Guardians Academy - Class of Omega


Dragon Knight
Name: No human names, they are aliens...

Gender: Male, female or neither

Race: Give your species a name. One of the eight species I have listed in the rules please. So it will either be Neo, Tow, Sub-Tow, Ebon-Tow, Reeth, Urof, F1v.3, Xsi, Es'Ven or Geith. Please use the correct names, the names above are the plural, do not use the singular names please.

Role: Name their stereotype here such as jock, spoilt princess, nerd, etc. If it is more than three words, it's probably wrong.

Personality: Describe your character.

Looks: Describe your character's:

  • Skin/Fur/Scale/Feather color depending on race and their eye color.
  • Hairstyle, remember to make it match the race. Remember even fins can be made into ponytails.
  • Clothing style of choice. You don't have to explain one outfit, you can just explain their general dress. You may use pictures for this, but you do not have to. You can just describe.
  • Weapons if they are F1. F1 only have projectile/techno weapons like guns, lasers, rockets launchers, gatling guns, etc. NO energy swords, you may have rocket bosters, but that is only for quick boosts of speed. Flight is for the Xsian only. Please describe where each weapon is, is it hidden in the wrists, attached to the back, built into the fingers or on the shoulders.
  • Weapon if you are Ven, Ven use old school bladed weapons only, such as swords, katanas, scythes, chain and sickles, axes, spears, daggers, etc. They may have multiple weapons, but usually have one favored one.
  • You may have mutations not normal to your race, but I will decide depending on if they are good and interesting. No pictures please, unless they are for weapons or piece of clothing and only if you want, pictures are not necessary. You can describe if you want. I repeat NO PICTURES for your character.

History: Tell us some history which should match your race and include how you came to end up in in the Class of Omega, to become a Guardian of the Universe.

[b]Name: [/b]

[b]Gender: [/b]

[b]Race: [/b]

[b]Role: [/b]

[b]Personality: [/b]

[b]Looks: [/b]

[b]History: [/b]

Name: Alan Manning

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Role: Teacher

Personality: Alan is a bit of a slacker who never excelled in school, he isn't very confident and isn't use to weird things. He is still adjusting to the fact that aliens exist and they chose him to be a teacher. He never saw himself as a teacher, but he does feel a need to look after these kids and help them grow. He isn't a fighter, but he knows how to think and is very good with coming up with plans and strategies thanks to playing video games as a kid so much.



History: Alan doesn't remember much of his childhood, it seems like a boring blur where nothing special happened. His parents were ordinary, they gave him everything he needed and they were a nice middle class family. He had four siblings, two brothers and two sisters who were also plain and boring. His whole life has been boring, till now....
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Name: Morlin Vass

Gender: Male

Species: Reeth

Role: The Nerd

Personality: Morlin is a shy individual and doesn't socialize often but is open to conversation if the person isn't too intimidating. At times he can be kind and gentle but he can also be snobby and arrogant if he is angered (although sometimes he may act that way unintentionally). Morlin is also very, very smart. He was easily the best in his class and actually skipped a grade in school as well as acing all of his tests. Although this is partially due to being so lucky to being so gifted he does improve himself via reading, working hard in school and just expanding his knowledge.

Looks: Morlin looks like any other Reeth, he is thin and similar looking to a human however he has see through skin and a bug like exoskeleton over certain parts of his body which is a dark grey colour, similar to steel. Morlin has sharp fingernails and large beetle horns atop his head which not many other Reeth have. Morlin has black but it's very short. Morlin stands at 4'7" and weighs around 70 lbs. He also has dark blue eyes.

History: Morlin was a bit of an outcast from his family and friends due to his magnetic abilities and beetle horns which labeled him as different. Although some of the few kinder Reeth praised him for his rare ability he was mostly ridiculed for it so he found an outlet to escape from the cruelty, books. Morlin read all the time, advancing his knowledge of the world and the galaxy he lived in. As Morlin grew up he read more and more, expanding his intelligence and he passed all of his tests in school with flying colours.
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Name: Karichi Technis

Gender: Female

Species: F1V.3

Role: Innocent Prodigy (this)

Personality: Kairichi is very kind and considerate girl who may come off as a little awkward when attempting to talk to others. She isn't one to let others ruin her spirit or anyone else's. Like most people of her race, her intelligence is considered prodigy leveled and she's willing and able to teach and learn from others about anything.

Looks: Gatling guns in her wrists, shoulders, and knees. Laser guns in each of her fingers and wrists. Arms turn into laser cannons from the elbow down. And rocket boosters on her back and her feet.

(Skin is metallic white a bit unlike what's shown in the picture and the bottom part of her legs are silver like her arms. Her headphones turn into a helmet on command. Picture found here.)


Karichi was created like the rest of her race into a cyborg to protect themselves and their advance technology. Her father Kairoff Technis was among the more famous scientists of their people that was very against the violence that erupted after their upgrades. He sent her to the Omega class not only to protect her, but to also have her genius be used to help the guardian children and their quest to help the universe.
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Name: Vorlez Itarya

Gender: Male

Race: Xsi

Role: The Bad-Boy

Personality: Vorlez being the one and only Xsian that acquired Super Speeds from flight and also on foot would usually would come off nice at first glance but his personality is not necessarily describe for how he treats people, but more of his actions than anything else. Vorlez in most situations would act and do things how he saw fit before thinking of what others may think, he seems to also be a show off always feeling everyone else is too slow for him. When he is threatend he usually would be more excited than scared cause he loves being victorious over many people it makes him feel more proud.

Looks: Besides hair like humans Vorlez has long and sleek feathers they are silver with black tips,under his feather like body his skin is peach colored. Vorlez eyes are yellow but his are brighter and tend to glow and leave a streak as he walks it is even longer when he is flying or sprinting at high speeds. For clothing Vorlez wears no shirt cause his feathers cover him and keep him warm, however for bottoms he sports very technological jeans being able to store things in there that are 3x his body weight. For weapons he has none he usually uses his speed to cut through his foes in a flash or just demolish them with rapid kicks but instead of using his usual talons he wears combat shoes that enhances his kicking and clawing strength courtesy from Xsi Technology given to his father before he was forced to the Guardians academy.

History: Vorlez being titled by his family as the "Unlikely Miracle" was when he was young a sweet boy yet he was a daredevil being able to fly from birth, Vorlez would usually be seen testing his limits and his aerial capabilities. As years went by he felt more than comfortable in the air and on ground...well for whatever ground he had since the land he stood on was not much he usually had to speed from platform to platform using his wings and jumping to get there, this way of transportation also made him a lot more agile on his feet making them stronger. As he reached the age of ten Vorlez became a lot more aggressive toward the wild creatures that lurked below the hone of the Xsi, he also was quite rebellious to his own brethren not following instructions from his elders. It became so bad to where he would be chased by his relatives to stay home at night,eventually though they came to the conclusion that Vorlez was outta control and needed to be more responsible with his power so they contacted the Guardians Academy to have Vorlez attend and learn to be a better hero not just for their planet but the Universe. Vorlez obviously declined the idea and went into hiding but the Guardians eventually found him, he was sent off but with gifts the combat talons for wear and the bottoms of holding he took them but still held a grudge for his race for forcing him to become something he had no intention of wanting to do. Vorlez now attends The class of Omega but still rebels doing what he wants when he wants.
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Name: Chiana

Gender: Female

Race: Es'Ven

Role/Stereotype: Bookworm.

Personality: She's quiet most of the time, but that's mostly because she doesn't think that its really worth talking to anyone else, because she tends to think that other people are stupid. She's more comfortable talking and debating with an adult then she is with talking and playing with children her age. She's more girly then people might expect for her race, preferring to dress in girlier fighting clothes, but all of her clothes are fighting, but that's her mother's influence, not being allowed anything else. She doesn't mind, and she prefers to fight with short bladed weapons so that she's up close and personal in the fight, long distance fighting it takes to long and she prefers to give her opponent a chance before they lose. She prefers tonfa, but likes to carry around knives more as a convenience.


Hair or fur: The lighter main tone is a light cream color, the darker fur a warm chocolate brown.

Eyes: Crystalline green, the pupils slit like a cats.

Height: As the age group is ten, 4' 11"

History: Chiana really grew up normally on her home planet, Veneth B, learning her fighting skills from her mother and father.

Sorry the pic is so big, I tried to make it smaller.

@PyroWarriorZ So this is done, and my offer still stands if you'd like
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Name: Zayra Kaltry

Gender: Female

Race: Xsi

Role: The Rebel

Personality: With a fiery temper and her unwillingness to agree with any instructions adults gave her, Zayra was a handful to deal with since the time she first began flying. She has never really gotten close with other people, resulting in her being a loner of sorts. When she believes in something, Zayra will fight to defend it no matter what the evidence points towards and if anyone tries to question her belief, then she will give them a piece of her mind.

Looks: Zayra has pure silver feathers for hair that grow in length. At the top of her head where her hairline is, the feathers are short, no more than one-three inches and stick up slightly, but as they progress down they increase in length. Her longest feathers are a little over a foot and a half in length that extend down her back between her two sets of wings. Some feathers are different colors, such as one blood red feather here, an electric blue feather here, and so on, but the main color is silver. Her eyes are pure, deep black, the only thing separating the iris from the pupil is a thin silver line that also rims the outside of the iris. She commonly wears tight, stretchy black clothing because it doesn’t get in her way while she’s flying and allows her a lot of movement and goes around barefoot. What skin that is seen on occasions is incredibly pale, nearly white.

History: Zayra had not always been as disobeying of orders. When she was a small child, her two pairs of wings still growing and she not yet able to fly, she was almost the image of complete perfection. She participated in the family traditions and respected the elders like any other Xsi would have done. However, her parents unnecessarily kept her confined to their home, forbidding her to go out with others her age. Slowly, after some time, Zayra started to become more and more disobedient and disrespectful towards the elders. By the time her wings had grown enough that she could fly, she was almost as bad as a child could get. She would go off and stay out for hours on end, not telling anyone where she had gone or what she had been doing. Her parents would ask her to do something and she would refuse, more often than not leading to her screaming and flying away in a blur. Eventually, Zayra’s became too much for her parents and the elders to the Guardian’s Academy in hopes that she would be able to be controlled better.
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Name: Eskatarr “Scott” Valden II

Gender: Boy

Race: F1V.3

Role: The Nerd

Personality: The Academy wasn’t Scott’s first choice as far as his education is concerned, his musical talents and passion for studying history surpassing his skill in combat or leadership. A strong sense of duty and responsibility were the primary factors informing his decision to take up the mantle of the guardians, following in the footsteps of his father and late older sister. The standards and principles by which Scott lives are applied to those around him, and he strongly disapproves of those who do not meet the same (sometimes unreasonable) expectations that he holds for himself.

Looks: Scott is tall and lanky for his age, he would stand out among other F1V.3 children, but it’s rather difficult to draw attention to oneself in a room full of superpowered prepubescent aliens. His black hair is shaggy and unruly, having not been cut since before his sister’s death, and his blue eyes are occasionally visible through his messy fringe. Weaponry includes: Grenade launcher in right wrist, index finger laser pistols, rocket skates, left shoulder missile launcher.

History: Scott’s father, Eskatarr, was a prominent member of the Guardians of the Universe in his heyday, and his older sister, Maya, was recognised as one of the most promising junior members. The wars on F1 brought the promise of another Valden guardian crashing down, as Maya was killed in battle. The grief-stricken Eskatarr withdrew from almost all social interaction, communicating with his son only when necessary, and in single syllables if it could be helped. Scott swore to protect his homeworld and all other planets from tragedies such as the ones he had endured, joining the academy with the naïve hope that emulating his sister might heal the broken shell of a man that his father has become since her death.
Name: Zacsh

Gender: Male

Race: Neo

Role: Helpless Child

Personality: Very helpless, us usually happy. For now can very easily get stuff taken.Very Shy, afraid of offending anyone.

Looks: Dark skin, fiery and spiky hair, wear's a sash that he wear's over his torso and shorts.

History: His parents were killed when he was little and ever since than he has sworn revenge and he wants all villains gone, so no one ever has to go through the pain he was always bullied and he once accidentally burned a bully causing him to be bullied more than ever and he hopes this class is different.
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Name: Remmy (Rem) Craw



The prankster

Rem is a bundle of joy so some would say. She loves to kid around with others and mess with them until they snap at her. She likes to see peoples dark and mean side from time to time. She hates those who take everything seriously, and why most wont smile even to a corny joke. She can act like a child sometimes but only when she wants food or when someone has made her sad. She is your above average prankster. Going to the extreme to see what would happen to someone or if they could figure out her little trap. She can be careless and lazy at times. Sleeping through the day and moving about at night. She has a serous side but it only shows itself when she is in a fight or someone challenges her honor and skill. She has a mean side as well but that is rare to see. Usually she'll disappear for a few , and ignore you until she forgives you. Though she tends to stray away from this side, she rather be happy then be upset.

Rem stands to be 5'6 and weighs 110.6.Her hair is loose and thin, easily following forward to her shoulders.. Her hair is black and spikes up in the front a little before falling and resting against her head. Her orbs are a crystal blue color with a small star that moves in the center of her eye. She wears a pair of black shorts that cover half of her thigh. She wears a long shirt that has one long and the other short. Its tight to her so it shows most of her curves. She wears no shoes but wears a small black sock on the left foot and a black glove on her right hand. There is a hole in the back of her shorts to allow her tail some freedom. Her teeth are extremely sharp and can puncture almost anything.

Rem was born in Geith. She was born under the fifth moon inside a medium sized home, shrouded by the forest with several siblings around her. Her mother called her LaLa because she kept saying La over and over. Her father agreed but her siblings didn't like it.

When she grew up she looked just like her mother however her actions did not follow suit. She was more loose in the head than her mother and siblings. Always messing with people to far, playing jokes and tripping them. Calling them names and breaking their things. She was known to be a prankster and a little evil at times. When it was time for her to go to a school that would smack sense into her she left. Taking only a few things and leaving one last joke behind. Her father falling from the roof of the house after tripping over a wire.
Name: Issis'ii "Isis" Y Swybcenth

Gender: Female

Race: Xsi

Role: The Scaredy Cat

Personality: Issis'ii is, to sum up, afraid of everything. She has a perpetual wide-eyed expression, which varies from "startled" to "terrified" depending on the situation. She is slow to trust, and slower to speak. In fact, the likelihood is that most people will never hear her utter a single word, no matter how much time they spend with her. The reason for this is difficult to express--the few who get to know her take it in stride that she doesn't open up to new people within any reasonable amount of time, that she is highly suspicious of strangers, and that only the handful of people, specifically chosen by her, will ever be spoken to.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/birdgirl.jpg.d2f1f90982c7195dca6b191449612380.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/birdgirl.jpg.d2f1f90982c7195dca6b191449612380.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Issis'ii mother was killed before she hatched, along with the other eggs in her clutch. As such, Issis'ii was raised solely by her father, who doted endlessly on her and was incredibly over-protective of her in every aspect of her life. Issis'ii, however, did not mind either of these things. She enjoyed having someone who she felt could--and would--always protect her. She grew up feeling unsafe whenever her father was not around. However, this bond between them did lead to an inkling of hers to be more prone to open up to any adult male that she could consider a father figure. As Issis'ii grew and developed her wings, her father grew older--and grew sick; there were several terrifying nights in Issis'ii's life when she believed she might be left alone completely and utterly. In the end, her father bested his sickness--but he was not the same young man he had once been. It was likely this that pushed him to send Issis'ii away to join the Class of Omega. After much screaming and crying, she was finally packed off to learn how to face her fears of the world and use her skills to defend herself and others.



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