Hair/Costume opinions


Four Thousand Club
You've probably noticed that I change the characters' hair and clothing from time to time - on Marena, mostly, but to an extent for all recurring characters. I'd like to know which ones people favour.
Actually, I happen to like the one Secret has now- I can only hope that as she gets stronger and more confident she starts choosing things other than that halter.

Marena, well, while I enjoy fanservice, well. It should not be the sole purpose of her clothing, despite the fact that she's a lunar specializing in seduction.

Misho needs more variety.

Ten Winds needs to bare that sexy chest more often.

That is all.
Fabricati said:
Actually, I happen to like the one Secret has now- I can only hope that as she gets stronger and more confident she starts choosing things other than that halter.
Like nothing?

Wouldn't be my preference, but just sayin'
Ehhhhh, no, pretense of this ever being a family comic and all. If anything, I'd actually like the characters in general to be wearing more for no apparent reason. Like on Secret for instance, I'm sorry, but the bare midriff? Bleeeh. I dunno, soulsteel armor seems out of place on her but maybe some sort of jacket or a lower tank?
Jukashi said:
I can only hope the veneer of perversion can conceal my desire to play dressup with my characters.
Ten Winds hasn't gotten a costume update in what seems like forever.
Crasical said:
Jukashi said:
I can only hope the veneer of perversion can conceal my desire to play dressup with my characters.
Ten Winds hasn't gotten a costume update in what seems like forever.
He needs a tie-dyed T-shirt, white terry-cloth headband, beach sandals and shorts.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Crasical said:
Jukashi said:
I can only hope the veneer of perversion can conceal my desire to play dressup with my characters.
Ten Winds hasn't gotten a costume update in what seems like forever.
He needs a tie-dyed T-shirt, white terry-cloth headband, beach sandals and shorts.
"Heyyy, Miiisho."


"JUSTICE! Yeah, man, it's a triiip..."
Crasical said:
Jukashi said:
I can only hope the veneer of perversion can conceal my desire to play dressup with my characters.
Ten Winds hasn't gotten a costume update in what seems like forever.
...Ten Winds got a costume update? I never actually noticed...

But anyway, as ShadowDragon said, I don't mind the change either. While I sometimes prefer the old costumes (Secret's original outfit comes to mind), it's also kind of nice to see the usual "one costume only" trope averted.

On the subject of what I like, I'm also somewhat fond of Marena's new outfit, as well as her original green adventuring clothes and her dress from 185. As for the others, apart from Secret... well, I can't say I pay a lot of attention. I do enjoy seeing what you come up with, though.
I don't think Ten Winds ever HAS gotten a costume update, but I was leaving my bets open in case it was one of those things where Jukashi had slipped in details I hadn't noticed.

If your definition of 'costume update' is broad enough, we've seen him in a few outfits ( Bald Monk Ten, Past Badass Ten ) aside from his normal ones, but those where all in flashbacks.
Though I sorta preferred Secret's earlier hairstyle, it's nice to see them mixing their outfits and hairstyles up regularly, maybe picking up some decorative gear(hat? hairpins?) as well.
...Though I should clarify, when I said "Marena's new outfit", I was referring to the green dress she had on earlier. I just noticed the newest update...
I do like Marena's new outfit! The colors suit her. As for Secret - I think that our favorite foxy Lunar should get to play "dress-up" with her next time they hit a town with a source of fashionable clothes. :twisted:

I think that a short jacket might look nice on her, actually.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Go ahead and switch their costumes up. It's not like they're paupers and only own one set of clothes. :P
What if they only have one dot of Resources?
Then Misho will use that one dot to buy artists's tools, create a masterpiece painting, and sell it for Resources 4. And then buy clothes.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Then Misho will use that one dot to buy artists's tools, create a masterpiece painting, and sell it for Resources 4. And then buy clothes.
Doubt he even needs the tools, hes probably got the skill and charms to make a functional minature warstrider out of pebbles.

We already know Misho can make the clothes himself- there was a comment about a cloak he made for Marena.
I like the rotating outfits. And I'd especially like to see more variety for Secret, beyond her shifting hairstyle. Jackets would be nice all around, always a fun fashion choice, but since they've already been North without much heavier clothes I'm not sure how plausible it'd be for them to suddenly start rolling out sleeves in abundance.

Incidentally, I might be too late chiming in on this, but I also like Karen's scar.
I like the fact that the outfits change. Personally I was not that fond of the white outfit Misho has been showing for a long time but I have to say I love the sleeves. They change everything.

Secret's new top looks a bit too... modern. It looks good on Nova but on her it seems a bit out of place.

Liked all of Marena's outfits AND the fact that they change so often too. it feels quite right for the character. AS it seems fitting that Ten hasn't yet and I hope it stays that way (unless there is some plot-related or at least plot-justified reason): in my mind that is one tiny part where his training as a monk in a strict organization shows.

I think I'd like Karen to wear something other than the white bandages on top.
Rad said:
I like the fact that the outfits change. Personally I was not that fond of the white outfit Misho has been showing for a long time but I have to say I love the sleeves. They change everything.
Secret's new top looks a bit too... modern. It looks good on Nova but on her it seems a bit out of place.

Liked all of Marena's outfits AND the fact that they change so often too. it feels quite right for the character. AS it seems fitting that Ten hasn't yet and I hope it stays that way (unless there is some plot-related or at least plot-justified reason): in my mind that is one tiny part where his training as a monk in a strict organization shows.

I think I'd like Karen to wear something other than the white bandages on top.
Karen shares Ten's training, doesn't she?
But having them dressing to meld would be fun. Especially if Ten had to come to a conflict between his belief in the pants faction and the locals' prominent use of kilts.
Jukashi said:
You've probably noticed that I change the characters' hair and clothing from time to time - on Marena, mostly, but to an extent for all recurring characters. I'd like to know which ones people favour.
Ten, Karen, Misho, Racer, everybody else, I'd like them to stay more or less the same (barring plot points). I think their dress says something about them, as does its static nature.

Marena I'd like to keep seeing what you're doing, changing her from time to time. Goes well with the Lunar theme.

Secret I like to see change because of her intense study of Marena (EARS...) and because I hope there is a redemption story in her future.
Switching outfits is a good thing in general. Marena and Secret more than Ten and Misho, though.

I dunno, it's just more of a chick thing to me, and it's not like Misho or Ten are fahionistas anyway.
Weimann said:
Switching outfits is a good thing in general. Marena and Secret more than Ten and Misho, though.
I dunno, it's just more of a chick thing to me, and it's not like Misho or Ten are fahionistas anyway.
*gasp* That gives me an idea...

Marena needs to work off some of that stress! MAKEOVERS! :P

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