Advice/Help Group RPs... How do you do that?


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Maybe a tad mixed between Advice/Help and Experiences for the thread prefix here, but I recently met someone who's more experienced in doing group RPs than they are with 1x1 while I'm the opposite and they nudged me a little in our 1x1 saying if I found anyone to add to our RP, they wouldn't mind having them, and I offered them the same.

However, it's been ages since I did any group RPs and admittedly have an impossible time imagining how they go, especially as someone who was often left in the dust in some of the group RPs I did do, so I'm wondering... how do y'all do it?

Do you decide who's gonna go when? Writer A -> Writer B -> Writer C, rinse, repeat. Or do you just leave it as a free-for-all? Or maybe it's a case-by-case basis and you leave communication open for people to let folks know when they want to jump in?

Would love to hear from you! Thanks!
Depends on how often your expecting people to post.

That would be the first thing I would iron out - how many posts are we expecting to produce per week and when is each person available to post within the week.

Then make up a schedule from that.
A posting order is always available, but not common around here
For those 'left in the dust', I have experienced RP'S with one post per round, such as when the MC of the GM posts, it transitions to a new round and one character = one post. This is so things don't get too heavy and still let people get a chance to squeeze something in.

Now it also depends on how long the gap is for everyone posting. Some may post fast and cause to interacting with one or more person for longer due to the timespan of 'being together' in rp.

there is a reason why tagging is always done, to indicate who had a required post. if you can't have anyone interact with you, then try hopping into a conversation. It's mostly from what I seen allowed, unless the rules below mention something else.

might not be helpful but toodles ~

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