Harbor Mansion


Anxious child
Welcome To Harbor Mansion

All Are Welcomed

Good Luck

Plot; 0ne

Every Two Year's A Group of Goverment Agent's Select Ten Regular Men and Woman, Age's Varying from 14-21. And Test them. After each Subject is Picked, they are kidnapped and given a cover story for their friend's or families. The Agent's only choose People who Are Either Amazingly Intellegeng or a Delinquent. Either or, they have to be special. This group is tested by placing them in a Mansion Known as Harbor. This Place is Hard to Escape, but there is one twist these human's. Are no longer human.

Plot; Two

You Wake up, Dazed and Confused. The Room around you is dark, Too Dark to see. But something's not right. You remember piece's of your past and who you are, but barely. Key information just seemed to hae dissapeared. Like for some, Their Birthda's or Friend's names. But as you stir, you realize your in an confined Space. Your All Alone, nothings right. Not to Mention the other's that are passed out in the room. But many have started to expirence something odd, like powers.


1. Have Fun! This is Very important.

2. No Godmodding

3. PG-13 Please, Follow the Sight's Rules.

Character Sheet;







Given Power's;





Name; Violet Ross

Age; 16

Gender; Female

Species; Hybrid

Personality; Violet, Often Reffered to as Vi, is a Caring girl. Being raised with two sibling's she is very catious, being the oldest and all. Vi is a protective girl of those she trust, Overall she is very kind and sweet. Until you get on her bad side, then she cane become visiouce and mean to those in her way. But she will alway's protect her brother.


Vi was born in England, too a family of three at the time. Her two Parent's, Elizabeth and James, were very aring and loving people. By the time she was four year's old, she was blessed with a younger brother, Ciel. By the time he had grown to Three year's old, her parent's had yet another child, this time a little girl named Eliza. Needless to say, the three sibling's were very close and began to show sign's of intellegence at a very younge age. This was mainly the reason two of them were picked for the Program. In Which their parent's agreed. Ciel and Vi were seperated from their younger sister, Eliza. And their two parent's who willingly gave them up.

Given Power's; Hypened Hearing, Night vision, Excellent sense of smell.




Sword Fighting


View attachment 13771<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/2e2dcadd6b0efc62.jpg.99924b118ee865be51bb17e251689f2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1139" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/2e2dcadd6b0efc62.jpg.99924b118ee865be51bb17e251689f2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/2e2dcadd6b0efc62.jpg.0509cd490719d36b96de24d01e6e8858.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1140" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/2e2dcadd6b0efc62.jpg.0509cd490719d36b96de24d01e6e8858.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name; Alaska Monroe Jones

Age; 17

Gender; Female

Species; Siren

Personality; Alaska is very calm and retreated, but always taking charge and making sure that anyone who tries to screw with her get the point that she's not one to be messed with. Not to mention a delinquent with good intentions. She is very protective, and can sometimes come off as being in a bad mood. She just can't risk letting anyone break down her walls.

History; Alaska comes from a family of talented musicians or actors. Even authors or athletes. Alaska never fit in, and while her family attended military balls or meetings, she was out protesting or playing at concerts. She often used her street running skills to steal food and clothing for various kids around the city, but not once was she ever caught by anyone but her family. Eventually under her father's eye she was practically under room-arrest, and after that she seemed to become like stone.

Given Power's; Body reading(Meaning she can tell tons about someone and who they are just by reading their body language), Manipulation of someone by using her voice or touch, speech to animals.

Skill's; Singing, playing instruments, gymnastics.


Accepted ayezombie ! *+Welcome Abourd+* 
I Am Creating Another Character, Just in Case.

Name; Chance Ryan's

Age; 17

Gender: Male

Species; Shapeshifter


Chance is a sweet boy, but can be very hyper and rambouncious. He like's to take charge of bad situation's and care's about other's. Chance put's other's before himself, which is often one of his mistake's, but overall he is a proud child.


( Fill in Later )

Given Power's: Just as his species is, Chance can shift into any type of animal as long as he see's it.

Skill's; Shifting, Animal Bonding, Speed.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/tumblr_lov8fhUkqR1r09wgmo1_500.jpg.c5075a67b016c79cd65ce891525a5c29.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1157" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/tumblr_lov8fhUkqR1r09wgmo1_500.jpg.c5075a67b016c79cd65ce891525a5c29.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name; Alexandra Robin

Age; 16

Gender; Female

Species; Pixie

Personality; She is very bubbly and outgoing, but she can have some mood swings were she doesn't like to talk and is very shy and gets nervous easily but the rearly ever happens anymore. She hates being wrong she just can't stand the I told you so.

History; her parents are divorced and doesn't down time with her dad anymore she has a brother but her dad got custody of him and her mom got custody of her.

Given Power's; She can read people's minds (some time she can't control it), she can pass through soild objects, and she can fly.

Skill's; she's a tough fighter, she knows how to shoot a gun and crossbow.

Appearence;<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.76c7ed702ef5906f29a9badd5d525862.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1202" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.76c7ed702ef5906f29a9badd5d525862.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Eleanor Joy Chase

Age: 15 years old

Gender: Female

Species: Angel

Personality: Eleanor is very quiet when she doesn't really know you, but she becomes very loud and bold when she gets to know you. She likes to know other peoples secrets before revealing her own. This make sit difficult for her to get friends. She is extremely book smart, but her plans don't always turn out properly.

History: Eleanor was born to Stanford professors with a older sister named Kathleen. Kathleen fell in love with a serial killer and later jumped off a bridge when he was put to death when Eleanor was 8 years old. After her sisters death, her parents got a divorce and Eleanor lived with her mother. One of her ingenious plans led her to run way when she was eleven. She ended up living on the streets when her bank account was unexpectedly shut off by her mother. To save herself, she planned complicated money schemes and was able to stay at high class hotels under many different aliases. Her schemes continued and was the reason why she was chosen by the government.

Given Powers: Eleanor's drawings can be brought to life with one drop of her blood. They are mostly animals that keep her company when she is lonely.

Skills: Eleanor is an amazing sketch artist as well as a master computer coder. She does not really have much physical skill.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Unknown-1.jpeg.073dda85f93d33a4cdb245344660a804.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1231" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Unknown-1.jpeg.073dda85f93d33a4cdb245344660a804.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Personality;She is very outgoing and forth coming, she talks non-stop about herself. She can become mad very easily. She is very loud, and over the top. She is very protective.

History;She was born to David and Kim Strayer. she was abused most of her life, and that led to a violent life.At the age of 2 she had a little sister. She started her crimes small at the age of 12 with stealing,at 13 she assaulted 2 police officers, at the age of 14 she killed 2 people because they had tried to hurt her sister, and as she got older she kept on stealing items having ran away with her sister and supporting her younger sister.

Given Power's;heightened hearing, heightned vision, good sense of smell.

Skill's; is good with knives, carving, and good with using her hands to make anything.

Appearence;<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/1312909820_nina-dobrev-402.jpg.7e3290b357f49d14cf2228a3c708ee8b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1232" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/1312909820_nina-dobrev-402.jpg.7e3290b357f49d14cf2228a3c708ee8b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





Species; element bender

Personality;Is super shy, and self conscious. She doesn't talk much. When you get to know her she is really sweet.

History; she was always so shy, and tended to hang around her older sister kira most of the time when she first started school, she was way ahead of most of the kids in my class, she was way above my sister's grade level. I was transferred into higher grades until i finished school at age 13 because I was so smart.

Given Power's; I am able to bend earth's natural elements, earth, fire, water, air.

Skill's; I am good, with figuring out others feelings.

Appearence;<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/_!4-year-old_girl_suicide_bullying.jpg.6a6a992deeeef106e5700d97803631f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1233" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/_!4-year-old_girl_suicide_bullying.jpg.6a6a992deeeef106e5700d97803631f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

may i start please?



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Name; Samantha Miller (Sam)

Age; 16 1/2

Gender; Female

Species; Demon

Personality; She can see harsh and mean when you first meet her but after she get's to know her you find that, that the mean girl is all just a cover-up. She is truly sweet and doesn't want to hurt anyone unless she absolutely has to. She is also very protective of her friends and family.

History; Sam never really had much friends because of her first impression she leaves on people. And the friends she does get always ended up back stabbing her. She is very smart but never really shows it. She also got in trouble a lot not only with school but with the police.

Given Power's; Able to control shadows, and able to manipulate peoples thoughts.

Skill's; She is great with combat fighting and able to trick almost anyone.

Green Eyes
Name: Rico Mcfarland


Gender: female

Species:Arua crafter/illusionist

Personality: hot headed and out of control cares for only her little brother james

History: Rico has always been a trouble child with her bright prison suit orange hair. She didn't give a crap what anyone thought she would steal just for the thrill of the thief. Start fights just to feel the pain of others and loves to see how far she can push a person before they break and fight back. The only person she wont trick or hurt in anyway is her little brother james who she loves more than the universe and would die from him.

Given Power's: She can make her life energy and form it to her wil using it to control others people bodies without ever having to take control of the mind. Also has the ability to cause people to see there worst nightmares and making them think that it is real.

  • Skill's:
  • lock picking
  • lying
  • long range and short range combat
  • hacking
  • can turn almost anything into a weapon

Appearance:her eyes are green with a gold ring around the edge of the iris

Name; Naomi Cain

Age; 14

Gender; Female

Species; Hybrid

Personality; Naomi is a bit defensive, and cynical. She is also very sweet, and loves to help people. She has never been in trouble in her life, either.

History; Naomi has always been absolutley brilliant. She goes to a specil school, though she has already passed through Harvard. She loves to read and write and such. She has 2 baby brothers and her parents are divorced.

Given Power's; Naomi can read minds, see the future and breath underwater.

Skill's; Reading, writing, being a know it all.

Appearence; <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_lhq5n7Ghht1qgl2hgo1_500.jpg.e5def96bc3bcdf1b6454a1b20de7e61c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_lhq5n7Ghht1qgl2hgo1_500.jpg.e5def96bc3bcdf1b6454a1b20de7e61c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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