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Fandom Gundam: War in Heaven

Jedi Sentinel

Truth Seeker
It is the year 0171 of the New Solar Era, nearly two centuries have passed since mankind's first steps into the frontiers beyond the sky.

80 years ago a series of cataclysmic disasters, both natural and man made, rendered portions of the earths surface all but unihabitable. In response to this, the weakened and desperate nations of the world reformed the United Nations into a more unified system under the banner of the United Earth League.

Under the UEL the world began to slowly recover from the Disaster, but at what some perceive to be at the cost of many personal liberties. In response to this many of the earth's elite chose to emigrate to the then new frontier colonies, greatly increasing the standard of living as they brought in many of the luxuries that had once been exclusive to earth. Seeing this, many people on earth began to aspire to move to the colonies as well in search of better living and freedom. Within 50 years, nearly a 3rd of the earth's 11 billion citizens had made their lives in space.

For a time the world was at peace, those who lived in the colonies lived one way and those on Earth lived theirs'. However this began to change when 10 years ago a major development project that was attempting to construct a colony near the asteroid belt exploded, killing thousands and costing numerous major colonial corporations trillions and sending the entire economy into a major rescission. While the cause for the "Belt incident" was never official discovered, a small but vocal faction began to form around the rhetoric that the League had somehow been involved and had planned the whole thing in order to make the colonists more dependent on earth. This faction was largely ignored until a few years later when a lone bomber with loose connections to the group managed to destroy a League transport at dock and kill roughly a hundred servicemen and women while injuring many more. In response to this the league formed a task force known as JOTUN with the mission statement of hunting down any potential terrorists before they could do any damage. With fairly limited oversight, it wasn't long until JOTUN began abusing it's power, mass abductions, assassinations, the works. Predictably this lead to more sedition as numerous loose anti-JOTUN factions began to form and resist.

This rebellion came to it's head one year ago, when the scattered factions came together under the banner of the Free Colonial Forces and revealed their trump card to the world at large, a decommissioned space colony long forgotten had been repurposed into the single largest bomb ever created. In a stand-off with the UEL forces the FCF made their demands, including the total dissolution of JOTUN and full autonomy for the colonies. Neither side was willing to back down and the UEL made a desperate attempt to destroy the colony bomb before it could be used. They failed and the bomb landed near Berlin killing roughly 30 million in the blink of an eye.

The conflict has claimed more than a billion lives on both sides and people are horrified by the atrocities committed both by those who desire control and those who would break free. Exactly 1 year has passed since the rebellion began, They are at a stalemate.



This RP is something of a mash up of all the different settings from Gundam's history, so any mobile suit existing or original is considered to be viable. Typically suits that would normally belong to either earth or space will be assumed to belong to their corresponding faction (I.E. Zeon suits belong to the FCF and Federation suits the UEL) in this universe as well, however anyone having them can be fairly easily explained by the sit having been stolen or the pilot having defected. Due to the fact that Gundams sort of pop up wherever depending on the series, this explanation isn't necessary in their case.
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The United Earth League. A tight political, economic, and military alliance consisting of the vast majority of nations on earth. While not technically a single nation, the pooled resources it commands allow the council that heads the league to retain almost uncontested power.



Originally a political and bureaucratic organization meant to manage the colonies. The group was reorganized at the beginning of the colonial violence and soon became Infamous in space for their brutal methods of controlling the colonial populous. Some even go as far as to see this war as being directly their fault. They are identified by a black and white livery on their mobile suits and uniforms as well as the Skull and crossbones emblem found on much of their equipment.

  • Mainline unit: RGM-89 Jegan


Marine Corps -


the majority of the UEL forces in space. The marines are the fighting forces of the UEL navy. They are often represented by a mostly white livery with various highlights depending on the suit and its role. They wear the UEL crest as their emblem.

  • Mainline unit: RGM - 2
  • rgm-79sp.jpg

F.C.F: The Free colonial forces. A loose alliance of numerous smaller resistance groups from various colonies. While they are willing to fight together when the need arises many of them don't see eye to eye, particularly when it comes to the methods of warfare and how far some are willing to go to achieve independence. At the moment, the forces are seen as divided between two major political groups.

The Bolivar Fleet-


Those who follow "Admiral" Corona Bolivar. These are the extremists. Those who are willing to sink to any low to defeat the UEL. It was their plan that led to the first Colony Drop and since then they have achieved many more atrocities. They wear a number of different liveries due to being made up of many smaller factions, but the higher ups typically prefer Green or red.

  • Mainline Unit: Zaku II

The Colonial Republic -


the closest thing to an attempted government by the rebel factions. They are the moderates. Less interested in paying the UEL back for any slights and more aiming simply to protect the territory they're secured. Their plan was simply to wear down the UEL in a war of attrition and negotiate a ceasefire on roughly even terms. However the continued atrocities of the Bolivar fleet have galvanized the UEL and made this plan harder, if not impossible to achieve. They typically wear a Blue livery.

  • Mainline Unit: ZGMF-1017 Ginn


Neutral Forces:

Despite how dire things look from earth, there are plenty of people who have no interest in the war. Whether do do distance or disinterest, these groups have yet to choose a side.

Jupiter -


The free people of Jupiter have long since disconnected themselves from the squabbles of earth. However, there are those among the old guard who have not forgot the abandoment they suffer at hands of those in the earth sphere.

  • Mainline unit: JMS 06 - Jenice


Mars -


A fledgling colony by most peoples' standards, Mars is important in being the first planet based colony. Despite being fairly new it has a higher population than most colonial clusters due to the large amount of land. While the people of mars have no real grievance with the earth, there are factions that are growing tired of the JOTUN provisional government who have been accused of deep corruption.

  • Mainline unit: MDF M2 - Leo

Federation of Independent Pacific States -


Arguably the people at the top of the UEL's shit list prior to the war, the FIPS is a pacifistic, isolationist nation that has the notable distinction of being not only one of the few independent nations left on earth, but the only one to exist without any 'assistance' from the UEL. They are technologically advanced in many areas, down to creating their own model of mobile suits independently of the UEL or the colonies, and it is rumored in some circles that the now famous Gundam design may actually have its origins in this island nation.

  • Mainline unit: PDF 012 Daughtress

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Reservations List:


  • RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Hyzenthlay II-Rah]/[Advanced Woundwort EX]
  • RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [inle]


  • XM-X1 Crossbone Gundam X-1 Kai
  • XM-X3 Crossbone Gundam X-3


  • Gundam 00 Quanta
  • Gundam 00 Quanta Full Saber
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Places of importance:

The Lagrange Points:


The pull between the Earth and Moon distorts the space around them creating what are effectively pools of increased gravity in certain places around them. These places collect all sorts of meteroids and space debris that allowed humanity to construct clusters of Habitable Colony cities in locked orbit.

Lagrange 1: The colony cluster on the far side of the moon, these were the first colonies to form an organized rebellion and as one of the most defensible locations in space it was a natural pick for the capital of the Colonial Republic. the Largest Colony in the cluster, Altoma, is the seat of power for the republic as well as its most populous city.

Lagrange 2: The cluster on the near side of the moon, it has been the site of the fiercest fighting as the Earth Forces have begun pushing back into space. As a result it is heavily militarized with many of its remaining colonies acting as military bases and dry docks to respond to any threats as fast as possible. It is also home to many Colony Husks, colonies that have been evacuated or damaged to an extent that they can't be repaired in any meaningful amount of time. These often act as something like trenches when the fighting starts with forces rushing in to capture the easily defendable wrecks.

Lagrange 3: The cluster of colonies farthest from Earth, they are considered to be the one with the longest list of grudges. While technically a member of the Colonial Republic, they are openly supportive of the Bolivar Fleet and are the ones who provided the colony used in Operation Commadore, otherwise known as the Berlin Tragedy.

Lagrange 4: Technically neutral, it's only because the colonial governors are torn on who to support. Due to this it's impossible to tell if any militia patrol will be hostile to one faction, neither, or both. This was also the location of the now empty Kellville test site which had been experimenting with GN particles for colonial use.

Lagrange 5: The only cluster still tied to Earth in any meaningful way, it is home to many military outposts and employs a high number of military personnel. It acts as the staging ground for many major UEL operations in space.



The Home of most of the human population in the Solar Era. It is dominated by the United Earth League who helped rebuild it after the mistakes of the last age. In spite of the war raging above life has never been better in many parts of the world, vast amounts of food, advancements in medical technology, and any number of quality of life improvements have made life a golden age in the more developed parts of the world. Though there are many people who still resent the freedoms lost to attain it.

Jotunheim: Located in Scandinavia, the command center of the JOTUN forces is a city unto itself, fielding an impressive network of supply depots, research facilities, personnel facilities, and so on it is also the home to more than a million soldiers and their families. It is also the location of a major space port which includes numerous rocket launch pads, an anti-colony tactical missile network, and one of the only Mass Drivers ever built, which is capable of quickly launching massive vessels into the atmosphere without the assistance of rockets.

Orbital Elevators: Some of the UEL's more extravagant investments, these massive towers were built to serve a dual purpose of making it easier to transport vast amounts of supplies into orbit without the need for rockets as well as acting as platforms for a massive array of solar panels that are able to collect huge amounts of renewable, clean energy to the people down below. While many see this as innately positive, critics have complained that this monopoly over solar energy has allowed the UEL to bully the few nations who didn't join them by artificially limiting the supply of power available while at the same time putting massive embargos and tariffs on any nation that uses other means of energy. While these towers used to be huge tourist locations these days they've been taken over by the military and only authorized personnel are allowed anywhere near them.

Federation of Independent Pacific States: A small pacifistic nation consisting of numerous small islands and artificial floating cities, the FIPS has done surprisingly well for itself in the face of adversity. Despite being independent and openly critical of the UEL, they've been able to outmaneuver the Leagues political macinations through innovation and smart urban planning. They managed to avoid dependence on the UEL's solar batteries thanks to easy access to aquatic thermal vents that dot their territory, producing more than enough power to keep their cities running. Then they avoided the ensuing tariffs on things like food imports by expanding the use of fish farms and harvesting edible underwater crops such as kelp, Seafood is incredibly common in the FIPS, and since most of their population was already located on their numerous floating panopticons, they were able to use their many islands almost exclusively as farmland to produce a fair number of warm weather crops despite the limited land. The UEL government is at least irritated at their passive-aggressive tactics and might have even done something about it had the war in space not drawn their attentions else where. So for now the FIPS remains uninvolved. They are also friendlier towards newtypes than any other place in the solar system, with laws protecting them from experimentation and exploitation, this has led to a rather high newtype population in a rather concentrated area.

The Berlin Crater: The ruins of a once great city. The wasteland that resides here now is home to a lot of bad memories for a lot of people, and a constant reminder to the people of Earth of all they have to loose.



The lagrange points aren't the only places of interest in space, but these are often too far away to be directly involved it the affairs of the homesphere.

Jupiter: The farthest place from earth with any sign of long term human habitation. Jupiter was once an integral part of the early space age, with massive fleets sent to mine it's various strange minerals and gasses for all number of purposes. However cheaper alternative back home made many of these rare items much less valuable, and the few colonies near Jupiter became even further separated from their old home. These days the people of Jupiter don't see themselves as earthnoids or spacenoids, but as Jovians. As such they prefer to stay out of the affairs of their cousins near earth.

Mars: Due to its hostile atmosphere Mars was uncolonized for a long time. Only recently did anything resembling terraforming tech reach any level of usability. As a result mars is fairly underdeveloped and with the war for the colonies cutting them off from the UEL, they've mostly stuck to themselves while trying to build up their new home. A provisional JOTUN government exists in orbit around the planet, but being cut off from any support has led to some significant corruption that has not gone unnoticed by some factions on the Martian surface.

The asteroid belt: something of a badland in the solar system, there have been no successful attempts to colonize it. In fact some attempts have failed so spectacularly that superstitious types have even gone so far as to call the place cursed. A popular statement on internet forums even claims that the belt contains "the soul of a lost planet" or some lunacy, along with claims that spacers have seen ghosts of dead colonists out near the failed sites along with other, stranger phantoms. While these reports are unlikely at best it is worth noting that newtypes tend to feel a strong pressure in the area along with feeling a heightened sense of their own powers. Regardless of whether any of these claims have any merits, none of it is enough to scare away the pirates who stalk the area, who love preying on the weaker ships that move through the place.

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