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Fantasy Grim Society - OPEN

Ella Vesik

Ella looked up from her camera as the man commented on her taking the photo of the shattered glass, a small smile playing around on her lips as she turned to look at him. "To you it's shattered glass to others it symbolizes the harsh reality of society and the pressure it places on us...or one could be less analytical and say it just looks cool." She said with a shrug. Though her smile quickly faded as he snapped at her after her comment towards the spirit. "I didn't...It wasn't meant towards you. I was talking to the...ah...Sorry, my sleep schedule has been a bit wonky." After opening her mouth Ella realized that if she told the others her hiss was meant for a spirit she would most definitely kick her out. Most people did not understand what she saw and when she attempted to explain they only turned against her. 

Her attention turned to the girl who spoke, coming to the conclusion that the girl's name was most likely Logan. She smiled at the girl's suggestion to spruce up the place, seeing the coffee shop was a bit run down. Though Ella liked the run down feel, believing it to be far better than the newer shops around the city. "You don't find many coffee shops like this anymore. So many stories in one little room." She commented, not knowing if it would be welcomed or not. Ella was quite the free spirit, not really caring what others thought of her just as long as she could get her two cents in before a conversation was over. 

Ella moved her attention as the movement came from the corner of her eye, though when she went to look it was gone. She knew she was most likely the only one to see this but the two employees had to know there was something going on. As Ella walked around the establishment, taking a few photo's here and there as she tried to establish some kind of story to go with them. She decided to have a bit of light conversation, seeing she was only here out of their kindness. "I'm Ella by the way. Ella Vesik. I'll give you my card in case you or the owner had any questions." Ella spoke as she listened to the man grumble as he slammed the register causing her to smile in amusement. Luckily her back was to them, knowing her smile would not be appreciated. 

@WolfSol @poutysunshine
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Lei-Mei froze before she was about to walk out of the drug store and she looked down at the boy. "Uh.. Hello young one.  Um...did you need help with something till your parents come by?" She asked as she knelt just enough to make proper eye contact with him.  No one in her mind was disabled.  There are merely obstacle either physical or mental or both that people need some help with to overcome every now and then but each person is a unique individual with hidden talents and specialness.  She smiled warmly at him and chuckled, the sound light and sweet.  "Need groceries? Something specific you're looking for?  I practically live here in this drug store sense I come here to shop almost daily."  She offered help, but if he wished to be independent then she would let him have that freedom of independence.  She treated him as not a boy, but a young gentleman, an equal of sorts, because in her mind the boy was still young but nonetheless he was still an equal no matter if he had crutches or not.  She spoke with him equally on his level of height. "Perhaps antibiotic ointment for your hands? They seem very burned...blistered even.  Ice bags will help as well and...well have you any parents that have a wheelchair for you when you need to rest your hands?"  She asked once again assuming this young one had some sort of parental figures around to walk over and take care of him.  The man that had lead the boy to the store had kind of disappeared to do his own shopping presumably and so that man was not the boy's father. 

Lei-Mei couldn't explain why she was so concerned about whether or not the boy had parents or anyone that was looking out for him.  Unless, the tragedy would be that he was homeless, this happened far too often in New York and one was often left alone to fend for oneself.  Lei-Mei found herself almost acting motherly, but then found herself instead thinking of being more like a guardian.  Not mother.  Instead, more like a guardian, a protector, watcher, and friend of the small boy.  She couldn't really describe why she felt so strongly over a stranger and it was quite possible that the boy could be dangerous, but she didn't sense anything malicious from the boy nor did she feel like he was insincere about his greeting and being enthusiastic about meeting people. 

Perhaps the boy was naïve or too friendly and trusting not yet knowing just how terrible the world could be.  Whatever the case, Lei-Mei was not just going to leave this boy to fend for himself on crutches alone, not with his hands being in the current condition they were in.

Jack nodded towards the lady and helped Oliver inside. Jack looked around until he found a topical cream that would both keep the blisters from getting infected and stopping the pain. He hurried back and saw the lady talking to him. "Hey Oliver, found some cream for your blisters." He walked up and gave the lady a smile as he paid for the cream. "You want some help or do you want to do it yourself?" He offered the tube to him.
Logan nodded her head in agreement, figuring he knew best. She ran her hand over her hair and looked up at the ceiling. It was extremely horrendous working at the decaying shop with a man who she wasn't sure had ever seen his better days. Her attention went over to him and she exhaled, pouting slightly she headed towards the ovens to bake more. This place seemed like it could even discourage the sun to rise but she'd do anything to get Brinly back. A part of her felt maybe she was overly harsh with her opinion on him. "It's a pleasure Ella! I'd like to see your pictures if you wouldn't care." She grabbed the flaky, perfect scones and other baked goods to put under the glass display with a note in mind to wipe it off before opening. Logan figured no one else was coming in for the day since Lucian had a momentary temper spasm and slammed the binder but they'd be okay. Her mood would lighten and brighten throughout the day.

@WolfSol @Aio
Oliver looked at Lei-Mei, "My parents are off somewhere in Oregon. So I don't have a wheelchair. Crutches are all I got to carry me now!" He smiled, he felt his digitgrade legs giving in to the pain and he knew that he needed to relax them for a few seconds, so he stopped the painfully long stretch, ending in two bulges in the back of his pants where his knees should be. They'd be small of course if they saw anything, he had to have some restraint. "And the cream will be good enough thank you!" He looked at Jack. As he turned back to Lei he introduced himself, "Im Oliver Thorn! Nice to meet you miss!" He rested his arm on the crutch and held his hand out to her.

@AceSpades @fuil


He turned to eye the photographer - Ella - across the counter for a moment. Had she not told him her name? Well, even if she had... he'd forgotten it. A movement in the window caught his eye yet again, and he quickly pulled away from the counter to find particular interest in the labeled milks underneath. Damn hallucinations, would they just stop

"Ah, cool." Lucian commented absently as he brushed a heavy hand through his hair. He was barely listening, and it was rather obvious the way his tone lingered. His attention was too preoccupied with the fact that he should've listened to his grandmother and called in his prescription two weeks ago. Of course, at that time, he'd been completely fine. No hallucinations, no weird feelings, no beliefs that he was indeed insane... just peace of mind. Then again, that was when he'd gotten sick and had to stop drinking so much coffee due to dehydration. Even if that was the case of his hallucinations, coffee helped him run like money helped the world go 'round. No way in hell would he stop else he look to alternatives, like alcohol. The very idea disgusted him, made his skin crawl and his chest hurt. Annoyance is what drew him back up from peering into the under the counter freezer. 

He heard Ella's mentioning of a card and shook his head. The owner wouldn't care and he had no use for a photographer, but when he heard Logan's interest in it he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Why was she always so damn happy? It was strange and rather... well, it made him jealous. "You can give that card of yours to Logan then. I've no need for it, owner too. He won't give a shit as long as you don't make the shop look bad. Frankly, I don't care, but if you do happen to make us look good and we get praised by our store owner, for once, for letting you in... I'll give you a free crescent roll." He set to wiping down the machines as he spoke, "and glass is glass. Nothing pretty about it." Lucian was well aware of his attitude toward art, but as with many things since a year ago, he didn't care. 

@poutysunshine @Aio
Ella Vesik

Ella looked over at Logan and smiled as she asked about the photographs. "Sure, just don't judge the ones with blurs...I have a...uh...shaky hand." Lifting the camera over her head she placed it on the counter for Logan to have, eyeing the scones placed under the glass before she turned her attention back to Logan. She chuckled at the man's distracted words, knowing she was most likely the least of his worries at this point.

Her ear's perked up at the mention of free food, looking over at the man as she smiled. "Trust me, my work is highly praised by most everyone. People love historical looking places such as this especially if you attach a little story with it." She said with great confidence, crossing her arms in front of her as he spoke. " To you, it is just glass. To me it's symbolic, and to others, it's something groundbreaking. It all depends on perspective. If I play my cards right I can get some good money just for a picture of glass, sir." A smile appeared on her lips as she looked at him. Her eyes looking him over as if to try and find some explanation on why he was the way he way, but it proved harder than she thought.

@WolfSol @poutysunshine
Logan eagerly took the camera. Her eye was diligent and loved art, especially in the form of photographs. "It's okay Ella girl, sometimes blur adds to the picture - is it blur? something there? a thumb? something more mysterious? Who knows..." The pictures each were something beautiful and obviously taken by someone with an eye. She found herself rolling her eyes at Lucian. She leaned over the counter towards Ella. "He's like actually sixty and sometimes, I think, he daydreams about telling people to get off his lawn." Smirking and stage whispering Logan gave a side glance to Lucian. Before handing the camera back to Ella she aimed the lens at her as she questioned her, "Does anyone ever take your picture?" She didn't snap the moment though out of respect and she shook her head beaming as she gave the camera over. "You have an eye girly and I'm glad to take your card." She swashed and skipped to the office. She enjoyed Ella being there with her perspective that even the rundown shop was just art and she just completely brightened her mood around Mr. Grumpy pants. Soon the shop flooded with one of Logan's favorite songs Bad Habit - The Kooks along with related songs and she came out dancing about. She grabbed a rag and wiped down the tables, she stopped in thought and put her hand on her hip. "You should come to the shop more and you can have meetings here, use your it's got a story line as why you have them here, but it's just a suggestion."  It was a bit drastic how quickly Logan's mood could change partially because she easily got energy from the individuals around her. She spun grabbed two scones dancing over to hand one to Lucian and one to Ella. "It's on me Ella but you gotta come back and visit us."

@WolfSol @Aio
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I heaved a sigh, out of habit over actual relief of course, as the soul actually came to terms with and accepted her fate. Frankly, I had dealt with too many souls who instead denied their death, pleading and begging me to spare their nonexistent life. If I were human, I would have called it heartbreaking. Of course, had I been human, how would I have seen myself? I suppose I understood why we Reapers were stripped of our humanity. It allowed us to complete our job. But why did we have the memories? Why couldn't we be stripped of everything, only existing as creatures who took souls instead of knowing and remembering what emotions and sheer humanity felt like. 

Before I could truly think of reasons, however, I checked my schedule and saw my next location. France, mass murder. I found myself shaking my head as a particular line entered my mind: Monkey killing Monkey killing Monkey. Give them thumbs, they make a club and beat their brothers down.


"It's Lucian, not sir." He wrinkled his nose at Ella's formality and wondered if he really looked that old. Then again, tattooed sleeves and piercings didn't designate him as a youngster, just designated him as a guy who either liked art at one point in his life, liked pain, or just wanted to go against his parents' wishes and get inked and pierced. Continuing his task of wiping down the long faucet of the first sink out of three, he paused only once to glare at Logan and her big mouth. Damn, did she really think that of him. Of course that wasn't surprising. He knew he had a problem, particularly one with patience and attitude. 

"Logan, if you want to insult me then at least know the facts. I'm actually an eighty-tree year old Scotsman. And daydream about getting off lawns? Really? Hell, I won a medal for that shit." It was a weak attempt at humor, but he figured it wouldn't hurt to try and be sociable to a degree. It would be a good excuse to get his "game face on" and actually smile for the day. Although he probably wouldn't reach that level today. Perhaps he woke up on the wrong side of bed today...

He continued his cleaning, watching in the corner of his eye as Logan frolicked around. She really was always happy. How annoying and incredibly weird. When she made the decision to allow Ella to return, he stopped wiping the last and final sink behind the counter. It wasn't that he minded Ella being in the shop before hours, but if the owner were to find out... "If he finds this out, I'm throwing you under the bus and never looking back. Especially if you," he gestured to Ella, "start bringing others along with you. There's a reason we have shifts before the shop opens."

@Aio @poutysunshine 

Maria and Lana

She'd gotten there in the nick of time before all hell had broken lose. The vehicle rounded the corner, baiting chaos in as it struck a family down. Blood splattered on the concrete, the windshield, and Maria's cloak. Only when the driver turned on the windshield wipers and struck down the next line of people in the crowd, did panic ensue. Mortals ran like cockroaches to light, running and screaming. As if screams got them anywhere... as if they could run from their fate. 

Maria watched in silence, seeming unaffected as mortals ran through her and suffocated her senses with their soul stench, their blood, and their noise. Only when she felt a tug on her sleeve from Lana did she finally move. She tilted her head, watching as fellow reapers came to the scene. Like her, they would wait. There was no need to go into the fray while panic still ran amok. Besides, the souls would be in too much shock to move from the place where their vessel fell.

In exactly one hour eighty-six souls would be open to harvest and send. Till then she would watch and try to dream. She wondered what fear felt like... as it had been a year since she'd felt alive. Missing the emotions of a human was the worst pain of being a reaper. Fear was the most tantalizing as it seemed to last longer than peace and happiness. 


     The coffee shop door burst open with a clang! 

     "Sorry I'm late, Mr. Owner, sir," stammered a nervous Ophelia Brown, slamming the door behind her,  "My alarm clock didn't go off and, and ..."

     The young woman raked her fingers through her mop of curls, making a beeline for the cleaning cupboard. In her haste, she not only failed to notice that La Charmant's owner wasn't in, but that they had a customer, a girl with a camera. This is it, Ophelia thought, tying on her apron, I'm going to be fired because of that stupid alarm clock. Granted, it was hard to get to sleep on time when you had papers to write, classes to attend, books to pay for, and a floating skeleton (that only you could see) following you around.

     Speaking of, a muffled thunk! could be heard as Yorick, once again, bumped into the coffee shop door. As usual, the skeleton was two steps behind her. Yorick facepalmed, sighed, and pointed to the door. He hated to open it himself; while most mortals would chalk its movement up to the wind or some other natural phenomenon, there was always the chance that someone would get spooked. Yorick didn't like taking that chance.

     As usual, Ophelia obliged the skeleton, acting as if she saw some trash that needed picking up outside. He nodded his thanks.
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Lucian jumped from the sound of the door's obnoxious hinges. Didn't he lock that door? He turned, fearing that his day would go to shit permanently, but instead of finding the owner glaring at him, he met eyes with Ophelia Brown. He sighed in relief. 

At her words he raised his chin, confusion heavy on his features. Okay, so maybe he hadn't locked the front door like he thought he did, but he was sure, absolutely sure, that he had read the schedule correctly. There was to be no one else in today except for Logan and him. Then again, this wouldn't be the first time that she had burst open the doors in a frenzy. Somehow she seemed to always forget her scheduled shifts. Just in case, he grabbed the schedule binder underneath the register and pawed through the multitude of outdated and useless papers. His finger grazed over his name only pause at Logan's time slot. "Uh, Brown..." he paused abruptly when he saw a figure appear at the window. Great, he'd almost forgotten. Out of all of his coworkers, he hated working with Ophelia the most. It wasn't because she was a terrible person, but it was because of the hallucination that looked like death that followed her. He'd wanted to tell her several times before, but had always stopped himself from sounding as crazy. Of course, it didn't take much to make him appear like a madman. 

With a shake of his head and a force of laughter that sounded more like a groan, he continued, "You don't come in..." but she'd already rushed out the door with a bag of trash with the hallucination following at her heels. 

@poutysunshine @Aio @Bethari
(( @WolfSol,))

((Sorry about the locked door. I was so focused on remembering the other details about the shop that I forgot a very relevant one. Apologies  :$ ))


Lucian was staring at him. The Jawless Wonder waved at the barista, hoping to get a reaction from the young man. 

One of Yorick's greatest pleasures in unlife was messing with people who had the Sight; scaring someone who tried to put on a tough facade, like Lucian, with his many tattoos and piercings, was especially satisfying. Yorick tried to stifle the dry heaves that were his laughter as the young man went back to examining the schedule. If only he knew how precious his existence was. If only he knew. It's not like I could hurt him, even if I wanted to, the skeleton thought, Not without my scythe, his jawbone that Ophelia kept God-knows-where. He shuddered. He would never go back to reaping if he could help it. Helping someone stay alive was far more fulfilling than gathering souls could ever be, even if it meant losing independence. 


Ophelia scrambled back in the door. Did she hear that right? 

"So, I'm not late?" she said, stunned.

@Aio @poutysunshine
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(( @Bethari teehee, I was giving you a hard time, I apologize :3 Just makes Lucian think he's even crazier so it works out! ))


The taste of fear was repugnant, almost grotesque as a darkness stretched across France. A darkness that only lost souls could see, an inevitable cloud of fate. It covered the country like an umbrella and squeezed out as much life as it could without going against the balance and law of life. It sucked eighty-six souls bone dry, drinking in the marrow of their as they were forced from their vessels. To say it was an emotional sight would have been an understatement yet Death had lost count on how many times it had watched the faceless souls writhe in despair, watched them crumble and melt when the realization touched them. There was a reason why its reapers, forms of itself, were devoid of life and emotion. If a reaper could feel then it would be disastrous. Such a thing had been proven time and time again to the point where Heaven and Hell had debated on ridding reapers of conscience and free will.

But where's the fun in that? Although Death was limitless and perhaps even powerful despite following tradition and law, it did not mean that it grew lonely. 

It watched atop the highest building that looked over the aftereffects of the terrorism attack. Eighty-six souls were such a small number, but soon the count would grow. Already, just with a glance, it could see those that survived... many would commit suicide due to this event. It was common.


When the hallucination followed after Ophelia, Lucian couldn't help but shiver. Out of every other hallucination that crossed his path, this one never left... and it seemed to acknowledge him. It freaked him out and this was especially so when the damned thing waved. Hell, it even made noise. Half the time he wondered if his coworkers were playing a cruel joke on him, but he'd never mentioned his medication or anything about him really. None of them did. There was no closeness in the coffee shop, just friendly banter, acknowledgement, and limited support. He wasn't complaining on that. Lucian preferred it that way as less connections meant less drama. The idea of relationships, even friendly ones, drove him up the wall.

Right as Ophelia stumbled back in his cellphone vibrated and gave that awful chime that announced the devil. "Shit." Lucian dug through his pockets, fishing out his cell. Sure enough, Larry Harris was calling. Just fuckin' great. Kill me now. Fucking kill me now. Clearing his throat, he answered, "Heeeey bossman... what's up?"

Please say you're not coming in. Please say you're not coming in. 

@poutysunshine @Aio 
Ella Vesik

Ella chuckled slightly at Logan's questions. "Actually it's a spirit." Although she what Ella said was the truth she hid it with her joking manner, playing it off as if it was nothing. "Although I feel as though many should have that view of the blur, blurs just don't cut it in the art world. I have to scrap most of my work because of the little thing." She shrugged it off and shook her head. "No matter what I do the dang thing never seems to leave me alone." She joked before she listened to Logan describe her coworker, chuckling at the description. Though it quickly faded as the camera was turned in her direction, her hands quickly reaching for the camera in the girl's hands. "Trust me. I look better on the other side." Ella said as she took the camera back and placed the strap around her neck once more. She couldn't remember the last time she had her photo taken. Perhaps when she graduated high school, although that was so long ago she wasn't really sure. 

"Huh? Yeah of course...Here you go." Lost in her own thought Ella was quickly brought back to reality as she realized Logan was talking to her,  searching around in her bag till she found the little business card, handing one to her before tucking the rest away. She smiled at the girl as she watched her, nodding to her offer as she lifted up her camera, using her lens to see. " Most of my jobs are sent by email. I'm a freelancer as most would call it. Rarely do I go to meetings, although I wouldn't mind coming back. I'm sure this place will change next time around." Her camera focused on Logan though her finger never pressed the button, remembering the rules the man had given her. Instead, she watched as Logan pulled the fresh scones out of the display, grabbing two and bringing one to her. "Thanks...though I insist on paying. The least I can do to show my appreciation for allowing me to shoot here." Ella never liked to owe anyone, even if it was something as small as a scone. Having a book with names and items that she had borrowed in the past, returning what she owned whenever she had the money. She didn't want to have anything holding her back like most of the spirits she saw. Instead, she wanted to die with no regrets about her life.

She smirked before she held up her hands as if to defend herself. "I promise to take full blame, Lucian." She smiled before placing the camera up to her eye, turning to the door, nearly having a heart attack from what she saw. "Jesus, Mary, Joseph!" She said in a gasp, lowering her camera from her eye as she watched the woman walk through. Though when she determined what that spirit was, she quickly looked away, growing rigid. Ella never had the best track record with reapers, she assumed the spirit was one but then again he had no scythe. Being dead before she was born and then coming back to life she was in the gray area when it came to death, therefore she was a pain in the ass for most reapers, which is why she liked to stay far away from them. Seeing an agitated reaper was never a good thing.
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"Okay, well you need anything else?" Jack asked as he watched the kid greet the lady. "I'm Jack." He introduced himself to her. He looked back at the kid and noticed the bulges. He looked at Oliver with a questioning look, not wanting to point it out in case it was a secret. Jack was curious and wanted to find out what was going on.

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Oliver grinned as the Jack introduced himself, not to mention his legs felt so much better. But sadly he had to straighten them again, ending in a Pop! sound. He hoped that no one had heard it, or he'd have to come up with some excuse. "No I don't need anythin' else!" 

@fuil @AceSpades
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Jack heard the pop sound and looked at Oliver with a worried face as he asked. "Are you okay that sounded painful." He put his hand on the kids shoulder to try and steady him. "Are you sure you don't need any other help." He give the kid a small concerned smile, he wanted to help the kid in anyway he could. He had already forgotten about the bulges.

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"Perfectly fine! I uh, just popped my neck is all!" He smiled back. He heard it... he thought, he needed to find a place to bunker down for the night. His legs can't take much longer stretched out like this. Especially after holding it for so long. 

@AceSpades @fuil
Jack sighed when the kid said it was just his neak. "Oh okay." Jack saw the kids discomfort and frowns. "You don't look all right." He said as he thought out loud. "Its just you don't have to hide if your hurting okay." He put his hand on the kids shoulder and gave a knowing look. He knew about pain, hell made sure of that. He could still hear the laughter of that dame fallen angel Azeal. If he ever found him he'd rot that smile right off his face. Jack was so focused on his anger her let some of his power slip, rotting a few small holes in the clothe over the boys shoulder. He saw what was happening and quickly removed his hand.

"Uhh... Jack, can I speak to you for a second in the store?" He seemed to notice the rotting, and had a few questions about it. He wanted to know if he was like him, or well strange in some way.  "We'll be back soon miss!"

Jack looks at Oliver and. nods as he follows the kid. As they walk back in the store Jack asks. "So I'm guessing you saw the rot?" He rubs the back of his head nervously and says. "Sorry I was just remembering something that made me mad, I didn't mean to rot your cloths."

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"It's alright, but I guess since you revealed a secret I reveal one." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly, "I'm not actually crippled..." He opened his eyes again and bent down, pulling up a pants leg to reveal a furry brown digitgrade leg that was completely straight. 

Jack looks at his legs and asks. "So your not human either?" He was curious because he has never meet a non-human like Oliver before. He then says. "So thats why you looked uncomfortable, you had yor knees pointing the wrong way." He smiles and pats the kid on the back. "Well what are you, me I'm Pestilence." He says and then quickly jokes. "But don't worry Dooms day is still a long way a way....I think."

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