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Fantasy Grim Society - CS


Brain cashew smooth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check





Appearance: (if a shapeshifter, list both or multiple refs... picture - please give credit - or description)



Abilities/Skills: (Be semi-realistic, Reapers do not have magical capabilities but can break barriers, manipulation, possession, and summons, and keep your character's magic to a minimum)

Quote: (something that either describes the character or something the character would say)



Zane Anthony


At death







Was human, now a Reaper




(Credit to Frederic Creations)



(Credit to Michael Sharp)



Even before his undeath, Zane lived a depressing life, though a fair share of it was self-inflicted. He loved taking risks and constantly searched for a new pick-me-up. He had an addictive personality on top of being impulsive and rash. He loved gambling, drinking, and smoking, to name a few of his addictions. He was quite intelligent, and knew his problems; the issue was he wanted an escape from his loneliness and reality, and his problems were his escape. Then the money ran out. He became somber, sinking deep in a hole of hopelessness and misery. In his undeath, his depression and bitterness only grew as he realized the truth that immortality wasn't so grand when he realized he had to spend it alone. Resentful, bitter, and lonely, Zane is tired of the Council, tired of immortality, and tired of his inability to feel.



Zane was born to a rather high class family who cared for him deeply for many years, supported him through his schooling, and promised him the house when he grew of age. Everything was looking great and Zane believed nothing would ever change. Alas, reality would come and come it did when he was seventeen and finishing school. The cruise ship his parents had boarded hit an iceberg and sunk. His parents had not survived. He was devastated. What was he supposed to now? He didn't have anyone. Rich and alone, he looked for ways to make himself feel better. Alcohol and smoking he quickly turned to as a crutch. Gambling shortly followed after, and he lost himself in it. The high risk and chance of reward spurned him on. Too bad he wasn't the best at it. For five years, he blew his family's money on French toast, cigarettes, alcohol, and gambling. When he ran out, he started small, selling pieces of jewelry his mother owned, pieces of expensive china, and gambled more out of habit and in hopes of winning his fortune back. Eventually he sold his house and became hugely in debt. For the last year he would remain alive, Zane scrambled for any hit of money he could find for food and resorting to theft, all the while drowning in his depression. It all came to a tipping point when he finally decided on suicide and with the last scraps of money he managed to steal, bought a six shot revolver before shooting himself in the head outside the shop. When a Reaper came for his soul, after much shock and confusion, he realized the true situation he was in. He then made a decision that he would later regret with every fiber of his being. He bargained to become a reaper, believing immortality would be better than hell. Oh, how naive he was.



On top of the standard breaking barriers, Zane can take on the form of his human self. Just another facade, as he is as dead in that form as he is as a reaper, but it's one thing he took from his time as a human. He wields a doubled edged sword as a representation of his addictive persona: the things he loves harm him in the end. One could also argue that it represents his ability to take on two forms. Two black wings sprout from his back, but he cannot fly.



"I can't be what I want most, because I traded...well, I made a rigged deal for this. I'm not human...and I miss it. Pain would be better than this cold, black numbness."
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Name: Jack ( Real name: Pestilence)

Age: Unknown but looks 20

Gender: Male

Species: Horse man of the apocalypse

Appearance: 7ft 5 in tall man. He has shoulder length shaggy black hair and is skinny. He has purple eyes and is kinda pale. He has a handsome but angular face.He wears a black t, black hoodie with a zombie face on it, jeans, and black combat boots.

Personality: Completely insane, but a good guy. He is loyal to his friends. He is blunt even when being honest brings trouble. He has no guilt and is extremely stubborn once he decides something, He has a bit of an anger problem, even more so when his friends are in danger.

Bio: He and his brothers were the strongest creatures alive and for that they were feared. In there fear the grim council had them locked up in the deepest pits of hell. Trapped in a cage in hell waiting for doomsday was horrible and after ages of waiting he finally had enough and escaped, but in doing so lost a good deal (but not all) of his power and his horse (poor bob). He found himself in a cemetery with strange cloths and no idea were he was. He lived alone in the cemetery for three years eating animals and living in a crypt, that is until a old man named John found him and took pityon him, something he never knew before. He took Jack under his wing and showed him how to live in the world. Showed him how to get a job, pay bills, even cook. Jack came home from work one day and found John dead on the floor, he had died of a heart attack. That was two years ago and jack has never gone back to that house. He rents an apartment and works at a restaurant as a waiter.

Abilities: Can rot anything he touches (except metal) when he wants to , can exude an aura of fear, is immune to all disease, skin is as strong as iron, has the strength of two professional body builders.

Quote: "I can kill you in eight different ways....twelve if I rip off your arm. Now would you like to order dessert? We have a wonderful french toast."
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[SIZE=14.6667px]Lazarus "Laz" Carter[/SIZE]











[SIZE=14.6667px]Appearance: [/SIZE]


(By Plegathon - Deviant Art)

[SIZE=14.6667px]Standing at six foot one, the lanky skeletal reaper is almost always found wearing a three-piece suit, sometimes two-piece if he feels the need. Usually with a rather useless cigarette hanging out the side of his jaw, which he chalks up to habit and the last tie buckling him to what's left of his humanity. Although appearing incredibly deceased, Lazarus manages to retain the same cutting bone structure of high cheekbones, angular jaw, and broad shoulders. If nothing else, he might've been almost handsome back in the day, which is quite unrecognisable considering his current state. Yet he does appear to most humans, when he wants to, in a facade of his old self. Still dressed up to the nines in old military uniform, dating back to the first world war. His scythe comes in the form of a trusty umbrella. Incognito, and incredibly helpful for when it happens to rain.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Sarcastic, tenacious, and supportive. Lazarus is well known for his dry wit, which only makes that permanent skull-grin even more condescending, but getting past the layers of dislike, self-loathing, pity, give way to a rather warm and friendly character. If you can believe that from the first impression. Carter is often one to give 'tough love', especially to the newbies and those deceased. He's adapted well to the modern age, especially for his own previous timeline, and can often be found playing Candy Crush, when stuck hiding in limbo to escape his responsibilities. He's come to detest rap music, the colour yellow, and being unable to currently play any brass instrument due to his lack of lungs. Only the small things. Rather comical, and fond of people he works with, the reaper is well known to frequent underworld establishments, to mope and sigh whilst staring at the glass of whisky he can't drink. Some might call it a hobby. Gives great life advice, if not slightly outdated, and has a deep love for cats. One of the few animals to appreciate the presence of death. Yet, Lazarus is known to often get away with not following rules, merely due to his charming personality.
Or perhaps it's just the fact he takes on some of the hardest shifts, when no else wants to.



[SIZE=14.6667px]Born 1888, during Queen Victoria's rule. A strapping young man who had a whole world ahead of him. Screaming out into the November night, the son of a shopkeeper. Although he wasn't the richest in the world, he had what most did not. Love, comfort, the grateful knowledge that they had a soft place to rest their heads. Developing into a young man, he was sent to a state school, with average grades and a deep growing passion for music. By the time he was sixteen, he was apprenticing to his father so he could take over the family business. In his spare time, he retained keeping up his music lessons and instead of staying, he abandoned the tradition of shopkeeping to chase dreams of attending University. In 1906 he managed to achieve his dream, but became increasingly mixed up in the new era of rhythm - they called it Jazz. He was a brass band player for his first few bands, with such uplifting music sweeping the nation he found it freeing. It didn't pay too well, but he enjoyed it immensely and wasn't about to give it up for anything. For a decade, he and his band toured around, scraping by on funds, living the life of the drunk and free.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Till that dreaded day in 1914, 4th of August.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Owing to the summary rejection by the German Government of the request made by His Majesty’s Government for assurances that the neutrality of Belgium would be respected, His Majesty’s Ambassador in Berlin has received his passport, and His Majesty’s Government has declared to the German Government that a state of war exists between Great Britain and Germany as from 11pm on August 4th.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Those words changed the lives of millions in one night. Lazarus joined up as soon as they had the registry offices placed around London. He was 27. He learnt what hell was in those years, waist-high in mud, living off meagre rations. The cold never quite leaves your bones. Not in a place like that. Alas, during 1915 a new terrible invention was discovered. Mustard Gas. By 22 April 1915, the German Army had 168 tonnes of chlorine deployed in 5,730 cylinders from Langemark–Poelkapelle, north of Ypres. At 17:30, in a slight easterly breeze, the gas was released, forming a gray-green cloud that drifted across positions. Carter, a Second Lieutenant of his company, died saving the men he thought of as family. Drowning in the fluid of his own lungs. Approached in his death, with a choice. A choice he chose, to lead the dead away from this hell. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Sacrifice, after sacrifice.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Abilities/Skills: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]- Understands a great deal of combat, due to his military years.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]- Usual Grim skill set, with his trusty umbrella.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]"Despite the rumour, Death isn't cruel. I'm just terribly, terribly good at my job."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"I could murder a curry right now."[/SIZE]



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[SIZE=14.6667px]"Despite the rumour, Death isn't cruel. I'm just terribly, terribly good at my job."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"I could murder a curry right now."[/SIZE]



@HumansArentReal, the quote made me giggle; however, you're missing one teeny-tiny thing (the golden word). It was located near the bottom of Grim Society's story build although from the content of your CS, you've likely seen it mentioned.

@DarkSlayer, sounds good to me, but the same for you as well when it comes to the golden word.

@fuil thank you for mentioning the golden word; however, why would a beloved Horseman of the Apocalypse be imprisoned in hell? If he lost his power due to escaping hell then technically he shouldn't have any abilities, correct? Please give more in-depth detail to the Pestilence. I like the idea where you are going with it, but I believe that you could CS it up a bit more.
@fuil, I think you could do much more with your concept, but I will accept it as long as Pestilence is not invincible and cannot defeat Death itself (not a grim, but the original reaper) or one of the rulers of heaven or hell. I do ask for clarification on one of his abilities. The power of rot, would this have limitations? Otherwise everything he touches would decay... imagine trying to eat a wholesome meal... gross! O.o  
@fuil, I think you could do much more with your concept, but I will accept it as long as Pestilence is not invincible and cannot defeat Death itself (not a grim, but the original reaper) or one of the rulers of heaven or hell. I do ask for clarification on one of his abilities. The power of rot, would this have limitations? Otherwise everything he touches would decay... imagine trying to eat a wholesome meal... gross! O.o  

He can't rot metal and he can control when he rots stuff. He can rot stone but it takes a really long time.
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Name: Li-Mei (Lee May) Collins

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: FC - Park Si Hyun

5'5" 110 lbs.


Personality: Li-Mei is a no nonsense, take no bullshit, type of woman when it comes right down to business.  She knows that in a high end corporation or even dancing as a professional "entertainer" at a club you have to get a tough skin around you to protect you from guys willing to do harm or just hassle you for "favors" So she developed a mouth to sass, sarcastically remark and bluntly disagree with any lie or protect herself or the other women she works with.  Alone, she shows her sweet side to her kitty Butters, he is her fluffy little poofball and she adores and spoils him.  Alone..she reads romance novels, but she's not naïve to believe that romances like that are ever true.  Nothing is prince and princess easy with happily ever afters.  She has a pretty dark sense of humor and often she disregards her looks to put the attention off of herself.  She prefers to be more along the scenery rather than front and center.

To friends she's sweet, loving, motherly.  Often her friends say Mother Mei cause she finds herself worrying over and fussing over them.



Li-Mei has grown up in a household of dancers, whether it was her twin sister Ming-Mei becoming a ballerina at New York's Finest Dance Corporation or her mother having her own studio, Li-Mei grew up dancing.  What she did with her dancing is what concerned her sister and her mother.  Li-Mei loved to dance and loved to perform and she thought she would be able to make it to Broadway, like most actors or dancers, but they turned her down.  Her dancing was...to say the least... "not classy."  Sensual, graceful, full of life and vigor was how some would put it nicely, others would say she was born a stripper and that's al she would be good for.  Strip money.  Li-Mei was devastated and desperate to pay rent she turned to the one thing people assumed of her.  She professionally dances on a pole for men as an "Entertainer" and she gets paid very very well.  The whole business loved her because she kept bringing in new customers.  Rich customers from well known corporations like Wolfham's and Sons Inc.  etc.  The men were sometimes unsavory and sometimes there were downright creeps, but she loved to dance.  It wasn't until one night when she was walking home down the street, a dark figure had snatched her and tried to force himself upon her, she fought off her would be attacker and rapist and began to run but she didn't count for the gun in his pocket.  Four hours later, emergency surgery and her twin sister praying for with their family's spirits, Li-Mei some how pulled through. 

She was alive and normal, returned to work normally...everything was normal. At least, that is what she kept trying to tell herself when she saw ghosts of deceased hanging about cemeteries and hospitals and even in a coffee shop.  She lived her life or tried to until the ghosts began to notice that she saw them. 

Present day.  Her and her twin sister were eating at a little café.  Li-Mei was having French toast with syrup drizzled over it, whip cream and a cherry, her sister a black coffee and honey oatmeal...it was at the café that Li-Mei saw a man choking and it was she who called the police....and it was she who saw a tall dark figure take the soul of the dead man from the café..



"So help me God if you touch me, pig, I'll castrate you."




autumn-in-november.regular (1).png


Ella Vesik










Ella is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable. And independent. Shee doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. Ella tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, she is certain things will never change, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is.While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Ella can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic. While Ella can pull off a charming personality she can be easily angered which contributes to most situations she finds herself in. Once provoked Ella doesn't know when to stop, believing that she is always right, and even when proven wrong she won't be able to admit it. 


Ella was put up for adoption after being found in front of a church. Though she had a medical problem which made it hard for her to be adopted, although it didn't help that Ella was convinced she saw dead people. Bounced around from home to home till she found a couple wanting to make a difference or so she thought. Her adopted parents were high school sweethearts, marrying right after high school, by the adoption Ella was already 11.From what Ella could tell, they were happy. Her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch baseball every day without disturbances. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house. Her parents had been married for a good ten years before everything, in a lack of better words, went to hell.Turns out her mother and her father's best friend had a thing for each other and decided to marry, therefore divorcing her father and leaving Ella to care for a drunken man. Her father sold the restaurant and retired to living a life of in a drunken state. With her parents, split Ella fell into the wrong crowd and at 16 Ella had gotten pregnant by her late boyfriend. When her father found out he was furious, demanding to know how she let this happen. He refused to let her child into their home, therefore, forcing Ella to put her child up for adoption. Ella started lashing out on her father, angry for what he made her do. With all her pent up anger, Ella went in search of her birth mother, wanting to know why she was left at the steps of the church. It took some time but she made progress only to find her mother had passed in a car accident two years prior. Upon deeper investigation, she found that her birth was something of a miracle. Her mother victim of a hit and run when Ella was still in the womb, neither o them were supposed to survive, but they did. Her mother gave her up soon after not being able to bear the responsibilities of raising a child. Ella decided the reason she saw the deceased was because of the accident her mother had when she was still in the womb, seeing she wasn't supposed to be born.

After graduating high school Ella went to college for the arts, focusing on photojournalism. It wasn't until her sophomore year of that she came in contact with reapers. Of course, she had seen them before but always from a distance, never making eye contact. Although this time was slightly different seeing the reaper actually acknowledged her. Ever since then Ella always stayed away from the deceased, not wishing to ever go through that experience again.


"The deceased are more interesting than you and all they do is scream and complain about being dead. While you just complain."

67eb5a1d0111a9cae353fb07afaf0662 (2).jpg

French Toast
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@AceSpades @Aio Thank you for doing humans... females at that! Bravo for not going the stereotypical route, marvelous... and awesome addition of the special word :)

Tonight, EST, I shall get this ball rolling.
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Name: Schwartz Bell


At Death: 17

Supernatural: 118


Species: Reaper

Appearance: shadow.jpg

Personality:  The female can seem heartless at times. She tends only to care for her own well being. She doesn't enjoy making friends or talking to other people. She's rather eat her least favorite dish, that being french toast, than have a conversation. She often comes off as a brat, because she is. She never really got the chance to grow up and as a result she has stayed into the mental state of a spoiled, hard headed teenager. Schwartz is also known to be stuck up and excruciatingly rude to anyone and everyone.

Bio: When the third and youngest Bell daughter was born, she had no idea she was going to be born into war, and be nothing but a casualty. What was the war? Proving herself to be higher than her elder sisters. She was born into the Bell family, and her Father owned a large Engineering company in France. In fact, he even owned a large portion of half of the country. Every day was a struggle, with her being the youngest and having to compete against two older minds and bodies. None of the three liked each other, and were never close as a result.

On March 19th, While spending time with her father and older sister, Scath, of age 24, in the workplace of their father, an angered ex-employee, whom was recently fired, decided to show his revenge using a blade to express his feelings. During the panic of trying to run away, she was one of the thirteen victims who were stabbed and killed, While her father suffered severe injuries, and Dim escaped safely. It was on that day when her father became so unhealthy and weak, he had to retire and gave the company to the eldest, Dusk Bell.

Abilities/Skills:  While she hates to talk to people, she can be very persuading and manipulative. She's talented in singing, but it's not any use to anything.

Quote:  "Black is Dark..." She always yearns about the Royal Test she never got to take.

 Like this
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Name: Moira Heidirsceoil

Appearance:View attachment 229605

Bio: Moira is a Dullahan. A psychopomp that appears as a female riding a horse or carriage and carrying her disembodied head. She was once a young girl in a small village in ancient Ireland who was raped and beheaded by a man from Connacht when he caught her doing laundry by the river. She came back though, and after brutally murdering the man and his entire family, she became a Reaper. She eventually came to be revered by the early Celts as a goddess of death. She is no goddess however, and she knows that, although she is a capable reaper. Her scythe can take the form of a sword, axe, or a whip made of vertebrae when not in the form of scythe. Her job is to give mortals warning of their impending deaths. Nominally so that they can get their affairs in order. Typically through imparted feelings or signs, but occasionally appearing as a spectre in the mist. She used to harvest souls directly, but the council considered her to be too vindictive and brutal about HOW she collected souls. Thus her current demotion. She has mellowed out over the past centuries, and kind of just wants to experience the life she never got to when she was alive. Luckily, her 400 year probation is almost up and she might be able to apply to the council for Earth Residency status.
Unique Abilities: Her scythe is just an extension of her body. Both are extensions of her will. Her head functions as her scythe in that regard. If it's destroyed, the rest of her is destroyed as well. She can summon a spectral horse or carriage. Can spew blood on someone that fills them with pure fear. 

Personality: Prickly and tough to get close to, she still has a bit of the sweet, innocent girl she used to be buried deep down. Unfortunately, it coexists with a semi-maniacal and vengeful bitch who has reveled in the deaths of men for centuries. Has a soft spot for honorable warrior men though, and is slightly less malevolent about taking their souls. Loves whiskey, french toast, and ice cream and is one of a few varieties of Reaper that can still taste, although she can only do so when her head is attached which limits most of her abilities.
Eh-hah, I'm such a filthy liar. All righty, we all ready to hit this up?



Maria Blume Mckinney                                                       Lana Grace McKinney                                                         Lucian Douglas McKinney

                                Twenty-nine, Dead for 1 Year, Reaper                                  Seven, Dead for 1 Year, Ghost                                              Thirty-one, Coffee Shop Barista, Human

Maria B. McKinney: Once a popular traditional artist and dark poet, Maria B. Freeman was well-known for her imagination, kind heart, and open mind. Her art was immersive, delicate, and colorful as it depicted her loving nature and views of what lies beyond. No matter the situation, when asked how she fared, she was either splendid or fantastic and never in-between. An unnaturally bright and happy woman despite her weakness to the sun and late development of Parkinson's.

Descended from a family of crooked, disapproving lawyers, Maria was kicked out of her home at age eighteen when she told her father that she had applied to an art school in the states. Despite losing the emotional and financial support of her family, she went out in search for loans and scholarships. She moved to America and long the way of searching for applicable opportunities in financial aid for school,  she met Lucian D. McKinney in the depths of a subway station. Inspired by his musical performance on the subway benches that she passed every day, she confronted him. They hit it off instantly, and their first date consisted of guitar playing on the streets, and a late night snack of french toast at the local IHOP. Months later, Maria married Lucian and stopped her pursuit in a college education. In under a year, Lana G. McKinney was born.

Within seven years, Maria's Parkinson's grew and her artistic mind and memory deteriorated. She became depressed and relied on alcohol for an escape to the point where it killed her and her daughter in an automobile accident. 

Death offered a new opportunity of which she accepted without a second thought. Yet after she became a reaper, she regretted leaving the world so early and bringing her daughter down with her. She's constantly searching for a way to send Lana to the other side or to reunite with Lucian. The idea of deserting her duties as a reaper is often on her mind as she can't quite handle the darkness that can come when accompanied by death. She takes on the form of the reaper with the choice of a reaper cloak; however, most of her skin and bodily appearance are intact despite a bit of decay and visible damage from the automobile accident.

Her Scythe is a rose that she took from a visit to her grave. When used correctly it can morph into man's stereotype of a scythe. She's a quick learner and thinker and performs her task as a reaper as quickly and efficiently as possible. She's knowledgeable in defense magics and has a knack for soul reading and influence.

"There is no room in hell for imagination and there is no escape in death."  

Lucian D. McKinney: Lucian, an aspiring musician, is a man of chivalry and flirtation. Formerly, he wasn't one to knock down the idea of a one-night-stand, but after graduating a technical college with an Associates in music appreciation and listening to his grandmother's lectures, he's left the life of a player behind him. Bearing a short temper and a quick mind, he's often rowdy, sporadic, and moody. He loves the idea of company and face-to-face conversations as he is one that hates solitude and digital interaction. He's extremely stubborn and opinionated, but will keep most thoughts to himself out of respect to others.

After moving to Washington with his grandmother after college, Lucian was unable to find a stable job due to lack of interest and simple motivation. Instead, he found more interest in street performances in Seattle. Street performances later became late night gigs at bars with a a line-up of bands, but the local popularity fell with his grandmother fell ill. He left the fun of being in a band for a stable, part-time job. However, he still performed in the local subway station where he met Maria B. Freeman.

Even after a year, Lucian till has yet to recover from the loss of his wife and child. He's more sensitive and incredibly moody, and the idea of even considering another woman makes him ill. He refuses to drink alcohol, drinking gallons of coffee instead, and hasn't touched his guitar since the funeral. Since Maria and Lana's death, he has seen odd sightings that no one else can see and has even seen what he believes to be Lana's ghost. Due to this he has been given medication, believes he has gone mad, and suffers with insomnia. He now lives with his grandmother.

[SIZE=12pt]He can make a delicious iced latte, can play a multitude of instruments, has the sight, and attends boxing classes every [/SIZE]

Wednesday. He's very charismatic.

"Yes grandmother, I put on underwear today."

Lana G. McKinney: A spitting-image of her mother when it comes to personality, Lana was well-rounded, smart, and extremely opinionated despite her shyness. With a keen interest in learning, she was often found reading whatever she could get her little hands on. However, after her death, she's succumbed to silence and relies on little to no interaction. She sticks to her mother like glue, but is infrequently seen haunting her father. It's unsure why she hasn't moved on to the light and passed through Limbo.

She's slightly transparent and can choose if her body can make contact. She has yet to successfully master going through walls.

She can tempt shadows to move and create a chill in the air. Limited levitation. She's an aspiring haunter.

" . . . "

The Grim Reaper/The Grim

The Grim does not play favoritism, will not take souls unless they require judgement or have passed, and will not, under any circumstances, kill, harm, or imprison a character unless the original creator gives permission. It is not invincible, but the method to kill it is currently unknown. It may be controlled for necessary purposes by other users other than myself.


The Grim is genderless, ageless, and holds no soul, heart, or memories. Its face is never visible and it is often believed that the Grim holds no face. It speaks little, holds a powerful presence, and has a voice that is similar to a chorus of whispers. It is not entirely omnipotent and tends to become impatient with new reapers, Cerberus, Lucifer, and rainy days. Its scythe has multiple forms as does its human appearance. It is rarely seen unless summoned by Heaven or Hell or by the council for punishments and judgement. Rumor has it that the Grim can often be found attending funerals and visiting graves for unknown reasons. Electronics are not its strong suit and it tends to break them by accident and impatience. It answers to Death, Grim, Monster, Harbinger, and Undertaker. It controls and oversees souls, passes final judgement, can control shadows at will, and can project and duplicate itself when necessary (of which is rarely does due to the progressive numbers of reapers).


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~Azael, the Angel of Death~

meaning: made from God, a fallen angel that cohabited with women



thousands of years old, but physically looks about 19-20


not really specified, but is believed to be a male


Fallen Angel


Azael is cunning and sly. He is a sarcastic person, and very sadistic. One look from him can send chills down your spine, or an overly excited rush of desire. Azael is also charming when he wants and needs to be, has a dark sense of humour, and a signature smile that was said to have made all the ladies swoon (or die, if he wills it). Azael is also arrogant and cocky, and is known to speak his mind and get in trouble for being a loudmouth. He can be seductive and is very skilled when it comes to smooth-talking all the way to your heart. He can act as the sexy boy who stole your heart with a single glance, or as the sexy devil who stole your soul in a single swipe.


Azael hasn't always been in the Underworld, or Hell. He used to be a glowing angel in the presence of God in Heaven. But as fate would have it, he fell into the dangerous influence of Lucifer, a fellow angel. Lucifer did not want to be a servant of God, and thought that he too, could be God. Lucifer started filling other angels' heads with sinful fantasies, and God became angry and banished Lucifer and his fallen angels to Earth. Azael had been the first to be convinced of Lucifer's ideas, and helped him spread the influence in Heaven. Gabriel, a close familiar, tried to talk him out of it, convince him this was wrong. Azael refused and as a result, was banished along with Lucifer to Earth. Ever since then, Azael has taken souls from the Reapers to torture them. He works for the Grim Council, and hates it. Alas, he can do nothing. Even though Azael will never admit it, he fears the Grim Council. It isn't surprising, since they are extremely powerful and influential and deadly. Of course, this doesn't beat the kind of fear he has of Heaven and who rules it, but still. 

Nevertheless, Azael is still a bad boy. He loves to go to the human world and mess with humans, even breaking a few laws discreetly here and there. He was a big hit with human women, and adores to tempt, seduce and wreak havoc on Earth. He likes to get on the nerves of the Reapers, and the angels by messing up missions or just talking to them in general. Even though he fears the Council, it doesn't stop him from sometimes arguing with them or questioning their decisions. 


Can kill a human soul with a single glance (don't worry, I won't actually use this, unless I have to and the RPer of the victim agrees of me killing them), flight, telekinesis, and is exceptional at using torture devices. He's also skilled at the art of seducing, tempting and killing. 




"She kissed me.

    She kissed the devil.

   Only a beautiful soul like hers would kiss the damned."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I'm an angel,

I'm the devil,

I am sometimes in between.

I'm as bad as it gets,

And as good as can be.

Sometimes I'm a million dollars,

Sometimes I'm black and white.

I can be within an arm's reach,

or just vanish from sight.

Try to figure me out but you never can,

Because there's so many things that I am..."

My Quote?
"Satan says: Look at your sin.

God says: Look at my son.

French Toast

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