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Realistic or Modern Group Home for Troubled Teens. (Roleplay)

Kai gets out the car. She sees the group home people already opening the door and getting ready to greet her. She sighs as she walks forward with her social worker. Before anyone says anything, she hands them the notebook opened to the things she had written down in the car. She looked at her social worker who glares at her and she groans rolling her eyes as she waits for the three dudes to introduce themselves. Her social worker begins to explain her mental issues and telling them that she was basically crazy and no one wanted her. The woman really hated her.

rickyxhorror rickyxhorror ToXiC_ScArE.CrOw ToXiC_ScArE.CrOw
Eli reads what is written on the paper and smiles a bit, he knows how it feels to be looked at as "different."

You see, Elijah is hard of hearing, he has this condition called Meniere's Disease which comes with a slew of problems, including fluctuating hearing loss which almost always ends in some degree of permanent hearing loss.

Hesitantly, he takes a step forward.
"Hey" he says extending his left hand towards the girl "I'm Eli, it's nice to meet you, and welcome home."

He then turns his attention to the direction of the social worker and gives a smug grin, hoping this will annoy the rude woman. And then he turns his attention back to Rick and Vinny.
"Hey, I could give Kai a tour of the place if you'd like! That way you can do whatever you have to do with the social worker?" He asks them, hopeful.
rickyxhorror rickyxhorror @TIRED+PRINCE
Rick had been totally out of it. This bitch was so annoying that maybe no one wanted to listen to her. Rick took the note book and he scribbled with a pen in his pocket; -Do you know sign language? I was mute for a long ass time too, from 12 to 18.- Vinny had intently listened to the social worker and scribbled signatures on all papers. "You're very rude to say that Kai is not wanted and to call her crazy is a bitchy thing to do. She's quite lovely and wanted here. So I mean Rick here will sign off an you can go. We know all the bullshit rules so we'd like you to leave as soon as possible." Vinny sassed and the caseworker was taken aback.
Rick handed the pad back to Kai and nodded to Eli. He had no clue whether or not Eli knew sign language. Rick just didn't feel like talking. He then scribbled a neat signature on the sheets and handed them to Vinny who shooed the mangy bitchy caseworker away.
Kai smiled, a real smile for the first time in weeks. She nods at Rick, writing back that she knew a bit of sign language from her stay at the rehab. There was another mute like her and they thought that sign language could have been a way to talk without anyone trying to understand what they were saying. She looked at the hand that Eli was extending towards her and she took a finger shaking it. She writes down, it's good to have a home. She looked at Vinny surprised as he stands up for her. She signs almost instantly 'No one really stood up for me before...' She hasn't been stood up for in a very long time. It stunned her for a bit. Maybe this home wouldn't be so bad. She looked at her new 'parents' with a thinking look on her face

rickyxhorror rickyxhorror ToXiC_ScArE.CrOw ToXiC_ScArE.CrOw
After spending some time in her room, Bella decided to make an appearance. She heard the new girl was coming and she did not want to be rude. On her way to the living room Bella caught a glance of Bolster. Her eyes peered into the somewhat cracked bedroom door. He seemed to be preoccupied with a sketch of some sorts. "Bolster, do you mind me asking what you are so interested in?" Bella made sure to knock lightly before speaking, she was all about manners. She never really did art herself, however she was a huge admirer of it; considering she liked literature so much. Art and writing are both arts alike.
"Just making a surprise for our new comer friend...Nothing special just a regular sort of drawing. Any reason you're not reading today?" he said smiling in his classic loyalty pose.
Bella was suprized at his response. She didn't think Bolster would really take much interest in others, especially not going out of his way to make a piece of art for some mystery person. "Oh come on. theres no such thing as a 'regular' drawing" She raised an eyebrow. Most any piece done by an artist always has some sort of intention behind it. "To answer your question, I actually just got done re-reading one of my favorite books. I'm gonna check out this new girl, and then head to the book room. Are you going to finish that sketch today?" Bella asked finishing with a question.
Bolster froze and just held the pencil shaking. The sweat salty and looking out stood strong on his head. Looking up he closed his eyes to hide his emotions. Smiling he asked, "She's here?"
Alyssa set down her controller and glanced at the new girl. Eli seemed to keep her occupied, even though it must be hard to keep a conversation with someone mute. Well, hard for Alyssa that is. The teen was already an introvert and a poor conversationalist. If the other person doesn't talk, boy oh boy. 'Maybe I'll have Rick teach me sign language.' Alyssa thought and let out a hm sound.
Rick had simply wanted to be there for Kai as well as Vinny. Neither of them took rudeness well. Vin did'nt take bullshit, Rick did. He did shit about it later. Rick signed to Kai. 'I'm Rick and I was mute from 11 to 17. Then I met Vinny.' Rick explaine with a soft, weak smile. Vinny shooed the mangy bitch from the trouble teens home. "Out with the old, in with the new. Hello. I'm Vinny, they call mes the tonemeista. Or TRaP DEMoN or Vin."
Eli decided not to go out to shoot photos, instead, he disappears upstairs to wait for the newcomer to be finished with the usual introductory stuff. He takes out his notebook and begins writing. He doesn't know what it is about this new girl but he feels something different towards her. He makes it his new goal to try to get to know her.
Rick had tried to make his words simpler with Kai and have a conversation. He waves his hand gently to take her bags upstairs. Vinny does so instead and he straightens his and Rick's bed up. "Apologies dude, it's super gross in here cause me and Rick live in here."
Kai slightly smiles while signing to Rick 'Do they really call him the TRaP DEMoN?' She looks at Eli who went back in the house. He seemed quiet like her but different too. She was curious about Eli, and wanted to know more about the boy. Kai shakes her head of these thoughts as Rick signed something to her again. 'I'm Kai, I've been mute for about 3 years now. ' She signs back while looking at Rick who she feels a slight better connection with then Vinny. Vinny scares her to be quite honest.

'I don't mind the mess. At the rehab, it was too clean.' She signed to Rick because she didn't think Vinny knew Sign Language and she helped them with her bags into the house.
Rick nodded and gave a soft giggle. 'The one and only. My silly TRaP DEMoN. Nice to know that someone else can sign right?' Rick signed. Vinny was staring at the conversation. He had no clue what they were doing so he threw up the west side gang symbol. Then he threw up the east side gang symbol. "West side punks. Y'all throwin gang signs so I figured I'd join in." Vinny said and he plopped into his bed. "By the way, is it cool if you sleep in her as of tonight and then tomorrow I will move the bed out?" Vinny asked and honestly, in clear view the room wasn't all that messy.
Rick poured another coffee and Vinny took over from Rick asking another questions. "Milk or creamer or sugar?" Vinny shouted for Alyssa and he awaited a reply as Rick stared at Vinny. This lovely little dude was so strong. Rick wished he could be like that.

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