Guild Hall


Prophet of puns
Jem Ambrose

Jem was gritting his teeth as he walked down the street. He was resisting the urge to growl in public. How dare they, he thought as he replayed the conversation in his head for the hundredth time. They have never given us the same respect as the other guilds and now they need our help. As he thought that, he couldn’t help the low growl that escaped his lips. Some of the other people on the turned to look at him, their disdain clear in their eyes. A woman that had been walking not too far from him had actually jumped. Jem let out a sigh, some things never change.

He made his way inside the guild house; the main hall was normally busy, but today was even worse. All the guild members had been notified that he would have some very important information to share, so everyone in the guild was in the hall.  On the other side of the hall was the bar disk with Elizabeth standing behind it. The old hag had been there for as long as he could remember, always making sure everyone in the guild had what they needed. He walked past the tables that were scattered around the place, except for a clear path in the middle. When he reached the bar disk he jumped up on it, something that made Elizabeth scowl. He sent her an apologetic look before clearing his throat.

“Can I please have everyone’s attention!” His shout rang through the hall as everyone got quiet and turned towards him. “Thank you!”

“Now, as some of you know I was at a meeting this morning. This meeting was between me and a very important client. The client I was seeing was the royal family!” That last part prompted some murmurs through the hall.

“Now I know we’ve had our differences with the government, to say the least, but for this quest I’m willing to put those differences behind me. There are lives at stake; innocent people will get hurt unless we stop it from happening. Because of the importance of the quest I will also come with, as will the Betas. Anyone who wishes to join can meet in my office where the details of the quest will be discussed. Keep in mind that this quest will be very dangerous. While we’re gone, as usual, Elizabeth will be in charge. That will be all, thank you!” He jumped down the disk, only to be smacked in the head.

“How many times have I told you not to stand on my bar?” Elizabeth scolded him.

“You’re going to have to tell me at least once more,” he answered with a grin as he turned to walk into his office. He didn’t bother to look behind him to see who might be joining.
Jessamine "Jimin" Min

Jimin was sitting at the bar, drinking a cup of tea when Jem finally came back from the meeting he had gone to this morning. He hadn’t even told her or Tormir who he was meeting with, which meant that the meeting was a very important one. She had been thinking a lot about who the client could be, though she really couldn't guess for sure. 

She had not really moved from her spot at the bar since the Alpha had left in the morning, mostly because she didn’t have any work during the day, but also because she had no idea when Jem would return, and she wanted to be there for it. To fill the time she had eaten some breakfast, had several cups of tea and read yet another book on vampires, while also keeping an eye on the growing crowd in the main hall. When the alpha finally arrived around midday, the hall was packed. Guild members had been filing in the whole day, to hear his message.

Seeing Jem jump up on the bar was nothing unusual, but when she heard who he’d gotten work from both her eyebrows rose slightly in surprise. This was really going to be an interesting quest, since it was from the royal family, and ig required both the Betas and the Alpha to go. When Jem finally jumped down from the bar Jimin left the seat she had been occupying the entire day, and followed him into the office. “You didn’t actually have to stand on the bar, you know,” she commented. 
Tormir Thuxduzh

There was something wondrous about gatherings of people so large, Tormir always found. He had sat in one of the corner tables and watched as slowly but surely the entire guild gathered. These were his people, his to protect and guide, but more so, he was theirs. His time was theirs, his wisdom was theirs, and his effort was theirs. In front of him were several papers with tables and notes on them. If anyone else would look at them they would likely get a headache, but Tormir had created this system more than a decade ago. The numbers and notes and symbols did not really hold his interest today, though. With an important meeting with an unknown figure and the order for the entire guild to congregate, Tormir had trouble focusing for once.

His fingers tapped the wood of the table, the last nervous habit Tormir had been unable to break. His hands stopped as the source of his worry entered, though. Soon, he was standing on the bar and Tormir wondered if they could budget to have an actual stage. Knowing James, he likely wouldn't use it anyway. At the mention of the royal family, Tormir immediately stood up, not that the difference was very noticeable with his dwarven height. Something important enough to take away the Alpha as well as both the Betas? Given by the royal family?

Tormir started walking, the path to James' office familiar even after that shocking announcement. He spotted Jessamine walking into the office and caught the end of her sentence. A soft smile hid beneath his beard as he entered the office too. "You know James would have done that no matter what, Jessamine." He said softly. 
Rynoden "Ryn" Temori

The soft soothing sounds of a blade being whetted were Rynoden Temori's rhythmic comfort in a cacophonous room. Sitting at one of the back tables, the robust omega further sharpened his already razor-edged axes, the pocket-sized whetstone being used gave off a pleasantly addicting ring. Since he'd only recently entered the guild hall, the closest table he had been able to find next to the bar turned out to not be next to the bar at all. He wasn't a fan of the large amount of commotion that the hall typically had to endure during meetings. Thus, he didn't mind joining the party a bit late, even if that meant he was forced to sit farthest away from were the drinks were being served.

At the table, another man sat with Ryn, a guild-mate that Ryn often shared drinks with after completing jobs. Looking over at his companion, Ryn noticed the equally toned man passed out, his head resting on the lacquered table. Besides him, several empty bottles of liquor were littered about. Rynoden always enjoyed good booze himself, but still couldn't imagine drinking that much just before the alpha was to come back from such an important meeting. Rumor had it that Jem was accepting a quest from the royal family themselves. This was very surprising when one considered the fact that the Silver Wolves weren't in good standing with the government at the moment. Ryn had his doubts about what this could mean, doubts that were only cemented in harder after Jem returned.

After the alpha so extravagantly announced to the guild the basis of what he'd been up to and that they were now tasked with aiding the government in a job so big it could put lives at stake and that it required Jem as well as both of the betas to attend, Ryn found himself in a state of hesitation. It was all very strange. Why hadn't the royal family contacted one of the larger guilds that were in better standing for a quest of such big importance? Surely the government had had other options than to come to the Silver Wolves... Well, no matter. If Ryn could aid his guild in re-obtaining their former glory he wouldn't hesitate to help.

Patting his dormant companion sympathetically on the back, Ryn moved away from the table. He re-hooked his throwing axes onto his belt before entering Jem's office. Looking around interestedly, Ryn observed the room. He'd only been in the office a couple of times. The majority of the job requests he fulfilled came from outside the guild. It was a rare and cherished opportunity that Ryn decided to come along. He'd always been good at what he did, worked hard, and incredibly loyal, a tremendous asset to any team.
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Katerina Au'sul 


Katerina impatiently drummed her fingers on the wooden surface, she was never one to wait and she didn't particularly enjoy being swarmed with so many guild members. Nonetheless, Katerina was anxious to hear what important news Jem brought, the fact that everyone had been notified meant something big. As Jem entered the guild hall, Kat tuned out the common rabble of the guild hall and sat up a little straighter as he jumped on the table, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes and quietly snicker at the action, something he often did, and it came as no surprise to her. 

Katerina listened intently to Jem, the guild hall finally quiet. Her brows rose and furrowed throughout his announcement, they especially furrowed when he mentioned the royal family. Great, they're always welcoming news. Katerina thought, grimacing. She'd never been fond of the government, even before she joined the guild, but then again, she had never been fond of anyone back then. 

Kat watched Jem get off the table and disappear into his office, Katerina got a clear view of who entered his office shortly afterwards, considering she was sitting on the table rather than a seat and being slightly taller as an elf. No matter how snug they were, she could never get comfortable in a chair, growing up she'd never had chairs, and they never felt quite right to her when she sat in them. 

Katerina was intrigued to say the least, she began to consider joining or not. The quest was definitely important if it required the Alpha and both Betas, and requested by the royal family. It was an offer she just couldn't resist. Katerina loved the outdoors as it was, and any chance to do anything outside the city was a chance she'd take. 

Katerina slid off the table, and moved her lithe figure through the excited crowd until she got into Jem's office, sliding into the room shortly after Ryn. "Aye, we ought to get you a stage before you end up falling off the bar." Katerina said with a wry grin at Jem, her dark blue eyes lit with excitement. She was always a good asset to a team, especially when it meant traveling through wilds, the place Katerina knew best, and her healing magic was another asset, even if it weakened her greatly. 
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James "Jem" Ambrose.

Jem walked around his desk and sat down at his chair. He placed his elbows at the desk and folded his hands in front of his face. First through the doors were Jimin and Tormir. He felt a twitch in the corner of his mouth at their comments. After them came Ryn, for this quest his skills would definitively be useful. A few seconds later came Katerina, her healing skills would come in handy.

"I have fallen off the bar, multiple times, or so I've been told. It's all a bit of a blur. Now I mostly do it for a dramatic effect", Jem answered Katerina and gave her a gentle smile.
Meyla Mórðvíg

If the whole guild was going to be there to hear about the newest quest, it mean it had to be important. Which mean they would need a lot of people, which again was a deal breaker for Meyla. She liked working alone or in small groups, so she had already decided to stay out of it. Still, she met up at the bar early. The hulder was already sitting with her feet on a table and her butt as close to the edge of the seat as possible, so her back wouldn't touch the back of the chair. It was terribly uncomfortable when it did. Her tail was slowly swining for side to side, sipping a class of apple cider, when the alpha walked it.

Meyla was only half paying attention, until she heard Jem describe the quest as "very dangerous". She almost dropped her glass as she moved her feet back on the floor and leaned forward in her seat, her full attention was now at the werewolf as she finished explaining. Once he walked into his offiice, she quickly emptied her glass and brought it over to the bar. She was fully aware that most people just left their glasses by their table, but Meyla knew her mother raised her better than that. Nodding shortly to Elisabeth behind the bar, before she also walked to Jem's office after the elf, only caught a bit of the current conversation. Meyla did not engage in it, just kept quiet and close to the wall, listening to what was being said.

Arlen Maren Hearthe

Fire Elemental

Location: The Silver Wolves Guild || Scenario: A Quest || With:  @Azathoth @Fredward @SilverNova @Ms. Sparrow @DaughterOfBookAndOwl @RemainingQuestions || Mentions: N/A




  Arlen was annoyed, not only had someone unannounced and unwanted disturbed his work but they told him he had to go to the guild hall for a meeting? There were more then enough adventurers and free hands if there was a large scale quest. There was no reason to drag Arlen along; He was quite skilled only a few people knew how advanced he was with fire magic. He played dumb and waved the messenger off turning to stay at the forge. "Guild Alpha Jem Specifically said to get everyone, even people working." That name struck a note and with a huff Arlen stoked the forge and gave a few heavy pumps from the bellows and nodded. "I owe Jem, I'll be there." Arlen didn't have time to wash coal off his hands or tidy up so he grabbed his apprentice and dragged the boy along to the guild hall.

          Arlen had his arms crossed and stood towards the back of the crowd simply observing everyone as Jem took his stage on the Bar. 'He's gonna kill himself one of these days.' Arlen thought to himself as the Alpha spoke. A quest from the Royals could only mean money and possible fame. It put a bad taste in his mouth thinking about it. He had enough money and enough fame as it was. Although if it was so dangerous it required The Alpha and both Betas then Arlen was actually interested. Jem had done him several solids over the years and the thought of letting him run off into unknown trouble felt worse on Arlens mind then Royalty did. With a down ward glance to the apprentice next to him Arlen smiled. "I've got a weeks worth of foundry orders in my desk, It'll two weeks work for one person though so you better get ready." Arlen slapped the lad on the back compassionately and took off his smithing apron handing it down to the boy. "that was my fathers, you so much as leave a smudge I'll burn you alive." With the same smile Arlen moved his way through the dispersing crowd and into the office of Jem Ambrose. "You know Jem if you ever wanted a stage I would pay out of pocket and do the work for free, It'd be worth it to see you act."   
Jessamine "Jimin" Min

Jimin nodded to Tormir and rolled her eyes at Jem’s response, and studied the guild members who walked into his office. She placed herself at his left side, leaning against the wall beside his desk. “Please guys, do not encourage him. His entire existence is dramatic effects enough,” she said with a huff. 
She studied the members who had arrived, all with their different skillsets and strengths, which was good, because who knew what this quest would need from them? Judging by the people who were already here, this team would be a good one. Jimin firmly believed that variety was important, and that a good team had a bit of everything, just like the group that was forming within these four walls. Without variety, they might not be able to have the needed skills for certain tasks, which had proven to be a problem when she had been on quests alone. Since this was such an important quest, being from the royal family and all, it would not do to be stuck because of their lack of skills or knowledge. Especially not with the rocky relationship the guild had with them. All this thinking about the required skills was making Jimin feel increasingly curious about the quest, and she hoped Jem would tell them what it was about.
Jarrett Carson

Jarrett had been down in the guilds illustrious workshop, developing a solution to an issue that had reared its head when with a new technique he had been developing. He had been up all night developing it, though curiously he showed no signs of tiredness of any kind. Jarrett did always say that work was the only rest he needed.  The technique in question involved argument a blade with electric energy.   Unforntualty holding such a blade proved to be an issue. Throwing up his hands with irritation, Jarrett mutters to himself "Oh what am I missing, when I create blade out of pure electricity  I can hold them fine with my gloves... wait that must mean that it operates at a different frequency, of course, all it requires is slight change to the incantation I placed on the gloves, of course, it's so simple". As he journeyed with his task in the workshop, his mind went racing with many new theorems that simply had to be tired. Getting out a spare pair of blue leather gloves, the mage of lightning began to place a small but incredibly useful enchantment upon them. Well, it would incredibly useful if it did work. Getting a nasty shock and a dropped sword, Jarrett sighed and began to tweak his enchantment a little more. Once more, and with a bit more precaution this time, Jarrett attempts to pick up the electrically enhanced sword. With a smile on hs face, Jarrett holds the blade with pride.  Before the now rather joyous Jarrett could enact any further plan, he was informed of a meeting. Begrudging he left the workshop with his cane in hand to join his guild mates. 

Once there, Jarrett's mind began to go like a steel trap had more tags to already present tags he had on his guild mates. For instance the Hulder, Meyla was it, (for his vaunted prowess in deduction and reasoning, Jarrett skills in name remembrance were are always lacking) didn't like the idea of crowds or this meeting much, the guarded posture sort of told it all. In terms of what Jarrett did at said meeting. he sat at the table, cane at his side. He listened to the werewolf, James perhaps, who nearly fell off the bar. The talk of royals made Jarrett feel that he would prove ineffective on such a quest. His knowledge of cultural and society was limited at best. The talk of needing Beta and Alpha did interest the Mr Carson slightly, he still felt ill-equipped for the task. Noting the people who were going on the quest, Jarrett felt assured he would not be needed. Still curious he decided to sit and listen to the details.

@TwistedTruth @Azathoth @Fredward @SilverNova @Ms. Sparrow @DaughterOfBookAndOwl @RemainingQuestions
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Renkei Kuzumiyo

In the back corners of the guild hall- where newbies typically flocked- away from the priorly established veterans and toughs guys, a rag-tag bundle of individuals sat huddled around a round table, faces grim and focused intently. A sole candle flickered in the center. Kind of a hazard if you would have asked anybody around. And on the sidelines, another group- as if a second, secret meeting where occurring simultaneously.

There were no words spoken- just a hanging silence, oppressive, hostile, and malign. Until one fool had cried out,

"Dammit!" And laughs emerged from the ring of bystanders.

Each man dropped their cards, some satisfied with their situations, others sighing at the outcome of their decisions. No matter how the game ended, more laughter flared around the table as the spectators crowded around. Four men gave up their seats, and new players stepped in for another round. Here sat Renkei, likely the lowest of the low, doing the honor of shuffling the deck.

'Can I please have everyone's attention!' Guild Master Jem shouted, doing another one of his things- using a table as a podium and attracting head turns from every single Silver Wolf. All except for the guys in the dimly lit corner. Their game resumed- although a little bit quieter to avoid getting barked at by the higher ups. The announcements never regarded the new recruits, they could likely go on about their days not knowing anything occurring within the guild and it would still be the same. And so- moments like these didn't apply to them. Which meant nobody really bothered or cared enough to listen.

"How many players?"


'Now, as some of you know... meeting was between me and... was the royal family!'

Wait a second- This was new-

Adjusting the frames of his glasses, he looked to the Alpha glowing in the center of the guildhall and still atop the poor table.

"Hey-hey! Come on!"

"Just a second- Play this round without me."

"What? Where are you go-"

'Now I know we’ve had our differences with the government, to say the least...'

Handing the cards to guy on his right, Renkei swiftly removed himself from the cluster of low ranked expendables and strolled his way closer to Jem's projection.

'...Because of the importance of the quest I will also come with, as will the Betas. Anyone who wishes to join can meet in my office where the details of the quest will be discussed. Keep in mind that this quest will be very dangerous. While we’re gone, as usual, Elizabeth will be in charge. That will be all, thank you!'

This was proving to be quite interesting- Who would have guessed that the Silver Wolves would be getting involved with the royals?

After Elizabeth- the wonderful keeper of the hall- finally disciplined the master for dirtying her tables with a nice hit to the head, Jem, adorably docile, proceeded to his office with a nice quantity of intrigued higher-ranks.

higher-ranks... The word intimidated him.

A hand clutched at Renkei's shoulder, causing him to turn around and see one of his low-rank buddies.

"Ren! What the hell are you doing?"

"Think I should take a risk?" He replied, playfully.

"No, man! Did you not hear him? That mission is so dangerous that both Alphas and Betas are needed!"

"But think- I'm a healer. I won't have to fight at all! And the pay will be grand!"

"You're really considering it? You, barely a pup in the ranks of the wolves?"

"Indeed I am! It's about time I become active-"

The stunned look on his guild mate's face made him realize how serious his worry was.

"Oh- calm down. I'm only going to check it out. They won't give me a place in their squadrons anyway- I just want to see what sort of political embarrassment led up to this request."

"Yeah, yeah- Come back quick. We're starting bets!"

With a burst of confidence, Ren strolled in after the line of veterans.

"Hello and good morning! My name is... Renkei. I'd like to hear the details of this plot," He spoke in a friendly smile and a crumbling, nervous inner state after actually following through on his own whim.

( With: All of you! @Fredward , @DaughterOfBookAndOwl , @RemainingQuestions , @SilverNova , @Ms. Sparrow , @Azathoth , @TwistedTruth , @SirGrey )

(I'd also like to apologize for how long it took.)
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Jem Amrose

Jem looked around at the people in the room. “I think this will suffice,” said Jem as he stood up to close the door. “Now, the details of this quest are only to be known to the people in this room, if anything were to get out, well, for our sakes let us hope it doesn’t. The royal family painted a pretty clear picture of what would happen if we mess up.” Jem walked back around his desk, but he didn’t sit down again. Instead he pulled something from inside his coat.

It was a map over the realm, except this one was different. “Last night someone snuck inside the royal palace, killed 26 guards, and stole something very valuable. For now, no one knows who did it, it’s our job to find that out. We track them down and bring the object back to where it belongs,” Jem paused to let the information sink in before he continued.

“We know the general direction of where they’re taking the crystal,” Jem pointed at the part of the map where you could see mountains drawn. “They’re moving past the Whispering mountains, the fastest way to get to them would be to go through the Noekk woods. The journey is not going to be an easy one, but I have faith that we can make it,” he looked up from the map and gave the all a reassuring smile.

“Now, I will give you all some time to gather everything you need, we will meet in the main hall in an hour, I expect you all to be ready. Are there any questions before we go?” Jem asked as he rolled the map up and put it back in his pocket.
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Meyla Mórðvíg

Taking a step closer when the alpha pulled out the map, Meyla scanned the map with her eyes as he pointed and explained everything. It seemed easy enough, maybe it wouldn't be as dangerous. However, she had a feeling it would be, anyway. The alpha and betas were coming, after all. Meyla was already making a mental list of things she'd need, when she suddenly realized she actually did have a question. "Doubt there's not only one someone, how many do you think it is?" 

There was also another question in the back of her head. But Meyla thought she might not want to answer it, especially since this was something the alpha hadn't said, but she added the question, anyway. "And what kind of crystal is worth so much, the royal family doesn't even dare to ask a more known guild?" Maybe it wasn't an important detail, maybe Jem didn't even have this information, but it couldn't hurt to ask, anyway.
Jarret kept sat in his chair, leant forward with his ears perked. The situation was intriguing enough already. As the details were given out, Jarret became like a dog on a stake. A robbery with a body count of twenty-six of the royal guard. It boggled the mind. The royal guards aren't what anyone would consider slouches when it came to their job so for someone to kill them and seemingly go unnoticed well it hinted at two things. A strong and stealthy individual.

Standing to his feet quite a slow pace, as to no seem to do desperate when he asked,  Jarret spoke up saying "Are there any details from the area where this crystal was stolen that could point is the right direction or is there anything on the guards that may point to who did it and how they killed them?". Jarret felt like this might be the best angle for him to take, after all, hunting someone down is more for a tracker than a detective.  Still, it was Jem's choice in the end what he wanted all the team members to do. 

@Fredward @Azathoth @DaughterOfBookAndOwl @RemainingQuestions @SilverNova @Ms. Sparrow  @TwistedTruth @Devious Dilbert
Jem Ambrose.

Jem looked over at Meyla. "We don't know the exact number of how many there were who stole the crystal, more than one, that's for sure," Jem answered as he sat back down in his chair. "As for the crystal itself and why it's so valuable, I'm afraid I can't discuss that at this point. As for why they choose us," Jem suddenly got a grim look on his face.

"We're the patsies. If anything were to go wrong, if the crystal were to fall into the wrong hands, they can blame us for everything," Jem's demeanor suddenly changed and he went back to his cheerful self. "Of course we're not going to let that happen, we will be successful in our quest," Jem smiled.

"As for the direction they're headed, like I said, they're moving towards the mountains. As for who did it, well, I have my suspicions but I won't say anything until I know for certain. There weren't any trace of magic in the wounds the guards had, so my best guess is that they used non-magic weapons. Judging from the size of the wounds I'd say a small blade was used," Jem stated. He leaned back in the chair and threw his feet on his desk.

"Now, if that was everything, you guys should go and get ready. One hour, main hall, be there or you will get left behind".
Jessamine 'Jimin' Min

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Jimin pushed herself away from the wall, readying to leave the room, when Meyla and Jarrett asked their questions. She was rather interested in hearing the answers to the questions, and decided to stay for just a few minutes longer to hear what Jem would say. It was not as if she needed to pack a lot of things for the trip anyway, since it was way easier to travel with a light pack than dragging around anything unnecessary. Really, all she needed was her ring and some extra clothes. Her dagger was always strapped to her thigh, but changing clothes might be a good idea. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]When he was done talking, she walked past the other people in the room and left, leaving the door behind her open. She headed straight to her room, where she changed into travelling clothes and packed a shift, a light blanket and some small nifty things like flint and steel, a little whetstone and a map. Also she had a small envelope, tightly sealed, containing mistletoe in case Jem lost it. When she was done, she went out to the main hall to wait. There were considerably less people there now than when she had been there before the meeting, and she was able to claim the same stool by the bar that she had been sitting in the whole day. Now she just had to wait for the rest of the group. [/SIZE]
Renkei Kuzumiyo

A crystal stolen. 26 dead. But not just any- Royal guards- men who live solely for the guaranteed safety of the most important people alive.

...And killed without barely a struggle. Or- so I assume.

Renkei wasn't sure what to make of this information. Nor the answers given in return to his guildmates' questions. One thing was certain though-

This is a whole ocean more of what I was expecting! I'd likely be a dead man if I were to partake in this quest!

"Yes sir! I will be right back and ready for departure!" Renkei cried out to his Alpha. Adding a salute to his gesture, Renkei then turned to leave the room seeing as how the talk had come to an end. Stepping out of the office and upon reentering the lobby, he had spotted his usual groupies still in the back corner, playing yet another game of cards, ignorant of the impending storm, but blissfully. And now it came down to merely two options on how he would resume the rest of his day. Renkei could either slink back into the circle of his friends in the shadows, or pack for an abrupt departure on a one-way-trip to the Noekk Woods. Of course, logically, Renkei would choose the former- but his conscience told him that maybe he should give the latter a little bit of thought. A woman's intuition it was. Wait...

No,no- he'd die for sure! There was no questioning it! Strange that there was no questioning of his rank back at the private meeting with Jem and the other strong individuals- but that was most likely because he was the only low-ranking unit there! Which is another reason why Renkei should back out while he still can! This was a job for the stereotypical tough guys of the guild. The mean, rugged, brave and experienced members of the guild, which quite frankly, he was not. But even so, he found himself trudging up the stairs to the second floor of the guild hall where his equipment, which has seen rare usage over the years, lay in his very own room.

And in exactly half an hour, Renkei trudged back down the very same steps, bag in hand and katana sheathed to his waist. He was ready for action!

Why am I doing this...?

"There you are!"

Ah- Somebody to set me straight-

"So... Uh- guess what?" He said, lightly and reluctantly.


"I can't flake now... This mission is important..."


"All we're doing is just retrieving something! A fetch-quest, if you will. And then we'll head right back when we're done."

Technically... I'm not lying...

"...Renkei, is this just another bad skit of yours?"

"Wh- No! This is no joke. And I'm going to spend the rest of my time here with the lads. Come, I'm afraid we may be leaving very soon." Ren said, grimly, as he ushered his friend back to their usual hang-out.

"You can just tell them that you change your mind!" He replied, walking as Ren urged him forward.

"Ah- but I wasn't just saying that this mission was important for nothing. When I get back, I'll share my reward with all of you."

(Interacted briefly with: @Fredward , With: All of you. (Too lazy to tag, LOL.))

(Next post will be when we all leave.)
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After Jem gave him the answers, Jarret left the office for his quarters with his mind racing with who the perpetrator of such a crime could be. The small blade adds to the theorem that it could be an assassin of some sort, and the lack of magic connotes a stealthy and precious warrior, who knew the layout of the area that housed the crystal. Most likely it would be a castle of some sort. Grabbing a bandolier and filling the pockets with many different bottles with many wonderfully colour contained within, along with a leather satchel bag.

In an hours time, he would be down in the hall specified by Jem, with his bag in one hand and his cane in the other. Placing the bag down had, holding the cane underneath his arm, Jarret took out a notebook to write up his thoughts on this case. Looking up he saw a man with Katana and fairly worn bag. A  man in his early thirties well built and of a fair height. A man who seemed to have brought a lot of worry with him. Jarret decided to just watch rather than talk. Talking never was his strong suit.

(Interacted with @Devious Dilbert)

@Fredward @DaughterOfBookAndOwl @Azathoth @RemainingQuestions @SilverNova @Ms. Sparrow @TwistedTruth

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