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Fandom Gundam Build Fighters:NEXT

Illya looked towards Jing, Archer looked at the Caelum, before Illya said, "You know, this is the first time I am going to be fighting an X-Rounder, if possible, I need you to get out." Archer looked towards the Ghirarga, who got back up and had parts of collateral damage roll off it's body. Annabeth looked at Illya, before asking, "You sure you don't need his support?! I will be happy to break you both!"

Illya Quickly brought up a SP slot, before selecting the Quantum System. Soon, a calm green glow emenatted from Archer. "Please Jing, if I can't cut lose, and use everything I have.... I can't risk you getting hurt."

Jing looked at her, concerned. "But.... That girl, she can deal the same kind of damage Iris had...." "I'll be fine. Just go."

Jing nodded, before saying, "Be careful." The Caelum soon sped off, as it went out of bounds, Archer and Illya glaring at the Ghirarga and Annabeth respectively. "Mom..... The Quantum system...... Is it going to work?" Illya nodded as the glow stopped. Illya closed her eyes, before opening them, her eyes glowing a dark purple. "Alright Archer!" "Understood Mom!" "Synchro Connection!"

Illya and Archer soon gained a red aura, as Archer threw her red jacket off. "Now let's dance!" Archer/Illya said as they flew towards the Ghirarga at blinding speed. Annabeth smirked as it brought a beam saber hand up, only for it to get sliced into multiple pieces. "W-What?!"

Archer's arms had a red cloth like aura surrounding them, the excess energy flowing behind as if it was a cape of some kind. One of the arms was swung, as the cloth cut through the arm like butter.
"Th-This can't be possible!" Annabeth said. The Ghirarga got decapitated by the cloth swung at the head. "I can see her moves.... But I can't Counter!" The Ghirarga got punched in the chest, the fist leaving the other side, as the cloth spun, slicing the Ghirarga from the chest all around, the enemy gunpla soon became nothing but small splinters of plastic, as Archer turned away from the destruction.

"If you try hurting my friend again...." Illya began, as the field dispersed. Illya then looked at Annabeth directly in the eyes, glaring. The dark purple color made her look more threatening than normal. "I will be doing more than just destroying your gunpla. You hear me?!"

Fon got back up, before grabbing Annabeth and saying, "This isn't over!" Before running away, kicking dust up.

Illya's eyes went back to their red color, and Archer lost the red cloth effect.
“A X-Rounder.....she called herself.”

Jing muttered under his breath as he watched the both of them fled before looking at Illya.

“Again,thanks for the help,Illya.”
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“Apart from feeling like a spear just ran through my chest and that my head was going to implode,km alright. Though.....I'm probably gonna have to fix the Gundam I was using, considering it wasn't mine.”

Jing noted,looking at the 00 Caelum which still had the damaged chest and dented back. Its body had several scratches here and there,but it still stayed intact pretty well.
Illya nodded, before walking away and towards the entrance. Iris would ask her younger sister, "Illya, where are you going?" Illya turned around and looked at Iris. "I need to leave for a few days. The issue currently facing us, The Meijin himself asked me to head to Yajima Trading." That news was shocking to the others. "But Illya.... Why?" Elizabeth asked. "The battles ahead of us..... They're going to get tougher, and I have to do this training journey. The Meijin has already gotten a few people there to help with upgrading Archer, and the latest training systems, plus, I need to get used to the Quantum system. I already awakened, but to control my Innovator abilities, I need to do this."

"But who gave you the system in the first place?" Kotori asked.
"The Briefcase. Appearantly the guy who handed it to Jing knew this was going to be needed once it switched owners."
As Illya left,the one thing that came in Jing's mind was:

Who is that man who gave me the Pandora anyway..? It's as if he's able to predict the future and then choose to alter it to the way he wanted! Forget it,I have better things to worry about.

Sighing,he looked at the 00 Caelum as he went to the Gunpla holder which kept it in earlier. There were one or two notes in the holder,possibly in case 00 Caelum got damaged and that the battler doesn't know which parts are needed to repair it he presume.

“First the Innovation process,and then the Plavksy Armaments Materialisation,then this....I think that would be the third time I feel indebt to whoever this other Innovator is.”
Elizabeth sat down at the table, pondering the issue of what Illya said before she left.
The fights ahead are only going to be tougher.
'Am I really that far behind?' she thought.

Iris meanwhile was with Jūdan, discussing about what to do from there. "Maybe I am thinking wrong, but I think I can manage being on a gunpla Battle team without hurting people."
“Liz,I know what you're thinking there,and don't you go down that road again.”

Kotori spoke,sitting beside her girlfriend.

Jing was once again discussing with Koutei,Graham and Nena while at the same time,doing the repairs for 00 Caelum. This time however,they weren't discussing about the other Celestial Beings,but of the incoming battle Illya had mentioned.

“The fact that it has gotten to this.....”
Elizabeth looked at Kotori before responding, "Don't worry, I'm not going to go back to using the Alaya-vijnana type E. Besides, I know we're together so ....."
Kotori would shut Elizabeth up by kissing her on the lips.

Koutei would ask, "The enemy... They're making gunpla that were able to do what Iris had done previous aren't they?"

Jing nodded gravely. "Then it seems that Illya can't be the only one training. You, me, Elizabeth, Kotori. We need to get a battle arranged with another team asap so we can hone our skills."
“Yeah. Not just us however....I feel that everyone else needs to be just as prepared as Illya and we are.”

The repairs now finished,Jing looked at the notes he was referring to when replacing the 00 Caelum's broken parts.
Emiya would understand what he was implying, before replying. "In other words, I will have to try and get stronger too." He looked towards Felicia and Zakuro. "Zakuro, is it possible for me to drop out?" Zakuro was surprised. "I-I don't know! Why are you dropping out?!"

Emiya looked towards Jing. "I think it's best if I sat on the sidelines for now. Maybe I can help with the training."

Elizabeth looked at Emiya, concerned. "You sure about this?" "As long as I find a replacement, I am going to be okay." He looked towards Zakuro. "You should be the one to replace me." Zakuro was confused. "Why do i-" Felicia understood. "He's giving you a chance to be closer to Illya as a friend. You wanted to make up for last time didn't you?"

Zakuro was silent, before nodding. "Right, I have to prove myself! Felicia, I know what I need to build! Come on!" Zakuro grabbed Felicia by the wrist before the two left.

Emiya had sweat drop. "They didn't even say see you later."
“At least they are in high spirits. Though thinking about it.....I'm still confused as for how Fon had escaped and yet,no one was hot on his trail.”
Koutei was also concerned. "You think Shindou bailed him out again?"

"I'm more concerned about my Doppelganger." Elizabeth said, looking over to the Battle Table. "She said she was an X-ROUNDER. To think that the rarest type of neo human was her ...... She's dangerous."
“Annabeth.....she's definitely far above my league for sure. To think that she predicted what I was going to do without me realising it.....”

Something popped up in Jing's mind when he started thinking about Fon Spaak and the other Celestial Being's Setsuna capturing him.

“Wait a minute..... Fon couldn't have been bailed out....but even if he does managed to escape the other Setsuna.....we would've known that he's still out there before today.....could it be that....?”

“Almost there.......almost.....!”

And.....the forklift failed to grab the plushie again,causing Hibiki to hang her head low in defeat,sulking at her loss.

“They make it look easy....”
Emiya finished Jing's question. "Other Setsuna is working for the enemy?"

-Club Sega-

Hiro would take another couple of coins out. "Let me try." He said. A couple minutes later, he managed to get the plushie, but there was a slight stowaway with it.

"Huh? Since when did this machine start putting bearguys in?"

Sure enough, the Gunpla holding on to the right leg of the plushie was a Blue bearguy, but it wore a black tuxedo with a white mask, and carried a large wand as a main Weapon.

Hibiki's eyes suddenly sparkled realizing what it was. "Oh my God! ItsaTuxedoMaskBearguyfromtheSailorMoonCollaberationEpisodeofGunplaSchoolGX!" Hiro had only understood the words Tuxedo Mask, and how excited Hibiki was. "Is it really that hard to find?"
“Yes. But....why would she even be working for them in the first place if-”

The glass door opens as someone stepped in. Hearing the motion sensitive chime sound off,Jing looked up to see....

“Good day to you all,why the somber look?”


Takashi had some bandages covering his arms,and there were some stitches barely visible that was holding the scar running down his left eye (luckily,he avoided being half-blinded).

“What happened to you!? Who-”

“Now now,pipe down.”

Takashi looked behind him as if checking if someone was following him. No one is there. He then turned to look at Jing and everyone else in the store.

“To answer your question,some idiots have been trying to step into the Qualifiers Tournament to sabotage whatever battles you're involved in as payback. I was going to watch your battles in person,but I ended up being there to kick their butts out of the property,sustaining several minor injuries here and there.”

“Minor? You nearly got your left eye blinded!”

“And I nearly got my kidneys shot,which luckily the bullet hit a non-fatal spot,and also nearly bled to death until my daughter found me just in time and got my injuries treated. But I'm still standing here,just 2 days away from being entirely back in perfect shape.”

As if he had noticed Jing's incredibly horrified look if concern for his mentor,Takashi shrugged in acknowledgement that it probably wasn't quite the reassuring speech he was making there.

So,what I'm trying to say is,no need to dwell on what happened to me that lead to a paid accomodation in a hospital bed. I'm here now,and that is all that matters.....well,actually,let me correct that. It is....Why,I am now here,that matters now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well...you recall the one time I mentioned about my daughter?”

“Your daughter? Well.....if I'm not wrong.....you did mentioned about adopting one before you taught me,yes. What about it?”

“Before I go on,I trust everyone here knows of Hina,yes?”

Club SEGA (Say- *exploding pigs crashes*)
“It is! I could never find this Bearguy no matter where I go!”

She then looked at the Tuxedo Mask Bearguy and then at Hiro.

“I'd never thought that I would actually be able to see it in front of me....especially today...”

Without a warning,she threw herself into Hiro,hugging him as tears of joy flowed down her cheeks while she struggled to speak between each sobs.

“Thank you...Thank you so much..Hiro..!”
-Iori's Models-

Elizabeth had been drinking a can of rootbeer before Takashi showed up. Not really doing much else since earlier, Except sitting and listening. However, his question he asked caused Elizabeth to spit the drink out.

"Y-yes, but how do you know her?"

-Club Sega-

Hiro hugged Hibiki back, before replying. "You're welcome. I mean, I love you and would do anything for you."
“Well,simple really,she's my adopted daughter.”

Before anyone could even do the classical "WHAT!!!!???",Takashi quickly raised his hands up as if to say "Now now,don't go making another noise".

“I don't want myself to be discovered to be telling this to you honestly. Anyhow,Hina.....she's enlisted herself in some "organisation" of sorts,needing the money for paying the fees for my recovery. In return,she is to work for them to,as you very likely had guessed it,to take you down.”

Stunned by the revelation,Jing averted his gaze from everyone slowly as he was at lost of words for what is happening now. It was as if every living thing in the universe is now after him for reasons which he could not blame them for.

“.....what happens to you if Hina doesn't drive me away from their path?”

“Worse case scenario,a knife into my chest for all the trouble,or that I get conscripted into helping them take you down,or perhaps worse than that I presume.”

“....I'm actually surprised you really do love me.”

Breaking the hug,Hibiki looked down,some sense of guilt visible through her facial expression.

“Especially after what I've done...”
-Club Sega-

"Hibiki....." Hiro would lean in to kiss her, short, but with emotion. After breaking, he told her, "I will always be here for you, no matter what you do. You aren't a bad person."

-Barthes's Lab-

Hina sat across from Barthes, and next to Fon to her left, and Annabeth to her right. "So you want the three of us to battle in the next tournament qualifiers." "Of course," Barthes began. "That is, if you don't screw up." Hina would nod, before looking towards the stasis chamber. "So that Sarah person had been a traitor from the get go! I'm not surprised." Fon stated. "Of course, now she's the one serving my father in place of Iris. Barthes, that Mask.... Is it ready?"
Barthes nodded before taking out a black mask not unlike the one Zeheard Galette wore from Gundam Age. "She'll be wearing this when out battling. No one should know who she is, as long as she wears this."
Barthes' Lab
Tied to a chair with no means of escaping,Sarah stayed silent as she waited for whoever is coming in to beat her up or whatever. The helmet nowhere to be seen,her pink,waist length hair nearly touches the ground beneath her. Her sapphire blue eyes still looking ahead of her without any sign of fear.

It was due to her looks that other people in the lab often called her "Megurine Luka",hiding that fact that she was a Muslim from Iraq,who had to receive several plastic surgeries in order for her to be no longer "Sarah",but to be "Saori". The doors opened,but she didn't bother turning her head to look at the person entering.

“You took your time.”
-Barthes's Lab-

Barthes entered, before pushing his glasses up. "You are a huge disappointment. To think you would betray Mister Ikari just because of the feelings you have for one of our enemies." He then sighed. "I thought I was doing us both a favor, offering you a home, in exchange for a skilled fighter, but instead you decide to help the enemy out. What is going on in that head of yours, I'll never know.... But maybe I could alter your memories some." He held his mask up. "The mask I made is supposed to work in a instant once placed, even when removed, you'll no longer remember Jing Lin as your friend. He will be the one you will destroy, for he is our enemy." He then Quickly got the mask on Saori, as the eyes on the mask glowed red. At that moment, Saori's memories were being rewritten, she never knew of, or met a Jing Lin or Setsuna F Seiei. She was born as Shindou Ikari's daughter, and fought only to complete his own Vision, a Fighter who is unbeatable.
Barthes' Lab
This was not what she had wished for. She doesn't want to forget about the man she's loved. She doesn't want to fight him. All she wanted to be able to talk to him normally without the helmet to distance them,to be with him as who she is. But now? She could sense every single treasured memory of her love interest fading away despite her desperate attempts to cling onto whatever's left of her memories. Erased from the world,another woman took her place,taking her position for the rest of her life.

Iori's Model Shop
“Get off me!”

“Dammit! Are you trying to get yourself into trouble or something!?”

“It isn't about getting into trouble!”

Everyone else (except Takashi who was standing at the entrance as the blockade) was holding unto Jing,trying to prevent him from running off in search for Hina. Just after Takashi sighed,he saw a tall man with his bang covering his right eye and a shorter woman with white hair walking towards where he is. The taller man asked.

“Is something happening there?”

“Perhaps you should come take a look for yourself,young man and woman?”

Confused,both if them complied anyway and went to the entrance,where they saw Jing being held back from leaving the store. Jing noticed them and stopped struggling.

“Allelujah...! And Marie too...!?”

“Setsuna,what happened while we were still out?”
-Yajima Trading, Secret Basement-

The door raised as Illya entered the room. There seemed to be nothing but a battle table, and a projector on one end.

Meijin Kawaguchi would explain. "In here, you will be facing several computer generated opponents. It will be done as if it was a no break gauntlet in a fighting game. However, your job isn't to defeat them, but rather to get used to your Innovator powers."

Illya understood the task at hand before walking to the table. As soon as the field generated into field 1, Space, her opponent also generated. A Psuedo Personality of an AI. Her opponent was Setsuna F Seiei right off the bat. However, the difference between the one she knew and this one was that this was the Setsuna who made contact with the ELS and became something else entirely instead of a human.

Illya placed her gunpla down, something that wasn't Archer. Archer was currently under being upgraded.


"Illyasviel von Einzbern, Destiny Quanta, Launch!"

Her gunpla soon took off, ready to combat the AI.

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