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Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)


New Member


Appearance: Normal and in superhero costume

Power: powers that aren't godly are preferred

Alias/codename/superhero name:

Personality: Traits, likes or dislikes

Equipment: Weapons or armour


Post your Character sheets below
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Name: Edward Carter

Age: 25

Appearance: Normal: Wears a blue polo shirt and jeans, fair skinned, curly black hair. Superhero: Wears black tights, black long sleeved shirt. He wears black combat gloves and boots. Ed also wears a black mask revealing only his eyes which would be covered by black goggles and a black para military belt for his equipment.

Power: Martial arts (military training) Power to inflict fear on people (like scarecrow but without the gas) also a skilled hacker.

Alias/codename/superhero name: Black Snake

Personality: Often takes the lead but will still be open for ideas, Ed is also very sensitive and can cry from time to time. Will usually have a positive point of view.

Equipment: Small flashlight, shurikuns, grappling hook, GPS in goggles. Gloves eject a hard, long sticky rope from the top of each finger, often used to grab items or for combat, and a utility Belt.

Background: Like most kids, Edward had a normal childhood (although he was a genius), he graduated college at 19 with a degree in mechanical and software engineering. He later joined the military, developing weapons and equipment for a secret black ops group. He found out all their dirty doings and crimes, so he quit making them think he died, he changed his name and continued to lead a normal life. While he walking one night, they attacked him and mugged him without bothering to look at his face. Thats when his power came, he didnt know how but he made them cower at his feet. He then beat them up and went home. From that experience he started to fight crime knowing that some people cant help themselves the way he did.

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Name: Reed Knuth

Age: 17


He tends to wear clothes a couple of sizes bigger than him.​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Reed2.jpg.dab41e582250d7a5d411e858bc2c788c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91386" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Reed2.jpg.dab41e582250d7a5d411e858bc2c788c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As he always tore his clothing for some weird reactive adaptation he decided that topless was the way to go.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Reed1.jpg.cc8a71e548fc695df71a8b73ddf783d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91385" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Reed1.jpg.cc8a71e548fc695df71a8b73ddf783d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Power: Reactive Adaptation (Reed can control this, yet if his life is in immediate danger its power will control itself to survive at all costs)

Alias/codename/superhero name: Evolution.

Personality: Reed is inquisitive and cheerful yet sensitive. Even though he has the power to adapt to anything, social situations are strange to him, he always believes everyone is a friend and that people only wants to help him, thus he is easily manipulated.

Equipment: His own body, when in need his body can even turn into a tool.

Reed's parents never understood how he didn't die when he was a baby, Reed got himself in really dangerous situations, his curious mind always got the better of him, apparently he never died because of his powers, protecting him since he was born, the doctors never noticed anything and his parents always thought they were seeing things. When he got older, self preservation started acting so his powers became less active and Reed forgot about them. Reed is now in high school, with great grades, and also joined a research facility, since his mind kept yearning for knowledge, Reed started helping a weird DNA researches with a Scientist and his young assistant. Once, the scientist had to examine some blood samples and how they react against a weird bacterium, so the scientist did what any of us would've done in his situation, he asked, Reed, and Reed was really excited, he would actively participate in this experiment. The bacteria were going to crush everything in Reed's blood, or so they thought, the blood started reacting, it was boiling, and small discharges of electricity started killing the bacteria. They knew something wasn't right, the blood sample was completely sterile, even after all that time, he could just as well have put it back in. Reed was amazed, he was so excited no one could've calmed him down, his blood was special, maybe even him. One of the experiments in the facility involved mutating a rat's DNA, to create a formula that would allow enhancement of senses and muscles, of course what happened was that the experiment turned out wrong, an assistant messed up and the rats all escaped, they were angry for being imprisoned for so long, angry, the rats killed everything in their path, eating everyone that didn't escape, when Reed encountered the rats, they leapt at him, and he didn't react, yet his body did, bone started to get out of his body, resembling the spines on a porcupine, some mutated rats got impaled in them as soon as they reached Reed. Reed ran away faster than he had ever ran, his legs were lighter, he got outside in just a couple of seconds, it all happened too fast. Everyone inside died, it was awful, and Reed felt as a horrible human being for not helping, he just couldn't, his body took control, since that day, he started training his new found powers to help others.

Thanks to MiiNTY for showing me that music could be combined with writing (:3)



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Name: Harvey Greenwood

Age: 22

Appearance: 185cm tall with average body type with toned muscles. Straight short black hair.


A modern day all greyish-black yukata.

Superhero costume:

Tactical ninja suit with red lines, red mask covering lower half of face, black hood.

without helmet
Power: Emit electricity from body. Electric immunity. Slightly enhanced human abilities when emitting electricity (speed, reaction speed etc.) . Martial arts in using one handed sword, chain, hand to hand combat and throwing projectiles.

Alias/codename/superhero name: Spark

Personality: Carefree and open minded. Does not take initiative to lead and often likes the company of others. Has little interest in anything besides rare and exotic plants and their effects on living organisms, can sometimes become obsessive about them. Always hungry. Is not easily provoked or intimidated but becomes very irritated if a valuable plant is destroyed without care. Likes to spending time refining simple medical concoctions.

Equipment: A short cleaver attached to a 1m chain, a large amount of throwing knives, fine metallic string (hard to notice with the naked eye). All equipment is made from an unknown material that is highly conductive. Inter spatial ring with space of 1mx1mx1m.


Harvey was an orphan who grew up in a community house without knowing who his parents were, however he was was never really bothered by it. He was independent genius child who had little interest in anything else but the medical knowledge of living organisms, which he excelled at. Harvey had only one care taker who had shown him no affection through his childhood and had only provided him the necessities for living. Therefore he grew up in solitude and would often appreciate the company of others.

As Harvey matured into adulthood he soon learnt that the world was harsh and full of calamity, and surviving in such a world would be difficult for individuals without powers. Striving for a peaceful lifestyle Harvey wanted to become stronger to be able to survive in this world. However, since he did not have any powers he decided to begin researching ways to enhance human abilities through refining rare plants. Harvey eventually became a certified biologist at the age of 19 which allowed him better access to facilities and therefore further assist him in pursuing his research.

Recently Harvey had been investigating a new type of species of reishi mushroom that has been known to have an unimaginable curative and adaptive effects that could revolutionise the medical world. However this particular species of reishi mushroom is extremely rare. The only clue he had on it's whereabouts was a book written on animal skin by an ancient tribe that lived in a rainforest. With the book as guidance Harvey searched the rainforest and eventually ventured upon an area where lightning struck the earth like rain. Being stubborn and unwilling to leave the mushroom, Makato risked his life and ventured into this dangerous zone. However, when he finally found the mushroom he was struck down by several lightning strikes as well as by the claws of a strange wolf like beast coated in electricity. On the doorstep to the afterlife and barely able to move, Harvey felt compelled to eat the mushroom that was emitting mesmerising sparks. As his mouth consumed the unknown mushroom he felt an electric shock run through his body which convulsed vigorously and made him lose consciousness.

As Harvey regained consciousness the first thing he noticed was that all his wounds had healed. As he looked around he saw a silhouette of a man and a beast. From that point onwards he began to call these two his masters. After 2 years of training in the rainforest, his masters decided it was time for him to experience the dangerous world of powers and improve his ability. They provided him with a task to find 4 demigod-level plants, which will give benefits towards his power if they are consumed by him. However, the only hint Harvey has found leading to these plants was the words "The Guardians". This marks the start of his adventure.
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Name: Noah Lint

Age: 21

Normal Appearance: Noah is a tall, slim male with curly black hair and wears glasses. He is almost always wearing a white lab coat, however on the rare occasion where he isn't, Noah prefers black and white collared shirts.


Superhero Costume: A space suit somewhat resembling the space suits commonly worn by the foot soldiers patrolling the Overwatch station. However, Noah's suit has dashes of blue to help others distinguish him as a Guardian.


Power: Gravity Manipulation

Noah is able to manipulate gravity to a certain degree. In terms of defensive and offensive capabilities, Noah can only accomplish limited feats with concentration. Noah can increase gravity to temporarily immobilize opponents, weak repulsion of people or objects to deal force damage, crushing small items by enveloping them with a gravity field and moderate weight manipulation. Alternatively, he can decrease gravity to levitate himself/objects, make things easier to lift/carry and gravitational force-fields to repel small projectiles or attacks.

His powers are still very newfound so his gravity fields are still quite weak (AKA not strong enough for black/white holes or to completely shatter anything since this is very possible with gravity).

Alias/codename/superhero name: Orbit

Personality: Noah has a very gentle and kind personality. He is very humble and fights for a cause. He likes astronomy, Vanguard (Eric Minton) and people wearing glasses. He dislikes villains, parties and ants.


Noah's suit does not have any offensive weapons such as guns or energy beams. Instead, his suit is made of several pieces (~20) of the metal, osmium which is the heaviest material found on Earth. Each piece of his osmium armor are unable to be connected in anyway. Noah equips his 'suit' by manipulating gravity specifically on the metal pieces, to attract to his body therefore, effectively wearing his suit. This design allows nobody but Noah to equip the suit. Since Noah is still quite new to his power, he requires immense concentration to initially wear his suit (hence, immediate full body protection isn't guaranteed if he is in danger and not suited up). However, he is able to maintain his suit subconsciously after he has completed his initial suiting up. Like all other space suits, the helmet is equipped with a limited oxygen supply and sensors.

Lacking control of his powers and experience, Noah makes up for it by propelling his super heavy armor pieces into opponents causing damage by sheer force. Normally, a gravity manipulator can utterly shatter almost anything with any object, however Noah's heavy armor compensates for his lack of ability.


Noah Lint grew up happily as the only child in his family. He is very intelligent and has always achieved the highest grades whilst attending the most elite school. His parents were both researchers who were a part of Eric Minton's team in the Overwatch station. Noah's parents helped Eric overcome the gravity problem of the Overwatch. Everyone in space station was suspended, which made it difficult for everyday operation and it was Noah's parents' idea to have the Overwatch constantly spinning. The spin of the space station created a centrifugal effect which allowed the simulation of Earth's gravity. Though Eric was intelligent enough to figure this out on his own, he gave Noah's parents great regards for figuring it out before him, after all, they were the Gravity Specialists on the team.

Noah's parents spent an equal amount of time on Earth as well as in the Overwatch. His parent's would always tell stories of the Overwatch and the great Vanguard, Eric Minton. Noah grew up idolizing Eric and wished that one day, he too would have the opportunity to be a part of his team. At the age of 14, Noah decided to leave school early and study space instead. Surprisingly, Noah's parents supported his decision and taught him a great amount of what they knew. As he grew older, Noah spent most of his time in his parent's laboratory researching and studying information that his parents would bring home from the Overwatch.

On his 18th birthday, Noah came home to an empty house on a dark, rainy night. His parents were nowhere to be seen despite him knowing that they have promised to be home to celebrate his birthday. Trying to remain composed, he called the Overwatch in hopes to reach them. Instead, someone else on the Vanguard's team picked up to inform Noah that his parents have actually been missing for 3 days now. Confused and distressed, Noah ran to every room searching for them frantically only to find that he was now alone. He walked with his head hung low to his bedroom and buried his tears into his pillow. As he was crying, he felt an object besides him. Noah picked it up and discovered that it was in fact a present from his parents. Quickly opening the gift, Noah found his father's access ID to the Overwatch as well as a pass ticket to the next transport onto the Overwatch. Wiping his tears away, Noah prepared all of his luggage and was determined to find out the whereabouts of his parents the next morning.

Three years later, Noah is now working on the Overwatch with the same team that his parents worked in. Though due to the absence of his parent's abilities, the team no longer worked with Eric Minton. The team put Noah on-board to respect his parent's memory and Noah tried his very best to make up for his parent's absence. The details of his parent's whereabouts was still a mystery and Noah has yet to find any information as he was now busy working in the Overwatch.

One day, Noah was on the Overwatch and found out that the space station's spinning gears were malfunctioning. This caused everyone on the Overwatch to float which was a minor setback however the daily operations were still ongoing and everyone was still able to perform their jobs. Noah however, seemed to be unaffected by the gravity and was able to walk around the Overwatch normally as if it was on Earth. A Guardian noticed Noah and immediately recognized that he was a superpower wielder. Noah was quickly accepted as a Guardian recruit (his position in the Overwatch also supported this) and has taken this opportunity to rekindle his motivation to find his parents.
Theme Song:

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Name: Cali

Age: 14

Appearance: (Yes, it's Skye. Why? Because I like purple.)


Power: The Power Cosmic!


Okay, so she cannot surf through space waves. But she can mess with them as much as she would like, even if she has no clue. This means that she can slow time down or speed it up.

Alias: Quantum

Personality: She hates people, she loves computers. That's Cali in a nutshell. She's been called bitter, jaded, even cynical. And for the most part, this is true. But she also has another side, one she never lets people see. She is actually somewhat motherly, believe it or not. However, she does her best to hide t ever since, well...... see below.

Equipment: Laptop


Born in an orphanage, Cali has always taken a pessimistic view of life. She grew up hating people, and
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Name: Evan Church

Age: 18

Appearance: 5'9 tall; small build; fair white skin; straight oak brown hair with a fringe that covers the left half of his face; emerald green eyes; wears dark/ dull colors (usually gray) with long sleeves and a high collar

Power: Awareness/ "Unagi" (if you get the reference). Evan has standard physical strength compared to the average person, but has quick reflexes, nimble movement and high stamina for evasive maneuvers along with heightened senses which allow him to trace and keep tabs on everything that goes on around him.

His: right eye has excellent vision in the presence of light while his left eye excels with sight in darkness (both up to 60 feet while focusing); skin can passively notice shifts within the wind and temperature changes to give a vague idea of locations or movements of nearby objects (30 feet radius); senses of smell and taste work together (like a snake) as an active ability to perform what he notices with his skin but with higher precision (15 feet radius), and is able to separate different smells (can identify poison in mushroom soup); hearing can give him sight like that of a bat (active) and can hear whispers/ murmurs up to 20 feet away (passive).

Costume: snug fit, ocean blue long sleeved collarless top that has loose weaves to improve air permeability; black military trousers and boots; black finger less gloves; dark steel colored headset (which doubles as a headband to hold back his fringe) with goggles (like ski goggles)

Alias: Scout

Personality: Evan is gentle and kind to the point where he is timid. He tries to be trusting but is often in a paranoid state causing him to be wary and constantly observing everything around him. Survival is of utmost importance. He likes anything that gives him a genuine sense of security. Admires Maia Manaus (Astragirl), dislikes any creepy crawlies and is intimidated by intellectuals who wears any form of spectacles.

Equipment: the headset amplifies sounds to enhance his hearing to the point where he can hear a person's heartbeat; the goggles acts as an equalizer so that his left eye can see at the same level as his right eye in the light and vice versa; his gloves are steel plated need he be in a fist fight; 2 combat knives in each boot (4 total); 2 tonfa blades that are saddled on his back

Background: Evan has no siblings, his mother had died when he was born and his father was a businessman. As a child, Evan would regularly play tag and hide&seek with his friends all over the town. One day, due to reasons unknown to him, a group of men had barged into his home and murdered his father. Having witnessed his father's execution, fear unlocked the limiters on Evan's senses, causing him to panic and resort to escape. The men noticed Evan making an escape and gave chase, but thankfully a Guardian, Astragirl, who had been nearby, quickly dealt with the men and helped him find a new home. Aspiring to be like Astragirl, he trained with his new heightened senses and combat skills to someday be of use to Astragirl as a Guardian.
Name: Gerald Enderwelch

Age: 25

Appearance: Gerald is always in costume and no one has seen his face besides Eric Minton.

Power: Manipulation of his own density and small items attached to him (clothes etc.) By decreasing his density, he can move through walls via quantum tunneling. When he increases his density, he can increase his resistance to blunt physical attacks as well increase the force of his attacks.

Alias/codename/superhero name: Ghost

Personality: He hates murderers.

Equipment: None.

Background: Gerald was orphaned at a young age and was forced to fend for himself early on in life. He never had the privilege of attending high school or tertiary education as he was always working. A high school textbook on basic science was the only book he had in his possession and is one of his most cherished possessions.

His powers manifested at an early age and he had always known he was special. Gerald enjoyed tricking the other children in the orphanage with his powers and this was how he was able to control it. He ended up using his powers on petty crime until the Alexander Tiberton caught up to him and offered him a chance to be a part of something bigger, The Guardians. After joining the superhero team, he attempted to find out what his friends from the orphanage were doing now that they were all grown up only to find that they had all been murdered by the caretaker in a fit of insanity.
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[QUOTE="Alexis Martin]Name: Cali
Age: 15

Appearance: (Yes, it's Skye. Why? Because I like purple.)


Power: Enhanced Intelligence

Alias: Quantum

Personality: Traits, likes or dislikes

Equipment: Weapons or armour


Will accept once you've given a bit more info :P
Age: 18

Appearance: Normal and in superhero costume

Power:Sword wielder, Super speed, Lust and mind control.

Alias/codename/superhero name:Jordan Casey aka Jinx

Personality: Very smart and shy when shes not in her super persona. She is very smart and talent, barely has any friends but will fight for the ones she does have. Enjoys Marvel, DC, Anime and other coined nerdy things. Dislikes Popularity, beautiful girls and romance.

Equipment: Two dueling swords

Background:She was 12 years old when she discovered her powers and only 15 when she decided that she wanted to protect her family from threats in here community. She was an adopted child when her real mother was arrested (She was arrested for being a criminal). She treats her adoptive father like her real family since he was the only one she had for years.


Marcus Black






Hero Form:



Water Manipulation and Creation

Alias/codename/superhero name:


Personality: Traits, likes or dislikes

Mischievous, Witty, Loyal, Charming, Strategical, Solo

Equipment: Weapons or armour



Is it alright if I create it as I go. Sorta like an amnesiac, that is regaining his memories??

Lynx1996 said:
Age: 18
Appearance: Normal and in superhero costume

Power:Sword wielder, Super speed, Lust and mind control.

Alias/codename/superhero name:Jordan Casey aka Jinx

Personality: Very smart and shy when shes not in her super persona. She is very smart and talent, barely has any friends but will fight for the ones she does have. Enjoys Marvel, DC, Anime and other coined nerdy things. Dislikes Popularity, beautiful girls and romance.

Equipment: Two dueling swords

Background:She was 12 years old when she discovered her powers and only 15 when she decided that she wanted to protect her family from threats in here community. She was an adopted child when her real mother was arrested (She was arrested for being a criminal). She treats her adoptive father like her real family since he was the only one she had for years.
Accepted as long as there are limits to your mind control. Maybe she can only control one person at a time or something
AnarchyReins said:


Marcus Black






Hero Form:



Water Manipulation and Creation

Alias/codename/superhero name:


Personality: Traits, likes or dislikes

Mischievous, Witty, Loyal, Charming, Strategical, Solo

Equipment: Weapons or armour



Is it alright if I create it as I go. Sorta like an amnesiac, that is regaining his memories??

Sounds good :) accepted
SuperFudge said:
Accepted as long as there are limits to your mind control. Maybe she can only control one person at a time or something
Can she mind control one person and maybe it last up to 20 minutes
Hi ^^ I'm a bit new to this! Hopefully this is okay :')

Dale Grant

Age: 23

Appearance: 175cm tall with an average body type; he has mid length black hair.

Normal: He usually wears grey skinny pants and a plain long sleeve shirt.

Superhero: Armored style – somewhat similar to Deathstroke. Update eventually.

Power: Pocket Dimension and Teleportation

Dale’s primary ability is ‘Pocket Dimension’ . He is able to store weapons and various items less than 2 cubic meters in this personal space of his. Dale is able to open and close the zone freely by focusing on an area within a 5 meter radius of himself. Additionally, he is able to manipulate the size of the opening/doorway – smaller or larger depending on the item he wishes to obtain.

His secondary ability is teleportation, where he is able to “jump” to a maximum of 10m in his vision, however this exhausts him greatly – up to 3 leaps may drain his stamina completely. He needs to take deep breaths to calm down after teleporting as it causes extreme shock to his body.

Dale has training in assassination; he is proficient in hand to hand combat, a knife and sniper rifle.

Alias/codename/superhero name: Merchant

Personality: Dale is confident and energetic. He enjoys company, however when a mission arises, his personality completely changes to somewhat cold – he won’t take failure at all. However this may change around his friendship with certain individuals.

Equipment - Weapons or armour: Mercenary style armor (light armor), main weapon a pair of unique army knives.


Dale grew up in an low-social economical area, where his parents worked hard day and night to raise their 4 children. Dale, the oldest child, loved his parents greatly, and always tried to help out anyway he could as he knew that his parents worked day and night just to barely feed the family.

Oneday Dale accidently discovered his abilities while he was at the local store. He had stolen a few cans of food from the grocers and slipped it in his jacket. A member of staff had seen him take the items, and threatened the boy to return the items before the cops arrive. Being caught red handed, he decided to give up the goods, however reaching into his pockets the items were gone. With the police arriving and without any evidence the boy had stolen, he was let off. Dale ran home quickly and searched his pockets thoroughly – however nothing turned up. He laid down on his bed against the wall, just thinking about that delicious can of baked beans. As he thought of that, right in front of him was floating the can inside a white cube. He backed away, panicking about what he has seen in front of him however eventually he reached in and quickly grabbed the can as the space vanished in front of him. Despite not knowing what was going on, he was thrilled to share the can with his parents and siblings. He brought it to them, saying he had luckily found it on the streets, and they dug into it without a second thought. However Dale instead of eating the beans, he sat and thought about if he could get away with it again..

Years went on as Dale successfully continued his stealing spree; he was getting more prone at stealing without getting caught. However even if he did, there was not a trace of a thing he had stolen. He would run home to open up the cube like dimension just to fetch his gathered goods. His family eventually didn’t starve anymore with the items he was bringing home – they just accepted his fibs. The boy getting cockier at his proficiency decided to rob a jewelers – that was a grave mistake. Everything was going smoothly until he got caught. The cops arrived and he turned his pockets to reveal the stolen good. Relying on his ability so much, little did he know how to control it properly and it had failed him. He was sweating, the cops had pulled their guns on him, there was no escape. Dale just wished for an escape, any escape, he just wanted to get of out this situation. One moment he is stuck in this small store with guns in his face, the next moment he is across the street in the alleyway. “Another weird ability?” he thought to himself before he suddenly falls to his knees grasping for air. His body was in shock. Despite that he knew he was just across the street the jewelers, in the dark alleyway, he crawled on the floor away from the site – he had to escape, he had no time to be in awe. He eventually gets to his front yard, regaining his breath, he just longs for his bed.

Calm and composed he enters his house, trying to look as normal as possible. Opening the door, he sees two men in black standing before his parents. “Oh honey, you’re home”, his mum says as she runs over him for a hug, his dad standing a meter away with the men. “Honey, this may sound strange, but these men are here to take you. They have offered us a huge sum of money.” His mum says, as the men approach Dale, grabbing onto his arms. Dale unable to believe what he was hearing, “I’m sorry darli..n..” is the last thing he hears as he passes out to the injection.

Dale wakes up to a room laced with rich fabrics and shining objects which he has only seen in magazines. “Oh are you awake son?” a stern voice says. “I hope my men treated you okay, if not I apologize” the voice says chuckling. Dale turns over to see a large well-built man, with a large scar over his left eye, wearing a regal robe. “My name is Finnich, and this is my mansion” he pronounces as he brings his cigar up to his mouth to inhale. Dale sits up from the lavishing bed he was placed on to ask “Why am I here, where are my parents?” “You’re here because you have something I want, your unique trait.” Dale looked down, trying to hide his secret. “Boy, I’ve been following you for a few years now, I know about your family history, hence I offered your parents an offer they couldn’t dismiss. I’m sorry kid, you parents chose the money over you.” Dale was in disbelief, suddenly remembering the moments which had occurred earlier – he was sold without a second thought.

Dale turns to the man “Can I have some time alone?”

“Sure mate, I’ll be in the next room over, come to me when you’re ready”, the man says as the stands up from his chair and moves to the next room. Dale was surprised of how tall Finnich was, he was a mountain.

Dale now alone in the room, lays back down and thinks. He was sold, but for his abilities? What does this man want from me? What is my situation? Where am I? How far am I from home? Thoughts just run through his mind, overwhelmed by them, he just lays there. The boy sits up “One question at a time.” He can’t change the inevitable, he was sold away. However for the better good, at least his family will have a better future – that was one thing he had always longed for. Dale rolling to one side of the large bed, and sits up, placing his feet on the floor to find slippers prepared for him. He slips his feet into the and stands up, stretches and begins to walk towards the room in which Finnich said he would be. Entering the room, the vibe it is completely different. The room featured timber walls, a large rug, two large armchairs, a small table, a fireplace, and various animal heads hanging off the walls. Dale approaches the center of the room, towards the fireplace, where he sees the mountain of the man comfortably enjoying a glass of something with his cigar.

“Want to sample this 35 year old Scottish whisky boy?”

“I don’t drink”, Dale replies as he sits down in the armchair across from the man.

“Pity” Finnich retorts as he takes a sip from the ornate cup.

“So, why do you want my so called abilities?”

“Protection. You can never be too prepared for what is out there.”

“How can I protect you? Look at yourself, you’re a giant!”

“You have what I don’t have, power. I can help you hone those abilities of yours.”

Dale looks up at the man staring at him, he can see the blazing fire reflected in Finnichs eyes – he was being honest.

“What is in it for you?” Dale quickly answers, looking away from the man.

“The World”, Finnich replies as finishes off his drink and throws his glass into the fireplace. He turns to the boy, “Are you in, or are you out?”

Dale sits and thinks for a moment, he turns to Finnich and announces, “I’m in.”

Years past again – the boy grows up with the man as his mentor. It turns out that Finnich is a high ranking officer for the United States army and is ex-blackops. He trains the boy in various combat styles, not going easy at all, at the same time honing the boys strange abilities with his personal team of scientists. The boy exceeds at using his ability now titled “Pocket Dimension”, however struggles with the “Step” teleportation – the backlash is too strong.

Finnich and Dale, an inseparable team, the mountain being the tank, while the boy the nibble support. They overcome many obstacles, defending the nation from various threats until a world peace treaty was announced. Everything was somewhat quiet all of a sudden..

Oneday while the duo reside in front of the fireplace, Finnich announces

“Mate, my army has decided to send a representative to the Guardians, you know, the joint world effort team. They asked me to do it, however I’m too old now, and I recommended you.”

“Why?” Dale asks, was the boy going to be abandoned again?

“Lad, I’ve taught you everything I know, and you’ve easily exceeded me by miles. However there was one thing I never taught you.”

“What is it?”

“How to make friends.”

Dale turns to Finnich with a dumbounded face. Finnich smirks back and continues.

“You’ve been stuck here with me for so many years, I mean, you’ve made friends with the scientists and caretakers easily, however can you call any of them your friend? We’ve practically conquered the world together, why not get up there and conquer the universe now with friends.”

Dale turns back around, and brings his glass of whisky up to Finnich. “Cheers to past, present and future?”

Finnich brings his glass up to Dales.

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Age:Unknown, seems to be in his late twenties

Appearance: Always wears a black trench coat and army cap, has black hair and white skin.

Power: Can use a variety of weapons and martial arts, such as judo and karate. Always thinks two steps ahead. Incredibly agile, and faster then the average person, thought not super human fast.

Alias/codename/superhero name:Blank

Personality: Never says a word. Simply uses gestures to express his opinion.

Equipment: Carries two magnum pistols at all times. Has never been seen to reload them, no matter how many times he fires them. Has a combat knife as well.

Background:unknown. May be from France, but it is unclear. All that is known is that he is responsible for the deaths of several high profile criminals.

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