The silence of the returning wind
For miles we trudged through the forest, as it changed gradually with more and more growth, until I relied heavily on my blade to cut away the brambles and thorns and ivy and vines. The ground had become permiated with the thick humidity, and began to give way to put boots. Through our path forging, the sun began to set. As the shadows grew in the dark, with eyes I had never seen, but I pushed on silently. For the first time in ages, Ali wasn't being a fuckinn dick. It was rather refreshing. After hours of walking, we came to an almost clearing, and the sun hung low in the sky, stretching the shadows of the world to their longest. In the clearing I saw shapes moving around systematically, but unidentifiable In The darkness. They looked almost human, however. And along the ridge of the horizon was a machine, with sparks flying off it. It had something large shakled down, with wires and chords running up to what looked like some sort of egg. The machine began to glow, and lighting struck, and the thing that was shackled began to violently thrash and roar, and I nearly screamed. "That's an elder dragon! That's impossible! What are they doing to it??"