Story Half Blood Moon Pact


Ten Thousand Club

The Fang

Late afternoon, early evening, an amber glow rested on the small village, a young man of around the age of seventeen walked the broken streets, he was alone. The man was garbed in casual dress, old jeans and a faded black T-shirt, minus the katana of course. He walked with a purpose, a destination that was predetermined by the others. It was a group decision, as it had always been, to meet in the park before the Red Moon pierced its gaze down, mutating what remains of the human population, and the rest everyone knew. It was their duty to eradicate the mutants-as is the way of The Marhs- and prevent the spread of the disease. No one forced them into it…

Exia paused, suddenly becoming erect at the sound of a low grumbling to his left, both hands went, fast as lightning, to the Katana. His head twitched, eyes following his ears to the sound's source. A dog crouched behind some rusting cans left out for garbage. The canine bared its yellow, jagged teeth ferociously at Exia, saliva and foam dripping from its powerful jaws. Eyes red as the moon strained, the dog let out a deep growl—scattering fellow animals—and charged at Exia. He dispatched the beast in one quick stroke, it was simple with the months of experience gained from fending off and destroying the mutants, made effortless by the linear line the mongrel had taken to reach him. However, Exia was not careful enough; his garments were drenched in the mongrel's blood, and his katana had chipped on the street's surface, something that was rare even for a beginner. Cursing and cleaning himself, Exia's head darted about just in case there was a pack and not just the lone cur. Detecting none, he started for the park once again.

"I'm too jerky, it's not even night yet and I'm already acting up. What would the others think?"

Sweating he stopped and rested on a lamppost, his palms were clammy and pale, as though the color and warmth had been sucked from the world. His breath was heavy, Exia knew he didn't have much time left before the Moon would appear, it happened every night after all. The Red Moons rays would cover them. And new Enemies would come.

He was scared, but then again, they all were. He could just see them in the park. Standing there in their lonely group. All waiting for him. Every one of them had shown up that night: Alez, Lykala, Rylo, Raiven, and Hayley. Unlike protocol one broke from the pack and headed toward Exia. He hated it when they did this, leaving their post to check and see if everyone was alright. They should have known by now that if they kept the beasts away from any wounded member, nothing else could go wrong. But, of course, Lykala -the one headed towards him now- always thought about the group in a more concerned fashion.

"You chipped your blade. You need to be more careful next time."

"It wasn't my fault-"

"It never is, is it?"

He looked at Lykala, he hadn't actually seen how his true features had changed since it started. His hair which had once been straightened and lay flat against his head, was now all around it, most of it shagged to the back in small spikes except for one that always seemed to cover his right eye. He, like most of the others -excluding Exia himself- had bruises on at least one part of their face, and Lykala, being one of the only fighters of the team, had his right around his eye.

It infuriated Exia, he only had that bruise because of his need to 'Protect' his teammates. Exia despised him for it. How are you supposed protect others if you aren't in a good enough condition to fight? But he tolerated him nonetheless. That's one of the only reasons they were friends. Tolerability.

Lykala seemed annoyed , but he brushed the feeling aside as quickly as it had come. "The others are getting restless, Exia, they need you there."

"And I'll be there"

"It started a few minutes ago. They'll break through the fence soon. They always do."

Exia, was about the most short tempered person anybody knew and his responses usual reflected this. "Then why are you over here slacking off! Rylo, and Hayley can't fight you know that!"

In terms of classification, Exia would be the Alpha, and Lykala would be his Right hand, but rank didn't matter much during the Red Moon. It was all about balance between them, rather than who led who. Exia, Lykala, and Alez, fought, Raiven classified them, And Rylo and Hayley were medics and food providers.

"Raiven, what is their level, and where is it most concentrated?" Exia Picked up a sandwich Haley had just finished making, took a single bite, and dropped it back to the ground completely missing the picnic cloth she had prepared.

"Some has spiked to level C but nothing more than that, It's heaviest the more southern you go." Raiven reported as he tapped his PDA rapidly.

"Lykala, take east and north, I've got west and south, Alez, Keep watch on the South but stick with Lykala, Once Lykala and I maintain our sides enough we should be able to join together and take the south!"

"Sir!" The group saluted, as they went about their jobs.

Rylo's eyes immediately went to Hayley. Rylo was the newest member to the team, so he still had many questions, "Hey, you never told me why you all call Exia 'The Fang.'"

"Just watch the way he acts when he fights." She replied as she finished another sandwich

"That doesn't cut it! All I ever get is half-assed answers! Hows this, why does he fight? Why does he bother helping us at all? He could take the whole horde on by himself, why the hell does he stay with us?"

"No idea. if you really have to know just ask him yourself. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." She winked back to him and pointed at Exia.

Rylo turned just in time to see the The Fangs twisted smile as he beheaded a mutant, "Yeah, no thanks."

The mutated beings wobbled, crawled, and flew back to the forest where they usually go at daybreak, but only about half an hour had passed. What happened? Something was definitely wrong. They all seemed to think at once. Like they were being led. Raiven was right on top of it, completely ready for anything that headed his way.

"Class A on the Map! Class A sighted! Assistance of everbody is necessary for survival, Repeat! Everybody is- "

"Back off!" Exia snarled, "It's mine!" It wasn't irregular for The Fang to do this, in fact, he almost always took the biggest kill for himself. But Lykala was the only one who really knew why. Really knew him at all actually.

Exia rushed the beast and when Rylo stood up battle ready, Lykala stopped him, "Don't," he pointed at Exia, "Just watch."

"He's going to get himself killed!" Argued the newbie, though he wasn't necessarily eager to charge to his death.

Lykala refused to let him pass, "This," he said raising a finger, "Is why we call him 'The Fang.'"

The Class A mutant was like nothing they had ever seen. It was based on the human form completely unlike all the others. A Human Mutant. But there were no longer eyes set in place, and the mouth was sown shut in a Zigzag motion. Each muscle was about the size of the average dog lengthway. And one huge Eye had formed in the middle of its chest. Sprouting from its hands were five claws that were as sharp as a doctors scalpel and twice the length.

There was no fear in The Fangs eye's though. He rolled out of the way of one of its claws. He took a risk by jumping, and immediately the Mutant took for it. One claw slashed right through the muscle in his left arm. A huge gash was his reward for the risk.

"Ah! Exia!" It was time for Lykala to be surprised. Hayley stopped him. Lykala would give his life to save Exia or anyone for that matter, but if Exia was doomed, there was no point letting Lykala go as well.

"I'll make you regret that!" Exia, though he had been injured, was already upon the beast Katana at the ready. The Mutant made the first move, lashing out with its claws, an easily avoidable attack that Exia could have dodged, but it would put his enemy out of reach. So instead he allowed it to hit him, it was the only way to get close enough. But his injury limited his movement, he was caught in it's deadly claws. He did the only thing he could do. He pulled his left leg back and jammed it into the beasts eye. It jerked in surprise and Exia took the opportunity to kick off the ground and towards it's chest. They toppled over each other until Exia was on top of him, and in attempt to gouge its eye he slammed his fist into the Pupil. The beast put all its force in one attempt to stop Exia, But even a tornado couldn't have ripped him off the monster.

Lykala just stared at him, The Fang looked almost godlike despite the gore on and around him. His face was perfect, serene, though his body and clothes were soaked in blood, and at the last moment when the beast died, blood shot out of its eye around him, making it seem as though he sprouted wings of crimson.

Chapter 1

Enter Lykala

Lykala roamed the building though, it was his job to patrol and he enjoyed it to an extent, he didn't really feel like he needed to be here. He felt in his heart that he was needed elsewhere. Needed by at least somebody. Not just stuck in a dead-end job.

A rasping noise sounded from the other side of the door, followed by a muffled sound. Lykala paced silently to the door, and pressed his ear against the cold wood. "Lykala!" The voice called, "Open the dang blasted doors!" He recognized the voice as the chief of his section. He whipped out his key, jammed it into the lock and the door flew open.

The chief entered into the room covered in blood. He had bite marks, and cuts covering him. He even had pieces of his own flesh missing. The Chief stumbled to the floor and landed on his back, panting. "Close the doors Lykala. Hurry." Lykala was one who could take orders, he slammed the doors shut and locked them.

"Sir? Are you alright?" Lykala knew obviously he wasn't, but if the Chief had really been hurt badly enough to admit it, then something was definitely wrong.

"Tell…..Tell Exia….That I love him." And with that the Chiefs chest refused to pound with life. Lykala reached over and shut the mans eyes. He had never felt close to him, nor his son, but he would relay the message.

Then the building shook with such ferocity that even the Golden Idols and Sarcophagi fell from their posts, the lights flashed and flickered until they gave up and finally just went out.. The doors heaved and the hinges squeaked an even higher pitch than usual. Something wanted in.

Lykala didn't wait to find out what it was, nothing normal could have caused the destruction. He turned and raced down the hallway, ripping free a Vlad-the-Impaler mock sword. He took a wrong turn., and it was too late for him to turn back. It dead-ended, and what was behind the doors, had chased him, and now caught up. There slowly surrounding the room, were four gigantic tentacles.

Lykala shut his eyes waiting for his death to come, but when it did not, he opened them. There before him, fighting off the tentacles, was Exia. He rolled, jabbed, slashed, cut, and chopped for Lykala's and his own life.

"You grabbed that sword did you not? Use It!" Exia yelled as he cut free one of the tentacles from the monster. It slopped to the floor in a spray of blood and mushy sounds.

Lykala wanted to help. He wished it with all his might that he could help fight the beast, but he was frozen with trepidation and he hated himself for it.

The Tentacles were done with being assaulted. They withdrew from the building, leaving Exia and Lykala all by themselves. Lykala fell to his knee's and dropped his weapon.

"Damn it. I’ve been following that damn thing all night. You could have helped you know." Exia leaned against a wall and began cleaning his blade.

"I…At least you scared it off." Lykala was beyond scared. He could feel the pressure of fear building up in his stomach.

"Scared it off? Nah, it’s a tactical retreat. She’ll be back. Next time we encounter it I expect you to fight. Not cower behind me like dog."

Lykala just nodded. His words wouldn't flow. His heart still raced, and he felt exhaustion claim him. He laid on his back and looked up, through the museum observatory window. There it was for the first night. The Blood Moon.

"Get up. There's a hospital nearby, if we make it there quick we might be able to save some lives." Exia had already began walking. If Lykala followed that was his own choice.

“Bathroom first!” Lykala called, racing into the nearest room, finally freeing himself of the pressure of fear.

Lykala had to sprint in order to catch up to the already moving killing machine. Exia would never wait. Waiting showed his weakness. Moving on gave them a choice. To follow, or to leave, and Exia needed nobody on his team whom wasn't committed enough to the cause to follow him into hell itself. As he was now.

Lykala knew the hospital Exia was talking about rather well, although he’d never personally entered into it. He passed by it several times on his walk to the museum, it was a short thirteen minute walk between the two.

It was completely black behind the automatic doors, from what they could see through the strange red tint.

“No good.” Exia said pulling and shaking the doors, when they refused to open. “They‘re locked.”

“So, there‘s nobody here. Let‘s move on. We can‘t spend forever out here. What if those things come back?”

Exia ignored him, and began to beat on the doors with his fist until he had enough room between them to pry it open. He placed his back against one side and pushed the other side open with his hands, leaving a hole big enough for someone to slide through. “Now! In.” Lykala obeyed without question, careful to avoid touching Exia’s bloodied hand.

Lykala blinked repeatedly until his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He looked for a light switch until Exia pointed out the downed power lines outside, and that any excess or generated power would be conserved and focused on Life Support.

“Remember,” Exia sounded from somewhere next to him, “If you don‘t fight, and decide to cower behind me like last time. Well, let‘s just say we won‘t be in each other‘s company for long.”

Lykala nodded although he was certain Exia wouldn’t be able to see it. He tripped as he followed Exia and flung his arms out in hopes to catch himself. Instead, the back of Exia’s shoe caught him right in the nose as he walked on.

Lykala grasped his nostrils, and rolled onto his back in a string of one word curses. Exia pulled Lykala to his feet and pointed to the end of what seemed to be the hallway they were in where there was a light shining, and said he’d check to see if it was broken once they got over there.

Lykala leaned forwards, grunting through the pain, and whispered, “For a Hospital it‘s rather quiet. We haven‘t seen any of those things here so far.”

Exia sighed and came to a halt, “Okay. One, It‘s probably about two in the morning, so I doubt there‘s going to be a whole staff here working Graveyard. Two, it‘s a fucking hospital with the doors locked. And finally, Three, I‘ve been tracking that damn thing since it first showed up. It‘s not going to appear here.”

“How can you be sure?”

“None of your damn business that‘s how.”

Lykala rolled his eyes in the darkness, “Bastard,” was all he mumbled under his breath.

Once they reached the light and could finally see each other Lykala was shocked at Exia’s appearance.

His golden hair was shaggy and spiked in every direction, a stark contrast to the man’s bright green eyes. His face was fair and lightly tanned, his nose cocked to the side as though it had been broken in the past, but it only added to his charm. He wore a purple T that fit loose around his shoulders, but framed him perfectly ending into his faded blue jeans and tennis shoes.

“It‘s not broken, but it‘ll probably hurt for a bit.” Exia smiled a cocky uneven grin and brought his finger across Lykala’s nose, causing him to flinch. Which in turn made Exia practically giggle with delight.

“That isn‘t funny.” Lykala insisted as he swatted Exia’s hand away, when he tried to do it once again.

“The hell it ain‘t!” He laughed, pocketing his hands.

“Shh! Did you hear that?” Lykala said turning around almost immediately.

“Stop hallucinating nothings out there, and the only way we can go from this hallway is up.” Exia pointed straight to the ceiling and was knocked from his feet as the building began to shake.

Lykala turned to face the way they had come just as the lights came on.

There was a faint glow on the outside.

“An explosion.” Exia said, his face suddenly strained and annoyed, “Military is probably bombing the forest, if not the town itself.”

“Huh? Why the forest? Why bomb period? Could they not just hunt down that Tentacled thingy?” Lykala said, for lack of a better name.

“You really think that‘s the only one out there don‘t you?” Exia motioned for Lykala to follow him into the nearest room, “Powers back on so that means this should work.” He pressed the power button on the television and it flickered into life.

“…Sighted everywhere around the world, we advise you to stay in your homes and let the militant and authorities deal with this virus.” The news anchor called, from the broadcast.

“I don‘t think you can actually call it a virus sir, there is no known reason for these transformations to occur in the local wildlife, but it‘s never happened before. In fact, the first one was sighted at 9:45 p.m. last night, when the Moon went through it‘s first color change in recorded history. The phases of the Moon have been known to cause changes in Human behavior before, it‘s highly likely that…” The female anchor’s voice slowly disappeared as Exia turned the volume down to it’s minimum.

“It‘s all political bull. What‘s happening here is happening everywhere, and nobody can figure out why. We‘re here because I know someone who has researched things like this for most of his entire life. If anybody can explain it, it‘s him.”

“Someone here? At a hospital dedicated to keeping cancer patients alive? So the only being that you could come up with that could possibly solve the riddle of whatever‘s going on is a man with limited lifespan?!” Lykala threw his arms up in despair.

“No. Not a man. A boy-”

“Oh! Because that is SO much better!”

“With an I.Q. of 180.”

“So he cheated a few tests? A babe is supposed to stop whatever the hell is going on right outside? It‘s not some billion miles away! It‘s right out there on my family‘s goddamned doorstep! And you want me to risk it all just to save a boy who‘s just going to slow us down?!”

Exia shoved him, “You think I don‘t know that?! You think my father died for you?! You think that my family died for you?! No way in fucking hell! I didn‘t force you to come along! I gave you a goddamn choice!”

“Yeah, live or die, how was I supposed to choose out of those?!” Lykala ran his hands through his dark black hair. “Listen,” His tone was still slightly edgy, “If this isn‘t worth it, and my family dies because I wasn‘t there to save them, you better pray to whatever god you believe in because you‘ll be meeting him understand?”

“I‘d like to see you try-”


Exia smiled cockily and nodded. “Come on. Let‘s go meet our dieing savior.”

Lykala rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed at Exia’s easiness. He followed nonetheless.

Room 113 was the only one that had no lights on whatsoever. In fact, from the view the window gave it seemed vacant. Except, when they forced their way into the room they were met with a completely different scene. Wires strewn about the room, no covers on the beds, blocks and figurines scattered in pieces and half finished rockets and scenes. In the corner a small boy, with no hair and a goofy smile was sitting against the wall tapping on a PDA with such speed that Lykala thought he was just drawing dots.

“Raiven?” Exia asked, his voice sounding more humble than Lykala had ever heard.

“I thought you‘d be coming Exia.” He said standing shakily. “Come to take me away now?”

He shook his head, “I…We, would like to ask you if you‘ve any information on what‘s going on out there.” He pointed, using his thumb but not turning away from Raiven, to the staircase they had just left.

Yeah right, though Lykala positive that Exia would never bow to anybody.

“Please, sit.” Raiven gestured to the beds. Exia sat almost immediately, and Lykala followed him, although hesitant.

“Something about this reeks of intergalactic interference. Guys. I‘m not saying it was aliens, but there is some type of frequency causing this, our Moon, to change colors. There was this group…” He pulled out a slip of yellowed-with-age paper from behind his hand desk. “They called themselves Marh‘s. Now, I‘m not sure what this group truthfully did or meant to do. But, they stated that they got magical powers just by being out in the moonlight. Some shamans were even said to be able to predict natural disasters or phenomena that could never have happened the exact same way in a thousand years! In fact, some say that this event itself was predicted when the Moon would change colors once again!”

Lykala couldn’t hold back his curiosity anymore, “But why was this never recorded? Why haven‘t we spent any time in preparation?”

“You think that it wasn‘t? There are thousands of other ways to retain important info. Engraving, orally, those stick ropes, and billions more!” Raiven made large gestures with his hands flinging them this way and that. “But, the problem is: the mutations in the species on Earth, am I right?”

Exia nodded allowing the small genius to continue. “Well, it‘s the same thing that happens with sunlight. This frequency is being reflected off the Moon like a mirror aimed straight at earth! And this very frequency is causing many species to cannibalize or even tamed animals to become ferocious beasts. In fact, there was this gorilla in lower Russia, that ripped it‘s way out of it‘s cage with it‘s bare hands, mauled forty-five security guards and ingest fourteen of them before it was brought down by military police. Except, the thing that is so fascinating about this is it‘s doing the same thing to humans too. You see, there‘ve already been reports of men lifting semi-trucks over their heads with just their bare hands. And women healing all types of wounds, even putting a person‘s halves back together with FULL mobility. These results are completely amazing.”

“Except?” Lykala asked, already sucked into the young child’s genius.

“Ah, I was just getting to that. See, right after this great exertion from these beings, things begin to go…wrong. The gorilla you see, began to breath fire. In fact that‘s how it died. Burned itself inside out. But, we cannot expect this type of reaction from each species, because as you all should know, nature adapts. The man‘s heart exploded, and he was found with a THIRD lung. The woman‘s eyes bled out, and inside her head, her brain was completely halved. Things just go completely wrong after finishing their task. And some people can‘t even handle being in the moonlight. Since 9:45 as of yesterday night, there have been 14000 people just dropping dead after leaving home at night. There is no way it‘s coincidence.”

“And you think this all is some…alien interference frequency.” Lykala was completely fascinated with the boy, but Exia seemed skeptic.

“Well, It‘s just a hunch. But I think it‘s the only thing that explains it. It‘s not a frequency transmitted through radio waves or anything like that. In fact, I think it‘s transmitted atomically through sunlight.”


“Yes. How else would it travel from the Moon to here.” It wasn’t a question.

“And you think all of this could give us special powers?”

“Ah, you see, you are interested. But, think about what I‘ve said.” He waved his hand dismissing his own sentence. “We would really have to test it. And there‘s no real way to do that. Let alone somebody stupid enough to let us try. I mean everybody that has tapped into this frequency‘s power has been killed or changed or both. I couldn‘t ask anybody to-”

Exia stood up and stretched, “We‘ll do it.”

“Uh, but the-” Exia waved his hand cutting off Lykala’s protests.

“Thanks for the History lesson and theories Raiven. Excuse me for saying this, but what kind of scientist would you be if you didn‘t test it.”

“A very bad one.” He replied almost immediately. “But, I‘d be even worse if I tried and failed.”

“Then let‘s not fail.”

Chapter 2



“So what do I do?” Exia said, standing in pure red moon light, while Lykala stood under a shaded tree and Raiven leaned against it weakly.

“No idea.” Raiven insisted, “I don‘t think you should even be doing this.”

“But you‘ve got theories?” Exia persisted.

“A few. But, none of them are truly applicable. From what I read they achieved these powers and feats by instinct. Not to mention them DIEING afterwards!” Raiven threw his hands up in defeat. There was no talking Exia out of this. “You try.” Raiven waved Lykala forwards.

“Exia, this is stupid.” Lykala said, not really trying to talk him out of it at all.

“Listen Lykala. You said you wanted to save your family right? What if this could give you the power to do this? Magical powers that are only heard of in fantasy or fiction books. Could you imagine? It‘d be just like the games we used to play as kids. But real.”

“You would die to achieve this?” Lykala ran a hand through his hair, becoming increasingly frustrated at Exia’s personality change. He barely had time to hear Exia’s battle call. He bent himself backwards as far as he could an gasped as Exia’s replica-sword passed only inches away from his nose.

“What the hell was that?!” Lykala asked backing up.

“It has to be instinctual right? What‘s more so than surviving?!” Exia rolled forwards and jabbed outwards with the blade. Lykala was barely able to dodge, spinning himself an inch away from having blood drawn.

“Exia! I don‘t want to fight you!” He looked from Exia to Raiven, and was rewarded with a sharp pain in his side. Raiven’s eyes were wide, but he didn’t move to assist him. His hands flashed quick as could be to the PDA and he began to tap on it constantly.

Lykala looked right at his side and his eyes grew wide. There was a huge gash through his skin, blood pouring out of it profusely. But, he couldn’t stop to gape. Exia was coming again. Lykala could see it in his eyes; They either reached these powers, or one of them died.

Lykala jumped out of the way, trying to stop the blood from flowing completely out of him. Except, it didn’t save him. Exia was on him immediately. He caught him with a kick to his injured side, causing Lykala to fall onto his right side. Exia brought the sword down as quickly as possible, aimed directly at Lykala’s head. Lykala brought his hand up to block it almost equally as fast. Then, everything slowed.

Lykala literally fell backwards when his hand not only came up, but passed through the sword. He blinked a few times trying to understand everything. Then his eyes fixed on the moon. It wasn’t red. Not like it was only seconds ago. It looked strangely normal.

The thing that really weirded him out, though, was his side. Not only was there absolutely no pain, but there was no wound. Nothing. It was as if it never happened. Lykala stood, remembering why he was blocking in the firs place, and saw Exia. He was still in mid-swing.

“I SAID I DIDN‘T WANT TO FIGHT YOU!” was all Exia heard, before flying back six feet and watching his weapon spin out of his hand.

Lykala stood above him, blood on his knuckles from Exia’s jaw. Only after noticing it did it begin to throb with pain. Exia’s eyes were wide, but not with fear. He smiled broadly and turned his head to Raiven, who in turn was grinning as big as he possibly could. He nodded and Exia pulled himself to his feet, already ready to celebrate.

“So!” Exia called to Lykala as he walked towards Raiven. “Still think it wasn’t worth it?”

Lykala just passed him a rude finger gesture and followed after him exhausted.

“So these things, people, called Marhs or whatevs. They had magical powers?” Lykala asked Raiven as he led them back to the Children’s Hospital.

“Nobody knows for sure. It‘s quite possible though, now that we have uh, seen it ourselves.” Raiven suddenly paused. His whole facial expression was strained. Exia, smiled viciously, and Lykala finally saw what the other two had noticed. That tentacle beast monster had all but swallowed the hospital whole.

Lykala began to run straight towards it, but was stopped by Exia.

“Don't worry.” Exia pushed Lykala down, not gentle in any manner, and placed his mud covered shoe on his chest to prevent him from getting up.

“Dammit!” Lykala tried to struggle his way out, “There‘s people dieing in there!”

"Actually,” Raiven stood next to Exia, his face completely calm and his hands clasped behind his back holding his gown shut, “They evacuated the hospital somewhat after they found that it had asbestos in the ceilings.”

It took a minute for the information to reach Lykala’s brain. He was still struggling until it had finally been processed. “Then,” He started, “why were you in there? Asbestos is deadly.”

“Killing himself.” Exia put more pressure on Lykala’s chest. “He was committing suicide.”

Lykala literally laughed out loud, “Suicide?! There are hundreds- no, thousands of ways to commit suicide. Most of them easier.”

“I want it to be slow.” Raiven said, stepping forwards. “Slow and even more painful than this.” He gestured to his bald head, indicating the cancer.

Lykala paused, his train of thought now derailed. “What?” Was all he could muster to say.

“Rude.” Exia said pressing his foot down even harder. “It‘s a simple matter. Almost everybody goes through it.”

Raiven turned away from the two, and began pacing away. He pulled himself down, his back against the tree bark, and buried his face in his knees. No matter how smart you were, things weren’t always so easy to explain. It was there, hidden in the shade of the tree, hidden from their eyes, that he wept. Wept once again, for the pain in the world.

“He‘s trying to prove-”

“Prove what?!” Lykala yelled, his hands finding enough grip on Exia’s boot, to begin to force him off him.

Exia back-handed him, smiling viciously, “Don‘t.” He slapped him again, “interrupt,” once more, “again.” Lykala froze, not even feeling the pain. Just staring into Exia’s eye’s.

He’s going to kill me. He’s really going to do it. I’m dead. Just like that. Just for interrupting.

“Now,” Exia started again, “He‘s trying to prove,” he hesitated, then when it was clear that Lykala wouldn’t interrupt him, he continued, “That there‘s pain out there, pain worse than he‘s enduring currently. He wants to know that there are worse things out there. He wants to know he can survive.”

“Nothing is ever easy.” Lykala said quietly. Making sure Exia couldn’t hear him.

“We should go.” Exia said, returning his eyes to the Hospital. “Now.” He spun away from Lykala, to find Raiven was missing. “Raiven!” he called, “Raiven, we need to go. We need to get out of here now!”

Lykala rolled over to look at the hospital. “Shit!” he yelled, pulling his right hand from the animal feces that it had happened to land in. Then, placing his hand in a safer place, he looked up at the Hospital.

Nothing. Just a hole. That’s when he realized it. The tentacles weren’t tentacles at all. They were Worms! He looked down at the earth under him. They could be anywhere. Anywhere at all. How am I supposed to know.

“Lykala!” Raiven yelled to Exia as came into view. “Lykala is surrounded!” Raiven continued to speed towards Exia calling all along the way. “They‘re all around him!”

Exia’s eyes widened in surprise and he spun around, pulling the Replica-sword free. Lykala wouldn’t know he was surrounded. He would have to save him.

Just when Lykala stood, the ground erupted in front of him. “Ohh Shit!” He turned to see Exia running towards him. “Exia!” He called, “Boss Fight!”

Exia’s lips formed a smirk, and he leaped, just as another worm burst from the ground in front of him. He landed on it’s back and didn’t hesitate. He just kept running, up and up, until it began to curve back down towards Lykala. His feet lost traction and he slipped, landed on his back, and slid off the side of it, towards the ground. He had one chance to save himself. A drop from how high up he was would kill him. He swung up with his sword, and sighed with relief when it stuck fast into the grimy tissue of the worms outer skin. “Oh, thank you.” He whispered.

That’s right. Lykala remembered. I’m not just going to cower in the corner like a dog. Who am I going to save that way?

He smiled wildly and jumped out of the way of the worm’s dive. His hair beginning to curl in the wind. That’s when it happened for the second time. It was like he was viewing everything in third person. He smiled even broader, and dove after the worm, ripping his sword free from it’s makeshift scabbard.

As he fell through the hole he could hear the start of Exia’s yell, but he couldn’t make out the words. He just focused on the darkness that began to surround him. Only then did he realize his mistake. He smacked into the soft earth below him at high speeds. His body rolled and tumbled, and finally came to a stop. His eyes rolling around his head, and his last thoughts were of Exia. There was no way that was mud that was on the bottom of his shoes.

“Lykala!” Exia had yelled, but it was too late. He had already vanished down into the worms’ hole. He sighed and ripped the sword free, causing him to gain enough speed to spin around and reinsert the blade into the side of the beast. Gravity did the rest of his job, carrying him down slowly, causing the gash to grow even longer, and the thrashing of the worm had only helped to speed up his descent. Suddenly the sword snapped and he began to fall. The worm barely cleared his body as it dove down into the earth to escape him.

He spun himself just in time to see the earth speeding towards him. “Oh, Fu-” He hit the ground, and busted his head. A split forming on the side of forehead. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and everything went black.

Exia’s eyes flashed open and his whole body tensed. His surroundings had completely changed. He was laying on his back, in what appeared to be a hotel. There was a Television, an old style telephone, and cheap wallpaper. He didn’t relax until Raiven entered through the half open wooden door. He had changed into a Brown shirt, and Beige shorts.

“What’s happened?” He spoke softly, rolling off the overly firm mattress, and planting his feet firmly on the ground. “And why am I in my underwear?”

“Why are you wearing rubber ducks?” Raiven asked, in return, half laughing at Exia, half sorrowful.

Exia didn’t smile. Just slowly began dressing himself in whatever was left in the closet. Some dusty blue jeans had fit him, but that was it.

He sighed and sat on the bed lazily. “I’ll need a shirt. He said turning towards Raiven.” Some medicine for this headache too. And a Porsche if you can handle it.”

“Don‘t push it.” Raiven said, still not answering Exia’s question on what had happened. He rose, and left Exia there in the room, only to return a moment later.

“There‘s no way in hell that I‘m wearing that.” He said, the moment he saw what was in Raivens’ hands. “No way man.”

“That‘s all there was in your size. It‘s either this, or nothing.”

Exia growled, but took the bundle of clothes.

“How does it look?” He asked, standing in front of Raiven, his arms outstretched.

“Fine, fine.” He pulled his PDA free from his pocket, held it up to Exia, and snapped a picture. “It‘s a perfect fit.” Raiven laughed.

That was just when a lady had walked in. Her hair was short, just above her shoulders, but had a gleam to the auburn color. He eyes were bright green, and, to Exia, she was rather attractive.

She had come in carrying a plate of Sandwiches, but when her eyes fixed on Exia, she yelped in surprise and dropped the plate to the floor, littering the ground with glass. “Sorry, I‘m sorry, sorry. I didn‘t mean.” She paused and took a deep breath. “I‘ll go get the broom.”

“It‘s fine.” Raiven said. “We can‘t stay here much longer. Priorities first.” His eyes focused on her. “If you‘re coming that is.”

“The town was evacuated already. I wouldn‘t be surprised if we were the only ones here. The news.” She sighed. “The news is horrible. They bombed the town over already.”

Exia glanced over to Raiven and raised an eyebrow, but didn’t interrupt. “Everyone fled the town. I got trapped here. Otherwise I would have left already. The sun is out now. It would be safer to travel, but I wouldn’t make it anywhere before dark. That’s why I’ve been waiting. I have nowhere to go.” A small, ice-like tear began it’s route down her face. “I wouldn‘t be surprised if everyone is dead.”

“It wouldn‘t be unlikely.” Exia spoke up. “We‘ve been traveling through most of the night. If Raivens‘ hypothesis is correct, then we are probably the only people left on earth. Everybody you know and love, is probably dead, or worse. So take a good look, because we might be the only ones left.” He clenched his fists and stared hard at the ground littered in glass. “We‘ve already lost one of us. We have to get over that and keep moving, or mope and end up the same way. There‘s a Marine base to the north of here. If we head that way, we could probably find others, or at least a safer place. Or, we could head south. Far enough south that we could probably escape whatever it is that‘s going on. Whatever this thing is though. I don‘t think we can run from it. I don‘t think we can hide. We have to keep doing what we‘ve been doing Raiven. We have to keep fighting. For our families. For our friends. And for those that died for us. Whatever you choose. I’m going to fight. Fight to live, to survive.”

“I‘ll fight.” the girl spoke up almost immediately. “I can‘t go anywhere. I can‘t hide, and I can‘t run. I‘ll fight. My name is, Hayley. Hayley Cathin”

Raiven nodded his consent to join in as well. “We‘re going to need weapons.”

“Don‘t worry, I‘ve got that covered.” Exia smirked.

“Shit, that hurts.” Lykala said, raising himself from the ground. His eyes still trying to focus, and get used to the darkness. He blinked and blinked but they just wouldn’t adjust. “Of course.” He muttered.

He had no idea where he was, and couldn’t see any light in any direction. So he spun around three times, and began to walk straight. Straight into the curved earth of the worm’s tunnel. He placed his hands against it, and began to shuffle his way through the dark. Stumbling every few steps on loose rocks and holes.

Several hours passed until he bumped into something. Something that screamed. He jumped back and tumbled down to the ground.

“What is it?! What‘s there?!” It was a man’s voice. He placed the man’s age at roughly around forty-something.

“It‘s fine, it‘s fine.” Lykala called almost immediately. He placed his hands up in there air, despite the fact that there was no way the man could see them.

“You Human?” The man asked.

What an odd question, thought Lykala, to ask if somebody was Human or not. Of course, after these events, it hadn’t exactly surprised him.

“I‘m Human.” He assured the man.

The man grunted. “I‘m Kaff. Owned a liquor store not to far from Hyman street.”

“Kaff?! Kaff it‘s Lykala! I‘m Lykala!” Lykala almost practically jumped for joy. Someone else he knew. Finally.

“Did you fall in too?” Kaff asked, his tone serious.

“Kind of.” He laughed, “I‘m trying to find my way out.”

“You and me both kid. Ain‘t the way yer goin though. Too steep to climb. It‘s practically straight up. Gotta find another way.”

Great. We’re stuck in a big letter U’ what could possibly be harder?

Lykala sighed and began to shuffle back the way he came. No matter how much he hated being down here. He was definitely glad for the company.
I'm surprised no one has reviewed this before me. I really like how this prologue is short and to the point, introducing who Exia is by having him fight and briefly interact with his team. I also like for a prologue you didn't give us a history of these mutants or what organization Exia and his team belong to. I get disappointed when a prologue is overly detailed. It kind of ruins the real start of the story.

Your descriptions are wonderful to me. They are perfect, not too poetic (I personally hate when stories have mushy metaphors that makes me pause as I read and think about what they are trying to describe). And! Most importantly, you made the fight scene with Exia and the giant human mutant believable. Exia actually got hurt...and not just a scratch on the cheek. I really appreciate you reminding the readers that even though Exia is the best fighter out of all, he can and will get hurt sometime during a fight.

Let's see, I would have liked to discover the personalities of each of the team members, even if it was a single sentence. And, maybe a description on what Exia and the rest look like. I also wouldn't refer to Exia as a "young boy." When I think of 17, I don't really think of a young boy. Maybe young adult would be better? Also, this may sound a bit crazy, but where did Exia pick up that sandwich from? I understand that Hayley made the sandwich, but did Exia pick it up from the floor? Or was it on a paper plate? Just, I don't know that needs a bit more explaining to me. You also have some capitalization mistakes in a few places.

Great start~
Thanks for the Review Gato Techno! I'm a bit rusty when it comes to writing, so it's great to know what I need to work on or fix or add to. It's a great help. Thank you so much.
I drew some images for this, dunno why. Guess I was bored. Anywho, I posted them in the Albulms area or whatever. It's called My Characters, i've got Lykala, Exia, Raiven and Rylo up there currently. Thanks for checking this out.
Giving me free reign is a bad idea. >_>

The first general rule of thumb is to stay consistent. I can't emphasize that enough.

When typing, don't feel that you can't use bold or italics. Underline was very popular in the days of the typewriter, but nowadays it is considered distracting. The strike is not for showing editing purposes. A lot of writers are told that using these excessively looks ugly. What they should be teaching in class is that they have purposes and most of the time, they are not used properly. Bold is for general emphasis. Italics are also used for emphasis, but it has more cases than that (I will explain that some other time).

When writing chapter titles, I do it like this:

Chapter X: Name

Using italics for a chapter title is odd. In the end, you can use anything, though. Bold, underline, higher font size... I'm no typographical expert, but I've used pretty much every kind of emphasis that anyone could put on a document and I haven't had anyone complain simply because it was consistent. With the exception of gradients, because those are really hard to read and looks lame unless there's a specific reason for it to be used.

If you are going to put all of your writing in the first post, I would suggest a Table of Contents for your chapters. This way, we know how far you've gotten.

I will be writing more, later. Getting busy.

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