Grensbury Penitentiary Academy Registration

So tell me, what's your full name?: “Matteo Ian Lawson, but I prefer to be called Matt.”

How old are you?: “Sev-seventeen.”

What year are you in?: “I’m entering as a third year.”

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?: “W-well, the official charge was a-aggravated assault and p-possession of a weapon at school. The guy who attacked me, um, got the same charge. The court, um, almost tried me as an adult but the vi-video footage showed that I was acting in sel-self-defense, so I was able to get off easier than the, um, other guy. The court gave me two options, go to j-jail or come here. If I get kicked out of here, I got to j-jail but I’m sure you, um, already knew that.”

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?: “Um, well I guess my family started out sort of n-normal. My dad was, um, a foster kid and didn’t know his r-real family, but once he got out of the system he hooked up with my mom and they ended up getting married and having, um, me. After I was born my mom went into the a-army and was k-killed in action. I don’t really remember because I was so, um, little, but my d-dad was really messed up over it and I had to g-go live with my grandparents. Eventually my grandparents, um, filed for full custody once my dad got a-arrested. I was –offi-officially adopted by my Grandparents when I was ten. Ever since then I’ve been, um, living in their house. My d-dad is out of jail now, b-but I haven’t really had too much, um, contact. He writes me letters all the time but I-I never r-really write back.”

How would you describe yourself?: “It’s, um, kind of hard to describe myself, but I guess I’ll t-try. I’m p-pretty headstrong and, um, stubborn, but ever since the f-fight I’ve been kind of a, um, a nervous wreck. I d-don’t want to end up like my, um, dad, although both of us have a tendency to get c-caught up in the wrong kind of crowd. I was in a lot of f-fights before I got, um, busted, and I’ve actually t-trained in MMA. I’d say I was, um, pretty confident, up until the incident. I d-don’t really want to talk about m-myself anymore, if that’s ok.”

Anything else you would like to add?: “I, um, guess I devloped a b-bit of a stutter. The fight just, um, really messed me up I guess”.

Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . . (Credit: cole mohr)

Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?**
“I don’t really know what that is, b-but maybe I’d be intrested”.

[Creators addition:] Matteo is naturally very violent, although after the fight that almost resulted in jail time he has become very anxious and developed a stutter. If prodded enough he’d most likely lash out violently.

I hope its not too late to join!


No worries, Sign up is always open unless I say otherwise.

Matteo* is accepted, the majority of the characters will be found in the mess hall, just to find a way to interact, if you wish. I'm still interested as to how specifically his mom died, but that's just me.
Marira said:
No worries, Sign up is always open unless I say otherwise.

Matteo* is accepted, the majority of the characters will be found in the mess hall, just to find a way to interact, if you wish. I'm still interested as to how specifically his mom died, but that's just me.
Thanks (:

And I didn't really go into much detail about his mom's death because he doesn't really know what happened either, only that she was killed in action while overseas.
So tell me, what's your full name?

… Harris… (
My eyes narrow a bit as silence follows, I already know what is expected of me, but I wish I could get out of it.) Demeter Irene Harris, satisfied? My mother had an obsession for Greek mythology, okay? I prefer Harris or Irene anyway…

How old are you?

17, I’ll be turning 18 in a few months though.

What year are you in?

What the hell do you think? Second year…

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

… (
I’d rather not talk, but I know that I have no say in the matter.)… I attacked several people, hospitalized at least two of them and freaked out the others. It was their fault though; I warned them several times that I don’t like to be touched… They didn’t listen, they never listen. So I had to show them, that I don’t appreciate being ignored, like that.

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

It was pleasant… At first… My mother is a kind woman, she cared for me the best she could. I never knew my father, as he was never around during my childhood and my mother never talked to me about him so I don’t’ know whether he died or just abandoned us. It never really concerned me though, if he died then good riddance to trash.

(I fall silent for a moment, just collecting my thoughts before continuing.) I know what you’re probably thinking, how the hell did a happy childhood ever lead to me assaulting people?... Well what do you think, stupid? Everything went to hell after my ninth year. I didn’t know it then, but my mother was struggling to pay our bills. There was only so much a single woman could do to keep things going with bills and a young child to care for. She couldn’t keep up and so we had to move.

We’d lived in a nice suburb once… I still vaguely remember what it looked like…

I hesitate, my thoughts lingering on the house I once lived in.)

Once we’d moved, I found myself living in a bad neighborhood. You know the kind, the place your parents warn you to never stop your car in… Where gangs are located and there are drive-by shootings occasionally. It wasn’t a place I was used to and it was a bit of a learning curve to figure out how to survive.

My mom worked all day, I hardly saw her most days… And at night? Well… There is only so many times that your mother locks you in your room at night and you hear banging from the room over before you begin to realize what’s going on.

Over time, I had to learn how to protect myself… With the people living around us, it was a matter of self-defense. Especially since it wasn’t just myself that I had to protect.

Am I finished now? Or do you want to delve further into my privacy?

My lips curl into a sneer, but I just can’t help it. I’m frustrated that I have to answer these questions.)

What have you accomplished during your years at the academy?*

I don’t really pay much attention to my own reputation. But if I had to hazard a guess, I’m probably known for being quiet and anti-social… Though with a wicked temper when provoked.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m a quiet person… I prefer to be alone, though I’m not opposed to talking to people. I don’t think of myself as rude, but I’m definitely not sweet. I can be rather sarcastic when I want to. I also have a rather bad temper… I’m here after all, that should prove that.

I hate to be touched… And I hate to be ignored when I tell people crap.

Anything else you would like to add?


Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

Demeter shifted awkwardly as her picture was taken, trying her best not to look so. The girl was slightly tall, at her full height she was about 5’10” and she had a rather slender frame. The girl’s slender frame is rather deceptive, since she’s a lot stronger than she looks. Her skin was naturally pale, though she did have freckles that were quite visible along her cheeks. Her eyes are round, slightly too large for her face and the irises are a bright vivid hunter green.

Her hair is naturally black and rather thin. It falls to just above her shoulders and all through her hair are layers that were expertly cut so they gave her hair texture and made it look thicker than it was. With the layers, her hair frames her face nicely and she has a rather dramatic side back to the left which often covers her left eye. Her hair has quite a number of streaks running through it, which are a variety of different colors. Despite how quiet she is personally, her hair is not. They were all darker shades of color and it wasn’t a rainbow of color. A streak of dark red here, bangs tipped with blue and another streak of orange in another part.

Finishing off her face are full pale lips, beneath them are two stud snake bites on either side of her mouth.

Beneath her clothes she has a variety of different scars, most of them pale and somewhat insignificant, though the fact that she has quite a number of them is enough to raise eyebrows. However there is a pretty nasty one on her right shoulder, it would be extremely noticeable, but she’s covered it up with a vibrant tattoo. It’s a swirling design that doesn’t have any significant shape, other than to look interesting. The ink within is a bright orange color, masking the scar beneath it.

Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?**

… I really cannot express how little I give a crap…

[Creators addition:]

Okay, first off… Demeter has a very mild OCD~ (For anyone who might not know what that it, it’s an obsessive compulsive disorder) Demeter’s OCD is to that of cleanliness… She hates the feeling of being dirty and often times she takes two showers every day to get rid of that dirty feeling. While she does hate it when people touch her, it has more to do with her past than with her OCD, though it does play a part. If she initiates the touching, then it isn’t so bad since it’s her voluntarily doing it, but when someone forces her into it… Then she tends to react violently. Demeter is also a smoker and she gets highly irritable if she feels the urge to smoke but she can’t.
[MENTION=17]Michishige Sachiko[/MENTION]

Demeter's* accepted. NOW RUN. RUUUUN!!!
[MENTION=1862]Gemini[/MENTION] [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] [MENTION=1402]Faith Eliza Cord[/MENTION] [MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] [MENTION=30]Esme[/MENTION] [MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] [MENTION=2794]Vive[/MENTION] [MENTION=2174].:Vassel:.[/MENTION] [MENTION=2373]AlwaysChaos[/MENTION] [MENTION=2816]Kyonite[/MENTION] [MENTION=2424]ErisianDialects[/MENTION] [MENTION=17]Michishige Sachiko[/MENTION]


There will now be a set conflict (Mystery) added to the plot of this role play. If you would like to be directly involved in the mystery, please PM me; I do not wish to discuss it anywhere else.

As for anyone else who hasn't joined yet, Sign Ups are
STILL open, though for a much shorter period of time than originally planned. If you wish to join please do so before it's too late!



So tell me, what's your full name?

*Cough* Well, Uhm.. My names Jenny.. Jenny Blackston

How old are you?

Im.. Well Im 17

What year are you in?

Im a 2nd year exchange...

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

I.. I dont wish to talk of it... But if you must ask. Vandalism mostly, but the most horrible thing I did was hurt my sister.. *Cringe* I was so mad... it wasnt her fault, it was mine.. But thats over and done. I cant stick on the past.

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

Before? Horrible. My mom loved me, no matter what, but my stepdad, no way. He hated me and I just wanted my mother thats all. He hit me, he hit my mother.He wanted her for what she could give him, not
Her. He was an alchoholic, and I could tell he did drugs.. * Sigh* My family was broken, thats all I can say? Ok?

What have you accomplished during your years at the academy?*

Well, ive never been her so.. * Sinks in seat..*

How would you describe yourself?

Im shy around people I dont know, I mean its scary.. Around guys I dunno what to do.. But flirting.. now that can be fun * Chuckle * But anyways can we go on?

Anything else you would like to add?


Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .


Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

Oh, Alright.. *Sigh*

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?**

dont know.. Ive never heard of it... I guess its a pretty big deal?


Approved. And you can't post up any pictures yet until you make five posts. Just pointing that out there :P

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