Happy Father's Day!


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Today, June 21, is Father's Day (at least in the USA).

So, let's all sit around the campfire and take a moment to appreciate the fatherly figures we have in our life, be they biological fathers, step-dads, teachers and coaches, neighbors, etc.

My real father passed away when I was younger, but I was lucky enough to have a family practically adopt me when I moved to Scotland from Brasil. They invited me over for tea, took me on trips, and really made me apart of their family. I routinely visit them back home and they are my mum and dad, even if they're not blood. (: Here is a picture of me, my dad, and my good friend (in order) two winters ago:


I'm not going to post pictures simply for the reasons of respect towards my family, but happy Father's Day to all the wonderful men in my (and everybody else's) lives.

Thank you, dad, for raising me to the best of your ability when mom wasn't there, for teaching me to be independent & strong.

Thank you, grandpa, for also raising me and simply being there for me when I needed somebody to lean on.

I know you two will never read this, but still, thank you for all the things you've done for me - and thanks to all the other dad's out there that have pulled though thick and thin & have done the best they could.
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