Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|


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The night was cold...and his door was always open for wandering travelers...

Grim's Manor

This RP is about the suspicious manor house down the street, the house is right next to a grave yard where fog tends to accumulate in. The owner of this fine home is named, Grim, he will leave his door open for ones who need a place to stay...but once'll find it hard to leave. There is a dark secret that lies right under this home, and it will take a brave soul or souls to find out what...but the question is...what will you do with the secret? Will it be used for good? Evil? Will you continue to protect it form the scales? Or will you use it for your own personal goals?

Will you tell me who you are?



(demon, Angel, Grim reaper, human or something different?)



Social class:


Anything you want to add:



Race:he is a fallen angel, alien and a demon holder(although the demon is the original king of hell, the mad king who only wants to destroy)

Personality:he trys to hide it but hes deeply depressed and suicidal, he thinks people will find him weak if he tells them

Looks: he is fairly good looking around 6'1 with black hair and blue eyes

Social class:he is the new god of hell so he is higher up in the social class(no he isnt invincible)

Age:looks about 16 but is around 1600 uears old

Extra: he is a wizard and can turn himself into true silver, dark elf metal and fate energy (on rare occasion)
*rune enters the manor, tired from his travels he decided to rest here as he heard it was open ro rest in*rune:hmm, something strange is in here*he closes his eyes in concentration then relaxes*rune:whatever it is its well hidden
(Chara Info

Name: Alice

Gender: Female

Race: Unknown but shall be revealed later

Personality: Has the tendency to switch her personalities from dark and sadistic to kind and caring.


Social Class: Royal though she likes to tell that she is just a simple peasant

Age: 19

Hint Hint: May be Alice of Wonderland


Name: Chesiree (Pronounced Chess-E-Ray)

Gender: Female

Race: Same as Alice

Personality: Mischievous and sly, a true card. Her tendency to play tricks earns her the name "Poltergeist"


Social Class: Trickster/Thief

Age: 17

May I join?)
(Yeah you may join, btw any style of RP is welcome, as long as we can understand what is going on, and I have multiple characters I am using



Grim reaper

he is a creepy man who tends to lead people into tricks and traps just for the fun of it

he has long white hair, although his features are rather youthful

as for social class, he is considered a noble amongst humans, and a very respect grim reaper with the supernatural

his age is over 50000 years old, he has been around for a long time





a caring young woman who tends to care for the injured and lest fortunate, despite her sadness.

she has brown hair that rests on her shoulders and green eyes

social class: A noble

age 18)

Grim: *pops up behind Rune with a sly grin upon his face, a rather creepy...sly face* hello there sir~ I'm assuming you'd like somewhere to stay? hehehhe they all do... *looks to the large stair case* Lillian dear...why not come down and welcome the guest...

Lillian: *comes out of her room and smiles down at Rune* Hello... *walks down the stairs*
*rune looks at grim suprised* rune:well its nice to see a reaper after so long, i thought the last of you was lokang...i guess im wrong*he smiles and bows to grim* it is an honor to meet you

Rune thinks:what a strange place, what is with that human girl? She seems so saddened...oh well to each their own
Alice looks at the house, wondering if she should hide in there. Hearing the shouts of the boys who were chasing her, she quickly ran in, only to see she wasn't the only one there.
*rune looks at alice* rune in a polite tone:hello madam, i dont belive ive had the pleasure of meeting you yet, will you honor me with your name?
"My name is Alice....." She gasped, out of breath from running. Her eyes glittered with slight fear, untrusting of each person there. It was unusual for a girl like her to be even the slightest bit fearful, having dealt with a great amount of things worse than the situation she was in now.
Rune:hello mistress alice, my name is runeofflame but my driends call me rune*he smiles, his teeth glimmering , he seemed to almost flow happiness from himself today, an unusual sight forb he usually feels depressed*
Grim: *turns his attention to Alice and grins* Oh...well aren't we getting a lot of company huh Lillian?

Lillian: *nods and smiles* I'm sure the others would be glad to meet the both of them...

Grim and Lillian: *talk as if the Rune and Alice aren't there*

Grim: Ahem, well anyway, you two are both welcome~ Everyone Lillian...why not help them get situated...

Lillian: *nods* long do you plan on staying?
"I don't really-" she was cut off as something jumped on her, knocking her to the floor. "I was right! I was right! Chesiree Cat is never wrong! Of course Alice would be somewhere like this!" the girl said.
Lillian: O-Oh! A-Alice! Are you okay! *trying to help her*

Grim: Lillian...please *messages temples* Step back...

Lillian: *nods* Of course... *backs away*

Grim: I am assuming you *looks at Chesiree* are with Alice? Either way if your planning to stay, go on ahead...
"Why wouldn't I be with Alice? If shes here and I'm there, then I should be here!, Just like B-Rabbit told me to do!" Chesiree said happily.
Grim: Well I won't question anything so, as I was saying...Lillian...if you would...I'm going to be in my study... *waves Lillian off and he appears to be "done" for today"*

Lillian: *smiles weakly* anything you wish Grim... *stays quiet till she was sure he was gone* .....Well...I haven't properly introduced myself *extends hand* I'm Lillian...and Grim isn't one for "proper" I suppose...but would any of you like drinks? Food? Rest? I'll do anything I can to help...
((I have two other characters that I want to add to make things interesting, so here is their info

Name: Kalcyte pronounced just like Calcite

Gender: male

Race: demon

personality: happy go lucky, and a little bit slow, but equally funny

Looks: black hair and glowing green eyes

Age: 135 looks about 19


Name: Gabriel

Gender: male

Race: demon (yet he is trying his best attempt to be a priest)

personality: calm and cool. Tends to stay quiet and is bad at telling jokes. He can be awkward but in a cute way

looks: black hair glowing green eyes, and he normally wears a green scarf 24/7

age: 135 looks 20))

Lillian: *bites her lip* Um...well...o-of course...but there will be two others returning, they live here, and are twins, so please give them the highest respect...they are actually the co-owners of this fine home...and Grim is the the other owner...I hope you enjoy your stay... *bows and starts to walk up stairs* Go on an explore the manor...But...please...don't get too curious...we are all just guest here no? *smiles reassuringly and disappears into one of the hallways*
"Would you get off of me now, Chess?" Alice growled. "Whatever Alice says, Chesiree Cat must do!" Chesiree said as she got off of her.
Kalcyte: *throws a statue from outside through the window and climbs in*

Gabriel: *walks through door* Must you break the window every time?

Kalcyte: Wait...I thought *covers face* never mind-- *sees Rune* ...Oh! *bows* It's um...good to see are you um doing here? *slightly panicking*

Gabriel: *gets a bit nervous as he sees Rune, Alice and Chesiree* um...looks like Grim has brought some more guests in... *looks down avoiding eye contact from everyone* ....I'm gonna... *starts to walk away*

Kalcyte: *lets a out some nervous laughter* ...
*rune loomed at kal*rune: i do not recall you, have we met before? Was it that time with redok the black dragon?

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