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Guardians of the Universe

Ashe felt another shiver shoot up her spine and a tingling sensation on her neck, making the redhead feel very uncomfortable. She felt like she had a weight on her shoulders, as if she were carrying something massive. The sensation crept down her neck to her side after a moment, making her squirm slightly on the spot. Then, she heard a voice, and it definitely spooked her. What the hell...? Who are you? Get out of my head, that's so creepy! She shouted at the voice mentally, her face showing no signs of her internal battle.
(( Ya'll just skipped me ;-; ))

Oliver shook his head and said, "I have the materials you need, they're in my ship, I'll have them sent to you shop once we are there.", he then though that he should mention, something that is pretty key to all this and continued, "I only have enough for 75% of the build, the remaining will be finished with the left over nanites since, well, I am losing that arm, the nanites can be used for the hand and fingertips to allow for smoother and more precise movements.", thinking more about it as they headed to the girls shop, "I uhh... I have a altered skeleton, my bone structure has been augmented with titanium and graphene alloy, trying to cut through it will be tricky, so I suggest you just give me a Javilin to put a almost entire stop to blood flow towards the arm and skin it and apply the arm over it to fit it on."

(( The new mechanical arm looks like this, on the blueprints, without the star ))

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While the man continued on with his dialogue about his suit, there was no response at all to the girls psychic cry if there was anything to respond to in the first place. There was absolutely no sign of anything there in her mind, just silence and her own most likely panicked thoughts. The weight upon her body however did not seem to go away but gradually become less of a burden. It simply felt as if she had a boulder on her back but that boulder didn’t so much crush her but simply limit her mobility. It was heavy yet inconsequential almost.

The Creature itself slumbered on peacefully in its stasis state.

Ashe listened carefully to Oliver's explanation, but found it a bit hard to concentrate. She'd sworn she'd heard someone in her head, but no one had answered her. Not only that, but she felt like there was a weight on her back, which truly was not normal. It had begun to scare her, but still showed no signs of fear on her face. "I understand... We should hurry, now, before it spreads toward your heart. My shop is also my home, which is just down the street. Oh, um, by the way..." She said, taking off her helmet to reveal her face and long strawberry blond-auburn hair. "My nams's Ashe. Yours?"
The suit had disassembled around his head, revealing his face he says, "Oliver.", he follows up with, "Let's move.", walking over to his slightly damaged motorbike, he got on, turning it on and allowed her to get on. After she got on ((I assume she would.)), he speeds off, doing a small wheelie when taking off having a song now play in his helmet to help him concentrate on high speed driving. Swerving through obstacles, cop cars and such mostly. He then downshifted gears and did a quick and precise 90 degree turn right and eventually arrived at her shop that he found through the police database. Getting off and pulling the bike aside after she got off ((Assume she would, again.)) he began to walk into her shop and look around, he saw all kinds of mechanic and electronic parts that were assorted. After gazing around he had the materials air drop from his ship and a small container arrived just outside and he opened the doors to the building and picked it up, bringing it in and opening it on her stores counter. Inside there would be two rather large tubes of metal, assumingly if Ashe were to see them, she might think they were the materials he spoke of.

(( The song in his helmet :3 ))


The Dredge still resting on its hosts skin slithered up to the side of her face brazenly and stared around the workshop approvingly. It needed another hour or so to top itself off before it could slide off and continue on its merry way. But as of the moment it was busy staring about the mechanists shop with frantic eyes as it tried to figure out what everything was and why it was in here and how it needed fixing- aah fuck it. That all could come later, but right now it was simply a passenger which was along for the ride. Tampering with this host as early on as this was a bad idea so it couldn’t do much else. The creature resided itself to simply sit and watch… every minute or so, that tattoo on her check would blink.


During the ride back to her mechanic shop, she was clinging to Oliver the whole way, trying not to panic. Oliver drove like a damn maniac and it scared the crap out of Ashe. When they finally arrived, she got off the bike shakily and lead him inside, taking deep breaths. "Um, welcome to my shop..." She said with a nervous smile. She watched him go outside as she felt a tingling sensation creep up her neck to her face. She had only one mirror in the shop on the other side of a jut out in the wall, so she couldn't see herself, otherwise she would have seen the tattoo suddenly on her face blink. When Oliver came back in with the container of materials, she came over and picked up one of the tubes, examining it closely. "This will do nicely... But you're right, there isn't enough. You were going to finish it off with nanites, right?" She asked, looking through the cylinder.
Oliver nodded, siting on a nearby stool saying, "We need to do this quickly.", he then continued, "I will have to program the nanites to eat away most of the flesh while the other nanites well cut off nerve signals from the arm to the brain, as well as restrict blood flow from reaching that part, after I do this, you'll need to begin quickly, so get ready now as I start this.", suddenly the part of the suit on his left arm began to flow and move, quickly eating away flesh and leaving behind a metal looking skeleton arm with very little flesh left on top to cover it, most of the nerves were still intact and able to be used however. Oliver was ready for the new arm to be placed.

(( For awhile @InMyWorldTheSkyIsRed Jarkov will be gone and it'll just be me and you, so to keep things interesting, check my other RP out and joinnn it :P https://www.rpnation.com/threads/stargate-revelations.122136/ ))
((That doesn't really seem like a roleplay I'd be interested in, sorry. Also, wouldn't she have to craft the arm before he CUT OFF HIS OWN LIMB HOLY SHITE))
(( Obviously it would take time, you just need to RP what you were doing meanwhile the nanites did all that. ))
Ashe frowned softly, starting to get to work heating the metals to a malleable state. "Well, don't sever the nerves completely, I need to connect the nerves to the arm." She replied. While the nanites worked on getting rid of the infected flesh, the red headed woman worked on creating a masterpiece out of the precious metals gifted to her. She measured and cut, sculpted and tweaked, putting the pieces together and paying attention to every last detail as she worked. She crafted a mechanical arm that matched the blueprints to a T, absolutely the same down to the last engraving. When she was finally finished, it was right on time. She buffed out the imperfections and turned around, a beautifully crafted arm in her hands. "Ready, Oliver?" She asked, approaching him and sitting in the stool beside him.
Oliver nodded, the implants in his brain already cutting off nerve signals from that arm to his brain to prevent and feeling of pain while the new mechanical arm is attached to his augmented skeleton. The nanites were already ready and programmed to do as they are told when the new arm is applied and make up for the rest of the arm, including the middle forearm to the now new mechanical hand. The extra nanites were now preserved and can now allow the nanosuit to run at a much more efficient power state when fully activated.
The weight on Ashe's body did not go away but over time as she worked she failed to notice it more and more as it was slowly pushed to the back of her mind. It didn't inhibit her in any way and she was able to move more or less in the same fashion as she always was able to do so before today. Her body was simply adjusting to this new state, though if she stood on any normal sort of scale she might be dismayed to find out that she now would without a doubt break the poor little thing with strain. Normally that sort of thing would never occur, the weight would be undetectable as the Dredge used certain access points where skin met other objects or ground to relief its presence so to speak and allow it to pass even more undetected. However the day had taken its toll on the creature, having nearly 25,000 volts of electricity shoved through ones body generally screwed up the normal way of thinking no? Every now and then during the process the creature would groggily snake its head back up to the Side of Ashes face or neck to drearily peek at the surroundings but other than that it was content to simply slumber on sprawling on every bit of available skin.


((Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh Super busy week guys I'm really really sorry :( I just graduated high school yesterday, and there was prom and stupid appointments... Also, to be honest, this isn't really the most interesting roleplay I have... ._.|| It's over the top and complicated where it doesn't have to be, and I have no clue where I'm even going to fit into the plot... I'm just dumb and sorry and dead to the world
(*nods* indeed it isn't as of the moment, one has to slog through the muddy starts to get to the races on the grasslands. And besides, over the top isn't how I would put it, sufficiently informed. Lots of info was given to us so that we might better understand the world we are in. And besides, you cant be talking about not interesting and no idea fitting into the plot. my guys a frackin tattoo on your skin right now. We simply have to have faith in our OP/GM whatever you call em on RPN.)
(( The brunt of the story on the overview is history of the storyline, the idea of the RP is simple, if you want to put it as simple as possible, imagine the storyline as a duplicate of Guardians Of the Galaxy or Mass Effect. ))
A secret to getting involved in a rp is find a reason. Such as Mine characters is to get back home, where ever home might be. revenge on those who harm his kin, and to show the world that Thel Vladmimir Malachai isn't what the universe would like to think.

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