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Fantasy Happily Ever After Comes at a Price

Amora Aurora

Professional Hippie
I will be filling out a Character Sheet for the son of Prince Charming and Snow White fairly soon, as they are the original Prince and Princess, and therefore he will probably be the oldest and sort of lead the group. I will choose my female character at a later date, after everyone else chooses theirs.


Character Sheet



(I favor realistic pictures, but as long as it's not anime, it's acceptable)

Fairytale Parent:

Age: (18-25)

Hometown: (In the human world)


(This is a good chance to show your writing skills. Be descriptive! Include usual attire style)



(What's happened in their lives since being sent to the human world? School life? Friends? Be creative! Have fun!)


(In paragraph form, not just a list of traits)


Likes/Dislikes: (optional. This can be a list)

Theme Song: (optional, but always fun)


(This is where you would include any magic they posses. Be careful with this area, it can get cheesy pretty quickly. Some of the characters may rely on potions and spells alone for magic. Most fairytale characters didn't posses actual powers after all, but I'm allowing your characters to because their parents both being from a magical world could have manifested magic in them. Don't go over the top here. The characters aren't Superman. Keep these simple. They will be trained to fight, magic is a nice but unnecessary addition.)

Characters So Far

Sara Rider- @nomiSMASH

Eugene Rider- nomiSMASH

Dani Darling- Amora Aurora

Asher Ascord-Amora Aurora

Lucas Rylan- @Semblance

Neco Kore- @Sunbather

Elizabeth Ababwa- @AkwardWriter

Taylor Ryder- Sunbather

Mina Jacobson- @Akeira
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Name: Sara Rider

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b1d7411_images(1).jpeg.6ead6d23ad99d0ef878a4cc38210bec0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65835" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b1d7411_images(1).jpeg.6ead6d23ad99d0ef878a4cc38210bec0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fairytale Parent: Rapunzel

Age: 19

Hometown: New York, New York


Sara is rather short, not shockingly so but enough so that it is noticeable at 5'1". Her hair is long and a dark, chocolate brown with a little quirk in the front, inherited from her birth mother(or so her brother tells her), that creates a bit of a wave in her hair. Naturally, her hair is wavy at the bottom, framing her pale heart shaped face. Despite her slim figure, her cheeks are round; making her small face appear cherubic. Her eyes are a deep, friendly green and round, enhancing her very innocent, wide-eyed sweet look. Which is all the more enhanced and also dismissed with her usual clothes; a black(usually baby-doll) dress of some sort with a brightly colored belt and flats, or pleated jean skirts and a brightly colored flowing shirt.


Sara has no memory of her parents, and her brother has only ever told her that she looks like their mother, and though she could tell that that's the end of the story she still does want to know. However, after her adopted mother died when the pair was four, she really stopped caring. Instead, loving the father and brother that she had. The pair was never apart, save for when they spent time with their friends. At ten she had a group of friends that she loved and cared for almost as much as her brother, who had some friends of his own.

She and her group grew up together, makeing it through high school with few complications, save for several instances of bullying that she managed to brush off; though her brothers glare had helped in more then one case. Having made fairly good grades, Sara earned a scholarship to a smaller college on the outskirts of the city, though as it was not full ride she began work then. Once Sara graduated, she continued to work at a small art supplies shop, and is still working there at nineteen. In college and at work, she has a fairly busy life but has kept up with her friends, father and, of course, brother. She could hardly be happier, going to college for something she loves and working in a store among a part of what she loves. Despite the fact that she doesn't know her whole story, she grown to not mind so much. She has her life and she loves it.


Sara is someone that loves to laugh. She tends to avoid those crowds of people that are loud and overwhelming, but in her own group she laughs and has fun, enjoying herself to the maximum. She is quite the good girl, but this doesn't impede her ability to just enjoy herself. Sara feels as though she has to try and see the good in people, and tends to be very trusting and open. Despite the fact that she dislikes those crowds of people that are overwhelming, one on one(or even in a less overwhelming group) she opens up. Until she has reason not to trust someone, she trusts them. Despite this, however, she is quite cynical and likes to have facts before she will believe that something is true, whether or not she says so.

Strengths: She is able to enhance the strength of those she's close to, whether it be mentally or physically, though her brother is the easiest

Weaknesses: Her reliance on her brother is extreme, she loathes being separated from him for any period of time

Name: Eugene Rider

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/3ea5e6e8308341ed2231e1eeeac9601e.jpg.fab915c92ebf3c80fd8bb9aff1a6d1eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/3ea5e6e8308341ed2231e1eeeac9601e.jpg.fab915c92ebf3c80fd8bb9aff1a6d1eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fairytale Parent: Rapunzel

Age: 19

Hometown: New York, New York


Eugene is very much the opposite of his sister in many ways. At 6'2" he is muscular as well, however more of a lanky muscular then very obviously so, making him appear skinnier. His hair is a brown near black cut short and kept short, though he usually covers it with a hat(a beanie more often then not). His eyes are more clear then his sisters, a clear, watered down green shot through with blue and grey. His face is long and angular, and he typically has a smirk splashed across his face. High cheekbones and a defined chin define his face for the most part. When dressing, he typically wears jeans(skinny or not), a solid colored shirt or tank top and a hat to keep his hair out of his face. Occasionally he'll wear a jean jacket as well, and always wears white scuffed up sneakers splattered with paint.


Eugene has always remembered his parents(despite being an infant when they were sent to the human world), though only their faces. This hasn't stopped him from claiming his and his sister's adopted family as their own, however. Especially after their mother's death, he's been more determined then ever to try and keep his sister safe- wanting to protect her from anything and everything. However, he didn't at all times. Once they began meeting more people and becoming friends with others, they spent slightly less time together, as he became a part of a far more extroverted group, and upon entering highschool he became a member of the soccer team and excelled at it. Upon graduating, he'd gotten a scholarship to the same college as his sister, though for soccer rather then his grades. With his love of painting and natural aptitude for it, he regularly sells his paintings to a small art gallery a few miles outside of New York, which is how he makes a living and it is enough; despite the fact that he lives with his sister and regularly needs her help with rent.


Eugene is quite an extrovert, enjoying crowds but preferring to not be the center of attention. His temper is on as short a fuse as possible, and he is fiercely loyal and protective of anyone that's earned his trust, which is hard to earn. Though hard to earn, his trust is easy to keep. He's very open and believing, with a love for stories; whether or not their proven true or false, in his mind anything is possible. Not exactly naive, he's still more innocent then one would expect, though he's hardly easygoing- stressing out over most things, he feels responsible.

Strengths: No magic, but a naturally great memory(near photographic)

Weaknesses: He is fiercely protective of his sister, and relies on her for strength more often then not



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Fairytale Parent: Prince Eric and Princess Ariel

Age: Nineteen // Preferred Name(s): Mina

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Appearance: Mina stands at five feet six inches tall with flowing, dark brown hair and spirited eyes. Like her father, she has cerulean eyes that are similar to the clear ocean's tint, reflecting serenity and a hint of mischief in them. Thick, dark brown hair adorns her head, often falling down to the middle of her back in a mass of curls. As her locks are somewhat unmanageable, the young woman learned to appreciate her natural coils by leaving her hair down or attempting to tie it up in a braid or ponytail. Her face resembles a stretched oval, as the brunette has distinguished cheekbones and a prominent nose. She is slim and weighs approximately 120 pounds, given her love of swimming and hiking. In addition, Mina has dark, arched eyebrows that stand out against her olive-toned skin. She has a full, pink lips and splash of freckles near her nose, though she often covers up the latter with makeup.

Mina has a finer appreciation for casual clothing, though she does have style when it comes to formal attire. On a normal day, she prefers to wear jeans and either a T-shirt or a decorative top. Her footwear depends on her mood of the day, ranging from simple flip-flops to poised pumps. Her wardrobe consists of many skirts, which she pairs with a contrasting top for color blocking. She is not one for jewelry, even on a special occasion. Unlike most females, the brunette would rather receive something practical as a gift, rather than diamonds she can flaunt with a nice evening dress. For formal attire, she has no problem going the distance to wear an elegant dress. With her favorites being Dior and Chanel, she has expensive taste, though Mina also tries to find extravagant garments from consignment shops, given her lack of financial assets.

Personality: Mina's disposition comes as a blend of her parents' traits, both good and ill behaved. She can be very mischievous at times, always up for an adventure to discover something new. An intelligent and cunning young woman, the brunette often speaks her mind in wanting others to understand her beliefs. She is not hesitant in her actions, though this leads to making various impetuous decisions, which she faces the consequences for afterwards. Mina is stubborn and has a passionate spirit, which makes her blunt at times, when she means to keep her opinions to herself. She has a wild demeanor, especially when the thought of adventure is the only thing on her mind. When angry, she is frequently more willful than usual, making it hard for others to reason with her. An intermittently emotional person, Mina tries her best to keep her feelings in check, as she routinely gets heated during arguments. Despite these moments, the nineteen-year-old knows to step back and remain calm, as the only one looking out for her in the world is her.

History: Having been sent into the human world at a very young age, Mina does not remember her biological parents. The brunette went from foster home to home, never finding a permanent placement, as the families she stayed with were not looking to adopt another child. She lived with some families longer than others, however, the young girl was placed in the group home by the time she was ten. As some of the other children were adopted, Mina longed to feel the same gratitude and love felt by the kids who left the group house in pursuit of a better life. This yearning and hope of a better life was her main focus in elementary and part of middle school, causing her grades to drop. Instead of studying, her thoughts were often consumed of being adopted or magically being found by her biological parents. It did not help that she often changed institutions depending on where she lived at the time. Part of her knew that no family wanted to adopt an older child, yet clung on to the aspiration that her time would come. In her waiting, she began swimming after school at a local Boys & Girls Club, and the activity quick became a deep passion of hers.

With swimming as her new
foundation, she had the motivation to do better in school, causing her grades to increase. Mina was able to graduate middle school with the rest of her class, moving onto a large high school in the area. Despite fierce competition, the young brunette tried out for the swim team, surprising some of the older students when she made it easily with her natural talent in the water. Her life became revolve around school and swimming, and she ended up meeting her best friends through the team. For the first time in her life, things seemed well for Mina, and she took advantage of the opportunities provided to her. Graduating high school with honors, Mina went on to attend the University of California, San Diego on a swim scholarship. Though swimming required a lot of her time, specialized advising and tutoring helped her stay on track toward earning a degree in Sociology. With her growing schedule, the young woman spent less time thinking of her biological parents and more time balancing her new life. What she did not know is that the couple that gave her existence would become a much larger presence in her life than they have ever been before.

Likes: Swimming // Chocolate // Summer Rain // Alcohol // The Woods // Hiking // New Adventures // Music

Dislikes: Winter // Killjoys // Rules // Strawberries // Blueberries // Snakes // Tight Spaces // Arrogant Men


  • Swimming - She has a modest version of speed swimming, which she inherited from her mother. This explains why Mina is superb at competitive swimming after only training for a short period of time.
  • Underwater Breathing - Mina can stay under water about two minutes longer than the average human, as she can metabolize some oxygen from the water.


  • Tight Spaces - The brunette has a mild form of claustrophobia, an anxiety disorder that can result in a panic attack due to feeling like there is no escape in closed or small spaces. Her slight fear occurs mostly in elevators and airplanes, making her an advocate of taking the stairs or driving everywhere instead.
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"You know, it stinks being the daughter of the favored Cinderella and Prince Charming"

"Cinder was born on the beatufil morning of the 22nd of May 1994. Making her twenty one years of age."

"Mom I can talk for myself you know! I am 21."

Cinder lives, at 22 parkway lane somewhere in New Brunswick Ontario.


Cinder stands at 5'4 so shes not exactly tall. She weighs around 98 pounds so shes extremely skinny for some reason. She wears very casual outfits, even when her mother insist that she wear something formal to every event she goes too.

She usually just wears a pair of tight jeans with a chest showing tank top, she has B sized breasts, usually with a band logo on it. (FOB, SWS, MCR) Then over top of that she wears a checkered flannel top and for shoes, laced up boots. So yea, causal is like her middle name.




Cinder didnt have a promising life as a child in the fairy tail realm. Her mother attempted to raise her a polite girl, with very few flaws. As it was the flaws that had gotten herself into trouble. She tried to teach Cinder to be a lady.

As Cinder grew older she began to refuse this princess treatment. In the middle of the night she would sneak away and go play with the street boys. She would go out for morning walks with the street girls. Sometimes she would even run around stealing from the castle to prove herself to her friends that she wasn't just some princess.

Cinder has been living quite the life since she was sent to the human world. High School was perfect for her, she ended up as a cheerleader and had top grades in almost all her classes, she proudly put anyone who says blondes are dumb to shame. After high school, she spent a lot of time outside trying to get to know the people of Canada. She learned that they are a bunch of friendly types, and those who weren't, well watch out. She enjoyed every single minute she could spend in NB because of the nature and animals she could hand feed.

"High School, Human High School, was the worst decison my mother ever made for me. Everything there was all about popularity and smarts. I just wanted to get out of there and sit in a forest all day without worrying about another cheer to practice."


Cinder was raised to be polite and quiet, like her mother. She was raised to be very quiet around people and keep her mouth shut when not necessary. All because when her mother was a young adult she got herself into quite a bit of trouble and didn't want her daughter doing the same.

Little did she know, that before sending her daughter to the human world, Cinder had decided she would never be that way. That she would be loud and angry when she wanted to be, she would go and hang out with the street boys if she wanted too.

Then her mother sending her to the human world, it scared her more then anything. She began to talk a bit less, and wasn't so outspoken. She became a small talking, quick thinking street like kid, who you could swear lived her life out on the street, but was raised in a home where politeness was the only thing you were taught.



+ Eating

+ Stealing

+ Partying

+ Hanging Out

+ Reading

+ Weddings

- The Words "True Love"

Theme Song:


Cinder has a couple powers, that she could never really explain too her mother. She has ones she developed herself and then a few that she was given by someone or something. She assumes there from specific things that her mother did as a young adult that involved magic being left in her system by her mothers fairy godmother.

Natural Strengths;

Cinder has a quick body, its from growing up stealing for people. She has learned to watch for people and move quickly. Her eyes and ears are sensitive to everything, her eyesight was the best out of the boys she hung around with and so was her body movement. She always had record speed with the boys when running away from guards and police. Her eyes were exceptional, she was usually the street kids watcher and runner. Which is something special to a child who grew up in the street.

Training herself, she became fairly strong in throwing knives, she spent a lot of time with a stone wall as a target as a child, so you have to find something to do am i right?

"Magical" Powers

Cinder has Super Sonic hearing, from the storys her mother told her about the clocks and the mice, she assumed it was a trait passed down from the magic of the fairy godmother. Thats why she was so careful when steeling, she could hear the suspicions the market owners had.

Cinder has a small power over gravity, which she would assume is from her mother running down steps in high heeled glass slippers, without breaking her neck. She doesn't have the ability to do too much. She can use gravity to push herself up about thirty feet, and she can walk above ground for about five minutes but only about 5 feet high.

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Asher William Ascord


Fairytale Parent:

Snow White and Prince Charming




Sweetwater, Montana


Asher stands at a tall, muscular 6'3'' and weighs an impressive 200 pounds. A wrestler in his middle and high school days, the boys body is rather, well, Charming. He's all muscle tone and bulk, which both intimidates and intrigues the people of his tiny mountain town. Due to not spending much time in the outdoors, Asher's skin is rather pale, though it tans easily if he puts some effort into it. He's got a head full of dirty blond hair that gets curlier the shorter he cuts it, though he prefers to leave it at a ruggedly handsome medium length and style it to the right. Noticeable, ocean blue eyes, lips to die for, a well-taken care of stubble, and God-like bone structure all tie together to make the man one of the most attractive in his town. And the ladies definitely take notice.

Asher's conceited, enjoys showing off his broad shoulders and toned muscles, so he normally goes for well-fitting t-shirts or long-sleeved shirts with some basic dark jeans. If he's feeling particularly cool, he'll throw in a nice leather jacket.



Asher was a bit older than a toddler when the war began and his parents had to send him away. Though he does have slight memories of them, he's always just assumed their faces are from a dream or a movie he saw once. Because of this memory, though, it's a little less hard to believe when he's recruited to save their lands. Thus his being their best hope at rallying the other offspring.

He never really developed much of a family. He was bounced around foster homes for over half of his life and learned at a young age that the only person always there for him was going to be himself. This is where he picked up his self-centered, narcissistic outlook on life. Someone had to show that they cared about him, after all. Even if it was himself. Asher floated through adolescence in a daze, getting into trouble and rarely ever giving a damn about anything other than himself and sports. At sixteen, his newest foster family decided to adopt him after a particularly intimate moment between the three of them in which Asher opened up for the first time in his life. His mother, Loraine, is a High School teacher and his father Craig is a counselor. So while they aren't rich, the three of them and his parents' biological son lived fairly comfortably. As a teenager, Asher was involved in Boxing, Wrestling, and Football. Contact sports always intrigued him, and he got more enjoyment out of being in the ring or on the field than he did in any other aspect of life. He grew very popular within the town, and everyone was sure he would get a full ride scholarship. In his senior year, though, at eighteen years old, Asher was caught stealing a local car and joyriding with a group of friends in the middle of the night. A short stint in jail guaranteed he'd never get into college without paying the tuition himself, which his parents simply couldn't afford. So these days, while his brother is off joining the army and getting married, Asher still lives at home with his parents. The man has trouble keeping a job for more than a month, and spends more of his time playing video games and sleeping with every girl in town than he spends making any plans for his future. But hell, at least he's comfortable and having a good time.


Asher is known throughout Sweetwater as beautiful bad news. He was blessed with exceedingly good looks, but the man under the cloak of perfection is a little less worthy of his reputation. Although everyone in town knows he doesn't settle down, girls in his town fall head over heels for his charming personality only to end up heartbroken when he moves on to the next shiny new play thing. It's not that he enjoys hurting others, he just really honestly only cares about himself. He considers the girls he sleeps with stupid to assume they'd somehow be the one to change him.

Asher enjoys Xbox, pot, women, and sleep. If he could not work another day in his life, he would definitely snag the opportunity. This is why it's surprising when he receives a letter about being the savior of some other world. There's no way he can be a savior. He doesn't even like getting off the couch to use the bathroom. In short, even though he was graced with a handsome face, Asher Ascord is really just a loser living off of his parents and screaming into a headset at teenagers playing Call of Duty the wrong way. Lazy, narcissistic, regularly angry, and a womanizer to boot, if he wasn't attractive, there's a very slim chance anyone would choose to be around him.















+Sci-Fi Movies



-Child Protective Services

-Arguing with women



Theme Song:



Asher is more or less a human lie detector. This is a simple trait that he shows small signs of in the human world, but won't understand the full effect of until he's back in a magical world. He just considers himself good with intuition.

He's also got the power of persuasion. With 'the fairest of them all' deeply rooted in his blood, it's no wonder the man can land any girl he sets his sights on. It's more than an attraction, thing, though. Once magic is in the air again, Asher will have the ability to sway the opinions of others. That's not to say he has mind control, it's simply the ability to be more convincing than normal people.

From his father's side, he gained the simple skill of combat, but it could be argued that this skill was developed through his many years of boxing and wrestling training.

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Elizabeth Lilie Ababwa


Liz, Beth, Eli

Fairytale Parent:

Princess Jasmine & Prince Aladdin




Asyut, Egypt



Elizabeth, due to the fact that most of her life she has lived in Asyut, Egypt, she is rather tan. She has a nice thin frame, but she has a bit of muscle. She stands at a wonderful height of 5'6" and weighs 120.7lbs. Her eyes are a lot like her mother's in shape, giving her an eye shape, such as a cat's eye.She has beautiful blue eyes that she got from her Grandfather the used-to-be Sultan. Her hair length tends to vary depending on how she chose to style it. But if she just brushes it and doesn't style it, it's to her mid-back. Her hair is raven black like her mother and father's. Her heart shaped face, does wonderfully for her appearance. She has slight cheekbones and a dimple in her right cheek. She has grown rather fond of the way the people in the Human World dress. So she'll usually be seen wearing graphic t-shirts and skinny jeans, or a tanktop and short. She'll also most likely be seen with a snapback" or a beanie on her head.



Liz wasn't exactly "popular" at first, and didn't have many friends. She spent most of her times writing and reading up until about eighth grade. Once she reached eighth grade she started blending in more with the other teenagers. She stopped writing and reading as much and began going out and talking with people. Her education was still amazing, but her grades dropped. Her grades were still passing grades, but they weren't the best thing to see. By time Sophomore year of high school rolled around she started turning people down to get back on track with her education, because at home with the family she was with. They weren't exactly happy about her grades. Her turning people down resulted in people once again not wanting to be around her. But there were very few who still stuck around her. In her Junior year of high school, she started liking a boy. After about a month of them talking, they started dating. Maybe about seven months into their relationship, the boy was in an accident and died at the hospital. She remained at home and during her time at home she was taken out of school and did online school. She also became very depressed starting to think about her real family, and her boyfriend's death. Now that she is nineteen she still suffers from depression, but it's not as bad as it used to be.



Elizabeth is a fun girl, but she likes to keep to herself most of the time. She suffers with depression which is why she mainly keeps to herself. If she happens to open up to you a little bit, she might be a little funny. She isn't necessarily a tempered girl, but she won't stand on the sidelines when someone needs help. She'll step up and help, and maybe release some anger in the process. She will do whatever she believes is right, but that doesn't mean she isn't able to be talked into breaking some rules. She is extremely creative and usually expresses her creativity through her writing and drawing.














-Judgemental People

Theme Song:




Writing- Liz is an amazing writer, and will write about almost anything.

Hand-to-Hand Combat- She is rather skilled in hand-to-hand combat, but won't rely on it unless completely necessary.

Running- During her time in school, she was a track star. Her average mile running time was 5 minutes and 24 seconds.



Heights- If you want her to do anything that involves being higher than 5 feet off the ground... Good Luck!

Swimming- Although she loves to swim, she's not very fast in the water.

Archery- She hates it. She's lucky if she can even make an arrow hit the target. But trust and know she won't be walking away without a few bruises on her arm from the bow string.

Lucas Rylan


Fairytale Parent:

Princess Belle and Prince Adam (aka. the Beast)




Chicago, Illinois


Height - 6'2"

Weight - 180lb

Lucas is tall and muscular with a defined jawline, high cheekbones, and broad shoulders. His hair is a short faded brown color and his eyes are a piercing green color. He is usually clean-shaven, although sometimes he does have a stubble. He also has light skin and soft pillow-like lips. He has a charming smile and carries himself with an air of confidence, making him a very handsome man. Furthermore, because he enjoys working out, he has defined biceps, a toned six-pack, and a muscular chest. His usual attire is pretty casual, as it consists of a polo t-shirt, long khaki pants, and sperry's. If it is warm outside, he'll wear khaki shorts instead as well as vans shoes. If the weather is cold, he will most likely wear his typical black leather jacket. Finally, he has a tattoo of falling leaves on his back. (see History for meaning)




After Lucas was sent into the human world, a loving couple quickly adopted him into their family when he was only a few months old, so he does not remember his biological parents. When he was 7, his adopted mother gave birth to a pair of twin sisters, to the family's delight. However, when he was 12 years old, one of his 5-year old little sisters was diagnosed with leukemia. This was when his parents told him that he was adopted, since the hospital had to draw blood and cell samples from his body for testing. After six months of stress and anxiety, his little sister passed away from cancer, dipping the family into depression. A few years later, he got a tattoo of falling leaves onto his back because he and his little sister used to go to the park together to watch the leaves fall once autumn hit.

In high school, he was pretty popular because of his charming and easygoing personality as well as his handsome appearance. Lucas had many friends, with a close group of bros and girls who were always attracted to him. He was very smart and passed his classes with good grades, a trait that he undoubtedly received from his biological mother (Belle), even though he did not put in much effort into his schoolwork. He then attended a local university and graduated with a major in Music Business & Management and a minor in Psychology. He is currently interning at a music production company.


Lucas is very extroverted, impulsive, and optimistic, always trying to win people over with his charming personality. He is very likable, spontaneous, kind, and willing to help. He loves adventure and exploring new places as he is a free spirit. He believes in living life to the fullest and applies the "you only live once" mentality to his daily life. Whether it be cliff-diving or trying the newest drug or skateboarding in the middle of the street, he is sensation-seeking and lives for the excitement. Furthermore, he has a strong intuition and often makes decisions with his heart rather than his mind. Cheerful, easy-going, and playful, Lucas is a huge people-pleaser, always putting the needs of others before his own. He is caring and loyal to his friends, always willing to help out those he cares about and becoming quite protective of them. He hopes to travel the world some day and experience all the different types of culture that the world has to offer.



singing, listening to music, playing the guitar, going on adventures, roller coasters, drinking/partying, skateboarding, trying new things, meeting new people, playing sports, traveling & exploring, watching the sunset/sunrise, stargazing, any outdoor activities such as hiking and running


being bored, having to focus on one task for a long period of time, arrogance, uptight people, paying attention in class, studying, schoolwork, swimming

Theme Song:

(optional, but always fun)



Enhanced strength, speed, senses (such as hearing and smell), and healing abilities as well as razor sharp claws/fangs that are usually retracted - received these from his father, the Beast

He keeps his sharp claws/fangs retracted all times, but he has been afraid to show or tell anyone, even his parents. It has reached the point where he has almost forgotten about them since he never reveals them.

His enhanced healing was revealed when he broke a bone as a little kid and it healed the very next day. His parents were shocked and knew it was impossible, so they taught him to hide his abilities.

His enhanced senses have been a part of him for his entire life, as he is able to detect certain scents and listen in on conversations that most humans cannot.


low stamina/endurance, not very stealthy, poor at swimming

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Name: Annabelle 'Neco' Kore

Fairytale Parent: Hades

Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Occupation: Art-student / Part-time cemetary gardener


+ Poetry

+ Photography

+ Social Media

+ Graveyards and their somberness

+ Greeke food

+ Honesty

+ Sculptures


- Snow

- People who accuse her of things she didn't do

- Feeling out of place

- Being mocked over her high number of failed attemtps to get her driver's license.

- Sports

- Piercings

- Confrontations



Appearance: Annie is a very fragile looking girl. At 5'4" she's of average height, but she leans towards the underweight spectrum and has slightly stick-like proportions. She likes to dress in colours that are easy on the eyes, such as beige, soft whites, grey, desaturated pastels and the like. Her favorite colour is blue, which is her constant choice when it comes to hair-dye - Initially, much to the dismay of her parents. She often wears hats that are currently chique and likes dresses, giving her a rather fashionable and feminine aura. Neco loves jewlery but SEVERLY dislikes piercings of all kinds. Earrings are acceptable though, which can actually be seen on her occassionally.

Power/s: The girl can hear the deceased. Sometimes, she'll hear them think, sometimes she can feel their emotions or even memories. A few times, Neco even had conversations with people while she was working at the cemetary. Why this is, she does not know, but she's convinced that it's real and not just a mental disorder of some sort. Annabelle seems to be somewhat resistant to fire, having come out of a few household accidents without any sort of burn, though it's presumably only a little above human average. She has an affinity for fire though, as her room is STACKED with candles, which she loves to just watch burn down.

Personality: Annabelle is a very soft-natured girl. One might call her somber, quite or reclusive, but that isn't really true. She likes to be with people, she likes to have fun and she likes to socialize no less than your average Jane. But in everything she does, no matter how outrageous and impulsive it might be, a veil of frailness and distance lays over her actions. This, sometimes, can make her seem spaced out, possibly even apathic, but really, it's just how Annabelle is. By the way - Please, call her Annie or Neco. She doesn't like her formal name all that much.

The fact that she can hear the dead cares her sometimes. She had tried to tell her friends about it, who either mocked her for it or suggested to go see a therapist, which didn't help whatsoever. She now thinks of it as some sort of gift, explaining her odd fondness for graveyards. She feels a great, intimate bond with the deceased, which is why she's so eager to make every grave look as pretty and neat as possible, wanting her 'friends' to rest in a proper destination.

Annie can be quite grumpy if she feels exhausted and is denied her personal space or "alone-time" to recharge. However, she is striving to be as nice as possible, so she will show constraint and politeness unless she reached her breaking point.

Annabelle was, ironically enough, an adamant atheist, thinking the voices she hear were only in here head. She has now adopted a losely agnostic attitude, believing in supernatural things, though not any religions.

The girl with the bright hair is very happy to cook and try out new recipes, often rooted in the Greek kitchen. She is modeately gifted in this field, but, in any case, she enjoys cooking and baking. The combination of her joy in the kitchen and her fondness for photography has turned her into a bit of a cliché Instagram user, always taking pictures of her creations. Sometimes, Annie hates being teased over this. She can be a little snappy when someone questions her. She can't deny it, the girl WANTS to be unique, but she's aware that she's just another person, afterall. To her knowledge, at least.


Background: Neco is the off-spring of Hades, ruler of the Underworld and God of the Undead. As the entity had cursed a poor woman he so unreasonably lusted after, she was his to take. However, the young woman had an enormous ego and was all too willing to carry out a God's child, even if she was of no greater value to Hades. Annie was born almost immediately before the villainous creatures of every imaginable universe started to band together, but escaped the dramatic slaughter her homeworld had to endure. She was found by non other than Hercules, who had invaded Hades' realm. His mercy and wish for justice followed suit and so he took the girl, hoping to shield her from becoming another guardian of the Underworld. He brought Neco back to the closest town, where preparations where made for the hero's offsprings. Escaping the quickly approaching war, she was sent to Earth with the others, never knowing what life she just barely escaped.

Her nicknake - Neco - is deeply rooted in her, as her (formerly) foster family had jokingly called her just that, ever since she could remember. Hell, even after she had been officially adopted by them, it remained. Why, she never bothered to ask nor did she care much. The name sounded quite right and lovely to her.

Fortunately for her, the family that adopted her are very loving and supportive, treating the girl as if she was a blood relative. Speaking of which,, the girl does not know she is adopted.Neco has a great relationship with her sister, Abigail, who's a year older than her.and is studying overseas, which was problematic for the girl at first, as she missed her very much. Her slightly odd behavior from time to time, caused her to a bit of an outcast here and there. Whenever she felt isolated, her sister would comfort her and make her feel loved and cared for. Abigail is, however, quite the opposite of Annie - More outgoing, louder and a bit rougher. More durable, if you will. Neco always admired her sister for these qualities and strived to emulate her, which helped her a lot in developing a more social side.

She has shown great artistic promise ever since a young age. The half-god started to indulge in taking pictures of everything she found beautiful at the age of six and has since kept a great love for photography, which is her current major in college.

Annie likes to make Youtube videos on lifestyle, such as sharing/showing off recipes, fashion styles or her newest hairstyle. She has gained a bit of a following on social media because of this. The girl has learned how to play the drums since she was 13 and now occassionally plays in school events or such things.

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Adeline Danielle Darling



Fairytale Parent:

Jane Darling and Peter Pan




McClellanville, South Carolina


Dani stands at a tiny 5'3'' and weighs a petite 115 pounds. The blonde is pretty universally considered hot. She's got the whole petite blonde bombshell thing going for her, and she knows exactly how to use it. Although she's a tiny thing, Dani's gorwn very experienced at sexing herself up for attention. She sticks to low-cut blouses and cut-off jean shorts or skirts, accenting her small waist and C cup chest. Her hair is naturally a dirty blonde color but the locks haven't seen that shade since the day Dani was old enough to use hair dye. Now she keeps it a delicate platinum blonde color but will occasionally let the roots grow out a little because she likes the way it looks when messy. She's got a heart-shaped face that holds good jaw bones, clear blue eyes that older people regularly tell her remind them of 'kewpie doll-eyes' in shape and expression, and plump lips that she glosses to impress others. Other than that, unless she's partying, she doesn't wear much make-up. When she does, it just consists of some heavy, dark eyeliner and mascara, giving her a bit of a more badass vibe.



Dani was the only child that actually got the pleasure of growing up with her biological mother. Jane Darling, the daughter of Wendy Darling, was the second person to make Peter Pan fall in love, and the first person to drag him out of Neverland, even if only for a little while. While they were dating as teenagers, Peter took Jane all over, helping her discover new worlds with the knowledge of her mother back home. When Jane fell pregnant, Peter was terrified, and they decided he needed to return to Neverland, as he was far too immature, even at sixteen, to be a father. As an apology gift, he let Jane pick a world to stay in, and she chose a magical land full of royalty and love and beautiful scenery, befriending the others in the land fairly quickly due to her relations with the quite famous Pan. When the war broke out, Wendy and her daughter fled back to London, where they have resided ever since.

This is all completely unbeknownst to Dani, of course. She was told her father ran off when he was sixteen and that was that.

Dani's lived an adventurous, rebellious life. She's been told time and time again from a young age that she was remarkably beautiful, and that just sort of stuck with her. It's not to say that she's easy, she's just promiscuous. The teasing is far more exciting than giving in and being some assholes play toy. She'd rather be a heart-breaker than heartbroken. She was an out of control teenager, always too mature and wise for her age, she hung out with friends way too old for her and got into things she should regret by now. She dated around a lot in high school, and that wasn't limited to just males. She'll get her attention wherever she can. At sixteen, she met Oliver Watson, a twenty-five year old married man, and she's been sleeping with him, and secretly quite in love with him, ever since. Oliver is thirty years old now, and still picks Dani up anytime his wife and child are out of town. Dani and everyone around her know that the situation won't end well, but it's difficult to give up someone you've been sleeping with for five years.

Dani is attending University, majoring in Journalism, and living with her best friend in a tiny apartment when Asher swoops into her life and turns everything upside down.



Dani is a complex girl. Growing up, she was a tomboy, and deep down she still holds those ideals, but with a body like hers, she can't put it to waste and dress the way she used to, so she dresses and looks fairly feminine, but swears, drinks, belches, skateboards, and eats like a man. She's very proud of her ability to snap back witty responses in almost any situation, and enjoys feeling superior to others intelligence-wise, even if it's an act.

Dani considers herself an old soul, and tries to act much more grown up than she actually is in order to impress older people because those are the only ones she's willing to befriend. She's very strong willed and hard headed, used to getting what she wants and if others won't give it to her, she has a knack of getting it herself. Very witty and quirky, she'll decide whether or not she likes you upon initially meeting and the way she treats you afterwards will always depend on her first impression. She's so proud of her wit and sarcasm that at some moments, she'll use it at the wrong time, or too often, and sensitive people get their feelings hurt. That's not the kind of people she wants to be around anyways, but still, she's lost many a job due to her nonacceptance of social norms and small talk.








+Game Shows



+Sounding Smart





+Older Men

+Brunette Girls






-Anyone lacking a sense of humor

Theme Song: [media]



Dani wasn't born with any magic, but there's a sense of enchantment in her that's difficult to describe. She's known she was different her entire life and it all makes sense when she finds out why. Though she's always hated fairytales, she's determined to learn what makes her special. She will eventually become very skilled at spells.

Can I reserve a female character as the daughter of Fa Mulan and Li Shang please? I'll get up the character sheet as soon as possible but I'm busy right now.
Valianta Olympus


Fairytale Parent: Hera and Zeus

Age: 22

Hometown: Darwin

Appearance: Normally wears a shoulderless grey sweater with a cherry blossom branch coming from the side to the centre of her sweater. Jeans, ripped and faded, Knee length boots with a braid around the ankle and a heart necklace that was a gift from Artemis.

History: Life has been tough but she is a natural musician and nearly has a recording contract, she also has a quick wrist and is good at gymnastics.

Personality: Sweet, hard working and alluring.

Likes: Rain, animals and music

Dislikes: Catterpillars, bottles and raw meat.

Theme song: Team.

Strengths: Gymnastics, cooking, singing and elemental powers.

Weaknesses: Instruments, puddles, necromancy she cannot fight against well.

Fa Li


Fairytale Parent:

Fa Mulan




San Diego, California


Li is a strong Chinese boy who stands at 5'10" with a light complections and smooth, unblemished skin. Unlike his mother, Li was lucky enough to avoid the war and keep his skin free from any unwanted scars. He is blessed to have such beautiful black hair that he keeps short ontop his head. He has beautiful brown eyes that look like ten different shades of brown and gold when in the sun. Not to mention some other very desirable features like his strong abs that he tends to keep hidden under his clothes.

He keeps his clothing choice casual with a normal tee and some pants. But he is not strick with his attire. He will change it up every now and then for a button up shirt and maybe even a leather jacket to throw over it. But it doesnt really get more flashy then that. For a nice party he will dress up a bit with a suit and tie, but nothing too fancy. During most of the party he won't even wear his suit jacket. He would prefer to relax a bit.


Li just barely remembers small glimpses of his mother from the other world. He remembers enough to always wonder about who he really is. He was just a year old when her mother had to sent him away. Mulan desperatly wanted to raise her only child, but when war called she was never one to back down. So Li was left alone. He was found on the side of the road with his name sewed into his little onesie. He was young and a beautiful child, so he was quickly adopted from the local orphanage. Ever since then he has lived his life just like any other child in the human world. He had a home, he had a family. Just not one by blood.

School was a different story. He was the child that would seem nice enough at first glance, but soon after, his teacher learned how much trouble he really was. He wasn't the sharpest either, just passing his major classes and graduating just below average. However, even so his social life was never boring. After all, he was the class clown. He spent his days with his friends, pulling pranks and having fun. His life was fun, even with all the bad luck.


Much like his mother before the war, Li is a constant sequence of accidents and little disasters. He is currently convinced that bad luck flows through his veins and not even a lucky cricket will stop it. Even when he carefully tried to make everything work out, something will come up and ruin everything for him. But nevertheless, Li is a fun filled boy. Always ready to give his day the benefit of the doubt, after all, not everything goes bad for him. Because of his happy-go-lucky attitude he tends to stay out of drama. But this doesn't stop him from getting into trouble. Aside from the fact that he always seemes to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, Li is prone to getting himself into trouble with authority figures. He always lives in the moment, and because of that doesn't really think ahead. Basically setting himself up for trouble by her many, many mishaps. His most resent being caught sleeping on the job, which just happened to be his first day... He's not a bad person, just not a very smart one.



+Live Music



+Junk Food

+Skipping School

+Spontanious Swimming

+Road Trip!


-Healthy Food

-Staying Home


Theme Song:




Li has always had a certain skill for two things in particular. The first being the obvious one, geting himself into trouble, and the second would be his natural skill of fighting. He can't remember who his father was. However he was, he could fight. Because that is the only explination that he could possible think of. It's almost like instinct to him. This comes in handy for those times when he really get himself stuck in bad situation. Which is sadly more then uncommon. But like I mentioned before, he in not someone who thinks ahead. This being his major problem and leads to most his troubles in life. He's just managed to scrape by with his charm and unnatural fighting ability.


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Name: Christopher Anderson


Fairytale Parent: The princess of “The Princess and the Pea.”

Age: 22

Hometown: Jessop, Alabama, USA


Chris has the appearance of any good fairytale prince. With a chiseled chin, soulful green eyes, rippling muscles, and smolder, he is easily the fairest of them all. He reaches the height of 6’2” with an athletic build formed from years of hard work on the farm, football, and thrill-seeking. His ebony black hair is kept short and out of his face, helping to keep his bright pea-green eyes visible. His lightly tanned skin is marred by a various array of scars, though most he keeps covered. His usual attire consists of a nice shirt and jeans, though while working he will typically don old, ripped jeans, a t-shirt, and boots.



The royal parents of Christopher Anderson were never considered, at least at first, a threat to the villains of the fairytale realm. After all, in their story there was no villain or bad guy. Just a prince looking for his princess. So, for a little while at least, the family lived happily in peace. However, as royalty began to thin out, the royal family began to be viewed as a potential risk. A family with such sensitive senses could cause trouble. The family became a target and the young son was sent to the human world a little later than others.

His first memories consist of luxury and comfort. However, after Chris was taken in by the widowed Alice Anderson, his life became a lot simpler. His bed may not have been made of golden geese feathers, but he was happy. He spent most of his time at the farm, save for football games and practices of which he was the star player. He was fairly popular, particularly with the girls, but he lost it all when his adopted mother passed away. After a poorly worded comment about Alice from a classmate, Chris hospitalized the boy and was suspended from school. He sold the farm, started walking, and never stopped.


Chris is the typical small town farm boy next door. He has the whole southern charm package. He is sweet, humble, gentlemanly, and the southern accent doesn’t hurt either. He holds women in high regards and treats them with the utmost respect as he was raised to do. For the most part, he is the voice of reason and calm. Yet, when angered, he falls into a blind range and is an unrelenting force to be feared. Without the limitation of feeling pain, he can and will go all out on anyone in his sights. Unfortunately, this can lead to more casualties than intended. Also, Christopher is a thrill-seeker. He loves doing anything to give him an adrenaline rush as it increases the sensitivity of his senses even more so. As with fighting, he goes all out with his daredevil antics with his inability to feel pain.






Hard work

- Crowds





Chris’s strength is also his weakness. From his mother he inherited an extreme sensitivity. All of his senses (even beyond the traditional five senses) are heightened. In the human world, his ability is not to par with a super human, but it is well above normal. This sensitivity is also his downfall. Too much stimulation can overwhelm him and make things quite painful. Also, he is extremely susceptible to alcohol, medicine, narcotics, and poison. However, the one trait he did not inherit from his mother is the sensitivity to pain. In fact, he cannot feel pain at all. This is both a good and bad thing. While this means he can ignore his wounds and continue going, it also means that he can be unaware to the severity of his injuries and can proceed to harm himself even more.



Anapa Horus


"We live in a world that is built on promises constructed by liars"

"No matter what I'll always know your secret"

Fairytale Parent:





Elyria, Ohio, USA


Anapa has the looks of his fairy tail parent. He is very well built with muscles that are easily seen for somebody his size, he has a great face, and great hair for his style. Anapa reaches 5'11 with a sleek build that has muscles from Track, Cross country, martial arts, training with weapons. His shiny black hair is kept to medium length but up to stay out of his eyes when he is training also showing his .... eyes. He's not totally pale and not totally tanned which adds onto his looks makes him look better, he has multiple tattoos on his body from his neck to his wrists but most of them are covered by his shirt. Anapa's usual attire consist's of a black t-shirt, ripped black jeans, a couple of gold jewelry like watches and chains, with black converses to top it off.



Well Anapa barley remembers his Dad well, he thinks its his Dad since he remember's living with him for a little while in a tomb like room. when Anapa was born Anubis took care of him while his mother died when he was born Anubis tried hiding his son from Anubis's parents Seth & Ra which would probably banish his son, so before they could find him Anubis sent Anapa to the Human World when he was one but before he did that Anubis gave Anapa a solid gold pendant to keep him safe if Ra decided to send things after him.

His first memories were of the jackal like beast known as his father raising him in a tomb like place, but when Anapa came to the human world he remembered a woman picking him up in front of a building. this woman known as Sister Leah raised him in a orphanage with other children later on when he was around 10 he was already 5x faster than every kid in the orphanage, not only that he could here all of there thoughts and secrets but couldn't tell anyone about them unless someone told him to tell somebody a secrete. so after a couple months of this he secluded himself in his room never coming out because all the voices. so when Apana was around 12 a woman adopted him named Samantha.

After Samantha adopted Apana he started getting better from the voices but never went to school or anything instead he went and got tattoos, he asked Samantha about a martial arts class and she happily agreed to put him in one to make friends, Apana easily mastered the martial arts because his speed was far above normal to a regular human, so was his leg muscles which were as strong as a cheetah (but cant run as fast as one). So when Apana was 16 he started going to school but still secluded himself its not like he wanted friends he just didnt want to know peoples secrets without there permission and he couldn't stand all the voices at once. after joining school he joined track and cross country which were a breeze but he went slower so people wouldn't get curious. and now at 19 his story still continues.

(sorry if it wasnt good enough)


Apana is your typical bad boy from the city. he has all the traits a bad boy could have. He's bitter sometimes, he's quiet, and sometimes he can be a good person when the favor is in his tide. Apana treats everyone the same no one is higher than he is and no one is lower than he is other wise he'll knock them straight with words or violence.

Apana is very secretive because he has the power to read minds of people and know there secrets. but because of this for the respect of himself and the well being of the person he is very secretive with everything.

another trait of his is his diplomatic ship because of his father he is naturally diplomatic. he can easily settle arguments and fights with ease because of this, and hey if that doesn't work violence is always on the table for him.



+ weapons

- people telling secrets

+ fighting

+ making medicine

- Hatters

+people who think they're all that

+ death


Theme Song: (optional, but always fun)


(im putting his strengths and weaknesses a different way there arent any defects since they aren't hostile all except his brain is in hell thanks to the skills)

Apana do to being Anubis's son he is not fully human and that means he is faster and more agile than a regualar human being.

the keeper of secrets:

This means that Apana knows when someone is lying and cand damn right confirm it.

didiplomat: self explained


(these are most of Anubis's skills i just took out the ones that included the dead.)

@Amora Aurora i changed the powers/abilities

were jackal is only allowed in fairy tale land.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/d675c622655865cbd6f57549ed05535e.png.3d1aec6d9ef952785b84039d247fc40a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71329" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/d675c622655865cbd6f57549ed05535e.png.3d1aec6d9ef952785b84039d247fc40a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The only child of...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/50b2de17574380aa1e3501f8a4584a70.png.85037d95ab2dcc8121fc94eef00b196a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71330" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/50b2de17574380aa1e3501f8a4584a70.png.85037d95ab2dcc8121fc94eef00b196a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 25

Hometown: Salem, OR


(This is a good chance to show your writing skills. Be descriptive! Include usual attire style)



Hayden knows nothing of his lineage. His mother had been prepared for if an event like the war ever happened. The very last bit of her "good" magic was spent on creating a family that would be suitable to take care of her son. Everyone's minds were altered to the point of thinking that Mrs. Parker had been pregnant for the nine months prior to Hayden's arrival. He just slipped into their reality, no harm or foul placed upon those involved.

And as the young boy grew,

He was healthy and strong. His mother and father were kind, teaching him values that he would take into his adulthood. Everything seemed to be like ever-after...until his Sixteenth birthday. That was when the bad luck started to happen. Not to him, but those around him. His friends would suffer terrible, yet oddly placed misfortunes. Hayden was always there to console them, but never thought he could be the blame. It wasn't until a heated argument with his parents that he'd realized the truth.

"I hope you never have a child again." he yelled to his mother. She was six months pregnant; And she miscarried a few hours later.

Hayden would have once again chalked it up to a coincidence, if it were not for what he thought he saw. As soon as he said the words, a cloud of electric green mist manifested from his body and enveloped itself around her, sealing her fate as she inhaled it.

From that day on,

he went to a dark place, swearing that he'd find out what happened and what made him the monster he was. In the meantime, he'd gone to school and went to college like a good, obedient child. He studied so hard, he made valedictorian. He is now an aspiring business owner, despite his law degree. He owns a local tavern and can be seen inside, either behind the bar or smoking outside of the establishment.


Once bright and full of charm, that side of Hayden's demeanor has forever been marred by his actions as a child. Though he is a darker person, he is not necessarily bad. He is rather charitable, trying always trying to atone himself for being whatever it is he is. His mouth is quick and harsh if he is crossed though. Coupled with the fact that he holds on to his feelings, he can either be an asset or your biggest exploit.



Aside from the Fairy Magic(which he has no idea that he even has), there are two other attributes to his aresenal:

The Gift of Wit-

He can analyze a situation in a hazy, out of body type of experience. Helps with combat.

The Gift of Grace-

He is very nimble and balanced. He just assumes it's from the parkour.

He also has the gift of Song...but that's just something he's too ashamed to admit.

He also is terrified of the idea of dragons and has a severe "allergy" to iron.

(The original Evil Fairy, not the Angelina Jolie fluff-fest)



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(I hope it's not too late to join this)

Character Sheet

Name: Evangeline Mercedes Fairest

Nicknames: E, Evie, Angel (only by lovers or her aunts)

Fairytale Parent:Evil Queen (Snow White's stepmother).

Age: 19

Current city of residence: Salem, Oregon.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/3.jpg.00222891915d9479c63c00c01c093394.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/3.jpg.00222891915d9479c63c00c01c093394.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Standing at 5' 7", Evie has a frame that is made up of lean muscle that was made for cheerleading but instead used for hiking and climbing. She weighs in at 130 lbs. Evangeline usually wears clothes that she can go out and adventure the forest in. She enjoys the concept of the alternative-grunge style. From her punk stage, Evangeline kept her nose ring (left). Evie is almost always wearing a military jacket or an old bomber jacket that she stole from a WWI exhibit. Most of her clothes have holes or are patched due to her lack of clothing care. She often wears snap backs, messy buns, and toques to make her poufy hair more manageable. She has a large collection of toques because it's a guilty addiction as well as obtaining expensive perfumes. As well as having waist length colourful hair and piercings, Evangeline has a few tattoos (listed later.)

History: As was broke out, and the queen could not decide between fight or flight; she sent child to the human world. The evil queen made sure that her beloved Evangeline learned magic in the so that when one day, when she comes back, that she can land on her feet and conjure and cast spells to protect herself in fairytale land. So the Queen sent Evie to live with a coven of witches. These witches were pretty legit.. at least for being from the human world. With Evangeline's natural magical abilities she reached a level 3 (on a scale to 10) for the average witchy things: casting hexes and curses, creating all sorts of potions and spells,and enchanting objects. On a good day maybe even conjure up Einstein to do her physics homework.

At first school was easy. Everyone loved and worshipped the smart and drop dead gorgeous Evangeline and her male counter part and friend, Alexander Loxwood. Alexanxer Loxwood had been close friends since preschool and had been close friends since then. Her and Alex promised each other that no matter what that theyd aleays be together. Her first love and closest friend was taken from her on Alex's 12 birthday after a big fight which ended with, "I hope you drop dead.". To this day she blames herself.

At the age of 12 Evangeline tried her best to fit into the "delinquent group" in her school through thieving, experimenting with drugs and alcohol, and eventually working her way up through the drug dealing ranks until she was at the top. Along with the rank and beauty came the male attention from a new male type. She has had many.... "suitors and eventually gave up on filling the space where Alex once was.

During her transition to being punk, Evie was bullied badly by her ex cheerleader type friends who actually beat Evie once in the bathroom for being a freak and picked on her for still loving Alex. Those girls did regret their actions when they began steadily gaining weight mysteriously for no reason. The mean girls pulled Evies last straw, she became more rough and worked harder at her magic. But the one thing she always will remember is what they chanted to her while they beat her body, "Fairly Fugly Fairly Fugly Fairly Fugly. " Evie was the "Queen" of the teenage drug distribution in Salem for 4 years until her aunts found out and called her in. After being in Juvey for 8 months for narcotic destribution, Evie was pulled out of public school to get away from those influences on her life and did homeschool. Of course this curriculum consisted of a lot of magic, herbology, and not so much normal school courses. Evie manages over the apothecaries and health food stores ran by the coven. One day she hopes to open up her own apothecary in Montana or work in a tattoo parlor as one of the artists.

Evie was sent away at such an early age she doesn't remember any of her heritage... other than a deep hate for the Snow White fairytale.


Evie has an apple tree branch extending down her collar bone and arm (left), because she was found under a blooming apple tree wrapped in a blanket with the letter E embroidered on it. On her lefy thigh she has a deer with a top hat, a monocle, a suit,and a pipe with a ribbon wrapped around it saying "you can take the girl out of the wild, but not the wild out of the girl". On her back she has angel wings that hide scars on her back from when she tried shoots for the first time and thought she could fly. On all of her fingers she has little dots above her nail beds because when she gets nervous she draws faces on her finger tips and hopes that this will stop the habit. On her left shin there's her first tattoo she got when she was 15 of a 40s flapper because the artist wanted to give her a free tattoo so she would rob a jeweler of an expensive diamond necklace that they were bringing in. On her right upper arm she has a mirror with purple and white roses surrounding it. On her right knee she has a bouquet of apple blossoms.


Evie seems like a dare devil who doesn't given a damn about her bad reputation, and it's mostly true. When you first be around her you get a feeling that she is a bad ass; but deep down she's a big softy who hides behind a rough exterior to feel safe. A part of her feels missing and tries filling the void with beautiful things, forests, magic, and toques.

A part of her always wanted to find love but another part of her believes that she doesn't deserve it. For some unknown reason Evie always had an unfuelled depression that was there before Alex's death. Some days this depression makes anything other then crying and breathing difficult.

Sarcasm, wit, and seduction are how Evangeline lives her life. She uses these things to get what she wants and to keep people from getting under her skin. One thing that Evangeline is looking for is real friendship, for obvious reasons she had difficulties with letting people in. The closest friend she had was her first love, Alex. He was her first kiss, after he died at an early age in a car crash our Evangeline kept everyone at a distance so she couldn't get hurt when she lost someone.

Evie loves all artistic things and is a fairly good artist.

Although Evangeline seems easy going enough she can have drastically mood swings and is quick to anger. She learned a mechanism to help her cope with the anger: slow time down so that it's almost frozen and count to a million. As well as anger, Evangeline can gain a large ego when she does a good job. 50% of the time evie catches this and isolates herself as a mental time out for being obnoxious.

Although she is very straight forward she can get hurt easily by insulting her appearance or doubting her capabilities.

Habits: Although she cut the heavy drugs out of her life,Evangeline still smokes cherry cigars and marijuana... on fancy occasions she does Peotone under adult supervision.

As mentioned earlier, Evie loves toques and expensive perfume. She has almost 50 bottles of the stuff at home hidden so none of the witches in the coven can "borrow" them. Another oddity of Evie is that she always has a mirror with her, to remind herself who she is: Evangeline Marie Fairest, the fugly modern witch. When she feels self loathing she stares at her reflection and points out every flaw she can imagine.

Being pulled out of the delinquent group didn't stop Evie from stealing unfortunately. She almost always returns the things she has stolen because she knows that it's a perishable skill and taking things from some people makes her feel bad.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/11.jpg.5ca811a09391ce8ea5914d404c31067c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82532" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/11.jpg.5ca811a09391ce8ea5914d404c31067c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





+American Horror Story



+artificial cherry flavouring

+any music that she can listen to

+ the rain

+all colours of the rainbow (especially purple)

+false eye lashes


+tasteful tattoos

+ talking to strangers


+the smell of ink

+vegan food



-tongue rings

-greasy food

-squeaky shoes

-soap bubbles


-rude/ignorant people

-obnoxious dubstep music

-milk chocolate


-overly opinionated stubborn people

-sports that evolve cheerleaders


-getting herself into a depression


-when people get mad at her (she gets mad at them for being mad at her)


Evie learned how to fight dirty during her "Queenliness" and is pretty nifty with a blade. Along with her Street fighting, Evie is also fairly good at parcore for thievery and escape. She can dislocate her thumbs (to get out of handcuffs easier) and can crack almost all the bones in her body (I don't know if that's a strength but eh why not include it.) Evie can cast very basic spells, hexes, as well as create simple potions. She can enchant objects and create talismans. Sometimes she can conjure spirits with magic aid. Evie can absorb knowledge like a sponge and has a keen eye for patterns. She can swim like the average person and can snowboard and surf. During the few days that it doesn't rain in Oregon Evie goes out skateboarding but is absolutely horrible at it. From all the adventuring Evangeline does she is fairly strong and has good endurance.


-her emotions


-healing spells


-the dark (she's scared of it because she sometimes get visited by spirits or sees things that happened, are happening, or will happen but she can't see them clearly because everything is is muddled and unfocused)

-her magic may have many magical skills but they aren't very strong( ie: can't cause an explosion but can snap her fingers and make a spark, or blow on a candle to light it on fire. )

-she takes everything too seriously

-average runner (not very fast)

-loses energy after she uses magic



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