
So yeah I already posted an introduction however...

I feel like I need to make a separate post to maybe find some RP partners and provide information about myself, rather than just the generic "hi"

so basically I just lost my long term RP partner due to me being a really bad girlfriend

soooooo if yall want a RP partner her they are

about me-

I'm 16 so back out now if that makes you uncomfortable

I tend to use kik because its just easier however I'm not adverse to trying to use a different method

So I do tend to do short responses just because I like my RPs to be more real time and you know life doesn't happen in chunks but little by little. (if that makes any sense ) however once again I'm open to trying something new.

I'm in the Australian timezone and go to school so just keep that in mind

I play a variety of OC characters but again, I wanna try new things too so don't worry if youre not comfortable with OCs.

I'm not only looking for an RP partner but a friend too! be ready to chat with me too

I play male and female characters

I play a lot of supernatural, real life type RPs, just send me a message if youre interested, I'm not really a fan of an set structured idea and I like to start off with just bouncing ideas off of people but you know what lets try new things right???

sooooo yeah if anyones interested bestow upon me your friendship and lets start living vicariously through various charactes instead of facing our lives and living them out.

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