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Fandom Hallowgrove (CS)


im eatin burgur


once upon a dream

the sheet


Please make sure to fill out everything given below in your character sheet.

Fairytale Counterpart:
Hero or Villain:
Age: (18+)

Distinguishing Features:
Tattoos/Piercings: (If any)


Fairytale History: (1-2 Paragraphs, you freedom to change aspects of the characters origins)
Human History: (1-2 Paragraphs)

the townspeople



character name



character name


♡coded by uxie♡
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  • scroll


    Watch out, world, I'm grown now It's about to go down My heart beat is so loud Mama, look, I'm grown now.

    chole x halle



    full name

    Cesaria Flo Sunny.


    Aria, Sunny.






    Hair Stylist.







    lately it feels alright

    kid bloom




    Aria stands naturally at 5'5", but likes to wear shoes that give them a bit more height.


    Aria has pretty average frame, with some curves.

    distinguishing features

    Aria a small oval shaped scar on the right side of their neck, due to a curling iron accident.


    Aria has an Ankh tattoo on her lower right arm, a sun and moon on her shoulder blades, and a nose piercing.


    Aria has a pretty laid back and comfy style, they love a good sweater and jeans. When its warmer then tend to wear colorful crochet bralettes.


    Filah Lah Lah



    Cesaria is somebody always down to make a new friend, not one wanting to be alone with her own thoughts for too long. Aria is one to always see the best in people, even if they keep showing her they aren't. They tend to put others before themselves, being somebody easily taken advantage of for their kindness. Talkative and expressive Aria rarely sits still, and can have trouble reigning their excitement for things in. Not good at keeping things hush hush, don't tell her something if you don't want it to spread. You can usually find Aria about town taking in the sun and making some art.


    painting, signing, meeting new people, honey flavored things, tea, the smell of lavender, gardening/foraging, window shopping, swimming, doing peoples hair, bike rides, feeding the ducks, farming video games, rom-coms, jellybeans, cooking, star gazing, cotton candy,


    horror movies, heights, being alone, drinking, bars, sudden loud noises, being left out, being stuck in the same place, sitting still, driving, oranges, being too much for people.


    friendliness, painting, foraging.


    social cues, standing up for themself, hiding her emontions.


    Rapunzel's History

    Rapunzel’s parents lived in a small northern village, the couple longed for a child to expand their family. However, no matter how hard they tried, nothing worked. The two of them got more or more desperate as time marched forward. Eventually turning to a witch who lived secluded in the woods of the village, she agreed to them and sent them on their way. Life moved on normally for the two, but as the pregnancy went on the wife fell ill. Waking up at night with crippling pain, only getting worse and worse as the pregnancy progressed. The husband tried everything he could but nothing would bring her reprieve. The Husband barged back into the house of the Witch believing she had cursed his love. The Witch was deeply offended by his accusations but empathetic to the pain the woman was going through. She let him have free reign to her gardens as long as he asked her, giving him a bundle from her garden and sending him back home. That night he brewed his wife some tea with a flower from the garden, and the wifes pain dissipated instantly. This worked anytime she was in pain she would have the tea, The husband getting more from the witch when they ran out. However one night the wife awoke in the night a screaming fit of pain, and out of the medicine the husband snuck into the witches garden. Stealing some flowers to bring home, being able to bring back more than if he had asked. He would end up stealing more and more from her, eventually never asking her for some. One night he hopped over the garden wall as he normally would but ended up entangled thorns and brambles the witch had planted. She made him aware she knew about his theft, breaking her one rule. The husband struggled against the plants but only tightened around him until he suffocated. The witch left the woods and following the wails of the wife snuck into the house. She cut open the woman taking the baby from them.

    Rapunzel grew up locked away in a tower away from the town, with her “Mother.” The flowers from the garden had given the child long flowing locs of gold, that the witch used to keep her youth. Rapunzel longed for more, wanting to explore the world outside her tower but was warned of the evils of the world. The only respite they had was singing and painting, Rapunzel would get intense visions that she would paint. As they got older these visions got stronger and soon she realized what they painted would come true. One day when her mother was out she was singing to herself, when she heard a voice she didn't recognize outside of her tower. Peering out the window she locked eyes with a man who was drawn by her voice, asking if she needed help. Cautious at first they were beginning to shoo him away when they noticed a painting that she made. It was the same man calling out to her, she let her hair down to bring him into the tower. He asked if she wanted to escape with him, so she declined his offer and sent back out. He kept coming back bringing them food, and gifts from the world. Eventually she was enticed and for the first time in 19 years she left. Rapunzel would return before her mother came back making her unaware of her freedom. Rapunzel was in awe of the world she had missed growing bitter with her mother for locking her away from it all. So one night when the man came back, she was ready to leave it all. Gathering a few things she left never looking back. Rapunzel was on the run, it wasn't easy but it was better.


    Cesaria's History

    Cesaria was born to Charlotte and Brian she lived with them in a town outside of boston. Life was hard, both of her parents loved them, but the love between them was fleeting. Aria’s parents tried to hold it together for her but when she was 5 her parents split. She would travel between her mom and dads place. Two years later her father would end up passing away after a hit and run. Her mother now had full custody, but ended up spiraling due to Brian's passing. Drinking more, being reckless with money Charlotte was delving into more and more self-destructive tendencies. Eventually she would end up passing away from substance abuse. Cesaria was then given to the care of her aunt Margaret, Moving to Hallowgrove.

    Cesaria has now lived in Hallowgrove for the last ten years with her aunt, Wanting to move out feeling more and more suffocated by the town and her aunt every day. Cesaria has stayed putting the need of her Aunt above hers, not wanting to leave her and then lose her.





    character name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

    character name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

    character name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

    character name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.



    precognitive artistry

    As Rapunzel they are able to paint vision of the future that will end up coming true. They are unable to paint something to change the future.

    musical healing

    As Rapunzel when they sing they are able to heal people, however the more severe the harder it is for her.

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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Name: Jonathon Brown
Nickname(s): Johnny
Fairytale Counterpart: Iron John
Hero or Villain: Unaligned/unknown
Age: 32
Job: Iron Worker
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuailty: Asexual

Height: 7”9
Build: Athletic build
Distinguishing Features: Rusted iron skin (Fairytale counterpart.)
Tattoos/Piercings: (If any) None
Style: Messy, thrown together at the last second
Faceclaim: Sam Rockwell

Personality: Melencholy
Strengths: Intelligence , Negotiating
Weaknesses: Bargaining , Trickery
Likes: Beer, Iron Working, gambling
Dislikes: Newcomers, bad people
Powers: Creation of Iron themed objects such as knights, Horses, Carriages.

History: Iron John was a king in a rich country, before he was cursed by an unknown figure to live his life as a slave in the dark woods outside of his kingdom until he was freed by a pure soul.

For years he descended into madness, becoming cannibalitic and insane. After many years he was freed from his curse and returned to his kindom, using his knowledge of poverty to help his people.
Post Curse
Jonathon Brown lives a mile from center street, in his family home. He lives alone and works at the iron factory as a supervisor, helping his workers and doing his best to make sure his workers aren’t screwed over. His second job is steel working/sculpturing for his neighbors.
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sana amamiya - work in progress
three spinning women
hero or villain
chisato yoshiki
There was a girl who was lazy and would not spin. Her mother could not make her do so, whatever she said to her.
With a slight build and short height, Sana often looks as if you could pick her up and cart her off. She'd probably allow it, to be fair. She's often in carelessly stylish clothes, curated by her mother who handles all the inventory of the vintage shop.
sewing stitch tattoo on her upper left bicep
trio of moles on her left shoulder blade
birthmark on right ankle
If you want reliability, Sana is not your gal. Sana cruises by life like it's a lazy river and she's just on a floaty dragged along by the current. She desires bigger, better things - she just doesn't want to have to work for it. That's why she's still stuck working part-time for her mother, even though she could've easily pursued a modelling career with a little more discipline.
She's two-faced, though not maliciously. It's not that she likes someone better or hates someone else - that would involve caring about them, which just isn't her. Sana just goes with whatever is most beneficial to her at that time. Once you understand that about Sana, it's pretty easy to figure her out.
One thing you can't fault her, however, is her resourcefulness. She'll find a different way to get to her goal, whether it's getting someone else to do it for her or pulling on a connection to get a favorable outcome. No one said she had to play fair, right?
That being said, she doesn't go back on what she does promise. If she said she'll get you an opening at her godmother's company, you'll get it - just make sure you made the terms clear or she might just dump you into the wrong department.
charisma that's able to translate to camera ፧ resourcefulness to get what she wants ፧ lying and sweet talking others
living incarnation of sloth ፧ could not care less about others ፧ looking at longterm goals
luxurious fabrics ፧ ice cream ፧ old movies ፧ city pop music ፧ haute couture ፧ winter ፧ dada-ism ፧ art nouveau ፧ arcades at 2am
bitter food ፧ working hard ፧ loud sounds ፧ talkative people ፧ low thread count linens ፧ post-modernism ፧ hot weather
entropic shield ፧ anything within arm's length of sana just stops. any projectiles will drop down and convert all kinetic energy to potential energy.
Adelheid's life was ill-suited for a girl who was happiest doing nothing. Born to a poor flax-spinning family, it was expected that Adelheid would help her mother. But Adelheid refused, hating the task of spinning flax and of work altogether. It aggravated her mother so much that she took to beating - but Adelheid must've been born under a lucky star. The queen was just outside and overheard her cries. She knocked on the door to investigate the cause.
Too ashamed to admit how good-for-nothing her daughter was, she lied and said Adelheid loved spinning, but their family was too poor to afford the flax. The queen said that she had flax and loved the sound of spinning, so she would take the girl with her to the palace where Adelheid could spin thread to her heart's content. The mother was satisfied, and off Adelheid went with the queen.
Three whole rooms filled with the finest flax greeted her as she arrived. If she finished it all, she could be her eldest son's bride. She knew even if she spent the rest of her life spinning without rest, Adelheid would never finish it all. Three days she spent bawling, surprising the queen when she arrived that the work was untouched. With a glib lie about missing her mother, the queen told her she must begin tomorrow. Desperate, she turned to the window and saw three women heading towards her. She told them of her troubles, and they offered their help - for a price. That they be invited to the wedding, not be ashamed of them, call them her aunts, and allow them to be seated at their table. She readily agreed.
Adelheid kept the women hidden from the queen, but as each room emptied of flax and filled with linen thread, she was lavishly praised. When the work finished, the three women took leave and reminded her of her promise. Adelheid showed the queen once the women were gone and the thread finished, and she was immediately bethroted to the prince.
She didn't forget her promise. During the feast, the three women stood out amongst the refinery at the head table. The prince asked how each of her aunts acquired their distinct feature. The one with a broad flat foot said peddling. The one with the fallen lip said licking. The one with a broad thumb said from twisting thread. Alarmed, the prince swore that Adelheid would never again touch a spinning wheel. And so she was free to live the lavish life she'd always wanted, with almost no effort on her part.
They say life is unfair, and some people are just born lucky. That's what you could say about Sana. Born to a single mother who worked in the fashion industry, Sana lived a life of glitz and glam from an early age, spurned on by three godmothers who adored her. She had doll-like features that people fawned over, the connections that allowed her to bypass auditions, and an innate knowledge of how to manipulate the adults around her.
As her mother grew busier with her work, climbing up the ranks of an esteemed fashion magazine, it meant Sana would have to do more if she wanted to succeed. Instead of admitting that, however, she told her mother she wanted to experience a "normal school". Since her mother wasn't interested in permanency, Sana was shipped off to a boarding school. One might expect she'd learn a bit of independence there - she didn't. She got by by doing the exact same thing - getting other people to do it for her. She was smart enough to pass classes on her own, but projects and homework she'd find a way to piggyback off of someone else.
Eventually, her mother grew bored of the corporate life. She opted to retire early and pursue a business idea - running a designer vintage shop using items she'd bought off of her connections. When Sana finished her secondary education, she came back to her mother renting storage space instead of a house, and telling her to help her hawk the items. With no interest in being a salesperson herself, she settled for wearing the merch and being a model for the pieces her mother sold online.
She followed her mother around, content being a freeloader. Eventually though, she tired of that as well. Sana knew her mother wouldn't agree to just buying a house, knowing she herself would barely be there, so she suggested putting up a few brick-and-mortar stores. She liked the idea, and that's how Sana wound up at their fourth branch in Hallowgrove, the local shopkeep for a vintage store way above the average spending capacity of its residents. Didn't matter though, as the shop was meant to be more storage than store, selling items that would never sell in their LA or NY stores.
Business was slow, and that's how Sana liked it.
Too noisy for me.
Too noisy for me.
Too noisy for me.
Too noisy for me.
Too noisy for me.
Too noisy for me.
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  • Name: Rosaline Francois
    Nickname(s): Rosie, Rosa, Linny
    Fairytale Name: Cecilia Facilier
    Hero or Villain: Villain
    Age: 21
    Job: Junior Nurse
    Gender: Female
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Sexuality: Pansexual

Name: Mr. Gold
Nickname(s): Gold
Fairytale Counterpart: Rumpelstiltskin
Hero or Villain: Villain
Age: (18+) Unknown
Job: Pawn Shop Owner (Unlike the show, he doesn’t own most of the town.)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuailty: Heterosexual

Height: 5’8”
Build: Slender
Distinguishing Features: Gold Tooth
Tattoos/Piercings: (If any) None
Style: formal
Faceclaim: Robert Carlyle

Personality: Mr Gold is confident among others, but is cowardly on the inside. He is loyal but can hold a grudge.
Strengths: Magic, minor fighting skill, manipulation,
Weaknesses: His deals, Dagger.
Likes: Spinning, making deals.
Dislikes: deal breakers, people who betrayed him.
Powers: Teleportation, Immortality, Dark magic.

Fairytale History: Rumpelstiltskin lived with his father, a con man until he was abandoned. Following his abandonment, Rumpelstiltskin was determined to provehimslef to his community and his wife to not be a coward, so he volunteered in teh Ogres War. After serving in a battallion, after a seer told him his son would be fatehrless. He injuired his leg and ran home, crippling him. As a result, his wife Milah resented him along with the rest of the village.

After his wife ran away with Killian Jones, Rumplestitskin raised his son until the second Ogres War, after elarning his son would be drafted with the other children over fourteen, he was given advise from a beggar to find a dagger within the duke of his villages castle. He then followed the beggars instructions to kill The Dark One: The beggar in disguise. Transfering the title of The Dark One to himself

Following this, Rumple grew evil; his son made him promise to follow him to a world without magic; but fearing weakness, Rumple stayed behind. He grew obsessed with finding his son and began the villain the world knows today.

In retaliation of Killian Jones stealing his wife, Rumple challenged the private to the death, killing Milah and removing Jones’s hand.

Human History: Gold was the son of Malcom Gold, a drunk conman; until he was left at an orphanage. Following this, Gold opened a clothing store after discovering his talent with sewing and spinning.

After some time at his store, Gild opened his pawn shop and bought his family home. Living comfortably in solitude.

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