Advice/Help Group interests tips

The A-Train

New Member
Hey, I suck at making group interest checks, but I want to make one. Whenever I do it seems no one is interested in joining because my idea is not interesting, or I do not have enough information. I am not sure what is it. Any advice on advertising a little better and getting people to actually check out your interest check and more of a chance of them joining?
Cracking the 'formula' for a successful Interest Check is a notoriously elusive goal, but here are a few basics/suggestions:

1. Even though content does and should matter most, since presentation is the first thing people see when they click your thread, make sure that you haven't neglected it. I don't necessarily mean you need to use a bunch of fancy BBCoding or anything like that, but just making sure that your title and contents have been spellchecked, and everything is organized into sections that players can easily click or scroll through- that sort of thing.

2. Again, in the vein of catching that initial interest, a 'hook' can be helpful- a short little introductory, flavor paragraph designed to give people an overall sense of the vibe of RP you're going for, that'll make them want to learn more about it and potentially want to join.

3. Include information on the type of RP this is, and any relevant rules (will it be sandbox-style, or have an overarching plot? long-term or short-term? casual or more committed? how many characters per player? what are the expectations for posting frequency and length? OOC on Discord or on-site? etc.)

4. If you have several ideas for RPs you would want to run, sometimes it can be helpful to post an Interest Check with a handful of potential settings/plots and a poll for people to vote on them- that way you cast a wider net, and then go for the story that seems to appeal to the most players.

Anyway hope that helps, and good luck~!

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