Hello fellow humans, it is I!

Proud Slavic Patriot

[you hear muffled Bonetrousle in the distance]
> me

Hoi, I am called Jim.

I really love dragons, and I am a 22 years old artist from Slovenia. As you'd logically deduce from the last information, English isn't my first language, but I'm getting by quite well.

I love to write and draw, and am currently in the third year of developing my own fantasy world and lore called Miladena. Most characters I might use in the future roleplays probably have something to do with this world, but I can adapt most of them to a different lore/era easily.

I am often perceived as a jackass (which is hardly far from truth) with a terrible sense of humour, which often contains quoting my favourite cartoons and video games, naming mighty god-like creatures very plain names, and getting angry over simple things.

Being easily pissed off is apparently a trademark trait of mine, according to a lot of people, but even then I try to get some funny into my rants.

I could probably rant about anything, and I probably have opinions about everything. I'm a loudmouth on the internet, but very anxious in real life (that's a classic.)

My hobbies include watching shitty movies, drawing shitty things, and having shitty opinions on tumblr.

Also I study illustration.


> Roleplaying

I personally tend to enjoy roleplays that aren't very epic in their plot (it gets overwhelming for me and my characters lmao), what I am usually interested in in just about any media of entertainment is characters.

I like roleplays that force our characters to go way out of their comfort zone, I like it when they don't instantly know how to react.

Taking a group of colourful characters and throwing them into some backwards, fucked up or weird situation without anyone knowing what the fuck is going on is my favourite type of roleplay.

ANOTHER thing I absolutely love is taking a tired concept and doing a complete revamp of it, so maybe I'll try to work with that.

Genre-wise i'm very adaptable, because I have a lot of characters that are also very adaptable. I love fantasy (original genre of most of my characters), but also sci-fi, horror and mystery, and supernatural, all kinds of things really.

I am not usually a fan of fandom-based roleplays though, unless it's super opened to various possible storylines, like pokemon or harry potter for example, but other than these two i can't think of any fandom i'd enjoy roleplaying (i'm also not very familiar with most of the things i see roleplayed often, and i am a huge sucker for the canon story and tend to dislike headcanons)

Knowing me it'll probably take a while till i finally figure out how this site works but HELL YEAH it looks like a nice place to be!
It is youuuu!

*RISES EYEBROWS, WINKS, i had to come and properly greet you here too he he he*

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