
I'm an experienced roleplayer who enjoys exploring the many facets of Petyr Baelish's personality. Currently, I live in the U.S. and work full time in a profession far from the world of Game of Thrones nor Baelish but I enjoy creative writing and look forward to making friends and engaging in RP here.
Heya! Welcome to the site! I'm sure you'll find some amazing people to RP with and gain some amazing friends as well!
I'm an experienced roleplayer who enjoys exploring the many facets of Petyr Baelish's personality. Currently, I live in the U.S. and work full time in a profession far from the world of Game of Thrones nor Baelish but I enjoy creative writing and look forward to making friends and engaging in RP here.

First Baelish Fan that I have ever come across!
Pleased to meet you!
I am FLUFF!!

Welcome to RPN!
Hope to run across your character some more or some time!

How are you doing??
Glad to have you here and I'll see you soon!


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