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Fantasy Guardian Academy

Angel Lucifer

Fallen Angel and Ruler of Hell
All that is required for your character is

Full name:




Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.):

Weapons and/or powers:

Character picture(Not required):

Character description(not necessary but recommended):

Bio(Not required if you want people to find out via RPing):






Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed):
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Full name: Joseph Amida

Nickname(optional): Immortal God, Joe, Joey, Chaos, The First

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Primordial and creator of the universe. (Only known by Thanatos and Hypno)

Weapons and/or powers: Uses a katana bathed in purple hell fire for those he deems unworthy of his true weapon, the harvester of souls, a truly horrifying and cruel looking weapon, a scythe that constantly emanates an aura of death, and is bathed in a mysterious black flame. However, no one knows what his actual powers are, as he has never needed to use them.

Character picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/CrimsonMidnight.jpg.53b58638a45f2e416dcff2f490a260ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/CrimsonMidnight.jpg.53b58638a45f2e416dcff2f490a260ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_n1nwtoOyT51sml8zzo1_500.png.feaf0ee1826b1f89abcf34cbcdf35dd5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118620" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_n1nwtoOyT51sml8zzo1_500.png.feaf0ee1826b1f89abcf34cbcdf35dd5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character description(not necessary but recommended):

Bio(Not required if you want people to find out via RPing): Will be revealed, maybe ;) I will give a hint though, because I'm nice. "Some say he is as old as the universe itself if not older, while others say he is as old as he looks. Everyone can only guess, the only one knowing the answer being himself..."

personality: Sadistic, loves to kill and torture, mature and wise, yet hides behind a facade.

Likes: Loves blood and death, but is kind and happy to help those he cares about. He also likes Ax7 and 5FDP. He also likes to drink wine, and almost always drinks out of wine glasses, regardless of what the drink is.

Dislikes: He dislikes those that see other people as beneath themselves, and people that "Talk big, but don't have the power to back it".

Weakness: His most prominent weakness is pretty girls/women. If he has any others, they are unknown.

Sexuality: He is Heterosexual (Or straight)

Theme song: Because he's a badass. No more needed.





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Rosalee Blackwell

Kill joy, Rosy, Miss Blackwell (or bitch)



"How rude."





Weapons and/or powers

~Fire manipulation

~Enhance agility




~Healing tears


Character description

Rosy has pale skin and sky blue eyes. She usually has pink hair, but when she uses her powers her hair turns into a firey red. She sorta has a curvy body and weights about 139 lbs. Her height is 5'10"


Rosalee is quite the opposite of how you expect how a phoenix to would act. She's never the life of a party, a little emotionless, and quiet. This is all due to the fact that Rosy is antisocial. She can't really relate to other people and prefers books over "friends". You can even call her a little awkward at times. Rosalee is quite disliked despite her boring personality. She's well known for ruining parties, exposing people, and her unbiased opinions. Rosy quite blunt, even criticizing children with no hesitation. She also mature which makes an obstacle in continuing conversations. Though she does have a few secret sides to her which she hides in fear of rejection. Which, one of them which can be switched on by alcohol......Let's just say her personality takes a whole 360.


Warmth, peace, naps, libraries, freedom, videogames, karaoke


War, conflict, being controlled, dirtiness, dancing


The cold







~Has a older brother that's a exact opposite of her

(Whereabouts are unknown)

~A little bit of a cleanfreak

~Recently discovered video games

~Also recently discovered Yaoi

(Openly read it in public)

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Hikari Ketsueki Yoku


Hika, Hiki, Hiyo, Tsuki, Yoku, Light, Satsujin, Satsui. Jin, Suji


Six-teen and a half


Cisgender Male





Hikari is a Siren, and therefore uses his voice to attack. He could either use it to cause disturbance to other people, causing them to fail at their task, or he could simply just hypnotize someone with his singing. The possibilities are far off.


Homoflexible With a Leg Fetish

♔Sexy Bitch♔


Hikari is a very quaint, active child.

He holds a fair height of 5'6"- taller then some, shorter then others. He isn't very tall, but he's thankful for not being super short. Hikari has a head of soft locks of natural blue hair and a set of golden-colored eyes. His hair reaches down past his shoulders and rests gently on his upper-torso. In the back of his head the longer strands are split to hang over his shoulder, and his haircut is uneven. Some of it is shorter, and most of the hair on the back is longer.

Hikari isn't one to wear glasses, but in order to read he has to. He takes them off at anytime other then when he reads, and simply deals with the fuzzy outlines he can see. He is pretty-much blind. He has two pairs of glasses, one pair is a backup and the other is the one he uses the most often.

Hikari wears any outfit he feels is comfortable and he liked. So honestly, anything works. More often then not he is found with headphones around his shoulders.

჻¨·Story of Your Average Bitch·¨჻


Hikari was born on an island not far off of a large continent. It was a chilly winter's morning, and his mother was a Siren seductress who had fallen for another male Siren. The two ended up having a child together, their son being the infamous Hikari.

The birthing was hectic.

Hikari's mother- Kita- had lost a lot of blood giving birth to the young child. It wasn't enough to end up dying, but it was enough to put her at major risk. Hikari was also born with a weaker heart and a more fragile body. Both of the members lived, however.

Most of Hikari's life was locked up in his room because of his weak heart condition and fragile body. He got scraped up quickly, and his skin would bruise over from the slightest touch. Kita never liked keeping him in his room, but Hikari's father always insisted on it to protect their son. Hikari also never truly minded. He was never outside enough to grow attached, and he was under the assumption the world beyond was dangerous.

Hikari had always hated dangerous things since he was just a toddler.

Under these conditions, Hikari grew to be even weaker then he had been before. Because he was locked inside so often, his immune system never grew to be strong enough- and even the slightest cold was deadly to his small body.

Kita decided she wanted to leave the island to live with the humans. She wanted to try and restart their life. She tried and tried to convince Hikari's father, but the male wasn't having it. He forbade her from leaving. But Kita wanted to go so badly.

So, one night she took her son and sat on a small hill close enough to the ocean. She sang out into the tonnes and tonnes of water until finally a ship came and picked the two of them up. They took them to the shore of a nearby city. Kita was so happy to be there, but her son wasn't as happy.

And he never would be.

They lived in a fair home close to the ocean. Kita got a job as an entertainer in the musical industry, but because the place was so foreign to Hikari's body he fell ill very often so and was unable to leave the house. He attended a school but never showed up for classes.

At one point, Hikari was healthy enough to get to school one morning. As he was walking to the school, He was pulled into an alleyway by a strange man. Nothing really happened. The man had just stared at the boy intensely. Once he let Hikari go and walked away, the young child began dashing off for his school. On his way he got a traumatizing migraine, and passed out in the middle of the street from it. Hikari was nearly run over by a large truck- and if something had happened the child could've died.

He was sent to the hospital immediately. And when he got there, he stayed there for days. It took five days for Hikari to wake up, and when he did he didn't know who or where he was. He hadn't even recognized his own mother. It took three days after the incident to remember her, and other things too. When he did remember, he remained in the hospital for another five days before he was released back into his mother's care.

But he was never the same.

He'd have moments where he'd pass out randomly. It would be just in any moment, and it would happen for different sorts of periods of time. He'd pass out for three minutes- or even, three days. The longest he had gone asleep was four-teen days. He kept getting checked up by the doctors and his mother went to everyone she could think of to try helping her son. But no one knew what was happening.

After that event, Hikari was a little quirky. He heard voices sometimes, he claimed they were dark voices that told him to do bad things to himself and other people. He never listened to the voices, but they still occurred. At some point he tried ignoring them. Often he'd talk back with the voices and start a conversation, but he tried avoiding that. When he did, bad things happened. The voice had stopped coming and instead weird things happened around him. He'd find himself in some random place, as if he had sleepwalked there. It was like he woke up in a whole new place. But he had still been moving, so it wasn't like his usual black-outs. There was one point when he found himself in the middle of the street. He had no idea how he had gotten there, but he had almost been killed. Five days after this started happening, the voice told him that if he ignored him anymore he'd kill him and his family. After that day, Hikari never ignored the voice.

A year after his "passing-out" randomly had started occurring, there were points in time when Hikari would do things he wouldn't normally do. At this time he was nine-years old.

He was still conscious, but he wasn't in control of his own body. He'd just be watching his own actions as if it were a movie. It got serious after it started. He'd do strange things like go down to the kitchen and grab a knife. He'd take it over to the living room where his other and his's dog was, holding the knife up to the animal in a threatening manner. It was at these points when he would snap out of it and control his body again, taking the knife back into the kitchen and locking himself up in his room.

Then, things got a little more personal.

These incidents happened for a good week or so when Hikari decided he would finally tell his mother about them. He had gone downstairs to search for her, but that was when he lost control of himself. Hikari had gone into the kitchen and broke one of the floorboards. Underneath the floorboards was a gun. Hikari had never seen it before in his entire life, and had no idea how he had found it.

He went out to his mother's room where she was writing something and raised the gun to her head, shooting her down. Before he fired the gun his father had come in, but the man was to late. Hikari had already shot the woman down, and once he did he gained back control of himself and fell to the floor in waterfalls of years.

His father took him back to the Siren's island just before the police came and discovered the body. Hikari told his father everything.

His father took him to an old, wide-woman of the Siren's tribe. The woman looked at his eyes and told him that he had two consciousnesses. One was his bad side, and the other one was him. His other conscious was the voice he kept hearing, and this other personality of his was what caused his abnormal moments.

Once Hikari's father discovered this, he forgave his son for his sins.

Hikari did everything to try and get rid of his second half. He went through therapy and healing sections every other day, but no matter what they did the other character stayed. In a flurry of awkwardly suited feelings, Hikari had started calling his other-self "Satsujin (Japanese for Murder)". He'd always trash talk his other form, and hated Satsujin.

One day, there was this friend of Hikari's. The friend asked Hikari out, and the blue-haired twelve-year-old said yes. The two were close friends, and there was one night when his boyfriend- Yamato- and him were playing by some rocks near the water. They had been playing for a little bit, Hikari would sing to Yamato and they were tussling around in the water for a while. However, things changed when Satsujin took over, bashing Yamato's head on the rocks. Hikari stopped Satsui for a moment, but it was a little to late. Yamato had been beaten to death by the rocks, and ended up dying in Hikari's arms. The last words Hikari had told Yamato were, "I love you." In which the response he received was, "I hate you."

Hikari had tried to drown himself, but Satsujin kept him from doing that. After that day Hikari vowed to never get close to anyone ever again, and he tried to kill himself a lot. Satsujin kept saving him.

At one point, Satsujin told Hikari he loved him, and that he wouldn't let anyone harm him. That just pissed Hikari off.

˙·٠•●○A Bitch's Actions○●•٠·˙


Hikari is quite the odd-ball. He's social, friendly, and active- but at the same time he's shy and anti-social.

Hikari is rather loud, and "enjoys" befriending people. Honestly, he's really just scared of being alone and by himself, and so he tried to get close to people without actually being close to them. Hikari tries to become the friend of everyone, he wants to be that person who everyone knows and everyone hangs out with. In order to do this, Hikari tends to be a little overboard and intimidating.

Hikari tends to be clingy and pushy, although he keeps a distance from people. He hates talking about himself, and when he's put into a situation when questions are being asked he avoids them. The reason for this is because of "Satsujin".

Satsujin is- in a way- Hikari's second personality. It's more like a second conscious that was inserted in his head when he was younger, and can't be removed from him. Satsujin has done some bad things to Hikari, and has made the teenager introverted in a way, and insecure. Hikari is frightened of falling in love with someone else because- well, let's just say his last relationship just didn't go down right.

Underneath his bubbly and happy cover, Hikari is actually very insecure and self-conscious. You could say his smile is really just a mask to hide his problems.

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸A Bitch's Preferences¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪




When Other People Like his Singing

The Sunset on A Cloudy Day

Large Bodies of Water

Making Other People Embarrassed

Boy's Love Romance Novels

Romance In General

"Silent" Days




Cold or Super Hot Temperatures

Dry or Humid Weather


His Moments of Blacking Out

Boring Moments

Awkward Moments

Being Hit on By Other People

Getting Embarrassed


He Has Bad Eyesight

He's Afraid of Falling In Love with Someone

Sometimes, Hikari Will "Pass Out" For Moments of Time


჻¨·Hikari is a bit of a "silent pervert"·¨჻

჻¨·Hikari's name means "light blood bath" in Japanese·¨჻

჻¨·Satsujin has claimed to be in love with Hikari, but Hikari has denied it·¨჻

჻¨·All up Hikari's legs are burn marks from a time when he tried to light himself on fire·¨჻

჻¨·Sometimes in moments when Hikari is "passed out" he goes into a dark room with another version of himself standing in front of him. He believes this other version to be Satsujin·¨჻

჻¨·Hikari thinks the incident with the man in the alley might be involved with Satsujin's sudden appearance·¨჻

჻¨·Sometimes when Hikari is singing, his voice falters into a darker and strangely metallic sounding tone·¨჻

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[fieldset="Nya! I forgot it again!&quot]

""Basic rundowns! Set, go!""

Full name:

Ayane Maiko Haruka


Aya, Ana, Mai




Cisgender Female


Angel's Servant

Angel's servants aren't actually limited to being the servant of an angel. They can belong to any species, low level or higher up. Angel's servants are basically human beings with special abilities ranging from magic attacks to physical upgrades. They live to serve under a person they chose or are chosen by until either that person dies or the servant themselves dies. Angel's servants are to protect their masters to the very end. Most servants chose a strong race such as an angel, a dragon, a demon, ect- and tend to stray from weaker races such as a vampire or siren of sorts. Although some Angel's servants serve a lower species.

Weapons and/or powers:

Magic // Physical Upgrades

Ayane is what we would call a "mixed" servant. Usually, Angel's servants only use one of two abilities: magical or physical. Their powers are given to them at birth. However, Ayane has mixed abilities and can master both magical abilities and physical. Ayane can cast magic spells and use earth elements such as fire, water, air, or even electricity or darkness. Some abilities are harder to master then other's are, and it takes a lot of training to get the skills down pat. With physical attributes, Ayane is stronger then most people assume. She can carry up to four times her size like it was nothing. She's also faster, quick-witted, and has more agility then regular human's do.


Character description:

Ayane is a short girl at the height of 5'2". She's quaint and tame. With a skinny frame and some curves on her, she can be found to be very attractive in one's eyes. She has locks of brown colored hair and beautiful, wide golden eyes.


As a clumsy and bubbly kind of girl, Ayane is very forgetful and has problems with focusing.

She's always smiling, no matter what. In tense spots, she tries to lighten the mood with a joke or crack a smile every once in a while. She helps people out despite her own problems and always puts other people before herself. She protects people as much as she can and hates seeing someone die right before her eyes.

Ayane isn't one to anger easily, but when she does things get scary. Never before has she killed someone, but she has come close to doing it before because she was angry.

Ayane isn't one for crying in front of people. Sure, she'll tear up from joy, but I mean she isn't one to publicly cry from emotional distress in front of others. When she does she gets embarrassed and tries to run off into another, less populated area.


+Getting serious people to smile


+Beautiful scenery



+Cute things



-Getting angry

-Watching people die

-Crying in front of others




-Ayane would do anything to protect someone, even sacrifice herself



Theme Songs






"H-hello! I am Ay-A-A- uh... Ayane! I-I'm Ayane Haruka. Pleased to make your acquaintance, 'sama!"

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Full name: Rex Cog

Nickname(optional): The young genius or that smart allelic

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Weapons and/or powers: A heavily modified revolver, viles of smokes bombs, superior agility, good at enchanting magic and he's a genius.

personality: Rex is sarcastic and a smart allelic mixed with a gentlemen nature. He always has some kind of invetion he was working on.

Likes: Making new inventions, learning, proving he is smarter then others, and chocolate in general except...

Dislikes: White chocolate, people he think are idiots, and when his inventions failed.

Weakness: His overconfidence.

Sexuality: Straight

Full name:

" The name NiKlaus "Burn alive" O'Brien"


"Fire starter, Rex, Klausy, Klaus,Nik...I have a lot of nicknames deal with it pal"


"Im 16 and proud -smirks-"


male "I'm a guy obviously come on now"


Dragon "if you really need to know im a dragon"

Weapons and/or powers:

"lets see... I can control fire, I can turn into a dragon, I can fly,i can harden my skin, I can also use my wings in human form. Weapons? the only weapon I need is my claws well and a Knight sword but no biggie right?"

Character picture(Not required):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/YYYY.jpg.c3d795d3c0e0c31b838beeeaff5c1ddc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/YYYY.jpg.c3d795d3c0e0c31b838beeeaff5c1ddc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92e33f90_Dragonform.jpg.c1cf95862db6f45d5b9eaafc6f65863b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118731" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92e33f90_Dragonform.jpg.c1cf95862db6f45d5b9eaafc6f65863b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
"yea I know cool right?"

Character description(not necessary but recommended):

"you can see everything about me from the picture"

Bio(Not required if you want people to find out via RPing):

"I guess you'll find out later now wont you?"


"lets see im really cocky but I can be nice when I wanna be -winks- I can be a hot head sometimes but that's just the alpha dragon part of me any other time im a really nice guy"


I love animals, the Forrest, flying and food lots and lots of food. Hey! don't judge me im a growing dragon"


"I hate know it all's they really annoy me oh and Elves creep me out"


"water is my weakness and I guess you could throw Animals as my weakness to because I would die for them


"im Gay got a problem with that?"

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed):

This is my song..[media]

(wanted to try to put it like he is saying it... sorry if you can't understand
xD )



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FrostXShadow said:
Full name: " The name NiKlaus "Burn alive" O'Brien"
Nickname(optional): "Fire starter, Rex, Klausy, Klaus,Nik...I have a lot of nicknames deal with it pal"

Age: "Im 16 and proud -smirks-"

Gender: male "I'm a guy obviously come on now"

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): Dragon "if you really need to know im a dragon"

Weapons and/or powers: "lets see... I can control fire, I can turn into a dragon, I can fly,i can harden my skin, I can also use my wings in human form. Weapons? the only weapon I need is my claws well and a Knight sword but no biggie right?"

Character picture(Not required):View attachment 264311

View attachment 264312 "yea I know cool right?"

Character description(not necessary but recommended): "you can see everything about me from the picture"

Bio(Not required if you want people to find out via RPing): "I guess you'll find out later now wont you?"

personality: "lets see im really cocky but I can be nice when I wanna be -winks- I can be a hot head sometimes but that's just the alpha dragon part of me any other time im a really nice guy"

Likes: "I love animals, the Forrest, flying and food lots and lots of food. Hey! don't judge me im a growing dragon"

Dislikes: "I hate know it all's they really annoy me oh and Elves creep me out"

Weakness: "water is my weakness and I guess you could throw Animals as my weakness to because I would die for them

Sexuality: "im Gay got a problem with that?"

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed): This is my song..[media]

(wanted to try to put it like he is saying it... sorry if you can't understand xD )
Greatest theme song ever!
Full name: Jin Ryuushin

Nickname(optional): True Dragon

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Supernatural Human

Weapons and/or powers:



Character picture(Not required):


Character description(not necessary but recommended): Muscular but not bulky

Bio(Not required if you want people to find out via RPing): To be Revealed in RP

Personality: Spiritually Refined, Mentally Composed, Channels emotions and control his emotions, Heroic Nature

Likes: Atrractive Women, Awesome Weapons, Amazing Warriors

Dislikes: Evil Coldhearted Women, Regrets, Betrayal

Weakness: Attractive Women, Tends to be targeted more so than those around him

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed): Default Theme Song


Full name: Hypnos ( Human name: Ayts Megalos


Age:Immortal ( appears to be 18)

Gender: Male

Race: Minor God of Olympus

Weapons and/or powers: Hypnos has control over the sleep and rest of all living things. As the personification of the sleep even gods need it is his responsibility to bring rest to all beings. To help his accomplish this task Hypnos as a staff, horn, and powders made of the poppy plant.

Character picture(Not required):

Character description(not necessary but recommended): 6'3 Olive skinned, not much muscle mass when compared to others.

Bio: Hypnos was born of Nyx and Erebos two gods of the night. Along with his twin brother Thanatos the God of Peaceful Death He travels the world of gods and men lulling their tired bodies to rest. His brother accompanies him everywhere as sometimes it is time to end the life of a weary one so Thanatos takes them as they sleep. Hypnos and his brother were sent to this school by order of Zeus to assist in its mission, but ordered to appear as humans since it has long been a rule that gods cannot directly interfere with the world of men.

personality: Kind and loving Hypnos loves to help anyone and everyone with whatever ails them. His kindness is considered almost saintly because of the lengths by which he is willing to help and comfort others.

Likes: Sleep, helping others,

Dislikes: conflict and suffering

Weakness: As the personification of sleep he is almost always asleep, and by order of Zeus their godly power has been severely limited so as not cause too much interference. He is still susceptible to injury and death should he receive injuries that are too great.

Sexuality: straight.

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed): though I put minor god as the race he will appear to be human

Full name: Thanatos (Human name Adrian Megalos)


Age: Immortal ( Appears to be 18)

Gender: male

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): Minor God

Weapons and/or powers: As the personification of Peaceful Death Thanatos as well the power of death. Though it has been heavily limited to a miasma that eats away as a person's life. He also carries his godly weapon of a sword and a horn like his brother.

Character picture(Not required):

Character description(not necessary but recommended): 6'3 olive skinned, not bulky looking but all muscle

Bio(Not required if you want people to find out via RPing): the same as Hypnos'

personality: Thanatos is cold and uncaring to the plight of others. After shepherding countless souls to the underworld Thanatos became numb to life and seems apathetic to everything but his brother who he protects.

Likes: silence, peace

Dislikes: too much noise, arrogant or ungrateful humans.

Weakness: his power is severely limited by order of Zeus, in this state it is possible to injure him and kill him. He has almost no real combat experience.

Sexuality: Straight

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed): Thanatos and Hypnos will have tattoos on their bodies that limit their power. I would prefer it if only the principal knew of their divinity.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/6b6b3879afc897dbfc7b82cc15636004-d4i1jog.jpg.0f0926d06edd698f13ee0f8b3448dcf3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/6b6b3879afc897dbfc7b82cc15636004-d4i1jog.jpg.0f0926d06edd698f13ee0f8b3448dcf3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/ab0f6e566e6cfa39581de9faf012def0-d4i1j6d.jpg.078f71df31e591c4ed502daab0c65858.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118892" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/ab0f6e566e6cfa39581de9faf012def0-d4i1j6d.jpg.078f71df31e591c4ed502daab0c65858.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Bakeneko, Bastet=a lioness warrior goddess of the sun throughout Ancient Egyptian history

Nickname : Cat

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Parents: Ra, and a cat demon

Race: 9 tail neko demon/old Goddess of war/ Goddess of the moon

Powers: spirit fire, extreme defined strength, hearing, speed, balance, smell, shape shifting, out cunning opponents, hypnotizing, poisoning, illusion





Bio:(keeps her identity hidden, eveyone belives she is a 9 tailed fox demon is all ) 5"6 Bekaneko is beautiful, sweet, and outgoing her friends call her Cat, well that is if she wasn't shunned by all the other kids, her parents had vanished long ago; as a baby some fox demons had nurtured her, but she had later found out that she was a rare 9 tail neko demon, not a fox demon, so shunned and cursed by the clan, at 10 she ran away trying to break her curse, she travels causing trouble everywhere she went, as the fox demons did. Where will her travels take her next? In what time will she be in?

Likes: shiny things, attention, being petted, food!!!, flirting

Dislikes: being ignored, stuck up people, cheese, cows, load noises

Weakness: small space, load noises, breathing

Sexuality: Heterosexuality
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Full name:

Leon Vi Britannia







Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.):


Weapons and/or powers:

[] Light infused katana []

[] Light Magic [] Leon has been studying light magic ever since he was sent to the wizard tower in his kingdom. He can cast light blasts, light shield etc. Light is his strongest affinity.

[] Negation [] Negation is Leon's second best. He can negate some magical effects and spells.

[] Potato Summoner (no joke :3) [] Leon can summon potato food and even summon small potato monsters.

Character picture(Not required):


Character description(not necessary but recommended):

[] Golden hair []

[] Smooth skin []

[] Green jade eyes []

[] Height: 1.85m []

[] Weight: 55kg []

[] Body tone: Lean []

Bio(Not required if you want people to find out via RPing):

Leon is born in an upper class family back in his kingdom. He was sent to the wizard tower at a young age when he was discovered to have a 'talent' especially for light magic. Eventually, the headmaster of the wizard tower decided to send Leon to the Guardian Academy with his parents full support.

Despite his status and nobility, Leon does not abuse it and is very kind towards everyone of all races.


Leon is an active and outgoing person. He loves taking part in sports events and is very sociable. He is usually friendly and calm at most times.


[] Nature []

[] Peace []

[] Music []


[] Disgusting people []

[] Rude people []

[] Violence/War []

[] Donald Trump (no joke either :3) []


[] Dark magic []

[] Spear fighters []



Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed):

Leon loves potatoes (^~^)

[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]Accepted, jump in any time you want and welcome to the RP :)

Great. Thank yiew (#^.^#)
Full name: Kukiko Yukimura

Nickname(optional): Yuki, Kiko, Ku

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Ice Fairy/ Ice Elemental

Weapons and/or powers: Ice manipulation, Can freeze time for about 30 seconds allowing for quick dodging, when eyes are glowing red she has the ability to freeze a person's body for up to 20 minutes if they stare in her eyes for more that 30 seconds, and her ice has magical healing properties that can heal wounds when they are frozen over with Kykiko's ice.

Uses her ice manipulation so make a ice bow, sword, and scythe to fight

Outer self~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-17_23-20-2.png.ed1dd4ed0bd8154881fa713b00ec38ad.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119077" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-17_23-20-2.png.ed1dd4ed0bd8154881fa713b00ec38ad.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Inner self~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-17_22-53-27.png.33294014106cf52db2bcd56f1f927e8c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119069" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-17_22-53-27.png.33294014106cf52db2bcd56f1f927e8c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character description: Around other people she is her outer self, but when she is alone she is her inner self. When she get comfortable around a person sometimes her inner self will slip out to the point where she will get used to being her inner self near that person.

Bio: Kukiko was found as a baby by a nice couple in a little village. When the couple found Kukiko, she was cold as ice and they thought she was already dead. However they could tell that she was breathing so they decided to raise Kukiko as there own child. Growing up Kukiko and her parents alway knew that she was different, however they didn't know she was a ice fairy. Because of that Kukiko was never taught how to use her powers and so she easily lost control of her powers. After a couple of freezing events, Kukiko started to be known as the Ice Witch in her village, and both her and her parents were treated as outcast in her village. She was constantly bullied to the point that she build a strong wall around her. To other Kukiko is a heartless ice 'queen', however deep inside she is a shy, weak and frail girl. When the village kids would beat her to a pulp, outside she was emotionless and showed no sign of being in pain, but deep inside she would be crying and begging for forgiveness. Even through all the bullying and pain, deep inside she care about others and she is really kind even though she does not act like she cares.


Outer self~ Cold as ice, could care less about people and pretty emotionless.

Inner self~ Very kind, cares about others, and wants to help others.


Outer self~ Winter, sword fighting, any kind of foods (has no sense of taste), and the cold

Inner self~ Winter, people, music, singing, sweets, the cold and animals


Outer self- People, kindness, even though she has no sense of taste she hates sweets, and any kind of heat of fire

Inner self- Rude people, spicy foods, haters, fire or heat, anything boring

Weakness: She has some what of a little control of her powers, and if you would consider her multiple personalities a weakness

Sexuality: Straight

Other: both selfs are very gifted in playing any musical instrument, even though her outer self most likely won't act on it

Theme songs~

Outer self~



Inner self~




(This here favorite song to sing she sings both of the versions of the sing)



  • upload_2016-4-17_22-53-27.png
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  • upload_2016-4-17_23-20-2.png
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Full name: Oceane Castallana

Nickname(optional): Ossi

Age: Unknown, appears 17-18

Gender: Female

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): Chimera

Weapons and/or powers: Because she is a hybrid creature, Oceane is able to shift between the three most common forms of Chimera: Lion, Snake, and Ram. Oceane typically sticks to her lioness body, but shifts through her other forms depending on how she is feeling for the day. She has the ability to breathe fire, but flaming from the mouth isn’t typically ladylike, so Oceane tries to keep it to a minimum.

Character picture(Not required):


Character description(not necessary but recommended): Oceane stands short at the height of 5’1, and always smells like a bonfire. She has thick blonde hair and glowing skin, and has a voice that sounds like crackling fire and the strike of a match: sharp but enchanting.

Bio(Not required if you want people to find out via RPing): You can figure it out! She’s a mysterious one, Oceane.

Personality: Oceane is a bright, clever girl with a smart mouth and a hot temper. She puts her friends first, but always tries to remain neutral in any sort of drama. It always seems to her that whenever there’s conflict, she’s drawn to edge on both sides, as Oceane can be quite the instigator. It helps her keep friends on both sides, and also helps her get out a lot of pent up anger she has. After all, she does keep all that fire inside.


· Sweaters

· Loud music

· Dangly earrings

· Birds

· Soft things


· People who mumble

· People who are constantly happy

· Water

Weakness: Oceane blushes at almost any sort of flirtation. She may have a hot temper and a quick wit, but if it’s one thing she can’t do, it’s having a conversation with anyone who shows an interest in her.

Sexuality: Pansexual


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