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Multiple Settings Hankering for Crows, Wizards and Robots


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi I'm Dunko, welcome to Jackass.

‘Bout me:
  • I’m not really strict with post size, but a good paragraph or two should be the regular. I want it to be fun so I’m not going to stress over the length myself either.
  • I average out at about a post a day , but sometimes it can be a bit longer.
  • I don’t play canon characters, but I’m not against rping with canon ones.
  • Life gets busy for me a lot so I’ll try to give you a heads up when I wont be very active. I would appreciate the same, but it won’t kill me.
‘Bout what I like:
Harry Potter roleplay taking place in the 70’s (First Wizarding War) or 90’s (Second)
  • Prefer adult wizards cause I’m a goddamn square.
  • The character I have in mind works in the Ministry of Magic as either an Auror or Obliviator (whatever is most convenient). It might be cute to have both characters work closely together for some slow burning romance or sweet platonic vibes.

Duncan Mafalda Warbeck
A work in progress but: Formerly from California, but moved to Ireland after his grandparents fought in court against his muggle mother for custody. Bit of a shaky childhood, his single mother turned into a gambler when he started wizarding school in America. He finished his last two years in Hogwarts as a Hufflepuff. Had a bit of a rock n' roll, bad boy streak as a teenager, but has since turned straight edge. My stressed good boy.

Six of Crows Duology
  • I will happily slide this down my gullet.
  • No current ideas for a character yet, up for pretty much anything.
Cyberpunk crimes
  • Wow look at that trash oc
  • Darker, drug use, violence
  • bounty hunter x bounty hunter, bounty hunter x civilian, bounty hunter x target??
  • Wouldn’t mind to stir in some Become Human vibes in with sentient androids/robots to add tasty angst and turmoil.
Yago Orozco “Sobaka”
Appearance (pls excuse pouty baby face, art is hard)
Yago stretches a little over six feet and is built like a gymnast. His hair, silky and raven, sits just above the middle of his back. His brows are thick, the right missing a section due to a childhood scar. He has a bit of scruff, not quite a beard, but not light enough to be a stubble. He lacks any body modifications except for the gold implants that replace all four canines, but it’s purely aesthetic. Yago wears baggy dark clothing thats not too cumbersome to inhibit movement. Small splashes of yellow are typical. His mask is a vibrant yellow marked with a smiling face and red Japanese lettering.

Yago had never been particularly bright. At the age of fifteen he ditched school to play the drums in a budding heavy metal band. He’d always been that child banging away at pots and pans, no interest in reading books or manipulating electronics. He had just wanted to make noise and hit things. He grew up musically inclined and violent. Brooding and cold. Distant and dumb. A year after quitting school, he broke his mother’s heart and left home in the middle of the night. Initially he had intended to chase the dream of touring and becoming an internationally beloved rockstar, then later to discover himself. Cut to six months later, in a foreign country, dirt poor, and coping with withdrawals, he got a gig smuggling drugs across borders. It was with that job that he learned the basics of his current one: how to kill a man, how to dispose of his body, how to threaten his family. Yago might’ve cried the first night he’d taken a life and prayed. He’d tell himself how it was either that man’s or his own and beg for forgiveness from God. But given some time he learned to get numb and to better snuff out the little inconveniences his crew encountered along routes.
Two years into his career and he was arrested. He received charges on smuggling and was sentenced with ten years in prison. It was in prison that his aggression fizzled. After getting into a fight, biting someone’s ear off, earning the name Zlaya Sobaka from his peers, and then getting stabbed the following morning. He learned to control is temper slowly, focusing on physical fitness and what inmate work assignments he received. Yago got out on his eighth year for good behavior. He attempted a normal life for a while and worked as a store clerk, but a month later he disappeared into the slums and reemerged a masked mercenary keen on taking the dirtiest assignments available.

Teasing, sarcastic and with an aloof stoner-like attitude. Often times he's charismatic and extroverted with the attention span and impulsiveness of a six year old. Yago’s the type of guy to eat cereal for dinner and wear the same clothes for three days over. Yet he manages to make himself known within the crime syndicate as a marksman that can handle himself well enough without the guns.
Yago is driven primarily through monetary gain although he has a knack for blowing it all.

Any 1920’s Call of Cthulhu/Lovecraft nonsense
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Hey this sounds fun- I too am Call of Cthulhu and Lovecraft trash. Hit me up if you’re still looking for someome
Heyy, I have a cyberpunk-ish bounty hunter OC left over from my gremlin youth days. I certainly wouldn't mind rebooting him. If you're still looking for a buddy for Yago, PM me.
i'm so here for Aurors on the beat trying to squash evil forces while also trying to squash the ~tension~ between them

slow burn vibes all day
I'm up for Call of Cthulhu. Do you have someone to GM? Or will it be more like a traditional rp with lovecraftian elements?

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