

New Member
Hi everyone! I'm Andrea and I come from Rome, Italy! I'm a musician and I mostly play metal but since I'm also a music teacher I try a lot of different genres!

I always tried to find some place where roleplay was taken seriously and I'm astonished that I couldn't find this place earlier!

I love fantasy and I am a martial artist, mostly practicing muay thay and grappling. I love vikings and northern europe colture.

That's about it hahahah I'm a very shy person but I'll try to express myself as much as I can during the roleplay sessions.

Normally when I roleplay i like to play evil characters that still have a spark of love inside their hearts.

Have a great day!
Hi there! I'm not gonna tell you anything about this site as I don't have a clue because I am new too. :P  Just thought I'd say hi though.
Welcome to the site, Andrea! Rome sounds like a crazy cool place to live- so much ancient history there! I hope you enjoy your time at RPN and I'll be happy to point you in the right direction of anything you need. 
Hi Jinks! I'm fairly new in this world of roleplaying, I've always played D&D but I've never been able to find people to roleplay without dice throwing! Hahahah Rome is a cool place to live in but still, bad managed if you ask me! hahaha If you'll ever need a viking/werewolf/Demon or that sort of thing just tell me! hahahah I need to make friends!
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