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Realistic or Modern Group Home for Troubled Teens. (Roleplay)

Crimson Rose

Elder Member
A group of teenagers unwanted in the world living together in a group home in venice california. They’re a very tight bunch of friends that stick together even during some of the toughest times, since they all came to the home, not letting many people get close to one another since they are basically the only sort of family they have. Until one day a new comer showed up. ( Im really bad at summaries.)

Alright everyone this is a roleplay of six teenagers( three girls, three boys) living in a group home for troubled teens living their average day lives when their caretaker suddenly informs them that there is a new comer, coming to the group home and having to deal with letting a new person in to their group. Which they aren’t to fond of doing so.


1: You may have only one oc and they may not have a pet, unless its the caretaker cause there is usually more than one, than you may have two.

2: Please try to be active, let me know if something happens ahead of time where you have to go somewhere.

3: You have to at least post three lines that’s the limit, and try to use good spelling.

4: You can reserve a character spot before the forum is made. I will pm you the application ahead of time if you want so you may post it once the character sheet is posted.

5: Let me know if two characters are going to be in a relation ship if both of you agree apon it.

1: Crimson Rose
2: Aero Aero
3: RedsLullaby RedsLullaby
1: F35H F35H
2: ToXiC_ScArE.CrOw ToXiC_ScArE.CrOw
3: Mangoo Mangoo

1: rickyxhorror rickyxhorror

New person:
1: @T I R E D + P R I N C E
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It was a bright and warm morning in the nothern part of Venice, California not a single cloud in the sky. Sunlight pierced through the large windows of the home, a light breeze pushing the curtains ever so gently, blowing the light aroma of bacon and eggs through out the halls of the group house. Along with clinks of plates and cups being placed along a wooden table, as the teens's caretaker set the table.
Alyssa groaned and placed her pillow on top of her head, hoping it would shield her eyes from the incoming sunshine. The adolescent did not want to get up, even the tempting smell of breakfast did not motivate her to move. Alyssa had been up all night reading a new book she borrowed from the library. The plot was amazing and caused the girl to lose track of time. Alyssa hoped that she will be able to sleep in to catch up with her sleep.
Bolster was sleeping peacefully in his bed when the sunlight battered and bashed its way through his eye lids. "Ack" said he rolling his head around. Swinging his legs off the bed he tilted his head to the window. "Oh." Rubbing his eyes he sighed. Getting up off the bed he sniffed a familiar smell of a common breakfast. A yawn followed by stretch led him out the room doorway.
Sitting up, Bellatrix yawned and rubbed her eyes. Bella stood to her feet and ambled lazily over to her door way. Glancing into Alyssa's room, she noticed that the adolescent was still sleeping. She let out a small chuckle in amusement at how difficult it was for the child to get up. Trix closed her eyes and lifted her head ever so slightly as the aroma of bacon and eggs filled her nostrils. A smile spread across her face, breakfast was her favorite meal of the day. Her silver-blue eyes moved over to the once again sleepy Alyssa. "You weren't reading that book again were you?" Bella's deep voice rang out. Trix was a huge bookworm. She would read all day and night if she could, but being the oldest one she knew that she had more responsibilities. She simply could not waste the day away getting lost in the adventures of Harry Potter.
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Alyssa was almost asleep until a deep voice woke her. She let out a sigh, knowing the voice belonged to Bellatrix. "No." Alyssa answered, which was a bit muffled thanks to the pillow still on her head. This was an obvious lie and it didn't help that the book laid beside her in the bed. Alyssa slowly pulled her cover up to hide the book. She knew Bella most likely noticed her conspicuous movement, but it never hurts to try.
Bella raised an eye brow as she watched Alyssa try and sneak the book under the comfort of her pillows. " Oh that's to bad, because I happen to have the second book. I was looking for someone to give it to. I guess I will just have to donate it to the library." Bella turned away with a smug look on her face. She knew that Alyssa would most likely give in.
Avery silently trashed about in her bed as she slept, kicking about as her bedding now laid on the ground of her bedroom which was sepearte from the other two girls right next door since it was two of the same gender per room. She tossed and turned a bit, sweating in her sleep, wimpering very lightly as her eyes shot open. "Few it was just another dream," she said softly to herself trembling lightly as arose from her holding her self for a few moments. The girl sat their for a few minutes in her bed before rising at the smell of breakfast, a smile forming on her face.

She bundled up her pillows, sheets, and blankets into one big ball tossing it up onto the bed. "That doesn't look to messy?" she thought out loud, her eyes gazing at the ball of blue an white fabrics, shaking her head with a smile deciding it wasn't, as she opened the door of the bedroom wearing her blue pajama pants with clouds, an a white tank top shirt making her way to the stairs.
Eli jolted as the alarm on his phone went off, the vibration and the flashing LED light scaring him awake.

"Can you not?" he says begrudgingly to his alarm.

I am going insane he thinks to himself as he realizes he is talking to himself. Slowly, he rolls out of bed, throws on his favourite t-shirt which says "Professional cat petter" and his shorts which he just threw on the floor the night before. With a stretch, he leaves his room, ready to take on the day.
Partially tired, but still jollily marching down the steps Bolster happily sat down in a chair attached to the wooden table. Already looking like an overjoyed fool, he stuck his tongue out. Resembling a dog at this point he yapped out an almost feminine but jubilant, "Hi!" @Caretaker Crimson Rose Crimson Rose
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Alyssa let out a groan and threw the pillow onto the floor. "Wait." She said in an exasperated voice and sat up, her hair a mess. The teen ran her fingers through the tangled locks, making it look a bit more presentable. Alyssa's expression was an annoyed and tired one while her huge purple t-shirt fell, revealing one of her shoulders. "I want that second book." RedsLullaby RedsLullaby
Rick had stayed silent, only spectating the teenagers. He never really had much to say, it was very early. He hadn't taken his meds and neither had Vinny, and speaking of Vinny.
Vinny was practically floating above the ground due to how energetic he was, and it was hilarious to watch. "Yo who wants chocolate waffles, we have this sick waffle maker that Rick doesn't want me to talk about and I wanna make waffles. Y'all I'm gonna make waffles." Vinny hadn't even realized he spilled Rick's secret of the new waffle iron. "Who wants chocolate and who wants normal boring waffles? Rick, you want coffee, you look so dead right now." Vinny retorted to himself.
Rick glared at the bouncing boy and sighed, giving in. "I'll only drink your coffee if you take your meds right now." Rick cooed, hoping Vinny would stop procrastinating. Vinny slid his feet to the counter and began to mix the waffle mixture. Rick had smirked and snickered a bit, yet Vinny's left leg was still bouncing.
A smile tugged at the corners of Bella's mouth, "I thought you might". Bella tossed the book over to Alyssa hoping she would catch it. "Oh and... pull up your shirt" Bella chuckled.
Giving in to the scents of bacon and eggs, Bella began making her way towards the dining room. Bella was still in her "Pj's" which consisted of a really long shirt that was to big on her, and socks that went up to her knees. Continuing down the long hallway Bella hoped that she wouldn't run into any of the others. She wasn't really interested in any of them. The only one who she really cared for was Alyssa. Alyssa had a passion for literature just like Bella. This made conversation and awkward pauses a lot easier.
Bolster at the time being the only one at the table casually responded, "Chocolate!"
Strangely enough he completely missed the fact hes never had waffles here.
All of a sudden shifting his head around in a thoughtful almost shifty sense he caught sight of Bella. "Morning Bella!" RedsLullaby RedsLullaby
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Vinny cheered and he clapped a bit. "Yo yo yo! Chocolate for the cool dude." Vinny cheered and he poured a lot of chocolate chips into the waffle batter. "You guys don't mind right?" Vinny asked. Ricky had sighed and hugged Vinny and whispered in his ear. "Vin, come on. Calm down, and take at least half of your medicine right now. Come on." Rick tried to convince Vinny. The two were so close they might as well have dated, and they seemed like it.
No one else would ever know, and they likely would keep it a secret.
Bella finally made it to the dinning room. She heard her name called out in a deeper voice. "Good morning Bolster, how are you this fi--" Bella choked on her words as the scents of chocolate diffused about the room. "Excuse me" Bella did a hand motion in front of her self to try and stay calm and collected. "Its okay Bella it's just chocolate" she mumbled so that no one could hear. She has an absolute obsession with chocolate, however she always tries her best to keep calm and collected, for it is not her character. Bella closed her eyes taking a deep breath. "How are you this fine morning" she repeated as sweat began forming on her forehead.
Ricky had held onto Vinny's hips and turned him away from the waffle mixture to face him. He held Vinny's hips gently, and pressed his forehead against Vinny's. "Please? You'll float away from me with all this energy in you. Come on." He pleaded. Vinny nodded and he promised silently to Rick and they both shook on it. Vinny had then went back to the waffle iron and took out the first waffle. "Hey hey chickie, you first. Keep up the sick hair, you look nice." Vinny said, simply trying to encourage positivity between the kids. Vinny placed it right on Bella's set plate. Ricky glared at Vinny and he pouted, opening the cabinet and getting the meds he was supposed to take. Rick and Vinny took their meds at the same time and Ricky gave a weak smile to Vinny. Rick smiling was rare yet it was sweet. "Thank you Vinny. Who wants the next one."
Trying not to scream MEEEEE, Bella raised a hand with one finger pointing up. "I would please" she managed to say without showing to much interest. Her mind screamed out for the chocolate waffles. Her favorite meal of the day plus chocolate? No day could start off better in her mind. -short-
"Waffles what's the occasion?" Avery questioned curiously as the fifteen year old, peeped her head around the corner from the common room looking into the kitchen. Before the anxiety filled teen walked into the kitchen, taking a seat at her usual spot at the dining table. Holding her hands in her lap fiddling with her fingers in a anxious manner. "Good morning everyone." she said with a soft smile on her face.
Rick had shrugged and he took another sip of water. Vinny had popped another waffle from the iron and then another. "Avery, for you." He said and handed Avery a fresh waffle.
"Vinny blurted out that I had bought a waffle iron and decided upon himself on impulse that he was making everyone chocolate chip waffles." Rick grumbled and Vinny smiled at Rick.
"But you see, Rick Olson loves me so he's not mad at all." Vinny reassured and laughed a bit.
"But you all see, Sadly; Vinny is right." Rick said and they both gave short small laughter.
Bolster giggled at reds somewhat obvious excitement and continued to giggle at Vin and Ricky's constant struggle. "Morning Avery have a good sleep?" Although it seemed like mockery, this was actually care. Bolster tends to try and calm most people who need it. Knowing of Avery's aliments this is one way of doing it.
Ricky and Vinny had made over ten waffles and they had batter on their faces and they cleaned up the kitchen yet the batter had dried on their faces, causing them to completely forget about it. "Vinny, your hair wait.." Rick spoke softly and Vinny paused his motion so Rick could fix his hair. Rick ran his hand through Vinny's hair only getting more batter in it. "Rick, why?!" Vinny had exclaimed and Ricky giggled a little. "Goddamn it you.. cute idiot." Vinny had mouthed the second half of that to Rick so only people staring at Vinny's lips knew what he had said.
Alyssa didn't attempt to catch the book and watched as it fell onto her bed. She was going to thank Bella but the older teen had already left. Alyssa shrugged and stacked her two books together, then set them on her nightstand. She decided sleep was no long an option at this point, and decided to grudgingly get up. Alyssa slowly made her way out of her room and down the hall, fixing her shirt just for it to fall off the other shoulder. The teen made it to the kitchen and noticed her caretakers discussing something amongst themselves. Alyssa would ask what was going on, but she hadn't had her daily dose of caffeine so she didn't care. The girl plopped down in her usual seat and watched as her friends discuss around her.
Vinny and Rick were simply fooling around when Rick remembered that he had to check that everyone had what they wanted.
"Uhm, do you all have everything you want? Anyone need anything?" Rick said softly, hoping that the kids had heard him. Vinny tended to be his walking microphone and lots of other things honestly. The would reveal that later in the relationship between the kids and themselves.
"Rick had just asked if you guys are good? We have something to discuss in the next room if you all are good here. " Vinny repeated, yet louder. Not yelled, projected.
"Coffee. Please." Alyssa ordered when her caretakers asked if they needed anything. If they were going to to discuss anything, the sixteen-year-old will need her caffeine or she will fall back asleep during the meeting. Alyssa let out a yawn and rested her chin on her hand, ready to doze off.

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