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Anxious child
I Never Thought It would End this Way....

Journal Entry 1--- Febuary 9th, Long Island, NYC--- 2:49pm

Paige Krueger

I've Ran. It's Been Three Day's Since the Full Moon Rose. The Dead are Ment to Stay Dead for a Reason. I have encountered them only a Few Times. The First One I have Killed was With a Pocket Knife. I Recognized the Girl too. She was a Seven Year old Beauty Queen that Lived in My Neighbohood. Her Name was Cheyanne Brooks. I Felt bad when I Stabbed her, but she did Threaten me. Cheyanne had surprised me by entering my back door. She was Covered in Blood. When I Raised my Weapon she Hesitated, which Fooled me into Believing she wasn't one. Well, not fully. Oh, How Wrong I was. When I Lowered the knife she charged. I Don't know where I Aimed but I Stabbed her in the chest. It didn't Phase her. She only got back up, pulled out the knife and attacked. I Dodged her and grabbed the blade, this time I Got her through the Eye.

Cheyanne fell to the ground Lifelessly. Just a Tip, Just Like a Human they Can Die with an Injury to the Brain. Unlike us, They don't die by any other injury. Oh and One more Thing. Don't get Bite, Don't get Scratched, and Don't eat the meat they have infected.

Journal Entry 47---September 3rd, New York City --- 7:56pm

Paige Krueger

I've Had a Good Run. Over the Past Eight Month's of the Infection, I've Survived and Wrote all The Skill's in this Journal. But I Fear This May be the last Entry. On My Last Attempt I Was attacked from behind, How Could I Be so Foolish? I Had ran in to search for my Dog, Jay. But, I hadn't thought to check the back of the room. The boy had jumped out and pinned me down. He tried to inject me with his long fangs, but i fought back. I placed my hand on his throat and pushed. Somehow I Knew this was the End. I Couldn't prevent him from Scratching Me. He did though. Once one my cheek and once on my Arm. I'm a Gonner for Sure. But, Those who can Continue On I Hope my Journal is at Use. Here are the Stages:

5 Minutes after Infected: Bruising Around Cut/Scrap

10 Minutes After Infected: Pussy Wound, It Become's Infected

15 Minutes After Infected: Nose Bleed

30 Minutes after: Eye's and Nose Began to Bleed

45 Minutes After: Dizzyness / Sleepyness

50 Minutes After: Death

60 Minutes After: Rises From Dead

I'm Already on Stage Five. I Can Barely keep My Eye's open as it is. My Eye's and Nose are Bloodied. I'm Just Sorry I Couldn't have Lived on to Tell My Story. But this Journal Will. I Am Ten Minutes away from Death. I Think I'll Sleep the Rest Off. If You Never Hear From Me Again, You Can Pretty Much Think The Worst. But The Best Thing is I'm Not Scared of Death, I'm Ready For it.


Congratulation's! You Have Survived the Battle in The Apocolypse. Now You Must Take You and Those Around you to Find Your Shelter and Survive The New Formed World. The Dead has Risen, and now they are after you. You May Have won the Battle, But Will You Win The War?


No Godmodding/Bunning. You Have to Have Weakness!

No Bullying/Arguing

Have Fun in Here.

Be Consistently Posting. If For Some Reason You Can't, Please Inbox Me.

Post in 3rd Person. No I Or Me.

Have Good Grammer.

Be literall

Put HaileyBug at th Top of Your CS if Read These

Don't Over due Anything.

You Can Have as Many Characters as you Can Handle.

Your Characters will Die, But You Can always Make more.

No Sex or Put Fade to Black

Character Sheet:







Place You were When Virus Started:

People You Were With:







Name; Ciara Likin

Age: 15

Gender: Female

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Anime-Girl-anime-girls-6908423-620-877.jpg.cc05098244545d92125005308b95002e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1721" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Anime-Girl-anime-girls-6908423-620-877.jpg.cc05098244545d92125005308b95002e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Ciara is a determined girl that is very rebellious and can be a bit cold and cruel. She is often friendly, ad isn't ever afraid to speak her mind. She can be a bit rash and irrational at times, but is quite intelligent.

History: Ciara lived in a small town in Wisconsion her whole life, and has known how to shoot a gun since a young-ish age. She has her own, that she pretends is her fathers though. Ciara usually will goof off a lot, and scarecly ever gets along with her brothers. She does love them, but often says that she hates them which is false. She usually wears baggy jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt, and a hoodie.

Place You were When Virus Started: Hotel in Boston MA, dad was at a store

People You Were With: Baby brothers

Crush: N/A so far

Family: 2 baby brothers(infected), dad(dead)

Weapons: 22 rifle, bayonet

Belongings: (not counting clothing she is wearing, or her weapons(black t shirt, blue jeans, green hoodie, white sneakers)) several hairties, water bottle, thin fleece blanket, green camo backpack, notebook, digital camera, pens


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Yeeeee! I loveeeee zombies. I have a how to survive zombie apocolypse poster. :D My brothers are scared of it. :P
Name: Sameul "Sam" Blair

Age: 17

Gender: Male


View attachment 14913

Personality: Sam is how you Call it a Brave Warrior. He would Go Down For Those Who he Cared about and Would Sacrifice Anything for Jo. He Consider's her his Younger Sister and Would Do Anything to Protect her. At Firt Sam is a Cold and Mean Type of Person, but Once he become's Familiar With You he Turn's into a Charasmatic and Charming Younge Man. Sam has a Great Sense of zhumor and sometime's doesn't know when to become Serious. Sam is Basically only Scared of One Thing. He Doesn't Want to Fail Jo or those Around him. Basically what is said, his biggest Goal is to Keep Those around him and those he loves Alive.

History: Sam was Born in The Big City of New York. His Parent's were big Time Lawyers that had sent him away to a Bording School. He Absolutly hated it there, so in The Third Week he was there the School Burned down. Even Though he didn't want to be here, he didn't burn down the school. Somebody else did, but he still had the blame. They were going to Call his Parent's, but he ran away before the Could. Sam Grew up on the Street's and working for what he wanted. But Then, The First Undead had Attacked. Sam actually took the broom and snapped it in half. He killed the Crawler with the wood and Took off. A Few week's later, Sam discovered Jo running from a group of Zombies. He killed them, but most of all, He Saved her life. In Return she had given him her Machete and a Necklace that he always Wears.

Place You were When Virus Started: Working in a Shop in New York

People You were With: Store Manager Who Died

Family: Parents, Dead. Josephine

Crush: Open

Belongings: Stuff Jo Carry's

Other: He Protect's Jo With all His Life

Name: Josephine "Jo" Winslow

Age: 13

Gender: Female


View attachment 14911

Personality: Josephine is A Kind and Sweet Girl. But those Around her know that she is, Oh How Do You Say it, Shy and Quiet. She Rarely Talk's unless it's for something important. Jo Usially only Speaks to her Family, But with their Dissapearence she has Gone Mute. Jo can Be Very Paranoid, Saying This she is Terrifies of Deep Water. Bathing and Bottled is Okay to her, But Deep Water Scares her. This being she has expirenced a near Death Tragic when she was four, when she slipped under the current, when her father turned his back. She lived onl when he pulled her out. If She get's near or goes in deep Water she Can Occasionally Pass out or Hyperventilate.

History: Josephine was born and Raised in the Heart of Detroit's Own 8 Mile. Under Odd Circumstances, she was born with different Look's from her whole Family. This Caused her to Stick out and Be Picked on. Her Own Father denied her as his Child because of her Looks. He walked out on them when she was Seven. Josephine had two Younger Siblings. Both Boy'sl She knew she was Different because their Hair was Orange Red and Green eye's. She, on the other hand had Light Blonde hair and Light violet Eye's. People Often Mistook her as Blind. She grew up working for her own food, but always sacrificed it to her siblings. Josephine nicknamed herself as Jo, when she decided that her Father didn't Deserve to Name Her.

Place You Were When The Virus Started: At a Neighbor's House Cleaning for Money

People You Were With: Noone

Crush: Open

Family: Two Siblings, Mother ( All Dead )

Weapons: Pocket Knife, Hand Gun, Machete.

Belongings: Extra Pair of Clothes, Camofloudged Hoodie, Denim Jeans, War Boots, Green Shirt. Water Bottle's, Canned Food, Can Opener, Granola Bar's, Small Backpack. Weapons. Anmo. Journal, Pen/Pencil. Pencil Sharpener

Other: Her Hair is Short 

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/1920x1200.jpg.7092a2c09926f1b11653fdedfac0da4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1725" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/1920x1200.jpg.7092a2c09926f1b11653fdedfac0da4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/images-218.jpeg.bf813a79d3fc3b0e98f42a3b7fd61496.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/images-218.jpeg.bf813a79d3fc3b0e98f42a3b7fd61496.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/images-272.jpeg.b39ea167b5c5d7bfdcfd2f51cc85e977.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1722" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/images-272.jpeg.b39ea167b5c5d7bfdcfd2f51cc85e977.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lucas Gregsten

Age: 22

Gender: male


Personality: Cold, Ruthless, still somewhat human, does strange things, serious,

History: Lucas happily married to his new found love and got a apartment with her a month before the virus hit and when it hit it took everyone Lucas cared about, his wife, Parents, brother, everyone and with the world slowly spinning into chaos Lucas simply lost his mind it's as simple as that. Lucas wonders the area looking to find some sort of purpose besides being a bandit but just can't. There is no explanation where Lucas got the skull mask and coat but it is somewhat a infamous to some people who have heard of his deeds.

Place You were When Virus Started: Apartment complex

People You Were With: Wife (Emily)

Crush: None

Family: Father (Joseph) Mother (Marissa) Younger Brother (Gregory)

Weapons: Black semi-automatic shotgun, Bolt action hunting rifle, old style revolver

Belongings: Black back pack he carrys around on his back (In pic)

Other: Lucas is in and out of the verge on insanity but still something in him remains human where he feels like he needs to help, while other times he's a ruthless bandit.
Name: Daniel Holden

Age: 47

Gender: Male

Appearance: A tall wide framed man with tanned skin, a scruffy brown beard adorns his weathered face beneath dark green eyes. His hair is cut extremely short in military fashion.

Personality: Daniel is extremely level headed, with a calm attitude in almost any situation. He has a strong will, a born fighter.

History: Daniel is a retired army veteran, serving as a green berret for most of his military career before he retired after twenty years with the rank of Captain to become a school teacher. He lives with his wife Taylor and his thirteen year old daughter Clara.

Place You were When Virus Started: Grilling at home with friends and family.

People You Were With: Friends and family

Family: Taylor Holden & Clara Holden

Weapons: Remington Bushmaster ACR 5.56 NATO, Smith & Wesson SW1911, Military issued combat knife.

Belongings: Dog Tags, two extra clips for each weapon, flint, led flashlight.

Other: He only cares about the survival of his daughter.

Name: Clara Holden

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Appearance: A young thing framed girl with a soft face and green eyes just like her father. A full head of curly brown hair.

Personality: She is bubbly and full of curiosity, a naive young girl in a dangerous world

History:Born to her father Daniel and her mother Taylor she grew up like any normal child. That is until the day the infection hit. Her father kept her safe and now they are both on the run, surviving any way they can.

Place You were When Virus Started: Home

People You Were With: Family and Friends

Family:Taylor (Dead) and Daniel

Weapons: N/A

Belongings: A small hello kitty backpack filled with coloring books, colors, water bottles, several rolls of high tensile strength string, & a small jacket.
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Name;Toki Copper



Personality: He's pretty shy when Shin's not around but always seems happy for no reason at all,he can be a real dork/nerd/geek when he wants to and loves playing with his electronics.

History:He lost his parent when he was a kid and grew up in an orphanage that was terrible,he met Shin their and stayed with him. He had seen Shin as a big brother ever since-Continued in Shin's

Place You were When Virus Started: A wear house on the outskirts of town

People You Were With:No one


Family:His true family's been dead,Shin

Weapons: Pocket knife,long bow and arrows

Belongings: Head phones and Ipod,everything that's in the wear house for now.


Name;Shin Copper



Personality: A stubborn pain to others,he's not very friendly when it comes to people. He has a dry humor that can be very cruel sometimes but doesn't care.

History:He had been abandoned as a baby at the orphanage and stayed there his whole life,the people working there hated him because of his attitude and he knew. But it changed when Toki came,for some reason Shin did not know,the kid always followed him and stayed behind him holding his shirt from the very beginning. Usually Shin would just push him aside but he actually didn't mind him,he had started taking care of the kid and Toki had become very important to Shin. When Shin turned 18 and was finally able to leave the orphanage he took Toki with him and had promised they'd never see even a glimpse of that place again.

Place You were When Virus Started:electronic store

People You Were With:store manager


Family:His true family's been dead,Toki

Weapons:No 1. L115A3 AWM (British) sniper rifle

Belongings: Head phones,phone, switch knife


Appearence: Shin Right,Toki left


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