

New Member
Hello, uh.. wow, I'm terrible at these things.

The name is Hannah and I'm just a 23 year old art derp. :I

I major in Art Therapy. I work 2 jobs but it keeps me sustained. I make costumes and am a beginner cosplayer. Also, my goal in life right now is to own a corgi.

I've been roleplaying for 5 years, but most of my experience is on Facebook. I'm most used to roleplaying Original Characters, but I do roleplay Canons as well.

My most experienced Canons to rp are Simon Petrikov from Adventure Time & Dr.Eno from Monsterkind, which both I roleplayed on Tumblr. I can also do a few other canons, like Ramona Flowers, D-9 aliens, ect.

My most frequently used roleplay character is named Momoko Smith, or Mo for short. I mostly roleplayed her on facebook, but thought about broadening out to here. hurr. I'll give more information about her elsewhere, I suppose? heh.

I mostly roleplay by using "**" as actions, but I can also write paragraph style. I do have a tendency to use emoticons while roleplaying. So please forgive me if I annoy anyone by doing so. welp! >_>;

ANYwho, hello! Glad to meet you all and hope I can become friends and rp partners with you guys!
First of all, welcome to the RpNation Pastelbat!

Just wanted to thank you for posting an introduction. If you have any questions such as creating a role play, updating your avatar, earning achievements, etc.. please visit the following link:


Now if you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to reach out to one of our staff members!

Your new friend


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