Half-Breed High (OOC) (Sign-Ups)

The Bounty Hunter

Junior Member
There aren't a lot of schools for people like you. You know, people who aren't... normal.

This is one of them, though. Hidden in the woods, protected from the outside world via magic put in place over a century ago, it is a place for people like you to escape. People like you? Allow me to explain:

You are a half-breed, a kind rarely greeted with open arms by humans. Some people even hate you, not because you're yourself, but because of what you represent. To these people, you're something that shouldn't exist. Society doesn't like things that aren't considered normal. This is the one true safe haven for you and others like you. There is no real story, just get together and make your own as long as it stays in the school.

Dorm rooms are in the West wing. Roommates will be matched up randomly. You can decorate to your heart's content.

The East wing is where classes can be found. Any subject imaginable, from math to magic, is taught here. Go to whichever classes you wish.

The South wing is where the training rooms, and an arena can be found. The arena is enchanted so that all wounds are nonlethal. If you have a problem, this is where you go to settle it with strength and skill. There is also space to practice alone.

The Center is where the cafeteria and offices are found. An exit to the north opens on an extensive forest area, with everything naturally grown and left to run wild. Many animals, both exotic and mundane, live in this forest. Hunting is permitted, but be careful. You may offend someone depending on what you kill.

App (Students):


Age (13-18, please):


Race (what is your nonhuman half? Fairy, elf, orc, dwarf, dragon, tree, frog, etc...):

Powers (if any):

Bio: Completely optional.

Number: between 1 and 20(for roommate randomization)

You can be crossed with any breed within reason, including fantasy characters, but some physical attribute must be visible.

You also have to look human, seeing as you aren't 100% that species.


Age (Over 29, preferably 31 or older):


Race: Optional as a teacher.

Powers (if any):


Bio: Still optional

The school:


A Dorm Room:




Dining Area:



1. No god modding

2. No one liners

3. OP and Co-OP words are law

4. Posts must contain AT LEAST 2 sentences.

5. My word is law. Break it, and you will be killed

6. Keep it PG-13. Excessive violence is okay, but sexual situations must fade away to black. Relationships are okay

7. Must be semi-lit. Use punctuation.

8. If you read this entire thing, type "
Flamingo Pink" at the beginning of your app.

All credit goes to Natair, a good friend from another site.

I'll start the IC once there are at least 5 people.

Numbers Called:

1. @


3. @



6. [MENTION=1478]Fire of Hearts[/MENTION]

7. @
The Bounty Hunter

8. @



11. @


13. @


15. @Lilly of the Valley

16. @
Ember Bare

17. @




Flamingo Pink

Name: Kyle Marce

Age (13-18, please):17

View attachment 8964

Race: Nether Being

Powers (if any): Invisibility, immense strength, phasing, electricity powered things do not work within ten feet around himself

Bio: Completely optional.

Number: 7
Flamingo Pink

Victor Vanderbilt

Age (13-18, please): 17


View attachment 9010

Race: A dog. Not a wolf, but a simple domestic dog.

View attachment 9011

Powers: Not much, but he has great strength and speed. He is a very fast runner.

Bio: He has a hidden past that he doesn't talk about.

Number: 13
Flamingo Pink

Name: Warren Collen

Age (13-18, please): 17


Race (what is your nonhuman half? Fairy, elf, orc, dwarf, dragon, tree, frog, etc...):wood elf

Powers (if any): Can control earth and life(like plants.)

Bio: -

Number: 13

(Is this picture okay???)
All but Katherine accepted. Please, use the correct application. And [MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION], you may need to pick a different number. Gove called 13
Flamingo Pink

Name: Marcelina Roberts.

Age: 18 years old.


View attachment 9015

Race: Marcelina is half cat. She has a long brown tail, sets of claws on both of her hands and feet, and lastly brown cat ears on her head.

Powers: She is extremely agile and has amazing balance. She could stand on the thinnest of wires and not stumble even once. She also has increased hearing and smell, but her strength is the same.

Bio: So far, unknown.

Number: 11.

Other: She plays violin.

No problem! I like all of the characters so far! We need at least 2 teachers now. You can also have more than one character, just don't pick a number. Use the one I have listed for ya. The IC thread will be up tomorrow morning, so long as more people join.
(Okay ^^)

Name:Jack D. Ripper





Powers (if any):Great strength,sight,hearing,etc.


Bio: -

(Does this work?)
[MENTION=1750]The Bounty Hunter[/MENTION], I believe we settled this in PM yesterday. I did use the correct application, it was just a simple mistake that you skimmed past it.
App (Students):

Name: Nica Azarov

Age: 17

Appearance:View attachment 9047


Powers: Pyroknesis and emotional control

Bio: Luka remembers nothing from her human years. Other than she was changed 12 years ago


App (Students):

Name: Luka Vanzin

Age: 18

Appearance:View attachment 9048


Powers (if any): Fast, Good Hearing, Good sight, Pyroknesis,

Bio: He was reborn about 30 years ago. He is a very young vampire and is just learning the things he needs to know.

Number: 1
Flamingo Pink

Name: Ailani Joanna Vallez


Appearance:Ailani is 5'2 with a small but well-figured body shape. Her hair is jet black and always kept in a bun, high or low. Her eyes are hazel, on the small side and cat-shaped. Directly under her right eye is a small black mole. Her nose is small and upturned and her lips are plump but shaped into a frown. From a rebellious teenage year, Ailani got a Monroe piercing and a tattto of the sun on her palm. Her face seems to be permanently stuck in the emotion of a furious person.

Race: Sprite

Powers: Water and Fire Manipulation

Flamingo Pink

Name:Cherico Calico

Age (13-18, please):c7


Race (what is your nonhuman half? Fairy, elf, orc, dwarf, dragon, tree, frog, etc...):Half human half water siren

Powers (if any):Able to control the element of water and lure people with a song

Bio: His father was a sailor and his mother a siren. She lured his father and instead of causing him to die, she decided to keep him safe. She learned a whole lot about him and nine months later Cherico was born. He was raised around water and was taught to swim very early. One day his father left with him to buy some things from the market on the mainland. While buying fish, Cherico started singing a tune. Soon people became attracted to him. An elderly man though who knew about sirens caught Cherico and spread the word of Cherico. Cherico's father took him back to their island but on the way, another siren pulled his father in. Hs father died and Cherico swam in any direction he could. He knew life wasn't going to be safe for him.

Number: 3
Flamingo Pink

Name: Lilly

Age (13-18, please): 16

Appearance: http://static.zerochan.net/Kaytseki.full.1036586.jpg

Race: Witch

Powers (if any): Necromancy and spells that allow her to control her own blood.

Bio: She refuses to remember her past, but knows the reason she lost her sight wasn't some accident or something she had since birth. She grew up not knowing who her real parents were, but lived with her mentor instead. Her mentor was a powerful witch who taught her many spells and how to "see" even without her vision. Lilly can vaguely remember the face of the woman who raised her.

Number: 8
Name: Clara Abbott

Age: 17


At 5'5", she is a good height for her age, but she sometimes wears high heels just to make herself feel taller. She is well proportioned, albeit a bit on the skinny side. She prefers to wear light, thin clothing because she frequently undresses to get in the water. At times, she simply wears a swimsuit underneath her clothes to save time.

Race: Mermaid

Powers: Talks to marine/aquatic life. Can breathe underwater and, if so chooses, transform legs into a fin. Her singing is rather captivating, but due to her human blood, does not cause infatuation.

Bio: Her mother left soon after giving birth to her. After raising her for a while, her father decided to send her to this special school after she hit 16 and her powers started becoming more apparent. She fully accepts his decision, and embraces her mermaid side, even though it sometimes make her very flirty, and at times violent.

Number: 17
All accepted! Marveloso! [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION], unless your application is exactly how I want it, and you have read all of the rules I will NOT accept any applications from you.

Actually, @Lilly of the Valley, you need to choose a different number. Other than that, accepted.

All right, I'm putting up the IC thread now.

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