, it is your duty to take care of them... but that doesn’t mean you can’t put them to work, right? As they are deemed attractive*, they can either don butler uniforms and serve to a crowd of interested customers for your character’s dying restaurant/bakery/business, your OC can equip them to be her personal bodyguards in high school/college, or your OC can convince them to become superheroes. The choice is yours~
Fairytale twist: Your OC is a princess when she is given the sudden assignment to protect these “yokai” in order for her future reign to be queen and generations to be blessed.
*or at least, “just enough”

Please PM me if you’d be interested in any of these prompts!! Please note that I work full-time and will mostly be able to respond on weekends and days off, but otherwise I try to respond consistently (at least 2-3 times) throughout the weekdays c:
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