Grensbury Penitentiary Academy Registration


Your Friendly Fiendly Neighborhood Facehugger
All of the stuff you really need to know is mostly in bold. The italics is just me talking. xD


I hope you all took the time to read the info, it’s quite important that you do. Now, I thought of adding a fun twist in creating a character sheet, and it’ll give me a general idea on how you all will be playing your characters. There will be an student interviewer that will be questioning you
as your character. You must answer the questions given as if you yourself were the character (time to bring out the “I/me/my”’s folks.) Unless you are playing as a teacher, please do not post your character sheet until the interviewer (member @Gemini) has made their post for the interview. Your character will not be accepted if you do; this post is merely a cheat sheet to look back on. With that being said, here are some things to remember as you are making your character:

Every student enrolled in this school will have had to be allowed entry by way of a sentence, or by expulsion of a severe cause. Any charge, crime, or offense that exceeds a first degree non-sexual assault in the registration will not be accepted.

Juvenile Delinquents–individuals that have been sent to a juvenile facility or rehabilitation center–who have completed their sentence, are on parole at the time of registration, and are no older than age 16 may be qualified for enrollment. Any charge, crime, or offense given in the registration may exceed assault, but must not be a sexual offense, and must be rational enough for acceptance.

In simpler terms, don’t go as far as beating someone to death. If they’ve been to a juvenile delinquency already, you can go as far as possibly murdering someone since you carried out that part of the sentence, just give an accurate reason for doing so, and your offense should be cut down enough for them to still qualify for enrollment, though that option would be better suited for someone who knows a bit about how the American penal system works. (Not much, if you watch shows like Law&Order, CSI, and the like.) Yes, you can have a sixteen year old freshman, no older, hence my age limit 14-20. And I am not allowing sexual offenders AT ALL. It’s a co-ed school; pick any gender you like. Oh, and if you were a bad kid in school, you can get expelled and be sent here, depending on what you did to get expelled. If you happen to have a teacher that has a criminal background, no sexual offender; other than that, go nuts.

If you ever get confused on that the interviewer is asking, here is how the skeleton will look like in a typical character sheet. The interviewer will post their character sheet in this fashion:

Full Name


Grade (four years total. Do it as year one, year two, etc. ) Staff: replace with position in academy.

Charge/Crime/Offense (refer back to my advice ^^ ) Staff: exempt if it doesn't apply.

History (before you were enrolled. You may include your sentence.)

Reputation (basically history since you’ve been enrolled. You may include any after study sports, clubs, gangs, etc. Ask me permission if you would like to already be involved in (need name for gang) or create a small gang of your own. Other than that, admission to the "program" will be by way of a limited invite.)

Personality (though this will be the character describing xirself.)

Other (just anything else you skimmed out on, or anything that didn’t fit the previous options that you would like for the interviewer to know.)

Appearance (the interviewer will ask for a picture. You can make it a description if you’d like, just say *pulls out a picture of a person who….*)

Creator’s Addition (If your character has a deep dark secret, or a habit they do not wish to share with the interviewer, you may add this bullet, and you can answer in third person now in regards to your character. This, of course, is optional.)

One more thing, something I cannot stress enough, just really get into your character and make it as awesome as YOU can ^^. Now, you can base your character off of my skelly for now, and turn everything into first person when you're ready to post, it's up to you. Also, I absolutely love variety (*ahem* Dibs on nerd hacker!!) and I know for a fact that there are plenty of ways to enter this school that I am willing to accept.
:) And take your time! Some of my best characters took a total of 2-3 days, sometimes even a week to have up and ready. If you have any questions/comments/concerns, feel free to ask me, or one of the mods, or even someone who's already been accepted if you want, we don't bite. ^^ And the most important thing: have fun, and good luck! BD


Character Statistics

Males: 11

Females: 6


Gregory Caleb Paige, Group Counselor

Anthony Larson, History & English Department

Year Ones

Ireland Donna Derwent

Lana Marissa Gregory

Keegan Tyler

Dustin Alexander Shadex

Year Twos

Jaime Valentine

Jenna Elizabeth Stackard

Anya Angelina Dardanos

Geoff Orlan Davis

Demeter Irene Harris

Year Threes

Lucas Dermont

Daniel Roger Voorhes

Matteo Ian Lawson

Year Fours

Gerome Eugene Morrow (Aria)

Andrew Winifred Harper

Spencer Julian Stormaire

Name: Lucas Dermont

Age: 18

Grade: Third


Conspiracy, accessory (robbery), intentional harassment, alarm/distress, assault (a result of duress/self defence*)


+ Top Tier Student

+ Member of the student council

+ Reliable and trustworthy despite his laid back/unapproachable edge

+ Is able to get you what you need


Born in England Lucas is of Irish descent, though his accent (courtesy of his parents) is little more than a homely twang in comparison to his ancestors providing only an indistinct hint at his heritage. Growing up in Shirley, the sprawling South London suburb of Croydon, his childhood is not something he likes to look back upon with fond eyes, his father's mind sullied by the regular intake of alcohol and he was abusive turning his hand upon his family; never satisfied by what they or the world had to offer and making no attempts to better life for himself.

For years Lucas watched routinely as his mother was attacked over ridiculous claims, unable to believe the nonsensical reassurances she provided regarding how his father was once a good and honest man, understanding and compassionate, that he once held his family in highest regard and 'would not hurt a fly'. Watched her heart break with each and every revelation of yet another sordid, back alley affair, unable to accept him, until one day when he was old enough, during a particularly brutal attack Lucas stood up to him in her place, coming to her defence and unwilling to back down.

He accepted his father's hand without resistance or regret, the beatings from that day on mostly redirecting toward him instead, and an only child, Lucas did everything he could to appease his father's temper and make him proud under the childish fancy that he might stop altogether. He studied hard at school in order to present him with the best grades and even ensured to perform even the smallest tasks and chores to the best of his ability, however nothing he did was ever good enough and quickly grew out of his naivety and Lucas withdrew into himself, taking whatever his father dealt him with practiced silence.

As time passed Lucas grew frustrated at himself, and frustrated at the world, frustrated with his father and mother and yet he was able to feign a smile everyday, and when not studying or finishing homework he was able do all the things most teenagers boys do: chase after the girls, hang out with the guys, be a regular kid. He could almost feel the puppeteers strings and he would burn up behind the mask. He fell in with the wrong crowd and began to channel his frustration into something more 'constructive'; for the first time he was on the receiving end of respect and his accomplishments were rewarded and he found release in making others suffer and inflicting pain, equalizing the field as it were as he provided a small introduction to what he had grown up with.

He was arrested for GBH at the age of fourteen; after being struck by his father Lucas carried and took out his anger on a boy at school who had wronged him some weeks prior, one whom Lucas had been close friends with, inseparable, and now held a grudge toward and wound up hospitalizing as a result of his premeditated attack. It was only because of his silver tongue and the support of his legal advisor/lawyer that he was able to contort the truth into fiction, the boy he had beaten reputed for his violent tendencies and labelled as having motive; the school having witnessed the initial argument several weeks before in which the boy told Lucas he would 'kill him' and it was decided that whilst Lucas had been placed under duress, that he had been reacting in self defence, the force he had used was unnecessary and he was nonetheless charged with assault.

He received an invitation to the Grensbury Penitentiary Academy shortly after, and has accomplished much in the three years he has been attending, not limited to but including becoming a lesser member of the student council and he still studies and hits the books hard, a prime, would be bully victim under usual circumstances.


From the top of the summit Lucas is able to see a sublime panorama. Conscientious, he commands and demands respect in equal measure and though he can be aggressive and rough he is nonetheless no fool, biding his time to strike out and is a charmer capable of inspiring others with his visions. He is confident in his ideas, methods, talent and particular area of expertise (able to locate and acquire objects/information; broker), though never egotistical or arrogant in the display; possessing a fine intellect that is more than a match for most challenges and is tireless in the pursuit, determined to find a way. Despite his apparent devil-may-care attitude and lazy mannerism he is highly responsible, quick to offer free 'advice' and support even after delegating tasks to another aware that everything can go wrong if not tied up and he embraces pressure, able to keep it together when things go wrong; adaptable.

His overall standing within the school permits him alot of power/authority over the student body which he rarely flaunts, though that is not to say he is above using it for his own personal advantage/gain, and he is not one to easily reveal his motives or emotion, disorienting to be around. His humour is dominantly of the dark and black variety, without moral and knowing no bound and his chilly rationality allows him to keep control of his emotions and the situations that may distract him, and he is seldom swayed by the feelings of others; permitting himself neither regret nor nostalgia. However it is this composure, this shield that also prevents others from getting close and he struggles to let them, solitary and self sufficient, unwilling to gift them with the capacity of hurting him as he has been in the past, and he is constantly keeping chart of a person's worth.


Lucas is a smoker and can often be seen completing puzzle games, his body is marred by fine scars from his youth, particularly his back.

Appearance: Ka - Lick (His hair style alters depending on whether he is in or out of school hours, during it frames his face on either side however out of hours it is combed to one side revealing a patterned, half shaven head)

Creator’s Addition:

Lucas is a high ranking and respected, yet unsuspected (at least to those uninvolved), member of the Church of Triumvirate. There are also various rumors floating around regarding why he attacked a fellow student when he was fourteen, the closest to the truth are those that revolve around his sexual orientation.


(Interview/application Format below)

My name is Lucas, I've been sent to meet you, and with that said allow me to be one of the first to welcome all new arrivals to Grensbury Academy, and to our old students; welcome back. Those of you who are new here will find that there are many rules in place here. Rules you are expected to follow, and it is compulsory for me to inform and advise you first and foremost that it would be unwise to actively attempt to find out just how far and how easily these can be bent or broken if you intend to prolong your stay. If you are struggling to comprehend them; simple as they may be-, or you do not understand what is expected of you here at GrenPen over the course of your stay, as a member of your student council I also encourage you to come forward at your leisure with any and all problems you may be experiencing, as your seniors will tell you it is of course only my duty to aid and support you to the best of my ability as it is my fellow council members. Before you begin your tour of the campus and return to your old rooms, I would like to inform you all that the council and I do have several questions that we would like for you to answer all of which are, unfortunately, compulsory and we will calling you throughout the course of the day.

So tell me, what's your full name?

How old are you?

What year are you in?

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

What have you accomplished during your years at the academy?*

How would you describe yourself?

Anything else you would like to add?

Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?**

[Creators addition:]


*For return students only

**The Church of Triumvirate: One of the school's many program's, simply state if you are an existing member (simply recognize my character if that is the case and mention their continued interest/loyalty/whatever, whatever works best for your character really) or if you would like to become one, if you are fresh of the bus and thus naturally have no idea what it is state as such and make a note in the creators addition if you are interested or not in being recruited.
Full Name: Gregory Caleb Paige

Age: 27

Grade: N/A

Occupation: Group counselor, and course curriculum advisor; teacher advisor to CoT

History: I was something of a shy, quiet boy, not very strong, and I was pulled into…not quite the most exemplary group of boys. I tried not to get involved with their crimes, but when I was fourteen a case of grand theft auto got a little out of hand. Some of the boys were charged with kidnapping and extortion, but it would have been worse if I weren’t there. Still, I ended up in a reform facility and as uncomfortable as that was at first, I made friends who taught me how to avoid being bullied so much. I went on to college where I did very well, and I currently hold a BA in psychology and a MA in family therapy. I’ve been here at Grensbury for, gosh, it must be three years now. I think the rest of the staff and students have really accepted me by now.

Reputation: Some students may find me to be a bit harsher than others, but it is only when discipline calls for it. It’s for the best for them.

Personality: Approachable, a sympathetic listener; I do what I can to help anyone who needs it.


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Creator’s Addition: Gregory is a consummate liar.

So tell me, what's your full name?

My full name? It's Ireland Donna Derwent. And yes I am aware my first name is weird so don't even start.

How old are you?

I am currently sixteen years of age, but I turn seventeen next month.

What year are you in?

I am a first year of course. What are you stupid or something?

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

*Sighs* Last month I got into a fight with some idiots. A couple of creeps. I ended up beating them all up pretty bad and put one in a hospital. They pressed charges and since they were all ****** up and I wasn't, no one believed it was self-defense. Oh yeah. I also got in trouble for possessing some weed. Whatever.

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

Do I really have to tell you my life story? Fine. I was born to two parents or so I was told. My mom skipped out on my family when I was only about three years old. Yeah I love you too mom. Whatever. So I was the youngest of two, my older brother is like eight years older than me and he left the house pretty quick once he turned eighteen. He was really my only support in the family. For a while our dad would just work and work and work and so it was always the two of us home. But I guess family wasn't that important as once he finished high school he got the hell out of the house.

For a while I was fine on my own. Can you imagine a ten year old trying to use the stove so she can eat because her brother didn't want to be reminded of his ****** up family and your dad couldn't stand to see the sight of you? Well that was how it was. I did okay for my age. I stayed out of trouble as much as I could. Until
she came into our lives. My dad remarried when I was twelve and well she had a son who was about sixteen. A real creep. He would hit on me, touch me sometimes. Nothing sexual. He'd never touch me in a sexual manner. Always my cheek or shoulder or hair. But the words and looks he gave me. ....



Sorry I don't want to talk about it. Anyways no one believed me. My dad nor my stepmom. But I was use to being on my own in things so I let it go. You can see now why I ddin't like the way these guys were calling after me and trying to touch me right? I was just protecting myself, but no one cares. And the weed? Just trying to find my way in the world. I needed to start saving money. I guess I picked a stupid way to start. But I never used any of it. I am a good person. Just got shit for luck.

How would you describe yourself?

Difficult. I am not easy to be around and I know it. I guess I'd also have to say I am a bit of a ***** at times as well. Not the best girl around nor am I the prettiest. But I get by and that is all that matters to me.

Anything else you would like to add?

Don't try and be my friend. I am here because I messed up. I got into a fight I shouldn't of. I was carrying something I shouldn't have. It's my own damn fault I am here or so I am told. But I plan to get out as soon as I can. I'm not here to make friends.

Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

I don't care really. Go ahead.


Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?**

I don't care about it. That is all I got to say on the subject. Can I go now?

[Creators addition:] Ireland does not like being touched, especially her hair being touched. If she is touched, mostly by guys, she will strike out to "protect" herself. She doesn't take compliments well either.
(I may cut a character if I decide this is too much)

(Due to her elective mutism, Lana has refused to participate in an interview.)

Full Name: Lana Marissa Gregory

Age: 16, nearly 17


Year one


Lana was charged with first degree assault and attempted murder, as well as carrying a lethal weapon on school grounds.

History :

Lana was born to middle class, very average parents in a small Midwest town. Lana is an identical twin to her sister Lorna. From infanthood onward, Lana and Lorna were extraordinarily close, even for twins. It was upon Lana’s insistence that the two always dressed identically and were very rarely apart from each other. Before they were five years old, Lana, who was the more dominant of the two, began to insist that Lorna have no other friends than herself. Relishing the control she was able to wield over her sister, Lana then upped the ante, declaring that she nor Lorna would speak to anyone except each other, and they would not allow anyone to hear them speak to each other. They would be the only people who mattered to each other in their lives.

Although Lorna was reluctant, she followed her sister’s wishes, and the girls remained electively mute with all but each other, and only when in total privacy could they break their silence to speak to each other. Their silence was so total that their parents, relatives, and school teachers were alarmed and tested them for a variety of physical ailments and mental disorders, with little cooperation from the girls. Because they refused to speak, and because other children were beginning to bully them, the girls were put on homebound…for years. This only increased the severity of their self-induced isolation.

By the time they were fifteen, their parents forced them into counseling for the third time. The second two times had been unsuccessful, as the girls were simply silent, but on the third time, the counselor suggested hiding a camera in their bedroom to see if they spoke when alone. When confronted with the evidence, Lorna broke, speaking for the first time in years, and informed Lana that she was not going to continue their campaign of silence.

This enraged Lana and terrified her as well, for she had now lost control of her sister, and feared losing her entirely. Threats and pleading did not budge her. Lorna was determined she would speak, and this provoked Lana to an act of desperation.

Stealing the key to her father’s gun cabinet, Lana took out one of his pistols and hauled it with her to school, where she publicly pulled a gun on Lorna in the hallway. She planned to shoot anyone who got in their way, as well as Lorna and herself. She shot Lorna in the jaw and was fortunately apprehended before she could do any further damage. Lorna survived but is permanently disfigured as a result; she and Lana are no longer physically identical. Lana was sentenced to a juvenile detention center, and has recently completed her program. She will do as she is told, but still refuses to speak to any but Lorna.

Reputation : Lana has no interest in being involved in anything, and is a new student.

Personality: Lana is desperate and overly emotional, and tends to overpersonalize everything that is said or done around her. She is very controlling and feels distraught and scattered if she feels she does not have control of her environment. She does not mix well with others and in fact would very much prefer to be left alone. She still writes her sister every chance she can get but ignores all phone calls and letters from her parents or any others. Lana is intelligent and academically inclined, but does her work without personality put into it, basically regurgitating what she has read. She is asexual and finds other people to be either boring, disgusting, stupid, or frightening.


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So tell me, what's your full name? Anya Angelina Dardanos. Enough a’s in there, huh? Think my parents wanted me to sound frilly or what? Not to mention we sound foreign as hell and they’re just regular white people…if you could call anyone associated with me “regular.”

How old are you? Seventeen, thank god, or else they probably would have charged me as an adult.

What year are you in? By some friggin’ miracle and my skills of self-preservation, two.

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

Because everyone is a freakin’ goody two shoes, that’s why. Oh, is it the official court answer you want? Right, everyone’s soooo serious. It’s not like I even touched the kid. I didn’t kill him, I just watched him die. If you ask me, there’s a huge difference there. If I’d taken the little brat and thrown him in the pool with a weight around his neck, then yeah, that would be murder, but me? I just took him out with me when I was tanning at our pool, and the dumb little kid just got in there, with all his clothes on and everything. My brother, I mean. I guess that’s what you’d call him, he was only two and not interesting yet so I never called him anything but kid. Fine, JAMES, his name was JAMES, for your official court room records or whatever. JAMES jumped in or fell in or whatever with all his clothes on, and once he started going under I thought it was pretty interesting. So I just sat down and watched him. It was pretty awesome, really, watching him slowly stop moving and how his face went still, like a doll. If any of you people actually would WATCH someone die you’d think it was cool too.

Thing is my parents, they’d been sort of wising up to me for a while…took them long enough, the idiots. So when my dad came out and saw me staring at him and I tried to pass it off as shock, it didn’t work for once. Soooo there it was, rehab and arrest and all the rest. I think they thought I threw him in, but I didn’t, I just watched. Same result, different cause.

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

Heh, I was a poor little rich girl, minus the “poor” part because I actually had it pretty damn good. I never wanted my parents around anyway, so it’s not like I cared that they didn’t spend much time with me or pay much attention to me. They got me whatever I wanted or needed, and I could pretty much do whatever I wanted. I never had any interest in making friends or having anyone love me, I just honestly didn’t care. People, they’re there to be amused by and to manipulate to get what I want or need. Friendship, love, and if you really want to know, sex, are things people make a big deal over that I think are pretty stupid and overexaggerated. Kind of sucks that I’m here now but hey, gives me a chance to screw with people who already have a few screws loose.

And the kid? I didn’t have anything against him, other than the way he screamed and couldn’t use the toilet like a civilized person. But watching him die was way more interesting than saving him.

What have you accomplished during your years at the academy?*

I’m still here, aren’t I? That’s a big accomplishment right there. I get good grades and I’m not kicked out yet…or caught too badly.

How would you describe yourself? Smarter than everyone else around me, including you, and way sneakier. I can manipulate anyone to do anything I want them to and they don’t even usually know what happened. And I can be anything I want to be. You know just for fun, I used to go to school acting like a totally different personality in every class, and then I’d change it up the next day, just to see what people thought? You know I’ve made grown men cry before, and I’m not talking my wimp father?

I do draw a line, I don’t kill people, and I don’t do sick sex stuff with them. Why do that when I can make other people do it and figure out a way to watch or hear about it? More of a challenge.

Anything else you would like to add? Yeah, I can tell you’re hot for me even though you think I’m evil.

Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

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Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

[Creators addition:] Anya has antisocial personality disorder, born rather than bred. Although she, like Lana, has no interest in sex, she will often use her looks and others’ attraction to her to manipulate them. She can appear very cooperative and obedient while secretly rebelling and hurting others’ progress.


So tell me, what's your full name? Keegan Tyler…don’t you KNOW that? I don’t have a middle name. I don’t even know why my FIRST name is so stupid.

How old are you? Why are you asking me all this stuff you already know, don’t you have papers, or are you just trying to see if I lie? I’m fourteen, okay?

What year are you in? My FIRST, obviously I’m the youngest you can be to be here!

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

Because Alex was right all along and Anton IS an asshole, that’s why! Because I killed him back when I was eleven, you KNOW that!

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

Did you lose the records or something? Doesn’t foster care system have them or something? Fine, whatever, I don’t know who my parents are, because they dumped me in a DUMPSTER when I was a baby. So someone found me, lucky lucky me, and I got dumped into foster care then. I moved like twenty times in eleven years because no one actually wanted me. Then when I went with Anton and Penelope it was just me there, no one else, and Anton was really nice to me. Penelope was stupid, all she did was walk around in a daze and exercise even though she was already a complete twig, but Anton, he would buy me stuff and talk to me and he said he LOVED me and would do stuff to show it, you know, how people do that. But then that asshole, he got THREE other foster kids, all GIRLS, and they were OLDER, and he was doing the same thing to them too, and they didn’t even WANT him to love them! So I had to kill him, because he was just lying to me. There was some kind of poison for the rats under the house under the sink and I just put it in his coffee in the morning. I didn’t think they’d figure out it was ME and make me go to a freaking juvie place for THREE YEARS and then have to go HERE.

What have you accomplished during your years at the academy?* I told you I haven’t BEEN here before!

How would you describe yourself? What do you mean? Like how I look? You can SEE me, can’t you? Oh, how I am? I don’t know. No one likes me much, but that’s just because they’re stupid. People usually are. I guess I have “anger issues” is what the people in juvie said, but those are the same idiots that say I was abused too. I mean, I do get angry but for reasons. I guess I don’t really get sad very much, because there’s no point in that. I don’t really get excited either, but it’s not like there’s a lot to get excited over. I don’t like most people.

Anything else you would like to add? Yeah, can I go now?

Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

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Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

[Creators addition:]

Keegan is aggressive, impulsive, and immature, and very vindictive. If she feels you have wronged her, she will try in some way to retaliate. She is mistrustful of women and swings between overly trusting and mistrusting men, and she does not care about friends but does want a romantic relationship.
Name: Gerome Eugene Morrow (Alias; "Aria")

Age: Nineteen

Year: Four,and quietly unrepentant

Criminal History: Confirmed arms trafficking (Innumerable counts),suspected accessory (murder,robbery),suspected gang ties,suspected fraud.

History: Gerome was born to a high class family,and was given everything he asked for. He was rich,his parents influential. But he wanted excitement. He heard of gangs,and thought, "Such a shoddy operation. I could do better." And so he did. Gerome very quickly amassed a huge web of contacts,and only a very small handful actually knew his true identity. To the vast majority of the criminal underground,the mysterious "Aria" was the one you needed to get ahold of to get your weapons and ammo. And they could get anything. Rifles,shotguns,handguns of all actions and calibers. It was like Aria was a military surplus store. The operation was smooth as silk,too. Zero human interaction;Aria operated solely by deniable dead-drops and a strict,yet mutable,timetable. Of course,dead drops are predictable,so Gerome made certain to randomize which ones were active,and made pains to avoid or discontinue ones that had earned the eye of the authorities. Eventually,he was ratted out by one that he called friend,and one of his first contacts. Gerome never learned what motivated his friend's betrayal,but he didn't care. He told the police,and was found dead in his home soon afterward. Thankfully,this incident didn't disrupt his network much. People only knew what they needed to know,and nothing more. Only Gerome needed to know all. Gerome accepted his arrest without a fight,and admitted to his arms dealing,but gave no details to any of his crimes. Having no other option,Gerome was sent to the Grensbury Academy for rehabilitation. His operation is suspected to include highly abrasive or corrosive chemicals,as he must wear cotton gloves for medical reasons,concerning severe burns.

Reputation: Suave and agreeable. Gerome is known to be a kind guy,appearing to try and put his past behind him.

Personality: He has a habit of creating a "Critical Psychoanalysis Failure" effect on any mental health professional that seeks to study or treat him,making him notoriously impossible to predict,seemingly making a game of it. Aside from that,Gerome is very confident and affable.

Gerome Eugene Morrow stands at six foot seven inches. He his lean with pointed features. His eyes are brown,as is his hair. His hair is thick,but kept short. His eyebrows are also fairly bushy. His "Casual" attire consists of a black buisness suit with a dark purple tie. No matter the outfit he wears,he always keeps a digital watch on his left wrist and wears his trademark white cotton gloves,and wears black dress shoes.

Creator's Note: Gerome letitimately does not understand that his crimes are morally wrong. Furthermore,he knows how to fight,although he'd preffer not to. Furthermore,he's a confirmed genius.


So tell me,what is your full name?

"My full name is Gerome Eugene Morrow."

How old are you?

"I am currently nineteen years of age. And,before you ask,I'm in my fourth and final year at the Academy."

Tell me a little about your record,and why you're here.

"The police arrested me for trafficking arms to citizens of the city."

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

"You phrase the latter half of that like a question. My family owns a wildly successful bank,so I was born to money. But money is hardly exciting. That is all you're getting from me."

What have you accomplished during your years at the Academy?

"Academicaly? Quite a bit. If I was simply accepted into a juvinile detention centre,I suspect that my brain would've simply atrophied from disuse. But this is an academy,so there isn't much else to accomplish,now,is there?"

How would you describe yourself?

"Intelligent and well-dressed. To say much else would be to delve into narcissm."

Anything else you would like to add?

<Gerome shakes his head and waves his hand dismissively>

Ah,one more thing; I need to take a photot for your records.

<Gerome shrugs,smiles for the camera,while sitting at a slight angle>

Alright,that's about all I need to know. You should recieve your updated ID bracelet within the next day or so,although before we hang this up,I have one more question,off the record;

What are your thoughts concerning the Church of Triumvirate?

"I have no time to concern myself with such rabble."
So tell me, what's your full name?

Matthias Trist, y'want my phonenumber too, sweetcheeks?

How old are you?


What year are you in?

Check the calendar. I kid I kid, don't get your nickers twisted, I'm in first year. Ain't that fresh?

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

Oh my, going straight for the sweet spot aren't ya? Tsk, I bet you're popular with the students here, I'm sure they all want to talk about that. Isn't it in my 'portfolio' anyway? ... No? Fine, I'll tell you the majestic tale of The Endless Stairs That Spiralled Downwards. Or, I'll just give you a brief list of the shit I've done so far, probably the latter. Carjacking

Stealing & Fencing

Dealing & Consuming

Armed Robbery

Assault & Battery

And through all that I haven't lost my rosetinted glasses, do I get bonus points for that?

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

...Why? You're going to analyze my situation? My life and past? You're going to try and save this poor child? ******* *****, I don't need your ******* charity! Find some other ******* 'lost soul'.

...Whatever, you can find me in page 87 of your ******* textbook anyway; I come from a broken home, been poor all my life, son to an abusive alcoholic **** of a father and an apathic junkie of a mother and all that fun stuff. I met a couple of guys, older than me, who started to show me how the world really worked, y'know? They showed me how to deal with people, how to deal with life. You can probably say it was because of them that I'm in this situation, but ****, only thing I'd change in my life would be getting caught.

Hell, they say you're made by the hurdles you jump...Well I could join the ******* Olympics, there's nothing you can throw my way that I can't cope with, so **** you and **** everybody who thinks they need to pity me.

So there ya go, satisfied?

How would you describe yourself?

I'm usually a pretty laid back guy, usually. I don't mind learning about things I find interesting either, there isn't much that grabs my attention though.

I don't like it when people think they need to be the alpha dog of the pack, and when I see someone act like that I'll probably end up pushing that person until he makes the first swing. Oh, did I already say this? I don't mind manipulating and using people, hell, it's their fault if they end up being used.

Anything else you would like to add?


Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

Sure, whatever.


Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?

I don't know much about them, yet. I'm 'intrigued', let me put it like that.
Alright, i know there has been confusion on how specifically to create your character sheet, and people have their own ways, which aren't totally wrong, but here is mine if you really feel like playing it safe. Reminder: this is the interview skeleton for students.

So tell me, what's your full name?

Jaime, J-A-I-M-E, Valentine, like… *sigh* like the holiday.

How old are you?

I’m sixteen, though I don’t think I look or talk at all like one…

How many years have you been attending GrenPen?*

I’m a year Two.

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

I-um… hacked my school’s site. I made all of the lunches fifty cents cheaper, which, depending of the quality of what was cooked, they shouldn’t have made it cost so much to begin with…

What was your life like? Tell me about your background?

*awkwardly shifts in his seat* Um… I really don’t like talking about it, but if it’s for the form, sure.

My parents didn’t come from much, though they always tried to give me a fulfilling life—or childhood, rather. They always saw something in me, and always encouraged me to do my best. Clearly I was seen to have high expectations, from elementary to junior high, which is why they were so surprised when the… incident happened.

It was my first year in high school, which in turn was a scary year enough, I made who I thought to be “friends.” There’s no telling what sort of rumors they’re spreading about me now. Anyway, one was really low on funds, and had no financial aid. They knew how well I worked with computers, and they somehow knew that I was able to crawl through certain, unauthorized, parts of the system. He told me all he needed was lunch money, and he was off by fifty cents. Another friend, one he’d considered a brother before I even came into the picture, claimed he needed that discount as well, and suggested “what the hell, make everyone have the discount, the food tastes like shit anyway.” So, I did it. The next day, it was very easy to catch the change from that morning’s breakfast run. Also, they found the breach, though quite delayed if you ask me. The staff had called me down to the office. They were there, and.. they certainly didn’t hesitate to open mouth and point the finger at me. When the principal asked, I had no choice to confess, though they were the ones to convince me to do so.

My punishment? I get expelled, the school pressed charges on me since it was a federal offense or something like that. I was put on house arrest for the rest of the school year, and my parents had to pay for the deduction from the breach, which was a little over $1,000 I believe. They hardly ever looked at me the same way since then, and I mostly stayed in my room during that time, minus any electronics. I hardly came out of my room, other than to go to the bathroom, and when I got hungry. I tried not to indulge too much; it was bad enough they had to pay for what my mistake was, let alone their grocery bill. I guess we were all relieved once it was confirmed I’d get sent here by the end of break. *sighs* I really do wanna do something great in this world, and I think this academy is my only chance of that now. I don’t wanna jeopardize that.

What have you accomplished during your years at the academy?*

Well, a typical student who has been around for a while would see me as the “merit collector,” since I’ve been given so many merits than I honestly knew what to do with. It’s not like I had anywhere to go, I’d just walk out on the town to get a bag or chips or something as soon as I get money. Sorry, I’m rambling. Other than that, I’ve been pretty invisible, or at least I try to. Don’t even mention the Hell I go though in February… *shudders a little*

How would you describe yourself?

Oh, well you know, I hacked a school site so that clearly shows that I’m pretty smart. I’m really a nice person; of course, you’re expecting a lot of interviewees to say that. *nervous chuckle* I don’t really talk that much to people, unless they ask me for help with something, though some would rather let me do their work for them. I really don’t like being taken advantage of…

Anything else you would like to add?

No, nothing that I can think of right now…

Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

Oh… Here.


Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up I have one final question, off the record:

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?**

Um, I really don’t know. Though it pains me to follow the rumors that have been going on about it, it seems that any member of that has a much greater chance at survival than the average student, I guess.

*Author's Addition:
Though he will not admit to it as such, Jaime has suffered an eating disorder during his house arrest, which somewhat diminished into his first year. He clearly has certain features that are very noticeable, such as his lanky frame makes him look younger, though his voice sounds oddly mature and lower than people expect. Jaime also keeps a journal by his bedside, which may be used to create a memoir in the future.
Full Name: Daniel Rogier Voorhees. Yes,exactly like Jason.

Age: 17. Yeah, I had an off birthday and I'm young. S'that gonna be a problem, Pip-Squeak?

Grade: Year Three

Charge/Crime/Offense: Several Accounts of Arson, but you knew that already, didn't you? I mean, the paper had that shit plastered on page one for two weeks, trial too. You know if that girl is okay? You might as well add in a variety of lesser charges of vandalism, or were those in the sealed file from when I was twelve...Oh well, not my problem anymore, it's yours.

History: What is there really to say? I mean, everything you need to know is in that file. My parents got divorced when I was six, I lived with my mum until things got complicated for us, and she disowned me. My older brother took me in after that, we didn't exactly see eye to eye either, but he got me to a point. I was never restricted, hard to do when your drunk or working all the time, right? Yeah, and it's never been a secret that fire brings me more enjoyment than most people. I mean, you think I just started burning buildings on my first go? Ha. Nah, I went from small things, like flowers and papers and worked my way up. I got involved with a couple of people,

I think you turned them down for being to old or some shit like that, so I'm here, while their rotting in a jail cell for a few years. Fun stuff, and hey, it's not like I meant for anyone to get hurt. You know how many times we checked the building over? Made sure no one was home? How the hell were we suppose to know that she ha-...yes, you're right. I need to calm down. My apologizes. After that, we had the court case, and I was suggested for here. Clearly, I got in. Two years ago, if you can't count.

In that time, well, let's just say, I've made some friends, and I've made some less so. You know that Church thing? Can you believe they had the audacity to think someone like me would want to be part of that? I'm an athiest, I don't care what you stand for, the fact you have church in your name means I'm going to be looking up to some asswhipe as better than me. They make me sick. Even more than you do, and I'm sure I've made it clear how bad I want to nail that adam's apple of yours, haven't I?

Reputation: Well, let's just say I like rugby, a lot. The group of friends I'm always around? Yeah, we're pretty tight, we came up with a group name and everything. And I mean, look at the first two year, I don't care much for academics, it's a what, floating C+?

Personality: This should be good.

I'm a romantic at heart, I adore moonlight strolls along the board walk. Sipping tea by the fire is a favorite past time of mine, and the only thing I truly want out of life is the love of a woman that I can dot and fawn over like the queen she will be to me.

Did I mention I'm sarcastic? A bit of a top act joke-ster if I do say so myself. Nah, don't get your panties in a knot, I'm pretty chill, just, stupid questions get stupid answers, you feel?

Other: Anything else I feel like telling you? Nothing that comes to mind, no. What's with the third degree anyway?


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My, ah, twin, if you will.

Creator’s Addition Daniel had his name legally changed a year prior to getting busted and sent to Grensbury, he has yet to say what triggered the name changing. He is the leader of an arsonist only gang, Incendi.
Full Name: Spencer Julian Stormaire



Battery and Drug Possession

Spencer was raised in a wealthy family--actually, that's an understatement, they're filthy rich, they've got money coming out their ass. Money is never an object, but it's never enough. Spencer's father is one of the most critically aclaimed attourneys in Manhattan. Spencer has learned all the tricks of the trade as well as the the ways to avoid and sneak around the legal system. Making it oh-so easy to get involved in less-than-legal pursuits.

At New Your's most prestegious boarding school, Spencer, with the advantage of his family's wealth and influence, he got into the dealing business. Over the years he had a good scheme running, and right under his father's nose too, that is, until he was dragged into a fight over a deal gone bad and caught while in possession of heroin. He won the fight of course, put the kid in a hospital for a while with a couple of broken ribs; however, in his family's 'utter shame' he was sent to Grensburg, in hopes to reform his otherwise 'poor behavior'. But in a place full of other delinquents, ost of them addicts themselves, it opened up a new realm of business, running the drug market.

Senior year, making it Spencer's fourth and final year at the retched facility, and he had finally worked his way to the top of the ladder.


Observant, Snarky, Cocky, Arrogant, Self Confident, Prideful, did I mention Arrogant?

The key to true confidence and showing it [being a bastard and getting away with it] is knowing that you have the ability to back up your words, say, when shit hits the fan. He knows how to fight, how to fight with a knife and against one--which he learned was necessary the hard way. He can be convincing when he wants to be and has a long experience lying to people's faces.

He has a faint scar running down down the side of his jaw and partially down the side of his throat.

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So tell me, what's your full name?

Is this really necessary, you know who I am. However, for you, Luke, I'll humor you.

How old are you?

Eighteen. Next question.

What year are you in?

My third. Been in here a while. Not many make it through this long. Most of the dumb-asses get themselves kicked out.

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

Drug "possession", that's the "official charge". *chuckles* But they don't know the half of it. Also abuse and battery. Some shit-for-brains tried to jump me, said something about my guys beating the shit out of his cousin. 'Course, I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. Sent his ass to the hospital, the squirmy little punk.

I've been in my share of fights. But I must have gotten sloppy this time. Someone called the cops, and I got caught--in possession of heroin, I might add. Not like I'm an addict myself, I don't do the stuff I deal. *holds up his hands* Call me what you want, hypocrite, whatever. I've seen how bad it can **** a person up. But, whatever, I'm not complaining, you're a fool not to pass up the kind of money it racks up. If they knew what was really going on, I don't know, they might've sent me somewhere else.

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

My background, huh? Where to start. I could just make something up. But you wouldn't be too happy with that, would you? … You're too serious, Luke.

Back to story time. Oh, yes, let's see. Dysfunctional family might be a good start. Almost everyone knows the 'Stormaire' name, my father's one of those hot-shot lawyer, attorneys, so we've always had plenty of money. I always got what I want if that meant it meant less stress on the oh-so-burdened shoulders of my parents. I never really cared for my mother, but it still kind of irritated me to see my father fooling around with other women. A commitment is a commitment, any business man can tell you that.

Anyways, a guy's gotta find his kick some place. Mine just happened to be, ah, a little less than legal. I guess that's suppose to be ironic, my old man being a lawyer and all. I got caught. It would be an understatement to say dad was a bit disappointed. With the charges I had I qualified for this place. It would have been bad for the family reputation if the press heard I was going to juvie rather than an academy for the troubled young generation. So here I am. *holds out his arms*

What have you accomplished during your years at the academy?

Oh, a handful of things here and there, some I don't care to have recorded. I would have to say my contribution in establishing the Church.

How would you describe yourself?

Ambitious is a word that comes to mind. At the risk of sounding vain, I think I'll leave it at that.

Anything else you would like to add?

Why am I doing this again?

Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

Whatever, man, this is your party. Just be sure to get my good side.

Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?

You could say I'm a loyal believer. After all, we founded it, didn't we? *smirk*
I: Alright, thank you for joining us today. Firstly, we’re going to ask you some basic questions, for the record.

J: Kay.

I: So, what is your full name?

J: Jenna Stackard. My middle name’s Elizabeth.

I: Alright, and how old are you, Jenna?

J: I just turned 18.

I: And in what year are you?

J: Second year. I thought I’d be the oldest one in my class, but, actually, there’s a lot of people my age. I guess a lot of kids here dropped out. [nervous laugh]

I: Good, you’re doing good.

J: You don’t have to do that.

I: Do what, Jenna?

J: I don’t know…Be so encouraging. Like, I’m going to co-operate and answer your questions, so…You don’t have to try to make it easier.

I: Sounds good. Alright –

J: There. That.

I: Tell me about your charges. It says here that you were arrested on breaking and entering, larceny, fraud and drug possession. Can you talk about that?

J: When I was fourteen, I was living a coke house for about seven months, as a dealer. The bottom rungs of the coke industry don’t make much money. Like, Joel pretty much kept half of the profits to himself. So, just being a runner pretty much amounted to minimum wage, only we don’t work full-time jobs. I wanted to make more money. I had worked at a shop before, but they had already fired me for skipping shifts and coming to work intoxicated. And the house we lived in didn't offer much by way of hygiene, so I looked pretty awful. McDonalds wouldn't hire me. But I'd had enough, and I wanted to get out of the house, so, I started to take people's credit cards and jewelry and things that would be easy to sell, trying to save up for a few months of rent. But..yeah. I'd only broken in to three houses before I got caught. I guess the police had connected the evidence of all my break-ins, and linked me to all the charges on the stolen credit cards, so I was found guilty on all counts. And of course the drug possession. I cut a deal with the police about Joel’s coke gang, and testified in court to get my jail time reduced to six months.

I: Tell me about your history leading up to your time in the coke house.

J: Well, I was born in Ann Arbor general hospital, and lived here all my life. My sister was born two years after me. My mom was a nurse, and my dad worked at the car manufacturing plant in town, before it shut down. I liked drawing and stuff, so my parents always made sure there was paint and crayons and things for me. I was a pretty quiet kid, I guess. My sister was the loud one. She always had friends over, and always had bigger birthday parties.

I got my first job when I was thirteen, at a coffee shop. Just doing cash and stuff, but it was pretty cool. But, one of my older co-workers invited me out to a few parties, like, big kid parties, I guess. She bought me alcohol, and introduced me to people who dealt weed. I know it was all illegal, but I never did anything that I couldn’t handle. I always knew when to stop. Like, I never ended up at the hospital, or went home hammered or anything. It was fun, though. It was great to break out of my quiet life, and become this cool, other person…It was like a secret identity.

I made new friends, and started skipping school a lot so I could get high. I always used to get good marks, but they started slipping. But at that point, my parents were fighting all the time because my dad lost his job – they got a divorce later on. The stopped caring about my grades, and about me, it seemed. Even about my sister. That’s part of the reason I started going to the parties and stuff. I just needed to get away. But, I never wanted my sister to find out. She saw me come home stoned once, but she kept my secret, I think. My parents stayed up one night when they finally started to catch on, and they almost flew off the handle. After that, I moved in with my good friend, and pretty much dropped out of school to work at the coffee shop. But, even then, that didn’t pay well enough to stop me from going broke after the first week after every paycheck.


[recording stops]*

[recording continues]

I also started shoplifting, at first. But, even then, we had a hard time making the rent, so we ended up getting evicted. So, we ended up squatting in a coke house. I never did coke, though. Joel fired you if you started using. Said that it threw you off the game, and you’d start cutting into his profits.

I: How would you describe your reputation at Grensbury Academy?

J: Ummm…An artistic badass, I guess. Like, I’m the marketing coordinator for the student council and a photographer for the student newspaper. But... people can always count on me to get stuff done. I run on favours, so I’ll do something for you, if you’ll do something for me in return.

I: How would you describe your personality?

J: Well, my therapist says that I’m quietly angry. Like, it’s not that I scream and cry a lot, I sortof internalize everything. But she thinks that my anger often defines my actions and reactions to people and events. [laughing] Which pretty much means she thinks I’ve made bad decisions since I came here. I mean, I think it would be safe to say that it's been a bit of an adjustment, coming to the academy after living in the ghetto. There are people there who had worse sentences that me that seem to be adjusting better. I guess I’m stubborn, and uncooperative when I don’t agree with something. Like, why on earth would you schedule classes for 6am? And why are we
never allowed off school property? Like, that's just going to lead to a whole mess of problems. People are going to find ways of interacting with the real world, even if you don't give it to them. So, why don't they just give us like 30 minutes a week to interact with normal people? Don't they want us to be well-adjusted when we get out? I mean, I barely get to see my sister, stuck in here.

But, I mean, I have redeeming qualities, too. I’m pretty loyal to people I care about, and I’m pretty approachable, I think. Friendly might be taking it too far, but I certainly won’t bite if you try to talk to me. And I keep secrets very well, unless the offer of a favour is good enough.

I: Great. Well, that is all for today, Miss. Stackard. I just need a photograph for the file, and then you’re free to return to class.

[recording stops]

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Additional notes:

*Jenna insisted this part of the interview be wiped from the record, as it has nothing to do with her charges.

- She is a smoker. Her therapist says she has been trying to cut back, but she still smokes about 5 cigarettes a day. It helps her, the therapist notes, to hold on to some small form of rebellion.

- The penitentiary's doctor noted signs of alcohol withdrawal when she first arrived. Whether or not she is aware of the symptoms' cause is uncertain.

- Has a homemade, poorly executed tattoo in the shape of a star on the inside of her left wrist.

- **EDIT: was going to save it for the rp, but it seems like many people are adding explanations in the note section** On listening to the recording, her therapist added that Jenna seemed to be at her best and most cooperative. Those using this recording are cautioned that this representation of Jenna may not be entirely accurate. She is self-interested, has an amplified instinct for self-preservation after a life on the streets, and is an accomplished liar. She has a shrewd mind, and will betray her friends and allies if the perceived benefits of doing so are high. For example, on the strength of her testament in court, the friend that she joined the coke gang with was sent to jail, along with several other members. However, she does not divulge her information frequently, and thus maintains a reputation of being rather trustworthy. The therapist noted that although Jenna genuinely has an affable and sincere personality, classmates who choose to become her friend are playing a game of Russian Roulette, even if they don't realize it.

- **EDIT 2** Jenna's natural hair colour is dark brown; she changed her hair colour over the summer.

- Jenna was a photographer for the newspaper last year, and worked as support staff for the marketing team. She was promoted to the marketing coordinator this year.

**RE-EDIT**: Thoughts about the CoT**: After a stint where she lost her privileges as newspaper photographer and nearly got expelled at close to the end of last year, Jenna began to reflect on her attitude towards her conduct at Grensbury, realizing that perhaps she needed to start following the rules- even the ones that she sneered at. She decided to join the Church, as it seemed to be full of people who were interested on getting their lives back on track.

Alright, it looks like I have to jump in and say something out of fear of confusion. For future reference, if any person is confused about how to make their character sheet, you may refer back to the character sheet for Jaime Valentine (my character) at best. Those with a * next to their character's name has properly followed the character sheet. Not that it means you didn't get accepted, just something to diminish the confusion for those who wish to join later. Jaime Valentine* and Lucas Dermont have already been pre-accepted.


Gregory is accepted. I have a feeling someone was hoping for a rather interesting interview with a certain teacher... xD


Donna* is accepted, and quite sassy if you ask me ^^

@Faith Eliza Cord

Lana is accepted. Dark-past mutes FTW!

Anya* is accepted. Boy, she sure does know how to flatter herself. xD

Keegan,* Naive little Keegan, is accepted!


Gerome scares me. *thumbs up!* Accepted ^^ I notice you just went a little extra on your cs, but I see why now.


Matthias* is accepted. Based off of his history, she seems bipolar XP


Daniel is... Accepted. I was a feeling a little hazy on your charge, but it'll work ^^


Spencer is pending. I know you're not done with him yet, I just like to mention that all students are to use Gem's character skeleton (hence, the interview,) that's all. You can also regard that Spencer already knows Lucas ^^


*EDIT*Jenna is accepted. The multiple unnecessary bullets I see there (woah) is the only difference. :P


Sophie is pending, I see you're still working on your character, but like I told Vive, the extra bullets are unnecessary and overall confuses those who read, let alone those who want to create a character. It's fine now, seeing how much work you put into your character sheet already, just saying that you really didn't have to go that far. :)
So tell me, what's your full name?

"Andrew Winifred Harper. Though everyone here calls me Winnie mostly."

How old are you?

"I have just turned nineteen a few months back."

What year are you in?

"My fourth year here. Almost done."

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

"You remember me telling you. About the shoplifting fiasco. Me and a couple of my buds robbed well over a thousand dollars from random stores in our area for about sixth months until we got busted. I was the one who took the brute of the blame and so I was charged harder than the others."

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

"Well I didn't have that bad a life. I lived with my parents and my younger sister. Gosh she was a pain, but I miss her sometimes. I always had a weakness for younger kids...not in a creepy way. Anyways, I had a pretty basic childhood. Got in some trouble from a young age for stalking food without asking or stealing pens and stuff from school. I've always had sticky fingers. I guess my parents just assumed it would fade out with age. Which makes sense. As I got older I would see how wrong it was.

"I don't know what happened. Me and my friends weren't bad people mind you. I knew some of them for a long while and others not so much, but we were all close. I guess I was the one who stole the most and I was certainly the one who started the shoplifting spree. I'll admit to that. It was my idea. They saw that I did it and I encouraged them to do the same. I didn't see the harm at first and as we kept on doing it, I thought it was too late to back out. We all tried to stop but then we all got caught and you know the rest.

"Nothing else seems important. I did date a few girls, but nothing lasted. I was an average student as well and my home life was as fine as it could be."

What have you accomplished during your years at the academy?*

"I have helped a lot of the newer students adjust to their life here. I don't like seeing them struggle when they first arrive. It reminds me of my own struggle. I just want to help make it as easy as possible to adjust to the way this place is. You know so that it's easier for them and they won't get into as much trouble as some of the others. I am always open to help people out. And I've done good with not stealing anything too."

How would you describe yourself?

"Even though I am here I'd like to think of myself as a good person. I am very open and friendly and just want to help people out."

Anything else you would like to add?

"I am hoping this year is as good as the last. I am almost done with this place. Strangely I am going to miss it."

Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

"Go ahead."


Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?**

"You know that already. I've been on and off about joining but I think it may be too late now to join.

[Creators addition:] Winnie is a kleptomaniac and does not realize it. He has a box in his room of things he has stolen over the years from the school and is ashamed of it.
So tell me, what's your full name? Geoff Orlan Davis. And yes that's pronounced ge-off, not any variation of Jeffery.

How old are you? Seventeen this October.

What year are you in? My second.

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here? The damn ***** that slit her wrists had a blog and all her pathetic death poetry pointed fingers towards me. Not much in the case of flattery, but enough for a judge to sentence me with voluntary manslaughter. Please, I did the world a favor. They didn't do so well with me in the other places, so I ended up here.

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background? I was raised by my Mother, even I have no idea where the sperm donor went, apparently he stuck around for a few years, but Mother don’t speak about him aside from casting blame for things he wasn’t around for. But of course I have no interest in a man that would end up with scum like her, so I could care less either way.

School was a drag. Even in AP the classes were a bore, though it seemed ego ran rampant in said classrooms, so I found ways to entertain myself. It turns out that having a big ego with nothing to back it but book smarts is yet another fun puzzle to take apart and place anew. Too bad one fought back… and that brings me to my enrollment, and months later sitting across from you. Not too bad I say.

What have you accomplished during your years at the academy?* I haven't been kicked out, demeritted too often, blamed for any of the kids that went off the deep end, and still have pawns to play with left unbroken. Oh and my grades are top notch of course. Not so bad for a first year I must admit.

How would you describe yourself? Wouldn’t you like to know handsome? I’ll put it simple, perhaps even honest for once. I’m one of the few sane ones. I get it, and I know there have to be others out there that get it too. Maybe you do… maybe not, I haven’t got you all figured just yet. These people and their heads, they throw so many unnecessary things in there, and then allow these so called feelings and their hearts make the decision that should be made with their minds. But I’m the sick one? Take a look around and look at all the things they do to one another for what they call noble pursuits, at least I don’t lie about it. On the plus side I’m a good lay in the sack.

Anything else you would like to add? Naw, I’m good, got things to do and people to see.

Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

View attachment 5760

If I had known it was you doing the intake, I would have gotten a second copy just for you.

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?** I've heard whispers of it, most us have, is this you trying to recruit me, I didn't peg you for the type.

[Creators addition:] Where to start? Geoff is sadistic in the not so healthy way and perhaps if a doctor could sit down with him and not be outwitted, would be diagnosed with some mixture of NPD and ASPD. He's a woman hater in the regards of seeing them as lesser, though he's just as willing to use and hurt them, even get them to bed if necessary, though not much inclined from his own urges. He is quick to lie, but can separate the truth and fiction in his own mind easy enough
((Edited and embellished, esp. History. @Marira ))

I: So tell me, what's your full name?

Sophie Blanche Cupide. Most people go on and on about how much they wish their name was something else, but I quite like mine.

I: How old are you?

Boy, you really cut to the chase doncha? I'm 17.

I: What year are you in?

Year 2. Guess I'm a bit old for that grade, but it's where I'm at.

I: Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

Oh, this one's interesting. I stole stuff. Sounds petty, right? Here's the thing. I lived in New York City, which is chock full of little boutiques of designer name clothes that cost thousands of dollars. I got caught stealing this ah-mazing necklace, the grand display that day. I couldn't believe it wasn't sitting behind glass! I mean... OK so like, that diamond? It had to be the size of a baby's fist, maybe a toddler's. And it was made with platinum. Would have looked ah-mazing on me. And the day I took it, there wasn't really a big fuss. They came to my house the next day; apparently they got me on camera? Lame. I almost don't regret it. The adrenaline was awesome, and the look on my parents' faces was hilarious. I mean, damn, they should have caught on sooner. Where else was I getting so much stuff? Like, I could run a boutique of my own for years with all the stuff I took. Of course, I guess they never noticed. They were always gone. Miracle they were home when the cops came. It was awesome, I almost always had the house to myself. Anyway, I'm getting away with myself. I was officially convicted of Grand Theft.

I: What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

Parents weren't around much, not that I cared. That just meant they wouldn't notice my shoplifting. After a while it got ridiculous though. Like, seriously? Oh, and I had a ton of friends. People absolutely adored me. And the boys threw themselves at my feet, literally. It was really nice, being the most stylish girl around. I had a pretty normal life aside from the shoplifting. A few boyfriends, my best friend Kara, you know. The works.

I: How would you describe yourself?

I'd say I'm a people-person. I love people. I also love their attention, and their admiration... So maybe I'm also pretty egocentric. But I'm not ashamed of that! I mean, someone has to be proud of me. My parents sure never were. Did you know they never came to any of my figure skating events? Oh, figure skating, that reminds me. I know I fit into the "preppy clique girl" category but don't stereotype me. I'm actually very nice and friendly. I didn't insult my way to my throne. And I'm also pretty smart. Getting held back as a kid did me a favor. Although now all the boys in my grade are younger than me, which makes it a hassle getting a boyfriend. Oh yeah, I'm a bit of a flirt. And I'm a sucker for a bad boy... You don't seem to be one. Did I mention my sense of humor? A little rude, but I'm only playing. Like... sparring kitties.

I: Anything else you would like to add?

Nope, I think that covers all bases.

I: Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .


The kitty was the shop cat. And as the tags suggest, I didn't buy those clothes.

I: Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

I: What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?**

Hm, maybe you are the bad boy type after all. I haven't heard much about it since I'm new, but from what I have heard it's a drug gang. Right? Well anyway, I don't think it would be a good idea to get involved with it. Believe it or not, I kinda feel like I deserve to be here. Part of me wants to stop shoplifting, end my addiction. And I don't think drugs will help me there.

[Creators addition:] Sophie doesn't really realize it, but she's pretty susceptible to peer pressure out of a desire to be popular. Other than that, she's remarkably self-aware. She rarely suffers from indecision and knows what she wants. She's also aware that she's a kleptomaniac, and doesn't resent GrenPen like many would. She's the good sort and will probably get plenty of merits, but if she leaves the campus she's liable to shoplift from local stores, even if she sets out determined not to.
I'm back again, and I wanted to point out a little tidbit about the age. The oldest I am allowing year ones to be are 16. Those are my requirements, and I wish for them to be followed exactly as such. I have made some exceptions, considering that they have been enrolled at the age of 16 but that's the last straw for me. There are too many "older" year Ones and I won't be accepting any more.

Now that I have that out of the way, I have created character statistics. Hopefully this will help out with briefly knowing each other's grade and association, and make the relationship/friendship process run a little smoother. I will post the statistics on the first post.There is also an extra (arsonist) gang added, named Incendi. If you wish for your character to join, please make a post on this thread stating your interest.

Thank you. ^^


Andrew* is accepted. I assume he already knows Lucas?


Geoff* is accepted. And a good lay in the sack, apparently.


EDIT: you're really pushing my limits. Sophie's accepted.

Also one more thing to add, I have here a list of invites for the Church of Triumvirate. There will be an initial meeting in the role play that all must attend if they wish to join. If you do not wish for your character to join, do not attend the meeting.

Invites have been given to:

Jaime Valentine

Matthias Trist

Andrew Winifred Harper

Geoff Orlan Davis
@Hatchet @Legendless @Faith Eliza Cord @Riddle78 @Carl @Esme @MagicPocket @Vive @asduskfalls @.:Vassel:. @AlwaysChaos


Spencer is accepted, thank you for finishing ^^

Alright, ladies and gents, the roleplay is up! Also, the option for your character to join Incendi is still in effect, just let me know if you wish to do so. Seeing from the crowd, you all should know the general roleplay rules, and I should not have to repeat them. The link is below:

For new people signing up who wish to join the Church of Triumvirate, must post their character and make their post before the first meeting is over. After that, the list will be permanent and no one else will be invited. The sign up will still be open to everyone.

Have fun ^^

So tell me, what's your full name?

Dustin Alexander Shadex, some call me Shady others call me Dusty. You can't call me either of those.

How old are you?

14 years old.

What year are you in?

First, you bumbling idiot.

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

I broke into city hall, cut some wires, before I could do any real damage some cop came in, slammed my head against the wall and shot me in the shoulder. He got off scot free. I got sent here, and blind. Don’t forget that I’m blind.

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background?

I was just a normal kid, you know, part of the chess team, mathlete, normal nerd type kid. I was the good one in the family and we were actually a good family, you know, besides the fact that our dad was a drug addicticted douche bag. And our mom worked all the time. Dad, though, dad was a ******* monster. He loved weed. Crack. He even tried to get us in on it. Seriously, his children. Anyway I have even more reason to resent good ol’ dad. There were 5 of us actually, before they split us up. Me and Kane were the oldest, the twins, the ones who kept the family together while dad was lying on the couch drunk. Then was Katie, then Jamie, then Annie. All of them were girls and all of them were from different fathers. Don’t tell dad. Ha ha ha. Never mind, go on and tell him. He won’t give a rats ass. He loved those girls. Too much. So anyway Kane and I always stood up when Dad was trying to get at the girls. Always. We kept taking the beatings, the abuse, and the forced highs. We kept taking it and they kept pure. Good trade off. Katie, Jamie, and Annie were always away, we kept them away from him. They stayed at our Aunt Nora’s house all the time. Aunt Nora is my mom’s sister, if you’ve been a total slacker on reading my file. Anyway so Kane and I and all the girls were at Nora’s, having a nice supper. When all of the sudden, who shall burst in, but our favorite jerk of a father. Who proceeded to then pick up Annie, throw her over his shoulder and walk out the door. Kane and I went after him, of course, and that’s when it happened. When Kane just snapped.

We caught up to him fairly quickly, he was just an out of shape junkie, looking to rape his own daughter. I got to him first and tackled him to the ground, this was back when I could still see by the way. Then I got Annie off of him and picked her up, she was crying, of course, she was only 5. Anyway Kane was really mad. I tried to stop him but he wouldn’t. He ended up punching our father to death. He got sent to a juvenile correction facility. He died during a prison riot. They say he was killed by another prisoner but they are wrong. I saw that tape. I know he was killed by a guard.

I broke into the city hall that day to find out who it was that killed my brother. But I really didn’t have to look that far, you see, Kane and I resemble each other. Very much. Not even our own father could tell us apart. Ha ha. You won’t get it until later. Anyway the officer that gave me this nice condition called blindness and this magical bullet hole in the shoulder is the same officer that killed Kane. Isn’t irony a *****?

Oh, and after he shot me I managed to get the gun, and shoot him, just to see how he liked it. He didn’t. I ended up here.

What have you accomplished during your years at the academy?*

Nothing, never been here before. Obviously, seriously, are you people as blind as me?

How would you describe yourself?

You guys just love to be douche bags don’t you? Anyway are you talking personality or appearance, Personality wise I’m a very nice guy, once I like you. But before I like you, I will kill you. Appearance wise, I think I’m tall, lanky, black hair, last time I talked to Katie that is, I have grey eyes, I think.

Anything else you would like to add?

I’m blind, in case you haven’t noticed yet.

Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

View attachment 5821

Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?**

I don’t believe in things I can’t see. Yes, I am aware of the irony of that statement. Don’t remind me.

[Creators addition:]

-Dustin seems to be very calm, despite the anger at his father.

-Dustin can hear extremely well.
So tell me, what's your full name?

Juliet Nevaeh Rain. Don't say it's cute, I'm changing it once I'm old enough.

How old are you?

I'm 15, how old are you?

What year are you in?

Hey, I wanted an answer to that question. Year one, my first.

Tell me a little of your (criminal) record, why are you here?

Oooh, this is my favorite story. Let's see now, I was walking to school when these annoying preps came up and got in my face, pushin' and shovin' me down... I wasn't gonna take their crap so when I got up, I grabbed the nearest blond head and shoved it into the founder's statue. Apparently, she got hurt. I could tell by the blood on the pavement. So the girls ran away screaming into their sparkly little cell phones while a kept on my way. Just a couple minutes later the boys in blue showed up and shoved me on the ground with my hands cuffed. Not my best day if you could imagine? Oh, but of course the girls had to act all tramatized by how I "Ran up to their innocent friend Jackie who was minding her own business and started assulting her for no reason". Ha! Of course, the jury believed a bunch of sobbing girls instead of my case of self defence and found me guilty. The girl -Jackie- is still alive if it intrests you, and back to gushing over shoes and flipping at football games. The *****.

What was your life like before? Tell me about your background.

Oh, I don't like this story. Well, the 'rents gave me to my uncle and aunt, who never saw the light of day while sober in their life. My uncle was a fat old man, probably havin' another heart attack right now. Anyway, I got away with everything. And I do mean everything. The idiots gave me the keys whenever I asked, even when I was thirteen. Drivin' and ridin' was awesome. A lot of times I would drive myself to karate, were I learned how to be tough. Then I started gettin' into boxing. But oh, of course I had a match the day prissy-little-missy had to push my buttons. I've always been reckless. I've gotten into plenty of trouble before but Assult and Attempted Murder, as they say, is my worst yet. I've been kicked out of schools before but hey, their fault for accepting me. My grades arn't that good either. My aunt probably sleeps around to get me into schools. She's always been a slut, but uncle Billy is too stupid to know that. I never really had a family, aside from them. Maybe that's why I'm so screwed up, I dunno.

How would you describe yourself?

Lazy, tough definately, disrespectful I guess. I'm a tomboy so nothing good or girly suits me. I've gotten some pretty amusing phone calls during my trial. Those guys should describe me for you. They'd do a better job than me.

Anything else you would like to add?

Actually, yeah. I'm bored can I leave now?

Ah, one more thing; I need to take a photo for your records. . .

View attachment 5826

Alright, that's about all I needed to know. You should receive your ID bracelet within the next day or so, although before we hang this up i have one final question, off the record:

What are your thoughts regarding the CoT?**

Gangs are just a way of weaklings and cowards to look tough. I can hold my own, on my own.

[Creators addition:]

-Juliet prefers to be called Jules

Well, seeing your character's history, I'm suprised Juliet hasn't fallen into being an addict, or an alcoholic herself, but to each their own.

Also another thing to point out, which I CANNOT stress enough (and this goes for everybody) the CoT is only rumored to be a gang, as far as the students are concerned. The Year Ones probably wouldn't know even that much, being their first year, unless they bumped into an alumni or something. Seeing that that may be the case, Juliet* is accepted.

Also, at this time I will not be accepting any more Year One character sheets until further notice.
Full Name

Anthony Larson




History/English department


Yes and English. What? Did you expect me to be completely serious? Oh, alright. Let me think. My Father was British military, my Mother was American. One younger sibling who doesn't talk to me. Spent most of my time in boarding schools, which is enough to prepare me for anything. Masters in Teaching, Bachelors in English and History. I was going to go for a Doctorate, but in the end, I was sick of learning. Who knows, maybe if I get bored.


I don't know, you tell me my reputation, I'm not one to blow my own horn. I hope I keep things interesting while you lot learn.


I've been told I have a slight flair for the dramatic, but I think at times it's needed. History especially can be extremely dry of a subject, so anything that helps you learn. I have also been told that at times I seem distracted, but I think everyone has a little mental wanderlust at times.


Why are you interviewing me again?


I'm declining a photograph, I never look good in them.

View attachment 5884

Creator’s Addition

He has an ex-wife, no children of his own. He has moments of absent mindedness. He has had a problem with alcohol and disappears to weekly AA meetings.
Full Name: Tyler Jacob Henderson

Age 17

Grade (four years total. Do it as year one, year two, etc. ) Staff: replace with position in academy.: Year 3

Charge/Crime/Offense (refer back to my advice ^^ ) Staff: exempt if it doesn't apply. : Arson (burned his own house down)

History (before you were enrolled. You may include your sentence.) : Tyler's parents died in a car crash, so Tyler lived with his alcoholic brother. His brother had just finished beating Tyler for the third time that night, so Tyler burned down his house. When caught, his brother said if he told anyone about the drinking or the beating, he would personally kill Tyler. So Tyler claimed 'he wanted to burn the house down because it smelled bad.'

Reputation (basically history since you’ve been enrolled. You may include any after study sports, clubs, gangs, etc. Ask me permission if you would like to already be involved in (need name for gang) or create a small gang of your own. Other than that, admission to the "program" will be by way of a limited invite.) : Basketball, and boxing

Personality (though this will be the character describing xirself.) : Moody, sporty, easily-angered, protective

Other (just anything else you skimmed out on, or anything that didn’t fit the previous options that you would like for the interviewer to know.)

Appearance (the interviewer will ask for a picture. You can make it a description if you’d like, just say *pulls out a picture of a person who….*) :

Creator’s Addition

Anthony is accepted, but you already knew that since last night xD


It looks to me that you have only gone far enough to copy and paste the skeleton I put up, which was only meant to be for teacher registration, and a little cheat sheet at most. You would have known that if you read my intro, but I highly doubt you even went far enough to read the role play's information. If you did read the intro, you would know that each student's character sheet was filled out first person interview style, with an exception to the mute, as well as the information for the interview right under my initial post (the interviewer is Lucas, Gemini's character.) With that being said, Tyler is denied. If you wish to try again, please read the first two posts and look over at the approved characters that have an asterisk (*) on their names when I approved them.

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