

❝Riding on the wings of love.❞⠀
So I am quite new to this site given that I've only RP'ed on Facebook, Instagram and email before here. However that doesn't mean I'm new to RP and I'm excited to meet some of you! Come talk to me sometimes! Or help me figure this site out... I'm a bit confused atm about the 10 post thing ahaha butI'msureI'llfigureitoutsoon--

Anyways, it's nice to meet all of you!
Welcome! I'm Spectro; the rainbow lady.

RPN is a fab place, but all new places can take some getting used to; if you have any questions; just ask!
Hi Ruruka, welcome to the group. The ten post rule is to weed out spambots because I assume they join, make a spam message, and leave or what not. Once you reach the ten message marker and have your account registered for 24 hours, you can send pms as well as have more access to your profile.
SpectroVector said:
Welcome! I'm Spectro; the rainbow lady.
RPN is a fab place, but all new places can take some getting used to; if you have any questions; just ask!
Hello, Rainbow Lady Spectro! Thank you so much for the welcome! RPN sounds like a great place so far and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it now ahaha xD But I will keep that in mind!
[QUOTE="Inner Power]Hi Ruruka, welcome to the group. The ten post rule is to weed out spambots because I assume they join, make a spam message, and leave or what not. Once you reach the ten message marker and have your account registered for 24 hours, you can send pms as well as have more access to your profile.

Hi, Inner Power! Thank you very much for the welcome as well as explaining it for me! I think I registered my account already as well as have 10 posts so I guess I'll wait a while to see if it updates and gives me the new permissions xD
[QUOTE="Inner Power]No problem! Enjoy yourself here.

I will, thanks ^0^

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