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Fantasy Grim Society - OPEN

"I'm a Shapeshifter, this is my preferred shape. The others told me I could use a unique form so I decided to go with this one! Satyrs 'n' fauns are cool so... yah!" He laughed. He hoped doomsday was far away.. but he never knew. 

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"Others, you mean you know more shapeshifters? Also what do you mean by pick a form?" Jack said happily. "Do you think I could meet them?." Jack smiled happily as he learned about other non-humans who weren't reapers. He looks around to see if the others were hiding somewhere.

Oliver seemed a bit conflicted on what to do. More or less which one he should hand the controls over to first. Jukha would probably hand it back over to Oliver, or hopefully. And J'Dul... well he'd be J'Dul. "Yah, sure! An' this form is unique to me mainly! Since the other two have their own. You ready to meet them?" He decided to hand the reigns over to Jukha, he'd hand it back over. 

Jack nods as Oliver say that he is about to meet the others. "Um......Where are they?" He looks around for the others but sees no one else but them. "Do you have to call them or something?"

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"No... err just watch." He moved behind an isle and began to shift, after making sure it was clear of humans first. He handed the reigns over to the apeman, who proceeded to change his clothes into a dark green shirt, jeans, military boots, and a hoodie. Moving out to greet Jack, 

"Hello. I am Jukha, one of Oliver's friends." He stuck out his hand for him to shake. 

"Jukha nice to meet you, so where'd Oliver go?" Jack said after Oliver went out of sight and the big guy walked out. "Its really strange its like Oliver turn......Ohhhh thats what he meant by the others." He shook the big guys hand and smiled. "You know if I'd have to guess your a gorilla guy, right?" He gave the big guy a firm hand shake. "So if you don't mind me asking whats you guys story?"

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Jukha shook his hand, and as he asked the question he had no clear answer. 

"I don't know really, one day we had just popped up I guess. There is one more, J'Dul but I won't trust him around any women, nor around anything for that matter... anyway after popping up we and Oliver became friends. Since we had unique forms we decided to encourage him to get his own form. Something different from the others. And so he did I guess. That's really all I know." He shrugged, not having anything else to say. 

Jack just smiles and says. "Huh, So there are three of you in there. Thats pretty cool, the only thing the voices in my head do is yell. So whats the J'Dul guy like, other than what you've told me. Oh and how did you change your clothes." He finally noticed his change in attire.

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"We have the ability to also change our clothes, part of the shapeshifting ability. And J'Dul does not have as many morals as we do. Plus he's a bit flirtier than the rest of us. So we tend to make sure not to hand the body over to him unless we have to. Of course he still does get out through tricks." He concluded the statement with a nod, pulling the hood up. 


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