Advice/Help Group RP Questions


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Surely someone must have asked this before, but unfortunately if they did, I can't find the thread!

So I mostly just have experience in 1x1s. I've had a great idea for a group roleplay, but I have no idea where to begin; if people with experience could answer these questions, I'd be very grateful.

1) Is there an order in which members of the group RP post? / How does everything not descend into total chaos? Do people give others time to reply before doing so themselves, especially if one person hasn't for a while, so as to give everyone a chance to respond to a character's interaction?

2) What if someone can't be online for a few weeks?

3) Basic group roleplay etiquette?

4) What role does the host play, and what sort of tasks would they need to do?

5) Is it necessary to tag someone when you mention/interact with them?

Thank you!
1. This is generally established in the RP rules, and can be done many different ways. Some GMs prefer to have posting rounds, where everyone posts once per round in no specific order. Some prefer to have a strict posting order instead. Some have rules where two people can't post back-to-back more than twice without a third posting in between. How you choose to do it depends on things like the type of RP, group size, and your preferences as a GM.

2. Also usually established in the rules. Most often GMs give a timeline for how long you can be incommunicado before your character gets sidelined or written off, so this would be up to you on how you prefer to handle it.

3. Basics are usually follow RPN rules and GM directions, no Mary Sues/Gary Stus/OP characters, no meta-gaming/godmodding or auto-hitting, no being toxic OOC, and making sure you communicate if you need extensions on post deadlines or the like.

4. Again depends on the type of game and the type of GM you are. Many GMs also have characters in their RPs, but some don't. Most are expected to help introduce events or move the story along, though of course this can take a lot of different forms- especially depending on if your RP has a set storyline to follow, vs. if your concept is more in the sandbox style.

5. Feel like I keep saying this, but it depends. Tagging someone has sort of become the norm across the board for most RPs, but personally I've never really seen it as a necessity unless you have a huge RP with a huge cast of characters and many intersecting storylines- if your players are properly reading through posts, there should be no need for tagging, but again it's up to you if you want to make it required.

Hope that helps- good luck with your RP!
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2) What if someone can't be online for a few weeks?
It's ultimately your call as the GM, as Ayama pointed out, but keep in mind that your responsibility will be to 2+ other players. As long as you communicate your expectations in the interest check you increase the chances of finding like-minded players. However, time away from a roleplay means time that context can be lost. The more context that's lost, the more effort it is to get back into a roleplay. I personally would not recommend waiting for one player - slow the game down to the bare minimum posting rate if you want and can, so that the missing player doesn't miss much, but keep the game moving. Before the player leaves or after the player returns, you can discuss why their character was missing for the few weeks they were gone and how they can be brought into the current scene.

Other people might feel differently, but that's my take, and the assumption I'm making is that it's a communicated absence. If someone randomly goes silent, don't wait. You don't know if and when they will return, and your responsibility is to the group and the game as a whole, not to one individual.

4) What role does the host play, and what sort of tasks would they need to do?
Ayama highlighted the different styles pretty well. I would add that at the least that your role as GM includes being the player advocate - making sure each person is having a good time and feels included. A lot of roleplayers are shy, and as the ringleader, you are in a unique position to foster connections. Of course, your fun is important too, but that maybe also highlights the importance of accepting characters you believe you can click well enough with, at least if you plan on guiding the plot and not running a pure sandbox. Everyone would love to be able to work with anything no matter what, but that's not the reality for many people, and that's okay. It doesn't necessarily have to be a reactive process. In the interest check, you can specify what character types or plot ideas you can and can't handle.

I don't have anything to add for the others - Ayama's answers are good!

Ultimately, GMing is a trial and error process while you figure out your style. You will probably make mistakes and have a few flops, and that's okay! It's just part of the learning experience.

Hope at least some of this helps!

As someone who dropped 1x1s cuz ewwww clingy people be clingy, I had a similar experience when I went to groups too. It's been like almost a decade? since I done 1x1s so prolly obsolete takes lol

1) Is there an order in which members of the group RP post? / How does everything not descend into total chaos? Do people give others time to reply before doing so themselves, especially if one person hasn't for a while, so as to give everyone a chance to respond to a character's interaction?

1x1 is like alternating turn taking and for the most part it's pretty much the same in groups. Havent done a Post order in like yeeeeeears so coming from 1x1 a 'free-for-all' might feel weird and sometimes anxiety inducing. Something to really consider is like in 1x1 you react and respond to only 1 partner. In groups you can have like up to 10 others. So like yeah. Expect to read. A lot.

I haaaaate speed posting so time to reply for me should be at a pace set to moderate all types of speed. When in doubt ask the gm in the int chk about post freq. And speak up ooc. If someone gone for a while bring it up ooc and figure out with gm and partners what to do next. Idle nuke is the biggest killer of rps IME.

2) What if someone can't be online for a few weeks?

Welllll you kinda hope that rper communicates their absence. But see how often that happens lol. Like I said discuss with partners and gm what should be done. Most gms wait for the missing rper to respond and most are lenient and give like 3 @tags before kicking.

Me? I say make ANY excuse for their charrie to sit aside and press on. Interest will die quickly and rpers will drop. The most patient and understanding ones will remain. But again. Like check the int chk. If you don't see a rule for missing players then ask. As a 1x1 I'm sure you know how eaaaaasy it is to get ghosted. Happens in groups too. Ughs.

3) Basic group roleplay etiquette?

Read the ink chk rules and make sure you can meet them and temper your expectations. A lot of gms ask for things like: semi-lit, adv/lit, min 2 paragraphs, no one liners etc.
So figure that in if you wanna join. And yes in groups charrie sheets are needed and expect some gms to ask for a bunch of sections to fill out.

Unlike 1x1s where you get a loooot of repeat partners and can vet them, it's harder to get a group of repeat rpers. There are people that like call a bunch of repeat rpers 'cliques'. But my gosh anyone who knows how annoying ghosting is should at least like empathize that having loyal and enthusiastic like minded people that you actually trust and enjoy rping with should be something to strive for. No? Just me? Lol .

Oh! And a loooooot of groups move to discord for ooc so kinda get ready for that too.

4) What role does the host play, and what sort of tasks would they need to do?

EVERYTHING!! lol. Think of like in 1x1 when you post your list of prefs,craves, ships, ideas etc. Then like you and your partner usually plot together, right? For the most part gms run the group to lead the plot and story. Gms put in like 97% of work to write the int chk, bump thread to get interest, make the charrie sheet, make the lore, answer all rpers questions, set up ooc, moderate, deal with group probs, etc. Yeah make no mistake, it's work you should love if you gunna gm. Imo.

As for the ic'ly part, a lot of gms make a charrie to interact with and move plot along. It's been a while since I been in rp where the gm just mods and gives plot points to react to. But I thiiiiink that style happens in 'sandbox rps? Anyways my suggestion if you just starting off is to aim small and within your lane. Oh! And just cuz you get 6 bites on int chk don't mean you gunna get 6 rpers. My advice is to try to get a minimum of interest and divide by 2. Like if i get 8 bites, i expect 4 to follow thru.

Oh! And keep expectations tempered. A lot of group rps only make it to the 2nd page before death rot. As gm pls stay ACTIVE in ooc. Hope your enthusiasm catches on and retains rpers.

5) Is it necessary to tag someone when you mention/interact with them?

Hmmmmm... no. Not really. But it can be a double edged sword. Its always nice to get a notif to react to. And a lot of times it gets a direct reaction to reply to your post. Buuuuut like Depending on rpers and how much you write, if you don't @tag another rper and they see a whole bunch of others tagged could be likely they ignore your post. And not tagging anyone could lead to rpers missing details in your post that you are interacting with them

Like think of 1x1 and how much you read and react to your partner. If you have 3 other partners in a group most likely you all in same space and experiencing the same thing. But like a cast of 10 people could have a bunch of charries splintered off and having multiple convos going at once. And some rps let the rpers play 2 or 3 MCs too! So like yeah could be helpful to tag your partners you interacting with.

BOOM! Hope this helps!!

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