

I'm Dani and I'm super excited to have joined this forum. I'm still working on figuring out the site, as well as the rules and expectations.

I've been roleplaying for a long time but fell out of practice for a while and have been involved in a single roleplay with the same partner for several years. I'm looking forward to meeting you all and hopefully getting involved in a few roleplays. I'm dying to give my brain a good stretch. I prefer fantasy genres and try to keep my characters balanced in genders. I like to think I'm a fairly versatile player and am always looking for a way to freshen things up. I prefer small groups of players or 1x1, as I work full time and can easily get overwhelmed if there are a lot of players involved in the rp.

I work as an emergency, police, sheriff, and fire dispatcher, so roleplaying is an excellent way for me to escape long enough to distress after a long day at work.

Anyway, please feel free to message me at any time. xD
Greetings Dani! I welcome you to the Nation of Creation with open arms! Feel free to drop a comment on my profile if you have any questions. Have fun roleplaying!~
Hiya, Dani!

Welcome to RPNation. I love your name. I've always wanted my name in real life to be Dani. Alas, it was never meant to be. Anyways, we seem to have a lot in common when it comes to roleplaying, so, I definitely hope to see you around the 1v1 interest check section.

Also, your job sounds super awesome and pretty intense. I worked in the E.R. for a short while as a phlebotomist when a whole bunch of their staff was out with the flu and, I have to say, I don't know if I could handle the stress of that every day. I commend you for your strong mind!
Hey there, Dani! Hope you found your way into RpN fine and dandy. Drop me a line and maybe we can work out some roleplaying details if you're interested. Do enjoy!

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